@#$%^$#^$%&%^$*&@!#%$$#@^%#$^&#%$^&$%^&$%^&%^&%^&%^!@$## @# @# #$ D Y K E M A G A Z I N E #$ %$ N U M B E R O N E @! @# Written by: XXXXXXXXX @# !&%$^$%#^(*#@$%(*!@#%$)(%$^(*!@$)(%#^(!#$&*@$%!*&#$!%&*# @#$%$#@^)$%#^)$#@%()_#@$%()$@^(%$#)_&^(#@$_%)(@#$)_%(@$#)_%()$#@_%()#@$_%()_% Part One : Introduction This file, in no way, refers to any past magazines that were on the same subjects. Meaning, it isn't an HDK wannabe but my own little shit mag. Some of you may not like this file, but i guess it's cause you deserved it i only ragged on people everyone hated. 514, being as k00l as it is. Needed to be talked about. I cannot wait to see any ragging by anyone, but it's taking too long so i made this one to amuse all. Bashing is an art. I'm but a novice, but i'm learning. Greets go to anyone who stand up for themselves. Also to those that smoke up. I am writing this stoned and a little drunk. But that's ok. [whenever i use brackets , it's to add comments] !#@$)*#@%()@$#%)#@(!$_(#@_$@!#)$_@#$()@_#!$)@_#$)@#_$)@#_)$_@#$)@#_)$@#_$) Mechanix: Who has never been shafted in some obscene way or has felt like a pile of shit when they get demoralized by him ? Here is a little tribute To The Master: Date: 12:34 pm Tue Dec 21, 1993 Number : 50 of 53 From: Mechanix Base : [CCi] General h/P To : Phreaker Refer #: 49 Subj: Re: Wildcat hacking Replies: None Stat: Sent Origin : Local Ph> Kalling all hackerz!! I need info bad on how to hack into and crash a Ph> WildCat BBS!!! I know of no backdoors or anything to get into Wildcat.. Ph> the only thing i know of is guessing his password but... This Ph> motherfucker locked me out of my own system and he changed every1 with Ph> sysop and cosysops passwords... i want to bring that motherfucker Ph> down!! The bbs # is 210-633-3311 call and do whatever the fuck you want Ph> to it! 0K D00D!! DIZ IZ WAT U D0!!$#^ U GET URSELF A BIG hEAVEE ARTILLEREE PEECE!!% LIK3 A LAW 0R A BAZ00KA!%^ DEN U KALL UP CN/A 0R ThE LAC AND FIND DA GUYZ ADDREZZ!#%#% DEN U G0T 2 DRESS UP IN K00L PhIELD PhREAK NINJA B0Y KLOThEZ, LIKE SUM NIFTEE PARA-MILITAREE WEB GEAR!!#%^ 0K, N0W U R SET%$&%$ RITE A SMALL N0TE DESKRIBING URE ELEET PLAN, AND ENCRYPT IT WITh PCT00LS V.4.3!$#^ N0W, GRAB Y0UR SK00TER, AND SK00T ON DOWN TO ThE GUYZ h0ME!!#% N0W TAKE CAREFULL AIM WID URE T0Y, AND BL0W DA h0USE UP!%$% N0W, QUIK!!!! RUN!!! AND G0 KALL UP S0ME OThER WAREZ B0ARDS, AND POST WAT U DID ON ALL DA SUBS!!!! ThERE! M3KANYX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ w0w. i'V3 NEvER lAFFED s0 mUCh WIth SO lITTLE DOPE iN mY bL00D! i aVE to aDMiT, DAt wAAS a laM3 thING to P0St. sOsEE. i dON waNt to bE a DeaD maN so. meChaNIX. i h0Pe i WaS alLOWED TO UsE yOUR aLIaS fOR thaT eXaMPUL. kEEp uP Da G00D wORK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a File For all ages. fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfickfuck Me Toasted. I Love Shrooms. What Can i talk about. hmm. oh yeah. a few boards..alot of boards suck these days. Oooh I got Phreaker's reply: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 12:59 am Fri Dec 24, 1993 Number : 50 of 50 From: Phreaker Base : [CCi] General h/P To : Mechanix Refer #: None Subj: Re: wildcat hacking Replies: None Stat: Sent Origin : 22 Dec 93 12:12:00 -> 0K D00D!! DIZ IZ WAT U D0!!$#^ U GET URSELF A BIG hEAVEE ARTILLEREE -> PEECE!!% LIK3 A LAW 0R A BAZ00KA@!!%^ DEN U KALL UP CN/A 0R ThE LAC -> AND FIND DA GUYZ ADDREZZ!#%#% DEN U G0T 2 DRESS UP IN K00L PhIELD -> PhREAK NINJA B0Y KLOThEZ, LIKE SUM NIFTEE PARA-MILITAREE WEB -> GEAR!!#%^ 0K, N0W U R SET%$&%$ RITE A SMALL N0TE DESKRIBING URE -> ELEET PLAN, AND ENCRYPT IT WITh PCT00LS V.4.3!