������������������������ͻ��������������������������������������������������Ϳ �pudpudpudpudpudpudpudpud�� PUD: Pizza Underground Digest (c)1993 Oooga Inc. � �pudp����dp�dp�dp�۲udpud���������������������������������������������������ʹ �pudp�dp�dp�dp�dp�dp�dpud�� PUD Number 17, Volume 02, Chapter 66, Epic 01 � �pudp����dp�dp�dp�dp�dpud�� Release on the Date: Whatever month this is 5 � �pudp�dpudp�dp�dp�dp�dpud�� Lines contained in the issue: 5��5 � �pudp�dpudp����dp���udpud�� PUD Serving the modem public since Late Feb. '93 � �pudpudpudpudpudpudpudpud�� For Help and Info look elsewhere. � ������������������������ͼ���������������������������������������������������� "Damn did you ask for this..." -Baphomet � SPECIAL ISSUE! � Featuring Beanie, aka No courier, aka Brett Salyer, etc... � WOW! This is issue is devoted entirly to No Courier. Why? Because the little bastard deserves it. You'll notice I skipped PUD 15 because well I felt like writing this one now. So there. Ha. Whatever... � SNESister. What do you call a female who's only goal in life is to watch her boyfriend play SuperNintendo? Sad? Pathetic? Nancy? NO beanie's sister. That's all her life consists of, wacthing SNES and knitting. Damn what a great family life No courier has. � Chickens=Love? Well they say everyone is different and No courier isn'y any exception to that rule. After being turned down one to many times by the household cat and then finally Sid the SwasS DoG. He turned to chickens. He has two of them now, named Your and the best. He like saying their names repeatedly as he watches them. Go figure... � NEWSFLASH! A deranged, crazy ass-bitch of a woman was arrested earlier today in the fine, fine, fine city of dekatoor. It is said the woman had been under extremely strange circumstances when at 11:43am she went and tried to rob Sam's Country Kitchen. The police nabbed her after bribing her out from behind the fat-fryers awith a week old biscuit. When asked about her identity she quickly confirmed what all had known, Beanie's mom. Who would have guessed? � Companionship. No courier actually enjoy's companship with people although it is not notciible in any manner what so ever. But it seems all of his hard fought loyalty and love stems for one individual. I guy who used to be sysop of the Darkside Bbbs. More well known as the fag-boy bedside BBS. Beanie has more than once declared his love for the sysop of that board, that kooky guy named brian, and on more than one occasion has even go so far as to admit that although he doesn't believe in theme fruit, theme meats can be overall very sattisfying...We have pictures. � Little Known Facts about No Courier. 1> Although he was adopted, it was part of a package deal where his parents also recieved a really swell reel to reel player. 2>Unable to afford a real basketball, he buys balloons and then paints them orange to fool would be hoopsters. 3>He's actually a VBBS sysop. 4>Really? Yes it stems from the affair his mother had with Roland DeGraf. 5>Codes program entirely in QuickBasic 2.75�. 6>Wears new kids on the block clothing. When asked why, he said because donnie said to, and besides donnie is really cute. Damn he's sad. 7>His personal VMB is <205>351-0304. Ask for Nanacy to assist you. 8>He got caught when he was 7 trying to sell his sister at his once profitable lemonade stand. 9>He thinks Vanilla Ice was a really beautifull person. 10> DAMN HE SUCKS. � Top 5 Reasons why you may not see any more Puds from No courier. 1>I'm going to kill him over PUD 16. 2>See 1. 3>See 2. 4>See 3. 5>See 4. � Ending... Well I hoped you enjoyed this little look at a local person. � Send Mail to: T0UCAN S0N 0F SAM 50% Off Store. NO COURiER 36@2506 WWIVNET. Mooga the Whale Xanadu. The BLT Craft-WaReZ Department, Bruno's. Baphomet the Limbo King 14@2506 WWIVNET. fReD tHe HiTmAn Micro Magic BBS ������������������������������������������ ������������� Ending Qoute ��������������������� �� � � "No escaping death...you belong to me..." �� �� ��� ������������������������������������������ ������������������ ������������