Reply-To: "Steve Bennett" Subject: The Web Word #1 TWWTWWTWWTWWTWWTWWTWWTWWT W W W The Web Word W T T W W WTWWTWWTWWTWWTWWTWWTWWTWW September 1994 Volume 1 Number 1 Managing Editor: Steve Bennett Publisher: Information Innovation Amsterdam and New York (C)1994 INFORMATION INNOVATION All rights reserved. All trademarks, and other intellectual property rights are acknowledged. No part of this email may be forwarded, copied, faxed or otherwise reproduced without the prior written permission of Information Innovation. Abstracts may be taken provided full details of the source are included. ************************************************** Contents of This Issue ************************************************** New Sites This Months Top Ten Sites and Users Breaking News on the Web Under the Microscope... Reuters New Media on the Web This Months Interview... QuoteCom The Detectives Guide to... Financial Information How to use... a Web Robot Getting Plugged in... Your Guide to WWW Software ************************************************** Introduction to The Web Word ************************************************** The Web Word is a service for people and organisations with a professional interest in the worlds fastest growing information system - the World Wide Web. The WWW is expanding and developing so fast (it is doubling in popularity every 4 months) that no one can keep up with the latest developments. That is where The Web Word comes in! The Web Word is published 10 times a year with a special bonus issue in January of each year. It will keep you informed of: - the latest services available on the WWW and other interesting Internet services, - a Top Ten list of Web sites and Web Users, - Important, up to date news about the Web, - publish interviews with prominent WWW personalities (This months interview is with QuoteComs Chris Cooper), - look in depth at innovative WWW services (This month its Reuters New Media), - Keep you up to date on the latest WWW software releases The Web Word is available to subscribers in 3 forms: 1. A standard text email (such as this) 2. A html document ready for Web use (just load it into your Mosaic client and go. 3. A searchable Web server of html documents incorporated into our information bases on management and technology. You choose what service you want. The Web Word will live and die on its usefulness to you, the Web community. As such we want and appreciate any feedback you can give us to improve ourselves. Help us please. Send mail to The Web Word is not just an email service. Within the next few weeks Information Innovation will be going live with a full Web server containing the Internets largest repository of information for the manager, technologist, and finance professional. Information bases already constructed for this service include: The Management Guide -------------------- A guide for managers in the information age. The Guide consists of 22 parts, each concentrating on a particular technology or issue facing managers. Topics range from Artificial Intelligence and Telecommunications to Finance and Marketing. Each part contains references to additional valuable information, including CD ROMs, conferences, magazines, articles and books. Hundreds of illustrations are used. This is the Internets first professional encyclopaedia of Management and technology. The Hypergraphic Matrix ----------------------- Get lost in a hypergraphic matrix of hundreds of graphics discussing the interrelationships between technology, change, business functions and specific industries. Dictionary ---------- The largest Internet dictionary on management and technology. The Delphi Oracle ----------------- A comprehensive guide to the latest management ideas and issues. Over 500 articles and books have been read, analysed, rated and catalogued from all the major management and technology journals. The Web Word ------------ An information service about the Web. It includes a regular newsletter (you are reading the email version now) and databases about Web resources, news, interviews with Web personalities and, of course, a comprehensive guide to sites. This will include all of The Web Word information plus much more. Web Bibliography ---------------- A guide to the latest Web information printed. Over 150 articles, magazines, market research reports and books are catalogued. Other forthcoming Web services from Information Innovation will go much further by providing extensive information bases on financial terminology, financially engineered products, technology suppliers, print media and CD-ROM information sources and more. For further information send mail to ************************************************** Introduction to the World Wide Web ************************************************** ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Section 1: New Sites ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo This section lists interesting and useful Web sites and other sources of Internet information. This Month: Academic Business Community Computing Publishing Further Web Information -------- Academic -------- A database of information of interest to archaeologists. Shakespeares plays and sonnets, Homers Iliad and Odyssey, Tacitus History and Annals, and more searchable works. Buddhist Studies Virtual Library at the Australian National University. A large environmental information archive. An inter-disciplinary team at the University of Southern California has a WWW server that allows users to tele-operate a robot arm over the net. Users view the environment surrounding the arm via a sequence of live images taken by a CCD camera mounted on a commercial robot arm. The robot is positioned over a terrain filled with sand; a pneumatic system, also mounted on the robot, allows users to direct short bursts of compressed air into the sand at selected points. Thus users can "excavate" regions within the sand by positioning the arm, delivering a burst of air, and viewing the newly cleared region. To operate the robot you'll need an ethernet link and a WWW client that handles forms. -------- Business -------- BUSINESS PAGES A collection of information and site links of interest to business. Contains some useful information about how to connect into the Internet. gopher:// Sources on the Net This is a gopher directory of business resources on the Net. It contains documents on accounting, computers, economics, finance, investments, location, management, operations, personnel, and statistics. OFFSHORE COMPANIES OFFSHORE is an open, unmoderated discussion list which will focus on exchanging information about offshore company and trust structures. Send email to Arnold L. Cornez, J.D. at This is new to us, if anyone has more information we will publish it next week. SHOPPING Email questions to: Not another cyber mall I hear you cry? Well yes, but this one has some interesting ideas and is trying to offer a cheaper alternative to the big boys like CommerceNet. STOCK QUOTES QuoteCom are offering quotes on Internet. The stock prices are time-delayed by 15 minutes and you have to pay a modest amount for most of the information. Check out our interview in