������������������������Ŀ��������������������������������������������������Ŀ �PuDPuDPuDPuDPuDPuDPuDPuD�� PUD: Pizza Underground Digest (c)1993 Oooga Inc. � �PuDP����DP�DP�DP�۲uDPuD���������������������������������������������������Ĵ �PuDP�DP�DP�DP�DP�DP�DPuD�� PUD Number 7, Volume 02, Chapter 21, Epic 01 � �PuDP����DP�DP�DP�DP�DPuD�� Release on the Date: Whatever month this is 2 � �PuDP�DPuDP�DP�DP�DP�DPuD�� Line contained in the issue: 123,231,597 � �PuDP�DPuDP����DP���uDPuD�� PUD Serving the modem public since Late Feb. '93 � �PuDPuDPuDPuDPuDPuDPuDPuD�� For Help and Info look elsewhere. � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ "Opening qoutes, suck." -Me. � What to say? To say I am sick of everything would be bad. And in fact it would be a complete and utter lie. In fact for once in a long a while I am starting to feel happy and content again... I don't know why. Maybe I need the shit beat out of me, get hit by a bus, beat up with a trash can, or just a woman. It seems they always have this inate ability to crush all my hopes, dreams and desires. As well as drain what little bit of pathetic resources I have...but oh how divine they can be. To see such beings of beauty and know that they love you, is well just a damn fucking great feeling. Of course I haven't felt that in a long time, so maybe I am over the last demon I knew...but I doubt it. Anyway the whole damn reason I am rambling on like this is to explain why my PuD's have been so, so, so bland lately and how they are far and few between. I am happy. Sue me. I really need to find a way to build up some anger and intense frustration, but I don't know if I can. I'll try. � Um, well I don't know... What to include in the issue. I guess I could make up the usual drivel but hey what fun would that be? None. If fact PUD sucks. I hate it. I hate you. And mankind reaks. But hey at least I am happy. How to tell when you are happy? Yes that sounds good...but that doesn't fit in with this wholesome publication. Damn. I suck so I will tell a story... � Uncle Ernie. Was a once noble man, now lying in a sad state of his former youth. In his day, he had been quite the man, strong, bright, handsome and quick with the wit. But now he lay almost motionless for 24 hours a day. His children, all three of them, John, Mark and Beth, never came to see him. His wife had died over 5 years ago and since then he had entered a state of comotose. He was old, feeble, and out of touch with reality. But oh, in his mind was he a God! He still could out-do anyone, beat the best of the best, he was still his former self. But his children refused to come and see him. "He's dead. In my opinion" One of his children actually had the nerve to say once. And so he lay. Silent. Almost dead. Yet still a human in his own right. Then the day come. About three weeks after Ernie had turned 88 his children decided that it was just wrong for thier once proud father to live like this. They wanted him dead. And secretly they all hoped he would die on his own. But die he would not, for in his mind, he was still the best, in fact he was now greater than he could have ever hoped to be in reality. In his mind, there was a whole world explored only be him and the characters in his head. But then it all came crashing down. His beloved children, the one's he worked two jobs to send all of them through college pulled the plug on him. He died. And so did his world. And all the characters in it. A world destroyed by the brashness of youth... � "Live and Let die" If you bothered to read the above, then you know exactly how I feel about life and death. Let people live. Killing them, yes even if science says they are brain dead is wrong. Everyone deserves a chance to fullfill the dreams they have. You nor I have the right to steal thier rights from them, so don't. � Women. I am happy. Would one of you volunteer to a>teach me how to spell or b> crush me like a bug. � Ego's. I'm a god. The god. Your nothing. Your trash. So what. � Stupid-ass PuDs. So what's new? � ^ Command Seperator in 4dos 4.0+. � Pathetic. Is a good way to describe this issue. I guess I will wait a while before doing any more puds. I must. I am in two good of a mood. But hey I saw a nice looking girl over at Lee's chicken, maybe by next week, I will be in a bad mood again...Probably. � Mail? Who fucking cares, it's obvious no one ever read this god damn drivel anyway. ������������������������������������������ ������������� Ending Qoute ��������������������� �� � � "Judge Wapner was a satanist." �� �� -Baptist Church. ��� ������������������������������������������ ������������������ ������������ FOOTNOTE: The Author of this piece is quite a deranged fellow, and is under going damn evaluation at an institute near you. What? Yes I know this wan't funny, but in a strange sort of way it is to me!!aheheheheaeaeeea Why??!??!!? Because you damn LaMeR you wasted download credit to get it! Damn I'm swass...