+ Page 1 + ----------------------------------------------------------------- The Public-Access Computer Systems Review Volume 5, Number 5 (1994) ISSN 1048-6542 ----------------------------------------------------------------- To retrieve an article file as an e-mail message, send the GET command given after the article information to listserv@uhupvm1.uh.edu. (Files are also available from the University of Houston Libraries' Gopher server: info.lib.uh.edu, port 70.) CONTENTS COMMUNICATIONS The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and the World-Wide Web: Raising ASCII Text to a New Level of Usability By Jeff Barry (pp. 5-62) To retrieve this file: GET BARRY PRV5N5 F=MAIL Since the release of the first NCSA Mosaic clients in 1993, the World-Wide Web (also known as the Web) has become an increasingly popular tool for disseminating information over the Internet. The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is used to structure and format documents for presentation on the Web. HTML enhances ASCII files with markup tags that permit the display of a variety of fonts, images, and highlighting options; designate structural elements such as headers, lists, and paragraphs; and provide hypertext links to other documents on the Internet. This tutorial describes HTML tags, provides examples of their use, offers guidelines for organizing hypertext documents, suggests what types of documents are suitable for the Web, and explores the future of HTML. COLUMNS Public-Access Provocations: An Informal Column And Only Half of What You See, Part II: Skeletons in the Catalog By Walt Crawford (pp. 63-66) To retrieve this file: GET CRAWFORD PRV5N5 F=MAIL + Page 2 + ----------------------------------------------------------------- The Public-Access Computer Systems Review ----------------------------------------------------------------- Editor-in-Chief Charles W. Bailey, Jr. University Libraries University of Houston Houston, TX 77204-2091 (713) 743-9804 Internet: lib3@uhupvm1.uh.edu Associate Editors Columns: Leslie Pearse, OCLC Communications: Dana Rooks, University of Houston Editorial Board Ralph Alberico, University of Texas, Austin George H. Brett II, Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval Priscilla Caplan, University of Chicago Steve Cisler, Apple Computer, Inc. Walt Crawford, Research Libraries Group Lorcan Dempsey, University of Bath Pat Ensor, University of Houston Nancy Evans, Pennsylvania State University, Ogontz Charles Hildreth, READ, Ltd. Ronald Larsen, University of Maryland Clifford Lynch, Division of Library Automation, University of California David R. McDonald, Tufts University R. Bruce Miller, University of California, San Diego Paul Evan Peters, Coalition for Networked Information Mike Ridley, University of Waterloo Peggy Seiden, Skidmore College Peter Stone, University of Sussex John E. Ulmschneider, North Carolina State University + Page 3 + Technical Support Tahereh Jafari, University of Houston Publication Information Published on an irregular basis by the University Libraries, University of Houston. Technical support is provided by the Information Technology Division, University of Houston. Circulation: 8,229 subscribers in 64 countries (PACS-L) and 2,652 subscribers in 51 countries (PACS-P). Back issues are available from listserv@uhupvm1.uh.edu. To retrieve a cumulative index to the journal, send the following e- mail message to the list server: GET INDEX PR F=MAIL. Back issues are also available from the University of Houston Libraries' Gopher server. Point your Gopher client at info.lib.uh.edu, port 70, and follow this menu path: Looking for Articles Electronic Journals University of Houston Libraries E-Journals The Public-Access Computer Systems Review The journal's URL is gopher://info.lib.uh.edu:70/11/articles/e- journals/uhlibrary/pacsreview. The first three volumes of The Public-Access Computer Systems Review are also available in book form from the American Library Association's Library and Information Technology Association (LITA). The price of each volume is $17 for LITA members and $20 for non-LITA members. All three volumes can be ordered as a set for $45 (indicate that you want the PACS Review set, order number 7712-X). To order, contact: ALA Publishing Services, Order Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611-2729, (800) 545-2433. + Page 4 + ----------------------------------------------------------------- The Public-Access Computer Systems Review is an electronic journal that is distributed on the Internet and on other computer networks. There is no subscription fee. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to listserv@uhupvm1.uh.edu that says: SUBSCRIBE PACS-P First Name Last Name. The Public-Access Computer Systems Review is Copyright (C) 1994 by the University Libraries, University of Houston. All Rights Reserved. Copying is permitted for noncommercial use by academic computer centers, computer conferences, individual scholars, and libraries. Libraries are authorized to add the journal to their collection, in electronic or printed form, at no charge. This message must appear on all copied material. All commercial use requires permission. ----------------------------------------------------------------- + Page 5 + ----------------------------------------------------------------- Barry, Jeff. "The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and the World-Wide Web: Raising ASCII Text to a New Level of Usability." The Public-Access Computer Systems Review 5, no. 5 (1994): 5-62. To retrieve this file, send the following e-mail message to listserv@uhupvm1.uh.edu: GET BARRY PRV5N5 F=MAIL. (The file is also available from the University of Houston Libraries' Gopher server: info.lib.uh.edu, port 70.