Section 5 with QuoteComs founder, Chris Cooper. STRATEGY StrategyWeb provides question and answer hyperbook interactions with experts in business strategy. --------- Community --------- VIEWS NEWSLETTER This is a biweekly electronic newsletter about Community Networking. VIEWS has its base in New England (the Upper Valley of the Connecticut River--where Vermont and New Hampshire meet, home of Dartmouth College and the proposed Upper Valley Community Network) but covers Internet and Community Networking issues in general. Their goal is to provide a tool for electronic community. Free copies are available by sending e-mail to with the words: get views nn where nn is the day of the issue. For example get views 15 will get you the issue for the 15th of the month. VIRTUAL CITY Exactly what it says, a Web city is being constructed, complete with all the usual facilities of an American town, a main street, magazines, library, financial services and a post office. VIRTUAL COMMUNITY Another virtual community, called Web World. -------- Computer -------- Ziff-Davis now has two web servers containing information about PCs. One includes a pointer to a new Hot Web site every week or so. The USENIX Association has a server for UNIX and advanced computing systems issues. ---------- Publishing ---------- SELF PUBLISHING This is a Web self publishing system which is an organised set of Web addresses (URLs) which anyone on the Web can add to. This is an interesting idea which reproduces the Web in the same way as the Internet grows - without central control by any one body. TidBITS An interesting collection of information relating to the Macintosh cyberworld. TidBITS is stored on a Connection machine and is WAIS searchable. Send email to for further information. ----------------------- Further Web Information ----------------------- STATISTICS James Pitkow and of the Georgia State Tech have conducted a survey of web use. The results are on the web and include some interesting graphs which are ftpable. Also by James Pitkow, this site serves statistics relating to the NSFNet backbone, one of the central networks in the Internet. Statistics are published monthly and illustrate the amount of traffic being generated. gopher:// This is a gopher run by Texas Internet Consultants with maps of Internet growth. NEWS GROUPS comp.infosystems.www.misc comp.infosystems.www.providers comp.infosystems.www.users These are the Usenet discussion groups about the WWW. Very popular and useful. WIT - W3 Interactive Talk A Web collection of discussion groups anyone can participate in. comp.groupware comp.groupware.lotus-notes.misc For those interested in co-operative work and distributed information systems. WEB PAGES The "Web of Wonder" home page has over 5000 links to Web sites. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Section 2: The Top Ten ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Based on Steve Bennetts forthcoming MIT Working Paper - Recent Developments in Business Use of the Internet - Emerging Uses of the World Wide Web by Lead Users (catchy title!) the most visited Web sites are: 1. CommerceNet (51,000 requests made per week) 2. Canadian Airlines International (33,000 requests made per week) http:/ 3. Ericsson Netherlands Server (22,000 files accessed per week) 4. Securities Exchange Commissions Edgar Server at NYU (8,000 accesses per week, serving 3.25 GB of information) 5. Internet Shopping Network (7,000 requests made per week, serving 100,000 pages of information per week) 6. Quote.Com (12,000 requests made per week) 7. GNN 8. AT&T Bell Laboratories (5,600 files accessed per week) 9. Digital Equipment Corporation (5,000 ftps per week) http:/ 10. World Real Estate Listing Service (4,000 requests made per week) This report is expected to be published shortly. Details in next months The Web Word. CommerceNet, a leading commercial platform on the Internet made available to The Web Word the list of the top 10 companies accessing their services for the period April to June 1994: (The companies own WWW server is also listed) 1. Hewlett Packard 2. Silicon Graphics 3. Xerox 4. Amdahl 5. AT&T 6. Sun Microsystems 7. Digital http:/ 8. J.P. Morgan no public WWW server 9. Network Computing Devices 10. InterNet Shopping Network The top seven users are both members of CommerceNet and independently provide extensive Internet WWW services. This same service reports that the top three categories of users are: 1. US educational 2. US commercial 3. US external networks such as CompuServe. These figures are for the same period, April to June 1994. Over this period requests were received from some 11,400 host computers for a total of 663,000 requests. They are currently averaging approximately 51,000 requests, and between 100 and 150 new host computers are registered per week. If you know of a Web site which should be on our list then please contact us and well update. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Section 3: Latest News on the Web ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo This month: Lotus and The Internet Clearinghouse For Code The Computists Communique WAVE The Internet Adapter New Investment Fund Embedded Program Objects In Distributed Hypermedia Systems Lotus and The Internet ---------------------- Changing their marketing strategy, Lotus has announced that it is to market its Notes groupware as a way to deploy and manage databases on the World Wide Web. There is a stampede to put information on the Web, but it is not easy to set up a Web server... We have the tools to make it easier, says Lotus chief technology officer. It makes sense, says a Yankee Group analyst. By fashioning that kind of function in Notes, Lotus becomes a kind of gatekeeper on the Internet. (Refer to Information Week 8/29/94 p.31 for the full text) Clearinghouse For Code ---------------------- Software Properties Inc. is a proposed Internet clearinghouse for code, or software brokerage. Available code modules will be registered in a database/catalog, for browsing by other developers or software managers. Contact Ron Ferguson ( The Computists Communique -------------------------- The Computists Communique is an AI/IS/CS news service of Computists International. Weekly issues of about 32KB(8 pages) include job ads, journal calls, NSF announcements, grant and research news, on-line resources, and business tips. You get a concise, time-saving summary from dozens of sources. Two less-condensed digests are also available. One covers job opportunities that are too applied to be summarized in the weekly Communique; the other forwards research software announcements. These timely press release digests are free if you want them, invisible if you dont. Contact Dr. Kenneth Laws at for further details. WAVE ---- This is a new magazine which deals with technology and culture. It is a lot like Wired but has a European viewpoint and is available in the Dutch and French languages. If you want to discover Wave, please ask us for a sample. The editor-in-chief is Michel Bauwens; publisher is riverland Publications. Contact or for a sample copy. The Internet Adapter -------------------- This is a new US25 dollar