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There isn't any. � What's going on in North Alabama? Well, I personally have not been working as dilligently on PuD as I should be. I don't really think Baphomet has been, either. However, other things happen which all should know of because "Ignorance is not innocence, but sin." Anyway, apart from one Maximus sysop's fit of dumbass which will be mentioned later, there have been neat new things brewing up in N. Al. No, really. Every now and then something interesting happens here. - A Cross Project?!?! Yhea, it sounds interesting. I, as well as Baphomet have been invited to participate in a local-based newsletter which is dedicated to objective reviewing and concluding of local BBS's. Novel idea? No, but somehow this has caught my interest, and I have a lot of neat ideas. Believe it or not, I can write objectively quite well; I just choose not to when I don't want to. Get it? - Folders, Fingers, and VBBS Dead Ringers Digital Saint has been doing some strange things with his bulleting board. If he keeps on modifying his BBS like this, he will eventually revert, crack, and show us just how sad he is by modding his WWiV to be exactly like VBBS. - Devo Baphomet bought a Devo greatest hits CD at a pawn shop for five bucks. - Basketball Hoops Earlier this week, there was a small riot which has been attributed to by police the occurance of a basketball hoop being torn down. The hoop was located at Custom Audio, and was built to keep all of the "I-don't-feel-like-solderin'- cuz-my-back-hurts" vermin busy. It has been said that the hoop was indeed very dangerous, as were the matches performed at the shop. A record 1203 serious lacerations had been recorded in the last week since the hoop was constructed. - Continuity I seem to be having a problem writing easy-to-interpret sentences right now. You may have to read them a few times before they make sense. - WAAY too boring. I can't believe we watched ALL of "The Return of Dr. Phibes!" - Street Fighter II Ohhhh....... nevermind. - NC ******************************************************************************* *********************** W0NDeRPuD SupraNooZFLaSH! ************************* ******************************************************************************* K0LBeRT KiD's mom is expecting Number 2506-325-44.3a,2 next January. >>>>>> You heard it here FIRST! ******************************************************************************* *********************** W0NDeRPuD SupraNooZFLaSH! ************************* ******************************************************************************* � Ignorance is bliss Think of, if you will, just how happy you would be if you didn't know any better. Don't you feel upset now? � Direct Dialing to Helsinki NC: Yes... is this Waco? Have I connected to Waco? Hellllooo? Lady: No... this is Coppersfield. Who is this? NC: This is Mike. I'm calling from Alabama. I'm trying to reach the Cult Davidian Sect Compound at Mt. Caramel... would you happen to know the number? I was just calling anywhere in Waco's area code, trying to find somebody who might know. Lady: Uh... no I don't know the number. NC: Well, do you know the prefixes of any phone numbers in Waco? This is really urgent; I need to speak with Jesus if he is there. Lady: Well, Jesus isn't here, and I don't know any Waco numbers. NC: About how far from where you live is Waco? Lady: A couple hundred miles. NC: Damn, it's a small world, mom. Lady: Huh? NC: Well, thanks for your time - I'm sorry I disturbed you. I'll just try some other number in that area code. Lady: Ok.... It was nice talking to you. NC: Bye... � QUOTE.EXE If Baphomet mentions that damned program again, I will get upset. � The PuDbench The PuDbench looks pretty K_RaDiC00L so far, but you never can tell. It is obvious that this program is well on its way to fracturing the entire image of benchmarks as we know it. It will make everything else obselete. � The DT... What? Damn, it has been too long. We need to hurry up and throw that thing up on a BBS somewhere. It should be out ...soon. � Wildcat Flaming Recently, I was fortunate enough to get involved in an argument of personal matters with a local Maximus sysop on a Wildcat board. I just figured I would mention this, because the outcome is sort of amusing. All of this took place on the ByteSwap, which is the board where all of Decatur just sort of sits around and waits for somebody else to upload. When there's nowhere else to call, you call ByteSwap. When there's somewhere else to call, you call there first and then call ByteSwap. Anyway, there was this one BBS I used to call sort of often, because there was nothing much better to do. Suddenly one day, my life took a drastic turn and I up and stopped calling all together . It seems as though the sysop must of been upset by this, because he had pretty much lost contact with whatever it was he was trying to accomplish. Apart from this, I can conclude also that he was put up to some flaming by his VBBS friends, because flaming over my stopping of calling his board would be just TOO sad. It all started in the flaming sub, where I had months before left with the false idea that it would come back to what it used to be. He pitched his fits there for a little while, but he soon saw how I wasn't really participating. I tried to end the flame immediately, explaining my decision to leave, on a real- name basis. I guess that hurt his petty feelings. Soon enough, I was confronted in the general sub, and carried on the flame throughout a couple of messages. Soon I had had enough, and I carried the argument back in to the flaming sub and shut him the hell up on a real-name basis yet again. The ending results were sort of like this: - The flamer was pushed out of the general conference with his idiocy - The flamer was reprimanded by the Co-Sysop - The flamer was embarrassed in both subs - The flamer scurried away with his tail between his legs Don't let this happen to you. Take these helpful hints in to consideration when you intend to flame. 1> Know your opponent well Never, EVER flame somebody who has proven themselves as one of the more aggressive "slammers" on that BBS. 2> Never flame without respect or status Don't call up some board that you are not very familiar with and start a flame with one of the higher-calibur users. You will only get attacked from all sides. Also, you will not be taken as seriously. 3> Do not carry a flame on the general subs On too many BBS's today, there are specified places for flaming. Do your dirtywork there. If the board doesn't have a flame sub, go somewhere else. 4> Don't count on your prey to be as timid as they seem The flamer in this particular case had never seen some of the older stuff. He was not familiar with what I had done in the past. Just because the user seems to lay low when you arrive doesn't mean he can't make you the fool. 5> Don't go for the jugular immediately Everybody has a weak point; something you can bring up that will really ruin their day. However, this should not be the FIRST thing you address. The jugular should always be saved for last, in case of a tailspin. 6> Don't think that you are doing anybody a favor Most all flames are begun by some idiot who pictures himself as a knight in shining armor, arriving to save all of the other users from this one terrible person. Never take this attitude, for it often proves to be quite the opposite. Don't expect any respect for you to arrive on a BBS before you do. 7> Never crack on typographical errors Cracking on typographical errors show just how lacking you are in the "facts" department of your premeditated flame. It is quite easy for everybody to tell the difference between typos and ignorance, so don't dwell on error. Hopefully, these tips will keep me from making any of you fools look even worse in the furture as easily. Use them with care. - NC - - - - - Write us: We here at PuD like mail. We think it is really nifty. Send us some, and tell us what you think . Baphomet the Limbo King 2506@14 WWiVNet NO COURiER 2506@36 WWiVNet THe BRaVe LiTTLe ToaSTeR Chit'linWaReZ Dpt, Piggly Wiggly fReD tHe HiTmAn Any WWiV board modded to look like VX fLUFFy K00Ky K_RaD KeNNulz, Inc. Mooga the whale Yes Story Roast the llama 1-800-LLAMA-4U `DAMN, those are some swass socks, Jeff!!' <*** End PuD v3.02 ***>