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 Introduction Since the release of the first NCSA Mosaic clients in 1993, the World-Wide Web (also known as the Web) has become an increasingly popular tool for disseminating information over the Internet. The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is used to structure and format documents for presentation on the Web. HTML enhances ASCII files with markup tags that permit the display of a variety of fonts, images, and highlighting options; designate structural elements such as headers, lists, and paragraphs; and provide hypertext links to other documents on the Internet. This tutorial describes HTML tags, provides examples of their use, offers guidelines for organizing hypertext documents, suggests what types of documents are suitable for the Web, and explores the future of HTML. 2.0 Background of the Web The World-Wide Web initiative originated with the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) in 1989 as an attempt to electronically distribute the literature of high-energy physics to researchers. [1] The World-Wide Web initiative was based on the hypertext concept. By creating computer linkages from the citations of an article to the corresponding source documents, users would be able to navigate through a body of related literature online simply by following the "electronic footnotes." In order to realize such a system, computer protocols and standards had to be created for describing the structure of documents, specification of links, and the transmission of documents over a computer network. + Page 6 + As the World-Wide Web developed, key supporting technologies were established. The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) describes the organization of a document so that certain structural elements can be uniquely identified and accessed over the Internet. Within an HTML document, links to other information on the Internet are specified through the use of Uniform Resource Locators (URLs). The actual process of transferring HTML documents over the network in the Web is accomplished by computers employing the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP); the computers that deliver HTML documents to users of the Net are usually referred to as "Web servers." Individuals access documents on Web servers through client software on their local machines, such as Mosaic, Cello, and Lynx. Since the hypertext nature of the Web facilitates the browsing of networked resources, Web client software has generically come to be known as "browsers." Although it is important to the operation of the Web, authors of HTML documents don't need understand the details of the HTTP protocol. The Web has evolved beyond being just a hypertext tool: it is now a hypermedia environment that incorporates images, sound, and even video. In fact, the diversity of documents found in the World-Wide Web has fostered the need for ongoing revisions of HTML. This process is largely supported by ad hoc volunteer efforts by many individuals around the world who are dedicated to seeing the Web evolve into a more mature and stable networked communications tool. As individuals have tried to apply the HTML tags to a variety of document types, the limitations of HTML have become very clear. An excellent overview of these limitations can be found in a recent paper by John Price-Wilkin. [2] Nevertheless, the Web is a precursor of the networked environment that will permeate libraries in the future. As HTML tags are explained in this tutorial, areas that might change with the next HTML specification are identified. + Page 7 + 3.0 Structure of HTML Documents An HTML document is simply an ASCII text file that has been marked up with standardized tags in order to provide structure to the text (see Section 11 for a discussion of HTML's relationship to SGML). One of the disadvantages of plain ASCII files is that they do not provide the reader with information about document structure or formatting. Whenever you convert a file created in a word processor to ASCII, the fonts, bullets, bold, italics, and other formatting information are lost during the conversion. Although it utilizes ASCII files, HTML provides information about a document's structure (e.g., title, headings, and paragraphs) and format (e.g., bold and italics) through the use of standardized markup tags. In HTML terminology, a document is composed of "elements." In simple terms, an element can be viewed as being either a part of a document, such as a title; a formatting code, such as bold; a hypertext link; or an image. In turn, elements are identified by markup tags. In general, this paper will simplify HTML terminology and use "tag" to refer to both elements and actual markup tags. For the details of HTML's complex document structure, consult the HyperText Markup Language (HTML), Version 2.0 specification. [3] For example, the tag to begin a title is
. The beginning tag is followed by the text of the title, heading, or paragraph respectively. Most HTML tags are used in pairs, although some tags can be used singularly. The beginning tag is usually called the "start tag." The ending tag is usually called the "end tag." Except for the addition of a forward slash, the end tag is the same as the start tag. For example, the tag to end a title is
The text of the first paragraph of your document is entered here.