program which changes a Internet UNIX shell account into a SLIP account. Produced by Cyberspace Development you can get a copy by sending an email to or by using the Web and going to: New Investment Fund ------------------- Adobe Systems Inc. and Hambrecht & Quist Group Inc. have joined together to form a fund to invest in software firms. The Silicon valley fund is called Adobe Ventures and will invest in emerging companies and has already made its first two investments. The first two investments of the fund are Cascade Systems International Inc. and Electronic Submission Publishing Systems Inc. Adobe has promised to provide $25m in investment funds and act as the exclusive limited partner of Adobe Ventures. Adobe also transferred its shares in two other companies, Crosswise Corp. and Saros Corp., into the Adobe Ventures partnership. Cascade is developing technology for electronic pre-press and electronic delivery systems for the newspaper and commercial publishing market. Electronic Submission is a systems developer/integrator of comprehensive electronic publishing systems for managing, publishing and distributing regulatory submissions. Embedded Program Objects In Distributed Hypermedia Systems ---------------------------------------------------------- Researchers at the U. of California have created software for embedding interactive program objects within hypermedia documents. This UC software is the first instance where program objects have been embedded in documents over an open and distributed hypermedia environment such as the World Wide Web on the Internet. The researchers' first application, already ported to an X Window environment, enhances NCSA Mosaic -TM- -a client program for the WWW- so that the user can interactively control the display of a 3D medical image -generated from a gigabyte-sized data set- on a window within a Mosaic document. The user can rotate the object at will, zoom in or out, do oblique sectioning, highlight hidden parts, alter the color mapping and image contrast, all under real-time control. These capabilities represent a substantial improvement over current image display applications in Mosaic, which are limited to display of static images and non-interactive playback modes. Many additional applications could include: - internet accesible on-line databases, software libraries, and software demos which involve large-scale data processing - 'smart' documents for personal forms, financial or consumer transactions, credit reports, confidential communications, etc. - real-time high-level information exchanges, such as multiuser CAD - multi-users 'groupware' programs Inquiries to Martha Luehrmann, UC Office of Technology Transfer, 510-748-6611, ------------------End of part 1 of 3 ---------------------- ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Section 4: Under the Microscope... Reuters New Media ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo This month The Web Word takes a closer look at one of the giants of electronic information, Reuters. Based in New York, Reuters NewMedia, Inc., a new business unit of Reuters, has developed a reputation for aggressive moves in cyberspace. RNI has taken positions in a number of cyber companies, notably Reality Technologies, Inc., inGenius Inc., and Ad-Value, Inc. in the past year. It is no exaggeration to say that Reuters, the parent company of RNI, dominates many areas of electronic financial information and it will be interesting to see if Reuters has just discovered a new data pipe for selling its information or is embarking on a more radical change in strategy. Is the Web server a small addition to its recent diversification�s into cyberspace or something more fundamental? It seemed to be an inevitable step when RNI announced last month that it was to open a WWW service. The Web Word interviewed Pierre Wolff of RNI (and the man responsible for developing the planned service), what we can expect from this move into the Web. WWW Reuters has just announced its first move into the Web. Why has Reuters done this? PW Reuters understands the impact that the Internet could have on its future and has made a conscious effort not to be left out of the coming information revolution. As well, it is important to begin to understand how this medium might provide a useful platform for commerce in the future, even if only as a prototype initially. WWW What services are you planning? PW Currently, two Web servers are being planned for release in the short-term with other offerings coming in later months based on the response we get from these first trials. One will be primarily an information site, providing those interested, with what Reuters NewMedia is all about, and what services and products we offer. The second server will enable users to search through archival news information by a number of criteria including free text searches. This site will also have some interesting and "off-the-wall" stuff that we run into in the news business all the time. WWW What advantages does the Web have for you? PW Various. Many people are getting access to the Web which provides a large user base to provide services to. It breaks down some of the restrictions that many of the on- line service providers had on publishers. The Internet, but especially the WWW, offers an open medium for anyone to publish as they wish, what they wish. Though this could be perceived as a risk for us, given all of the "niche" publications that are resulting from this, we feel that our content will remain strong enough to compete at all levels. Here at NewMedia our mission is to look at new media and new markets. Essentially (if you'll pardon the pun) "go where no Reuters has gone before". We are looking at how to leverage the parent company's competencies and assets into new market areas. So far it all looks very promising, and the Web offers some new opportunities. WWW What are the disadvantages? PW Today, the disadvantages lie primarily in the security issues, certainly as perceived by potential users, user interface limitations, and speed and cost as functions of each other. But these are all temporary states that are being addressed by a number of dedicated companies and individuals. We have a lot of confidence in what the future will bear from all of their efforts. Having seen some of the fruits of these efforts I'm very enthusiastic as to the opportunities that will be emerging over the next six months to one year. WWW What equipment are you planning to use? PW Digital Equipment Corp. is supplying us with our firewall equipment and software and we will use Sun workstations as our servers. WWW How popular do you expect these services to be? PW We really don't know, which is the biggest dilemma in putting up a service on the Net today. Every major company doing something in this area is having a tough time with this same issue. I think its popularity will be based on the quality of the content and the ease at getting at this information. So far the average number of users that subscribe to Net-based services, particularly those on the WWW, is approx. 