�024����������������������������������������������������������������������024� � The Phone Losers Of America Present � � Dabbling in Credit Card Fraud � � � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������͵ � Written On February 15, 1990 Last Revision on August 29, 1994 � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������͵ � For Informational Purposes Only. We're Not Responsible For Your Stupidity. � �024����������������������������������������������������������������������024� So, you want to be a credit card fraudster? Well, it's not that good of an idea because Visa & Mastercard are really getting annoyed at people who are screwing them over all the time and they're supposedly in the process of re-vamping the validation process and a lot of other things to catch the horrbile satanic feinds that use unauthorized cards. However, if you really want to give it a try, here's all the info that I know based on what I've tried and gotten away with in the past. I never had the actual card, just the card number and I improvised on the rest. Also, I'll explain how I was busted right here in beautiful Corpus Cristi awhile back. Obtaining Credit Card Numbers: ----------------------------- Dumpster Diving: Impersonating Visa: Working At A Store: Making Sure Your Card Isn't Dead: -------------------------------- Obtaining A Visa/Mastercard Validator: Making The Validation Call: Different Types Of Scams: ------------------------ Free Airline Tickets: Free Merchandise: Free Miscelleneous Services: eyes dental haircuts Phone Order/Pick-Up Services: Obtaining A Post Office Box: --------------------------- RBCP's Bust: ----------- ��������������Contact�The�Phone�Losers�Of�America�Nearest�You!��������������͸ � 512-370-4680 PLA Voice Mailbox And PLEASE Don't Pay � � 512-851-8317 Sonic Youth Systems For Your Fone Calls! � � 512-883-7543 PLA WHQ Texas Line � � 618-797-2339 PLA WHQ Illinois Line � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������;