----------------------------------------------------------------- + Page 8 + All HTML tags have the same general format shown in Figure 2. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Figure 2. General HTML Tag Format -----------------------------------------------------------------Your "home page" may include links to other information sources on the network, information about yourself, and even your photograph. HTML provides the flexibility of crafting a toolbox of networked resources that meets your needs.
----------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 TITLE Tag () A mild controversy exists among HTML authors about the PARAGRAPH tag (
). Early HTML specifications used the PARAGRAPH tag to indicate a paragraph break. However, using the tag in this manner only provided formatting information to browsers (i.e., when to add blank space around text). Many HTML users viewed the PARAGRAPH tag as a start tag "containing" a block of text that functioned as a paragraph, just as a HEADING tag contained text that functioned as a header. The latest revision of the HTML specification indicates that the PARAGRAPH tag represents a paragraph and not a paragraph break. The value of viewing the PARAGRAPH tag as a container, rather than a separator, is that a containing tag conveys structural information, whereas a separating tag simply implies formatting. Think of the PARAGRAPH tag as containing a block of text that functions as a paragraph and not as a tag that only separates one text block from another. + Page 11 + To keep documents in conformance with current HTML practice, it is best to place the
tag at the beginning of each paragraph. Note that the end tag (
) is optional and is usually left out. The use of the PARAGRAPH tag to force the addition of white space around text that is not a paragraph is strongly discouraged. 5.0 Presentation Tags One of the primary hurdles that authors face in preparing HTML documents is moving from a presentation perspective to a structural one. Word processors focus the author's energies on the presentation of a document. When preparing documents in a word processor, the author considers fonts and other presentation characteristics such as bold, underlining, italics, and bullets. HTML was initially designed to allow the author to focus on a document's content rather than its presentation. The software that displays HTML documents is responsible for rendering the document for the appropriate display device. The intention of HTML, as with other structural markup languages, is to relieve the author from presentation considerations. HTML documents should be platform independent: the same HTML document should look just as good with NCSA Mosaic for the Macintosh as with NCSA Mosaic for Microsoft Windows. One of the problems that many people have in learning HTML is that all Web browsers do not support the same conventions. For example, early versions of NCSA Mosaic for Microsoft Windows only supported a limited set of tags. When creating HTML documents, the author must trade off the present inconvenience that, if all HTML tags are used, some browsers may only display a subset of them against the future inconvenience that HTML markup that is restricted to accommodate current Web browser limitations will need to be upgraded as these browsers become more sophisticated. + Page 12 + HTML presentation elements are divided into two sets: logical style and physical style. Logical tags describe the role that the text plays in a document, such as a citation, a definition, or an emphasized statement. Physical tags simply indicate the desired appearance of text, such as bold or italics. While it is natural in a word processor to indicate when text should be in bold or italics, the author of an HTML document should use logical rather than physical elements whenever possible. As Coombs et al. note: Using descriptive markup to identify the logical elements of a document not only simplifies composition, maintenance, collaboration, and publication, it also enables authors to apply a wide range of tools for composition assistance. This feature must be exploited if text processing is going to fulfill its original promise to significantly assist scholarly composition and become more than just improved typing. [4] 5.1 Logical Tags Table 1 describes the major HTML logical tags. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Table 1. Major Logical Tags ----------------------------------------------------------------- Emphasis, usually italics. Strong emphasis, usually bold. Definition term, usually bold. Citation, usually italics. Quotation, usually italics. ----------------------------------------------------------------- + Page 13 + To see how logical tags are used, let's add a couple of them to the example home page from Figure 3. Figure 4 shows the modified home page. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Figure 4. Home Page With Logical Tags -----------------------------------------------------------------If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.Henry David Thoreau. Walden, 1854. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Additional logical tags that provide information about the text contained in the tagged element are
for examples of
computer programming code, for examples of text typed from
a keyboard, to indicate a sample sequence of characters,
and to specify the enclosed text as the name of a variable.