800 to 1000 users per month. Unfortunately, even this figure isn't very consistent across the same type of services. WWW Are there plans to extend other Reuters software to take advantage of the Internet? For example your personal investment product Reuters Money Network? PW Reality Technologies' products, Wealth Builder and Reuters Money Network, are not scheduled to go on the Net in the first phase of deployment. However, we plan on having a Web server where information on their products will be available as well as some useful investment news information that applies to those interested in personal finance matters. As you might know, Reuters also has interests in the education market which is led by a joint-venture with TCI, called inGenius. Opportunities for developing software on the WWW for this market might be considered as so many schools currently have access to the Net. Other opportunities exist in our vast video archives. Reuters has many areas that it might be able to capitalize on the Net but first we must see what results can be obtained from those initial services that we launch. WWW Does Reuters use the Internet internally for communications within the company? PW Not at this time. However, we are investigating the Net by using individual accounts and getting familiar with the possibilities that are available. We expect this activity to grow and for NewMedia in particular, we expect to have direct access to the Net in the short-term. WWW How does the Web fit into Reuters other electronic businesses? PW Potentially quite nicely, but we must be careful not to jump in too aggressively before all of the pieces are there. Today, Reuters has one of the larger global public data networks and it can guarantee performance and security on it. These are tremendous selling points when you are selling to the financial services industry, where those features make or break their businesses. The Internet is not up to that level of quality today, and so it is not yet a real issue for those areas. However, the accessibility extended by the Net is desirable which might drive changes in the future. WWW Reuters has a long tradition of innovation in delivering information to its clients. What are the next steps for the company on the Web? PW Today, Reuters information can be found through services such as PSI and Clarinet on the Internet and the various on-line service providers such as CompuServe, America On- line, Prodigy, and others. Today these are just newsfeeds. The future for us here is one where we provide value-added information products and not just commodity news. After all, if its not targeted information in this media rich world, its just a commodity. We are looking at technologies that will enable us to provide the value- added side of delivering quality and timely information to the desktop of both business users and individual consumers. The Web will provide for us the springboard to more quickly deploy new technologies and see how they impact our users. We are currently exploring technologies that will help users get the most out of their search beyond text matching. These technologies are easily deployable over the WWW and can give us the insight for our non-Internet based products. WWW What do you personally think of the Web? The good aspects and the bad? PW I'm the wrong guy to ask, because I got a job out of knowing my way around it, and being very enthused with the opportunities it offers for commerce. However, I have been most attracted to it because of the somewhat self-deterministic nature of the beast. Though I feel it's a good environment to conduct business, I don't want to ruin it like all of our other mediums. After all, commercialism has pushed things so far that people are looking at the Internet as a way to start doing business in a different and less intrusive way. I'm not in this for "how can I take advantage of this virgin territory", but more, "how can I facilitate how we do business over this medium on a global basis without getting in each others' faces". I also like the fact that now everyone has the opportunity to be published without the need for some massive printing press or a publisher to back you. It's the spirit of capitalism all over again with everyone having the opportunity to be heard and to do business on fairly equitable level. WWW Thanks for talking with us and letting our readers have an insight into Reuters New Media. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Section 5: This Months Interview... QuoteCom ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo This month The Web Word interviews Chris Cooper, founder and owner of QuoteCom. This is a stock quotation Web service which has generated great interest both within the Web community and in the financial services industry in general. WWW What first made you think of offering this sort of service? CC I have a background in the both the financial markets and in running a software company. Once I got involved in the Internet and realized that a commercial quality service to provide stock quotes and other financial information to that community did not exist, I decided to start QuoteCom. In that sense, you can say that I'm an opportunist who saw an unserved market and rushed to fill the void...I just happened to be well-qualified to fill this particular niche. WWW How popular is the service you currently offer? CC We're doing quite well. We're adding subscribers at a constant rate which shows no signs of slacking. Since we've done no traditional advertising, I'm very encouraged. In fact, if our growth was any faster, we would be unable to handle it at the moment. WWW When did QuoteCom �open its doors� for business? CC July 1, 1994. I started the company in October, 1993 and it took 9 months of development and testing before we were ready. WWW What advantages does QuoteCom have over more traditional stock services? CC We try to capitalize on the advantages that the Internet provides us. For example, this means that we don't have to build a nation-wide dial-up network, and we don't have to do technical support on modem problems. We're able to develop using existing Internet tools, and when we make a change in our service our customers see it immediately -- they don't have to wait for us to ship them a disk. It's easy and inexpensive to communicate with our customers...we send them email once a week, which would be prohibitively expensive to do via regular mail. WWW What are the disadvantages? CC Not everybody has Internet access, and it's still not as easy as it should be to learn how to use the Net. This drives potential customers away before we even get to see them. WWW What has been the biggest challenge in making QuoteCom a reality? CC The learning curve is pretty steep and long. I've done most of the programming myself, and I didn't know anything about UNIX when I started. Since UNIX is still the best way to make services like ours available to the Internet community, I had to learn a lot. WWW Who are your target markets? CC Our appeal is especially strong to retail investors and casual traders. Institutional investors and professional traders are well-served by alternatives that, while expensive, are reliable and comprehensive. We prefer to take