-.-{ The Scrolls of Serenia : issue #4 : $1.25 }-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- $$SS&&P�'$ ���� ,sd&SS$$$ ! ! ,$' ! $$S&P�'$ $ ��Ss.$ $P""t$.a$P""t$ SbszdS .$StSszStS$. $$ '�Ss.$ $ ! ! $ $$S&P�'$ $ $ $ $ ! $ .$' $ $ `$. `$������S`' $���Ss.$ $����! $������! $����$ $����$ $����! $����$ $����$ `$$�����S. $��..! !����$ $���Ss.$ $����$ $����$ !����$ $����$::$����$ $&%,.$::::,$ $::�Ss.$ $::::! $::..! $::::$ $::::$ $::::! $::::$ $::::$ !ii'$iiiii.$ !iiiiii! !iiii$ $ii�Ss.$ $iiii$ $iiii$ !iiii$ $iiii$ $iiii$ $.UUUUUUU.$' $SSSSSS$ $UUUU! !UUUUUU! $SSSS$ $SSSS$ $UUUU! $SSSS$ $SSSS$ `SS$$$SS$' $SSSS$ $SSSSSS$ $SSSS$ LFiN�w!cked -An ongoing Anthology- -number four | June- -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-[ Editorial ]-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Well, I'm happy to announce that we've acutally made it to issue number 4, and I'm even happier to announce that alderAAn (Blade WHQ, and a whole lotta others) is now an official sOs distro site. I am also more than ecstatic to announce the arrival (finally) of sOs' creator and my mentor, Belial, to the world which is Serenia. He will be editing and hopefully writing, though we haven't gone over all complete details. Oh, also included with this issue of scrolls is Legends #1. This is the continuing story of the world of Serenia in the 2nd Age. These stories, (the main scrolls) are of the 1st Age (the creation, Serenia's first encounters with monumental evil, etc.) and there are a lot more things that are revealed about the world and, of course, what happened to the characters during the passing of the 1st Age to the coming of the 2nd Age. As of lately, I haven't been getting much of a reply as to what people think of sOs, and I've decided that if I don't get much of a reply soon, that I'll stop releasing scrolls, or I'll just let somebody else pick it up. Well, read and enjoy... -+- Lord Finesse -+- -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-[ Reyhan �:� iv ]-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- ___ ___ --+> FouR � part I <+-- "| \| | | | |___|\___|ow, my dear Reyhan, I offer you a deal..." At this I looked back upon Danno with wicked eyes. "...and this deal is that I shall give the pentagram to you, that is, given you defeat me in a swords-duel. Not a hard task for a `professional' such as yourself, now is it?" Danno said, holding back intense laughter with his wide grin. "Not at all, Danno." I said in return, holding my wicked thoughts back and drawing my sword. "Ha! Then let's be at it then!" Danno came charging forward drawing his sword. I backed up and almost tripped over T�lk, who had pretty much planted himself at that spot since Danno had arrived. "MOVE!" I yelled at T�lk as I tumbled out of Danno's sword- swing. T�lk crawled slowly out of harm's way and began to watch the fight in what appeared to be pure disbelief. As of late, I hadn't been really paying attention the matter at hand, and when I did, and Danno had me down, I looked into his eyes and I saw, though as distant as it was, his fear. I tried to dig deeper, but all was pure fear buried. And so, as my current position called for, I went for his weakness... ___ ___ --+> FouR � part II <+-- "/ /_\ \ ( ) \__/\___/ hen I spoke, I seemed to be in a trance. I wasn't sure if I was actually speaking for myself, or if someone else was speaking for me. But when I did, I had no idea what I was saying until I heard it. "Danno, tell me about..." and Danno looked down at me, "Father." Danno looked down on me with frightful eyes. He was dumbfounded. "What? No! He couldn't know. Could he? How would he know?" These thoughts and many more flowed through his mind as he slowly backed away, I could see them in his eyes. I stood. I had control, yet I didn't. I knew what I was doing, but at the same time, I didn't. As I stood and walked towards Danno, he tripped over and scrambled frantically in place, there on the ground. In the background, Danno's men themselves slowly disappeared from the scene. I now stood over Danno, the image of power in this confronatation. I looked once more into Danno's eyes and saw his fright, and I said, "Danno, they say the eyes are the window of the soul. And since you have shown me yours, I open myself to you and show you mine..." And Danno looked up into my eyes, and became frozen. He went white with fear as all of my life, my horrid childhood, the death, the destruction, the terror, it all went, and he saw. ______ --+> FouR � part III <+-- |__ __| _| |_ |______| remember little of what happened after this new, eh, happening with Danno. I know I pocketed the pentagram and when I had turned around T�lk was there, and he was quiet. We hadn't run into nor had we confronted any of Danno's brigands for the rest of the journey. For the first few hours after we left the clearing, T�lk and I said nothing to each other. To tell you the truth, my mind was elsewhere. I had been wondering why all of these wierd things were happening to me. My life was simple, I hunted. Be it people or animal it didn't matter, but I was good at it. Then, all of a sudden, somebody sends me after some sorcerer, and I get a full-body tan that looks like I got a little too close to a volcano. I meet an angel, who saves my life, and gives me a gift of some sort, and then T�lk almost dies and is saved by an angel, which completely changes him. My head hurt, and I had to rest. All of this, magic or whatever was just too disturbing... -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-[ Natural Wonders �:� iv ]-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- A short recap of events... After my brief meeting with Geldrion in which much had been explained, I found myself back in the alley behind the bar (which I had previously been booted out of), surrounded by the Dark Sovereigns. The Dark Sovereigns are those followers of Neim, some evil guy that I am, no doubt, against. They are made of the shadows and dark sides of everything in this world, real pals of mine. yeah, really. They hunted me down, which wasn't that much of a hunt (well, cause I'm a drunk), because of some book that I got from an old guy in a dream?@#! Hmph. If yer not confused yet, you will be. Now... I am surrounded by shadows which are, by short contemplation, some of the Dark Sovereigns. Before I was zipped out to wherever by Geldrion and talked to, their "leader" (as if I could tell which one was the leader?) asked for the book. Out of the darkness, I could strain to hear them speak, "Do NoT pHeRe. gIVe uS tHE bOoK anD We SHalL spaRE YouR lIfE." I looked up, and then around, and said, "Would you take it the wrong way if I said, oh, I don-no, go to hell?" At this the shadows which stood, er, drifted, before me sat silent and I could hear low murmurs coming from their general direction. "wE fINd y0U NoTt aMmUSInG. WE wIlL dIspOsE 0f y0r LiFE n0W." "oh shit." Was about all I could say. I was surrounded by the shadows, and all I could think of was the book. Then, without thinking, I pointed my finger into the sky above and the most divine flare of light filled the alleyway, almost blinding myself and temporarily dispersing of the shadows. I ran out and from the alley, needless to say, as fast as I could, which, because of my drunken state wasn't very fast. I had to find somewhere to stay atleast for the remainder of the night. I was scared shitless and I had nowhere to go, cause, well, I was drunk and I wasn't from around here... ... ...find out who this guy is and everything else next issue... -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-[ any last wordz? ]-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Whelp, that almost does it for this issue of Scrolls. Uhm, thanks to Belial for his editing and help, and sorry this issue is so damn late, it's just that we were real busy mailing stuff and writing Legends #1. Uhm, that's about all, thank ya'll for comin' out, godbless, goodnight... ...e0f?!$...