Appendix A describes these tags.
5.2 Physical Tags
The BOLD tag (), which is a physical tag, most closely
corresponds to the STRONG tag (), which is a logical tag;
and the ITALICS tag (), which is a physical tag, corresponds
to the EMPHASIS tag (), which is a logical tag. However, it
should not be assumed that text marked with the EMPHASIS tag will
be in italics. The physical tags can be used to force the
desired type of presentation. Of course, the display device must
be capable of presenting characters in the designated format.
For instance, on a character-screen terminal, text marked with
the ITALICS tag may actually be rendered as bold because italics
cannot be displayed on such a monitor.
Whenever a Web browser encounters tags that it does not
understand, those tags will be ignored; however, the text within
the tags will still be displayed. Some primitive Web browsers do
not understand logical tags and simply display text enclosed
within logical tags without any highlighting.
+ Page 14 +
The seemingly conflicting recommendation to use logical tags
over physical tags--even when all Web browsers do not yet support
the former--reflects the early stage of development of HTML and
the Web itself. As Web technology matures, more scalable
solutions will evolve. The movement away from physical tags
towards logical tags reflects this ongoing evolution.
The PREFORMATTED TEXT tag () instructs Web browsers to
preserve the formatting (i.e., character and line spacing) of the
enclosed text and present it in a standard, monospace font. This
tag is used for text that would become unintelligible if
displayed in a proportional font. Because HTML does not
currently provide for the display of tables or matrices, the
preformatted text element serves as an easy way to display
tabular information in HTML documents.
Since the PREFORMATTED TEXT tag retains the hard returns of
the original ASCII text, neither the PARAGRAPH tag nor any of the
highlighting tags should be used within preformatted text;
however, hypertext links may be included.
Actually, the easiest way to create an HTML document is
through the use of the PREFORMATTED TEXT tag. By inserting
at the beginning of a document and
at the end of a
document, you can create an HTML file. This quick and dirty
approach creates correspondingly unattractive, but readable,
documents. As with all HTML documents, the file extension must
be ".html" (or ".htm" if the documents are being served from a
Microsoft DOS or Windows machine).
5.4 LINE BREAK Tag (
It's often difficult for new HTML users to figure out how to
control the line spacing of a document. Many tags, such as
HEADING tags, add an extra space below their end tags. If you
simply want to simulate the appearance of a carriage return, use
the LINE BREAK tag (
). Figure 5 illustrates the use of the
+ Page 15 +
Figure 5. LINE BREAK Tag Example
Jeff Barry
Cooperative Information Services Librarian
The University of Tennessee Libraries
Knoxville, Tennessee
The LINE BREAK tag is useful in displaying addresses. Notice
that if the LINE BREAK tag was omitted, the Web client would
display the lines as if they flowed together without any
separation. Inserting a regular carriage return in an ASCII text
file has no significance on the way an HTML document is displayed
(except in preformatted text).
Many document authors take advantage of the HORIZONTAL RULE tag
) to provide a visual means of dividing their documents.
Whenever a Web browser encounters a HORIZONTAL RULE tag, it
displays a horizontal divider line across the screen.
Figure 6 presents an example of the HORIZONTAL RULE tag.
Figure 6. HORIZONTAL RULE Tag Example
Jeff's Home Page
Jeff's Home on the Net
Your home page may include links to other
information sources on the network, information about
yourself, and even your photograph. HTML provides the
flexibility of crafting a toolbox of networked
resources that meets your needs.
+ Page 16 +
6.0 Creating Hypertext Links
One of the most exciting aspects of HTML is its ability to create
hypertext links. Links can be created to items within the same
document, to other documents on the same server, or to any
document on the Internet. Links are used to relate one document
to another. The format for specifying a hypertext link consists
of at least three parts: the ANCHOR tag, the network address of
the document to be linked, and the text to be displayed in the
formatted document. Links are anchored to specific text within a
6.1 ANCHOR Tag ()
The first step in creating a hypertext link is to determine the
text that will represent the link. The text provided for the
link should give the user an indication about the content of the
Since many HTML documents also serve as printed
documentation, hypertext links should provide meaning and
readability in the context of the surrounding text without
incorporating computer specific actions such as clicking a mouse.