advantage of the cost savings that the Internet provides and pass it on to the customers who are the most cost-sensitive. WWW How have you been marketing the service? CC A combination of: 1) Posting occasional notices in the Usenet investment newsgroups; 2) Traditional public relations; 3) Pursuing site licenses with Internet providers; 4) Word of mouth. WWW What equipment are you using? CC A network of Sun workstations and PC's. The PC's handle the ticker feed and news feeds. The Suns handle the interaction with the Internet. We have a high-speed T1 connection to the Internet. WWW Are there plans to make alliances with other content owners? CC Absolutely. QuoteCom plans to become the center of the Internet as far as financial information goes. We expect to have everything here that is of interest to be as close to a one-stop shopping center as possible. WWW Do you have new services planned? CC We just added PR Newswire and BusinessWire. We have two more business news services planned soon. We'll soon add a collection of financial newsletters. A stock screening and ranking program is in the works, and more third-party content is under negotiation. WWW What are the next steps for the company on the Web? CC We would like to support secure transactions. Once these are in place, we can add features such as on-line trading. Of course it's only a dream right now, but we would ultimately like to provide an electronic exchange for traders that can avoid some of the inefficiencies inherent in today's exchanges. WWW What do you personally think of the Web? The good aspects and the bad? CC From a user's point of view, I love the variety and richness of information that is available. I love the tremendous ease of visiting places located anywhere in the world. I dislike the buggy nature of many of the Web browsers. I dislike the lack of sites that make me want to visit them again and again. From a provider's point of view, it is tremendously easy to develop applications for the Web. We made the decision early to support people without Web access. If we hadn't done this, our development would have been much easier, but our market would have been much smaller initially. It is disappointing how much effort it takes right now to get users connected and using a Web browser. WWW Thanks for talking with us and letting our readers have an insight into your innovative business. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Section 6: The Detectives Guide to... Financial Information ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Contents of this Guide: Introduction The Good News The Bad News On-line Investment Services How to Use the Web to do your Job Roadmap to Finance Main Topics Sources by Topic The A to Z list of important sites Conclusion ------------ Introduction ------------ Interested in how your stocks and bonds are trading today? Looking for advice on investments? Want to find out what a companies financial situation is? Cant remember the title of that great paper on Stochastic Analysis and Japanese Stock Exchanges? Want to talk to other people with similar interests? Put as briefly as possible, this guide gives you: 1. Some encouragements and warnings 2. Tips on how to exploit the Web 3. Tells you what is available 4. Shows you where to get what you want Good luck! ------------- The Good News ------------- The good news is that the Web can supply you with all of the above and this month The Web Word shows you where to finds the best finance information using the Web. Many people both new to the WWW and more experienced internetters are often surprised at the detailed and diverse sorts of information which can be reached using the WWW. Much of the information is completely free and sources which charge are often cheaper to use than services not on the Internet. The main part of this guide is an alphabetical listing of places which have financial information. Like most Internet areas, the Web suffers from a lack of organisation. The information you want is often available, but how do you find it amongst the hundreds of thousands of other Internet sources? ------------ The Bad News ------------ There are some places which consist of lists of sites, they are often organised by topic or subject area. None however are complete. There are now a large number of books now published on paper which are designed to guide you, but as the Web is changing and expanding so fast these are out of date before they are on the shelves of your local book shop. The Web Word is a happy medium between the printed word and the Web itself. It filters information for its readers and removes a lot of the time wasting and boring searching of the Internet. Efficiently getting what you want out of the Web requires experience which many business professionals simply do not have the time to do. This is why The Web Word publishes a guide on two levels. The A to Z listing is the raw information for those who know exactly what they want. The additional level of information is a roadmap to steer you through the information overload of the Internet. If this is what you want then keep reading, if not skip the following and go directly to the A to Z guide to Finance. --------------------------- On-line Investment Services --------------------------- The Web is the worlds richest and most diverse source of financial information but it is also not the friendliest. There are alternatives, all of them costing more money but still popular with many people. Remember that these are mostly only available within North America: - America Online has Morningstar investment reports and a small portfolio service. - CompuServe has many discussion groups on investments and markets, including the SEC filings service. Has world-wide coverage. - Dow Jones News/Retrieval is an expensive (for the individual) specialised service but they also have a service called Market Monitor which is accessible outside of peak times at a cost of about US30 dollars a month. - Quicken and Quicken Companion 2.0 for Windows lets you track stock prices via CompuServe but this costs US1 dollar a minute. - Reuters Money Network for Windows is a fixed price service which not only gives you stock prices but also a personalized news service extracted from Dow Jones News Wire. Prices per month begin at around US10 dollars plus US7 dollars for the news service. - StreetSmart from Charles Schwab deals only with your Schwab investments and is charged for as you use it. The Dow Jones News Wire and Schwab company research reports can also be used, but at a pay per view. - Value Line Service lets you use the Dow Jones Retrieval Service but for about US30 dollars a month. --------------------------------- How to Use the Web to do your Job --------------------------------- The Web is an asset which you can use to your benefit. If you know how to avoid getting lost in an information overloaded Internet then it can be exploited in unexpected ways. The purpose of this section is to give you some useful tips about how to do this. First it is best to start with some business home truths about the Web: 1. It is a huge collection of information stored in a number of electronic formats and organised in a myriad of different ways. The Web itself provides only primitive ways of searching for data. I say primitive advisedly. This is because although incredible new facilities like natural language WAIS searches are possible, and hypertext linking is a basic feature of the Web, the implementations are haphazard. Using the Web effectively involves the user in: - learning new software (usually your Mosaic client). - accepting less than 100% availability of the information. - preparing to be surprised as new features are added almost daily. - learning to get the information you expected but not having it packaged neatly in the form of a consultants report. This is not yet industrial strength software, but the information is real and can be valuable to you. 2. The Web is not simply a passive repository of information. It has been built by a great many people and these people are available to answer specific questions, give clarifications, and are often very helpful sources of further information. 