������������������������Ŀ��������������������������������������������������Ŀ �PuDPuDPuDPuDPuDPuDPuDPuD�� PUD: Pizza Underground Digest (c)1993 Oooga Inc. � �PuDP����DP�DP�DP�۲uDPuD���������������������������������������������������Ĵ �PuDP�DP�DP�DP�DP�DP�DPuD�� PUD Number 5, Volume 02, Chapter 21, Epic 01 � �PuDP����DP�DP�DP�DP�DPuD�� Release on the Date: Mar 31 1993 � �PuDP�DPuDP�DP�DP�DP�DPuD�� Line contained in the issue: 597 � �PuDP�DPuDP����DP���uDPuD�� PUD Serving the modem public since Late Feb. '93 � �PuDPuDPuDPuDPuDPuDPuDPuD�� For Help and Info look elsewhere. � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ "Madness comes and madness goes..." -Clinton's Daughter's Car: Natas. � Triple Band-Pass 7th Order Box. Goes BOOM! BOOM!. "Rocin' systen d0000ooood," the pathetic little dick said to me as I got out the Pumpkin. I looked him up and down, and almost automatically knew he was a lamer. I glanced at his shoes. No socks. I glanced towards his head. Shouldn't have, if his mom hadn't cut his hair today with the bowl it must have been yesterday. I quickly tried to change the subject, "Fuck off you lamer." He seemed taken aback, unsure of his next move. But then he did it pulled the big one. Flashed me. "AAAahhhh!!" I cried as I saw his badge. LlAmA PaTrOl. What was a K_rAd d00d to do? I spit as only the pure llamuri could. He blocked it instantly with a flash of a napkin from his knapsack. I leaped the car, well scrambled over the top. He followed close behind, his eyes glowing with what was obviously some cheap movie effect. I darted behind a tree. No good. He found me. I had no idea what to do next. And then across the modern desert, the large parking lot I saw it. Majestic, proud, shit colored, the one the only, the black llama. Known for it's incredible tear-jerking disney movies I knew it had come to save me. Yes, come to save from this lamer, to help me escape to a new life of freedom and choice. And then I saw the bus, before I could utter a word it struck the llama. Dead. Blood. Shit. Damn was I pissed. But I had forgotten about the lamer behind me. He hit me. I laughed. He pulled a gun. I laughed. He shot me. I died. Fuck. � Sweating Blanks. Hello you it's you again. Just keep thinking it's your fault... � Jello. Man's best friend. I know you've seen it in the stores. But were unsure if what to do if anything if you purchased it. So I will tell you. Not only is jello, nice and nutrititious, but it can also be fun and exciting. How? Well I thought I knew and then I started to write this god-damn dribble...damn...I suck. Oh well nevermind...it was a topic better left to my own personal inside jokes anyway. So fuck off. � S0urCe C0dE to: HW386.EXE From: T0UCAN S0N 0F SAM. T0 make this great pr0gram all y0u need to d0 iz, change the c0mpiler t0 386 c0de d00d. And it's d0ne. /* HELLO.C -- Hello, world */ #include int main() { printf("\nHelloWorld386 Version 3.23��\n"); printf("(c)1993 T0UCAN S0N 0F SAM\n"); printf("\n\nHello, world?\n"); return 0; } � I hate her. I'm every llamii it's all in meeeeeee, got be the llama queen... � H0T nEw WaReZ. Well dos 6.0 is about to come out. In fact many, of you have probably already played with it. My opinion? Like you didn't know, IT SUCKS. I mean MoneySoft has really out done themselves this time, including WINdoze crap. If they were pushing windoze any harder you think they would just have it built into the fucking proccessor. I hate windows. It just isn't good. In fact I rather think it is a shoddy piece of work. I bet some geek with a quickbasic compiler could write something better...nah what was I thinking? � Send mail to: FrEd ThE hItMaN: Any board with that rad PCR's! Baphomet the Limbo King: 14@2506 WWIVNet. BrAvE lITtLe ToAsTeR: Home warez department, Pic-N-Pay. NO COURiER 36@2506 WWIVNet. T0UCAN S0N 0F SAM ThE GoH EousL BBS. ������������������������������������������ ������������� Ending Qoute ��������������������� �� "Humanity? Humanity doesn't exist anymore. Mindless drones? Why yes just� � turn on the TV sometime. Log on to any VBBS board. Go to your local mall,�� ��just remeber only those who know the true god will love through the... ��� ������������������������������������������ ILLAMANADA ������������������ ������������