Don't create a link that says: "For a hypermedia interface to the
Library of Congress' 1492: An Ongoing Voyage Exhibit, click
here." Rather, make a link that says: "A hypermedia interface to
the Library of Congress' 1492: An Ongoing Voyage Exhibit is
Enclose text within an ANCHOR tag to designate it as a
hypertext link. The text between the starting tag () and
ending tag () will be displayed by the Web browser with
special emphasis, usually underlined and in a separate color from
the other text. Using the ANCHOR tag alone, however, does not
constitute a valid link. A network address, in the form of a
Uniform Resource Locator (URL), that specifies the document to be
retrieved must be included as part of the hypertext link.
In HTML, many start tags can have optional attributes (a
description of attributes for all tags is provided in Appendix
A). An attribute consists of a name, followed by an equal sign,
followed by a value for that attribute. The value of the
attribute should be enclosed in double quotes. An important
attribute of the starting ANCHOR tag is named HREF (think of
hypertext reference). The value of HREF is the location of the
document to be retrieved.
+ Page 17 +
Figure 7 shows an example of an ANCHOR tag with a HREF.
Figure 7. ANCHOR Tag Example
1492: An Ongoing Voyage
Notice that the value of the HREF attribute is always in the form
of a URL.
6.2 Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)
The Web uses Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) as its standard way
of referencing information on the Internet. The use of a
standard addressing scheme by authors of HTML documents allows
computer programs to interpret the address, use the appropriate
Internet protocol (e.g., FTP, Telnet, and HTTP), and automate the
retrieval of the specified item with the "click of a button."
Two forms of specifying URL syntax are available to authors:
absolute URLs that contain the full addressing syntax and partial
6.2.1 Absolute URLs
Absolute URLs are the most common type of URL, and they should
always be used to link to documents on Gopher servers. A URL is
divided into three parts: the protocol, the machine name, and the
path (i.e., protocol://machine.name[:port]/path). The first part
of the URL names the Internet protocol used for accessing the
document, such as "ftp," "gopher," "http," "telnet," and other
supported protocols. The second part of the URL identifies the
name of the document server, such as "sunsite.unc.edu." (Some
servers run protocols on nonstandard ports; if so, the alternate
port number, preceded by a colon, follows the machine name.) The
final part of the URL represents the path of the document to be
retrieved. Separating the protocol from the machine name in the
URL is a colon (:) and two forward slashes (//). Separating the
machine name from the path is one forward slash (/).
Figure 8 presents an example of a URL.
+ Page 18 +
Figure 8. Example URL
| | | | |
| | | | |
| +--------------+ +--------------------------+
| | |
Protocol Machine Name Path
Occasionally, a reference to a URL has no path (e.g.,
http://www.cityscape.co.uk/). In most instances, this will be an
acceptable URL. Depending upon the configuration of the
particular Web server at that destination, either an index of
files in the server's root directory will be generated or an HTML
document named "index.html" will be retrieved. The document
named "index.html" may not be an index per se, but a default home
page that is delivered whenever a path is not specified. HTTP URL
The URL in Figure 9 specifies the protocol as the HyperText
Transfer Protocol ("http"). The document is located on the
machine with the host name of "sunsite.unc.edu." The
"expo/1492.exhibit/Intro.html" part of the URL represents the
path of that document on the Web server.
Figure 9. Example HTTP URL
+ Page 19 + Gopher URL
Figure 10 is an example of a URL pointing to a Gopher server.
This particular server is hosted by the University of Tennessee
Libraries. The URL points to the Smoky Mountain Database, which
contains information about biodiversity and environmental issues
in the Appalachians.
Figure 10. Example Gopher URL
| | | | |
| | | | |
| +-------------+ +------------------------------------+
| | |
Protocol Machine Name Path
----------------------------------------------------------------- Telnet URL
Since the Telnet protocol opens an interactive terminal session,
a path is not needed. The URL in Figure 11 connects via Telnet
to the CARL UnCover system.
Figure 11. Example Telnet URL
| | |
| | |
| +-----------------+
| |
Protocol Machine Name
+ Page 20 + Anonymous FTP URL
Documents that reside an anonymous FTP servers can be accessed by
use of a URL like the one in Figure 12.