3. The Web is an open asset for you and is only as good as the people using it. If you have information which you think is interesting and worth publishing, then find a way to put it on the Web. This helps everyone. Just think of the information out there already, available free or at moderate cost. ------------------- Roadmap to Finance: ------------------- Main Topics: ------------ Topic Sub Topic ----- --------- Academic Finance Economics Banking Company Country Austria Germany Sweden USA All Finance Government Industry Mining Rural All Insurance Investment Advice Newsletters Subscription Services Discussions General Market Data Historical Current Market Advice News Services Law Risk Issues Technology Trade Sources by Topic: ---------------- Category of Information Recommended Sources ----------------------- ------------------- Academic Finance FEN FINweb RiskNet Economics Economics FINweb RiskNet World Bank database Banking Financial Services Mall Financial Services Tech. Consortium Interfinance Warehouse Mortgage World Bank database Company Company Financial Information Corporate Reports Stories DowVision Short On Value New Patent Applications SEC filings MIT Experimental Stock Database Country Austria Vienna Stock Exchange Germany Germany Sweden Sweden USA Federal Reserve Board US Commodities and futures US Agricultural Dept statistics US Commerce Dept statistics All CIA World Factbook ITU Netnews Filtering Service Trade Information World Bank database Finance Nasdaq Financial Executive Journal Netnews Filtering Service Nelson Capital Management Paul C.Y. Huang USENET Financial groups Government CIA World Factbook Federal Reserve Board SEC filings World Bank database Industry Mining The Mining Channel Rural US Agricultural Dept statistics All SEC filings QuoteCom World Bank database Insurance American Risk and Insurance Ass. RiskNet Investment Advice Newsletters Internet Personal Finance Letter Market Beat The Mining Channel NETworth Nelson Capital Management Colloquium Corporate Reports Stories Paul C.Y. Huang Market Beat Short On Value Subscription Services Netnews Filtering Service DowVision QuoteCom Discussions Frequently Asked Questions USENET Financial groups General Personal Finance Misc.invest Archive Market Data Historical Dun & Bradstreet Economics SEC filings MIT Experimental Stock Database US. Commodities and futures Misc.invest Archive Current Dow Jones Netnews Filtering Service Nelson Capital Management Colloquium DowVision Paul C.Y. Huang Market Beat Short On Value Stock Quotes Holts Stock Market Reports QuoteCom MIT Experimental Stock Database Security APL Quote Server Vienna Stock Exchange Market Advice Market Beat Markets and Investments NETworth Nelson Capital Management Colloquium Paul C.Y. Huang Market Beat Short On Value Misc.invest Archive News Services EDUPage Netnews Filtering Service DowVision The Economist Financial World Inc. Individual Investor Worth Holts Stock Market Reports QuoteCom Law Trade Information World Bank database Risk Issues American Risk and Insurance Ass. RiskNet Technology Wired EDUPage Products Digicash Software Trade Trade Information US Agricultural Dept statistics US Commerce Dept statistics World Bank database ------------------End of part 2 of 3 ---------------------- ---------------------------------- The A to Z list of important sites: ---------------------------------- American Risk and Insurance Association --------------------------------------- ARIAWeb serves information concerning the programs and services offered to members and friends of the American Risk and Insurance Association. This is a very specialized site but if this is a area you need to know about then this is the place to be. CIA World Factbook ------------------ Facts and figures for just about every nation. Colloquium ---------- Refer to the Newsletter entry. Company Financial Information ----------------------------- Both Lexis/Nexis and Dialog are accessible over the Internet. Contact those companies for further details. Country Information ------------------- Most information on the Internet is US centred but information on other countries can be obtained from the CIA World Factbook. the Vienna Stock Exchange, the US Agricultural and Commerce Department reports, a number of other government servers (to be found via, the World Bank, the German Investment Club, Digicash -------- WWW service of DigiCash. a company founded in 1990, and has been involved in smart cards, security, and electronic payments systems since then. The company has developed ecash (electronic cash) for transactions over the Internet. The Dutch office is at: DigiCash bv Kruislaan 419 1098 VA Amsterdam The Netherlands tel +31-20 665 2611 fax +31-20 668 5486 email www or anonymous ftp Dow Jones DowVision -------------------------------- A restricted access service but you can talk further with Dow at The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation -------------------------------- A demonstration service with searchable directories. Economics --------- There are a number of specialist sites of interest to economists. Arizona State University server of economic development information. gopher:// The agricultural economics database of Cornell University. gopher:// The University of Michigan has two servers. This one has academic papers and the second has US. Dept. of Commerce Economic Bulletin Board information. gopher:// A server at Rice University. gopher:// Sam Houston State University economics server. University of Texas server. gopher:// An economics server at Washington University. Economic Time Series data and software. The US Economic Development Information Network. Refer also to RiskNet, FEN and FINweb entries. EDUPage news digest ------------------- Edupage, a summary of news items on information technology, is provided three times each week as a service by Educom -- a consortium of leading colleges and universities seeking to transform education through the use of information technology. To subscribe to Edupage: send a message to: and in the BODY of the message type: subscribe edupage Rufus T. Firefly (assuming that your name is Rufus T. Firefly; if it isnt, substitute your own name). For archive copies of Edupage or Update, gopher to or look at our WWW server: URL: To communicate with Edupage or Educom, send mail to or Federal Reserve Board --------------------- Refer to US Federal Reserve Board. FEN --- To obtain a subscription to the Journal of Financial Abstracts (JFA), send a request to Professor Wayne Marr, JFA, 307 Monaco Circle, Clemson, SC 29631, Phone/Fax 803-653-5516 or E-mail: The JFA database can be accessed directly at gopher:// Financial Services Mall ----------------------- gopher:// 70/ A service aimed at the consumer with access to Chemical Bank loans information, credit card offers, a number of publication subscription offers including the Wall Street Journal and Barrons. Basically this is a marketing operation with the exception that there is a database of Holts Stock Market Reports. Contact Eliot Price at for further information. Financial Services Technology Consortium ---------------------------------------- The FSTC is a consortium of financial services providers, national laboratories, universities, and government agencies whose goal is to enhance the competitiveness of the United States financial services industry. FINweb ------ A server of information of interest to economists and finance researchers. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) -------------------------------- Refer to the entry Personal Finance for the misc.invest.funds and misc.invest FAQ addresses. Futures Newsletter ------------------ Refer to the Newsletter entry. Germany ------- The German Investment Club. Interfinance Limited -------------------- Financial Consultants to Commerce and Industry. They publish their newsletters on the Web and have a forms application for applying for financing. Internet Personal Finance Letter -------------------------------- Refer to the Personal Finance entry. ITU statistical database ------------------------ gopher:// Market Beat ----------- Refer to the Newsletter entry. Markets and Investments ----------------------- A server of investment information with many familiar links to services such as Edgar and Newsletters. It also has links to Usenet investment groups. The Mining Channel ------------------ Provides information about publicly quoted mining companies, mostly active in the North American countries. A useful service which is destined to be copied for many industries. Nasdaq Financial Executive -------------------------- A quarterly joint publication of the NASDAQ and Cornell University. Netnews Filtering Service ------------------------- A Stanford university database group provides an email service where you specify the topics which interest you . A customised abstract is sent regularly to you. Articles of interest can be retrieved using WAIS. NETworth -------- An electronic magazine which gives information on prospectuses, newsletters of a few funds, and Morningstars fund analysis. Marketing information is also included. Nelson Capital Management ------------------------- The company manages fixed income portfolios. Newsletters ----------- Colloquium ---------- gopher:// The Colloquium newsletter. This is a digest of stock tips for investment managers. Corporate Reports Stories ------------------------- gopher:// DowVision --------- has articles from Dow Jones publications. The Economist ------------- gopher:// More of an advertisement than a database. Only one or two articles are available per issue. The table of contents is however published and stored so this may prove of some use. Financial World --------------- gopher:// More of an advertisement than a database. Only one or two articles are available per issue. The table of contents is however published and stored so this may prove of some use. Paul C.Y. Huang --------------- Paul C.Y. Huang publishes a short newsletter on futures markets. Inc. ---- gopher:// More of an advertisement than a database. Only one or two articles are available per issue. The table of contents is however published and stored so this may prove of some use. Individual Investor ------------------- gopher:// More of an advertisement than a database. Only one or two articles are available per issue. The table of contents is however published and stored so this may prove of some use. Market Beat ----------- The Market Beat newsletter. NASDAQ Financial Executive Journal ---------------------------------- Short On Value -------------- The Short On Value stock tips newsletter. Wired ----- A Web server with all the articles which appeared in Wired. They are WAIS searchable. Wired regularly has articles dealing with high technology and finance. Worth ----- gopher:// More of an advertisement than a database. Only one or two articles are available per issue. The table of contents is however published and stored so this may prove of some use. Refer also to the NETworth and Personal Finance entries. New Patent Applications ----------------------- A WAIS searchable database of 1994 US patents. Personal Finance ---------------- GNN Personal Finance. A collection of information for the small investor. Also has the Usenet group misc.invest.funds FAQ. Refer to the entry below. A list of Web sites from John Greiner. Very extensive. Internet Personal Finance Letter To subscribe, send an email to with the message SUBSCRIBE PFL The Usenet group misc.invest.funds frequently asked questions (FAQ) file is available on the Web. ml The Usenet group misc.invest frequently asked questions (FAQ) file is available on the Web. Refer also to the Misc.invest Archive in the Stock Quotes entry below. gopher:// The Usenet group misc.invest.canada frequently asked questions (FAQ) file is available on the Web. Products -------- Xerox Corporation series of documents on their products for the financial industry RiskNet ------- A Risk and Insurance information server. SEC filings ----------- A WAIS searchable database of 1994 US Securities and Exchange Commission filings. Also known as EDGAR. Short On Value -------------- Refer to the Newsletter entry. Software -------- Koblas Currency Converter ------------------------- The Koblas Currency Converter converts many currencies using recent exchange rates. Misc.invest Archive ------------------- This is an archive run by Ed Savage and contains historical quotes on stocks, funds, options, and exchange-rates. There are also documents and programs of interest to investors. Stock Quotes ------------ Holts Stock Market Reports --------------------------- gopher:// telnet:// System Information/Market Report These reports are generated at the close of business at the NYSE and you can have them emailed to you automatically by George Holt ( An excellent free service. QuoteCom -------- QuoteCom are offering free quotes on Internet. The stock prices are time-delayed by 15 minutes and you have to pay a modest amount for most of the information. A number of financial newsletters are provided. Check out our interview in Section 5 with QuoteComs founder, Chris Cooper. MIT Experimental Stock Database ------------------------------- This is an experimental page that currently provides a link to the latest stock market information. It is