Figure 12. Example Anonymous FTP URL
| | | | |
| | | | |
| +---------+ +----------------------------------+
| | |
Protocol Machine Name Path
It is also possible to link to subdirectories rather than to a
specific document. For example, the URL in Figure 13 links to a
subdirectory that contains the document Principles for the
Development of the National Information Infrastructure in various
formats. The HTML document returned by this link is an index of
the files in that subdirectory. Each file name in the directory
listing becomes a link to the specific document. In this manner,
the Web provides an easy way of retrieving documents from
anonymous FTP servers.
Figure 13. Example Anonymous FTP Subdirectory URL
The proceedings Principles for the Development of the
National Information Infrastructure from ALA's
Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Policy Forum
are available on the Internet.
+ Page 21 +
6.2.2 Partial (or Relative) URLs
A partial URL specifies the path of a link relative to the
originating document. When encountering a partial URL, the Web
software assumes that the protocol and the machine name for the
destination of the hypertext link are the same as that of the
document that contains the link. (See section 6.3 for examples
of partial URLs.)
6.3 Linking to Other Documents on the Same Server
Hypertext documents on the Web often consist of links among
multiple files on the same server. The following example shows
how partial URLs can be used to create hypertext links to
documents on the same server. The originating document, the
homepage.html file, is in the webfiles directory. The
destination links are the htmlguides.html file, which is also in
the webfiles directory; the editors.html file, which is in the
tools subdirectory of webfiles; and the userguide.html file,
which is in the lbryfiles directory. (Note that the lbryfiles
directory is not a subdirectory of webfiles). The directory
structure for the files is shown in Figure 14, and the marked up
text of the homepage.html file is shown in Figure 15.
Figure 14. Example Directory Structure
| |
webfiles lbryfiles
| |
+------------+-----------------+ userguide.html
| | |
| | |
homepage.html htmlguides.html tools
+ Page 22 +
Figure 15. Contents of Homepage.html
More information about creating documents for the Web can be
found in Guides to HTML. To
facilitate the authoring of HTML documents a number of HTML editors are being developed.
Ways of Using Networked
Resources in the library is another document for learning to
use the Internet.
The path of a URL is a hierarchical "naming space" similar to a
directory and file name structure. The conventions used for
referencing names are patterned after the UNIX file system. Each
forward slash (/) in the URL's path statement is a division of
the hierarchy. Items to the left of a forward slash have a
greater precedence in the hierarchy than items to the right of
the forward slash. For example, in Figure 14, editors.html is a
part of tools which, in turn, is a part of webfiles. A
convention for navigating the UNIX filesystem is that following
the change directory command with a space and two periods (cd
..) moves the user up one level in the directory hierarchy.
Consequently, the user could type "cd ../new_directory_name" to
move up one directory level and then move into a new directory
that branches off of that same level. This capability can be
expressed in relative URLs, as shown in the example of moving
from the document homepage.html to the document userguide.html
The importance of hierarchical naming and relative URLs is
that their use allows HTML documents to be constructed on one
machine and easily moved to another. This capability is very
useful for authors who do not have user access to a Web server.
Through the use of partial URLs, it is quite common for documents
to be written and marked up on a PC (or Macintosh) and then FTP'd
to a UNIX machine functioning as a Web server. For instance,
four of the Library of Congress' Web exhibits text files were
actually written in Washington, D.C.; the HTML markup of these
files was done in the Netherlands and in Tennessee; and the
resulting HTML files were transferred to a Web server in North
Carolina. The use of relative URLs made this world-wide endeavor
much easier.
+ Page 23 +
6.4 Fragment Identifiers
Fragment identifiers are established by using the NAME attribute
of the ANCHOR () tag. Normally, the value of the NAME
attribute is a mnemonic for the anchored text. Whenever the NAME
attribute is used, the anchored text can be the destination of a
link, and it is a means of identifying a fragment of the
document. It is possible to create links to specific sections of
a document only when those sections have been anchored and a
value has been given for the NAME attribute. It is a good idea
to use the NAME attribute so that future authors can create links
to specific areas of your documents. (Of course, regular
hypertext links to the documents can always be created.)
The use of the NAME attribute also permits the creation of
links within the same document. This can be done at the top of a
large file to permit users to quickly access relevant sections of
the document rather than forcing users to scroll through the
entire document.