updated automatically, usually between 10:00 p.m. EDT and 1:00 a.m. EDT, from an email source in California to reflect the current days closing information. It consists of general market news and quotes for selected stocks. Not all stocks are included here. You can also ftp a directory of historical datafiles extracted and used to draw these graphs Security APL Quote Server ------------------------- Has quotes on most US. stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and some futures products. It also graphs the S & P 500 and the DJIA. US. Commodities and futures ---------------------------- A database of historical quote information. Refer also to the US Agricultural Department statistics entry. Misc.invest Archive ------------------- This is an archive run by Ed Savage and contains historical quotes on stocks, funds, options, and exchange-rates. There are also documents and programs of interest to investors. Vienna Stock Exchange --------------------- telnet:// This exchange provides a series of historical quotes for the stocks traded on the exchange. Sweden ------ Trade Information ----------------- Has a database of international trade law. Refer also to the entry US Commerce Department statistics US Agricultural Department statistics ------------------------------------- gopher:// s.srcCommodity reports can be obtained here. US Commerce Department statistics --------------------------------- Contains information on Spot exchange rates, US and foreign CD and 3 month interest rates, a lot of trade data, budget, census, NAFTA and GATT information. NAFTA information is also available at: gopher:// gopher:// GATT information is also available at: gopher:// US. Commerce Business Daily has details of government contracts and sales US Federal Reserve Board ------------------------ gopher://, or telnet:// Statistics on the US banking industry, Interest rate data and G series data. US Government press releases telnet:// FEDWORLD is a bulletin board provided by the US. government. It can also be accessed by gopher:// Contains US daily spot rates from the Federal Reserve Bank. Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia USENET Finance, Economics and Investment groups ----------------------------------------------- The Usenet group misc.invest.funds frequently asked questions (FAQ) file is available on the Web. faq/general/top.html The Usenet group misc.invest frequently asked questions (FAQ) file is available on the Web. Refer also to the Misc.invest Archive in the Stock Quotes entry above. gopher:// The Usenet group misc.invest.canada frequently asked questions (FAQ) file is available on the Web. Warehouse Mortgage ------------------ A US finance company. Serves information about their loan services. World Bank database -------------------, or gopher:// Extensive economic information and reports on individual economies and industries. ---------- Conclusion ---------- This is a brief introduction to the topic of financial information on the Web. Our forthcoming Web services will go much further by providing extensive information bases on financial terminology, financially engineered products, technology suppliers, print media and CD-ROM information sources and more. For more information send an email to ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Section 6: How to... Use a Web Robot ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo This is a fully illustrated tutorial and it is not practical to reproduce in the email edition. As a result this section is included in our Web server information base. Please refer there. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Section 7: Getting Plugged in... Your Guide to Software ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo This is a fully illustrated information base and it is not practical to reproduce in the email edition. As a result this section is included in our Web server information base. Please refer there. Entries in this information base include: WWW Servers NCSA Web Server V1.3 for Microsoft Windows WWW Clients: NCSA Mosaic Release 2.00 Beta 6 WinWeb and MacWeb 1.00 Alpha 2 WAIS Clients: WinWais and MacWais Version 1.26 Content Developers Tools: WebMap 1.0 rtftohtml version 2.7.2. BBEdit HTML extensions version 4 HTML Edit 1.0 rtftoweb Infobot Services: JumpStation Utilities WWPing Access Providers ************************************************** Feedback ************************************************** Comments, Contributions or Suggestions? Just email the editor at and say what you want to say. We are always interested in what our customers have to say. Please help us to make The Web Word a valuable tool for the Web community. Questions about The Web Word? email them to ************************************************** Subscription Information ************************************************** The Web Word is published 10 times a year with a special bonus issue in January of each year. Subscriptions can be obtained by sending an email to The standard rate per year is US180 dollars. An academic rate is available to members of accredited universities and is US140 dollars per year. A SPECIAL introductory price is available at US130 for the first 100 subscribers to The Web Word. REMEMBER... Subscribing to this email service will also give you special access to our forthcoming information bases. Send mail to for further information. Please clip out this form and send the completed form in an email to --------------- SUBSCRIPTION FORM ----------------------- YES! I want to subscribe to The Web Word. NAME: ________________________________________ TITLE: ________________________________________ COMPANY/INST: ________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ EMAIL: ____________________ TELEPHONE: ____________________ FAX: ____________________ I am an academic or full time student: Yes/No YES! I WANT A 12 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION: Preferred service: COST US Dollars --------------- Academic Standard 1. A standard text email*(such as this) 140 180 2. A html document ready for Web use 140 180 3. Access to a searchable Web server 400 550 of html documents incorporated into our information bases on management and technology**. Send payment via check, bankers draft, or international money order to: Information Innovation Subscriptions Botticellistraat 2 1077 GA Amsterdam THE NETHERLANDS Or transfer the subscription fee to our ABN AMRO Bank account number in The Netherlands (bank office code 803.0.75, Minervaplein, 1007 JJ Amsterdam) * up to a limit of 10 Mb per year. ** up to a limit of 100 Mb per year. Other rates are available upon request. Send an Email to ------------ END OF SUBSCRIPTION FORM ------------------- Look out for the following topics in Octobers issue: - Under the Microscope... Hewlett Packard - Interview with... DigiCash - The Detectives Guide to...Electronic Commerce - More new WWW sites - The latest news - Creating your own interactive graphics and MUCH more! -------------------------------------- End of The Web Word for September 1994. -------------------------------------- ------------------End of part 3 of 3 ----------------------