Figure 16 shows example fragment identifiers.
Figure 16. Example Fragment Identifiers
The article by Coombs et al.
is an excellent overview of markup practices for scholarly texts.
More text could go here. Notice how fragment identifiers can
be used to create footnotes.
James H. Coombs, Allen H. Renear, and Steven
J. DeRose , "Markup Systems and the Future of Scholarly Text
Processing," Communications of the ACM 30 (November 1987): 933-
7.0 IMG Tag (
One of the most distinctive aspects of many HTML documents is the
use of images as hypertext links and as decorative accents.
Images that are placed within HTML documents are called "in-lined
images." Supported image formats include GIF, JPEG, and bitmaps.
Images can be scanned photos or original graphics created with a
paint program.
+ Page 24 +
The IMG tag (
) indicates that an image should be
included in an HTML document. The IMG tag has three attributes.
The most important attribute is SRC (think of source), which has
as its value the URL of the image. The SRC value may be a
partial or absolute URL depending upon the location of the image.
The second attribute of the IMG tag is ALT. The value of ALT is
the text that should be displayed in web browsers that do not
support in-lined images, such as Lynx. The third attribute is
ALIGN, which indicates whether to align the text alongside the
top, middle, or bottom of the image when the document is
displayed. Legal values for ALIGN are "top," "middle," or
"bottom"; the default is "bottom."
Figure 17 shows the use of the IMG tag.
Figure 17. Example IMG Tag
When using an image as a link, the IMG tag is inserted alongside
or in place of the text of the anchor. For example, Figure 18
presents anchor links from a small image to a larger photo of
that image.
Figure 18. Example In-lined Image Linked to a Larger Image
Ruins at Machu Pitthu, Peru
Whenever a user clicks the small image, the link retrieves the
larger one. Notice that the text is also a link to the image so
that the user may click on either the image or the text to
activate the link. Browsers usually display images functioning
as links with a thicker border than those that surround
decorative images. A frequent mistake that HTML authors make
with this kind of link is to forget to add the ending ANCHOR tag
+ Page 25 +
The thumbnail images that are an essential part of so many
Web documents can be created with a number of tools. Most image
viewers include a way to reduce the size of an image. If
scanning from a photo, one might want to consider using a Kodak
Photo CD, which provides five different resolutions (one of which
is excellent for Web documents).
8.0 Lists
The hierarchical structure of the Gopher software has proven to
be very useful, and authors can retain a hierarchical menu when
creating Web documents. A drawback of Gopher is that only
limited information can be provided within the hierarchical menu
itself. Readers normally have to select a Gopher menu item and
then view a README file (or some other documenting file) to
determine the system's scope. Since HTML provides the capability
for hypertext links to be included within text, it's easy to
provide some descriptive information about a document before the
link is selected. In some ways, one can look at the Web as
simply extending the capabilities of Gopher to the next logical
A good example of using related text with a hypertext link
is NCSA's "What's New" pages (see http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/
SDG/Software/Mosaic/Docs/whats-new.html). The entries on the
"What's New" page are simply separated into paragraphs in order
to create a list. Another approach would be to use the HTML list
In HTML, lists are simply sequences of paragraphs that may be
prefaced with special characters. A common means of organizing
home pages is to separate the different items into an UNORDERED
LIST. A bullet preceding each item calls attention to that item.
The tag to begin an UNORDERED LIST is . Think of "UL"
as representing "unordered list." The tag to end an UNORDERED
. Each item in a list must be preceded by an -
tag. This tag represents the list entry. A list can contain
many separate items. The
- tag does not require an end tag.
In Figure 19, hypertext links to documents on the Internet
are presented as a UNORDERED LIST.
+ Page 26 +
Figure 19. Example UNORDERED LIST
- Visit the 1492:
An Ongoing Voyage Exhibit by the Library of Congress to learn
about the early exploration of the Western Hemisphere.
- Biodiversity and environmental issues in the Appalachians
are the themes of the Smoky Mountain Database.
- The CARL
Corporation provides an excellent interactive service
accessible over the Internet.
- The proceedings Principles for the Development of the
National Information Infrastructure from ALA's
Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Policy Forum
are available on the Internet.
8.2 MENU LIST Tag (