$#^ N0W, GRAB Y0UR -> SK00TER, AND SK00T ON DOWN TO ThE GUYZ h0ME!!#% N0W TAKE CAREFULL -> AIM WID URE T0Y, AND BL0W DA h0USE UP!%$% N0W, QUIK!!!! RUN!!! AND -> G0 KALL UP S0ME OTHER WAREZ B0ARDS, AND POST WAT U DID ON ALL DA -> SUBS!!!! THERE! uhh thankz... but you got any udder ideas?! i'll resort to this if i have to... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amazing, didn't even notice that he was getting shafted... Mechanix, I hope one day I can be as nasty as you. @#!$##@%#$%^&%#&(*&@%$^($@%^*)(!#&%$*#!(%$&#!)^*&~#@$%)(!$#&%)(&@#$%()!#$&%) bbs's to call up d00dz (XXX)XXX-XXXX Dark Wolf bbs [14400] (RENEGADE) (XXX)XXX-XXXX UnderGround Chaos HPVCAT [144OO] (RENEGADE) (514)487-3620 Slaughterhouse True 0-2 days H/p support [14400] (RENEGADE) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ W-0-W. 2 daYZ?!?! MInE'Z 3 !! DamN Nab IT! @$#%$#^(*%$#^*%$#(^)#@$%_&$#@%^)$@*^($%#^*)#$%@^q*_%@$^*%$@()^_*$@)_^*($_@)^*@ Mother. Do you want to Bash heads with me? I can show you what it's like. Shrooms/ got some shrooms in my room pigs come in, and take my shrooms how much? not much but no more mush pigs suck get stoned get high watever do mush with pudding or pizza or a big brown shoe it's better than hemroids and it lasts longer too !@#$)(*!@#%$($#@%*#@*!%(#@!$*@*!#$()!@#$*@#!$()*!@$_+)$^%_)$@*%()!@$*@#)(!$* EeeeeeDIots Of Da month a cOnVeRsatIon On LaMeMaztER MaDe ME dizcOvR a K00L Kid named snifer (aka megaman or TroJaNZ PoWEr) . Now. after Telling Me he couLd ProgRaM VirusEs I ProCeeDED TO FiND OUT Just Wat. he Callz EleeTE bbs's Such az UnDErGROund ChaOS. (whish ReMindz ME of SomeTing) WiCh iZ a JoKE ON iT's Own... From Snifer: non.. je fait des trojan en Qbasic sans joke.. je suis en train de faire un remplacement de COMMAND.COM [wow : delete c:\*.*] From Snifer: la j'ai fait un prog qui peux faire des ansi BOMB [you make ansi BOMBS? that's amazing, i love ansi BOMBS.] YUP. Cool Kid. I InClooDeD dE FIlE For Youze/ ansibo11.zip Tazmanian Devil: You are the biggest cocksucker. I hope your dad rapes you. Date: 7:58 am Wed Dec 22, 1993 Number : 44 of 54 From: Tazmanian Devil Base : // XL� Sysops // To : Violator Refer #: 41 Subj: Re: . Replies: None Stat: Sent Origin : Local Vi> TD> Hello, so what are you people doing tomorrow? Nothing much eh?, Vi> TD> Well ive got news for ya, ill be getting NOTHING for Christmas. Vi> Vi> wrong base for sympathy. you deserve nothing. Whoops, it slipped my mine, i meant im getting a 3.5 gigabyte and Ingo's buying my 525. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wh00PS!!@# It SLiPed MY MYND!! I MenT IM GEtTING a 3.5 GyGABiTe and InG0'z BuYing My 525$!#@$#@ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh Yeah. Here'S Da UnDEGwounD Chaos appwIcaTIon:! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ �������������� � � �����Ŀ ���� UCT Application Form ۲�� �������� �� � � ���������� ������������������ � �� � Which Function �� � ���������������������Ŀ � � PBX.VMB Hacker � [�] � � Cracker � [�] � � � � BBS Hacker � [�] � � Coder � [�] � � � � Ansi Maker � [�] � � Head Quarter � [�] � � � � Vga Maker � [�] � � Dist. Site � [�] � � � � Musician � [�] � � Courrier � [�] � � ��������������� � �� � � �� � ����������������������������������� ����������� �� �������Ŀ ���� Send this App to ۲�� ������� � ������������� UnderGround Chaos Node 1 +1[514] 366-8572 <-144OO UnderGround Chaos Node 2 +1[514] OPN-SOON <-144OO UnderGround Chaos Node 3 +1[514] OPN-SOON <-24OO UnderGround Chaos Node 4 +1[514] OPN-SOON <-????? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's analyze this thing. First off: PBX-VMB Hacking is so easy, even Dave H. has one. (1-800-521-7047) (Oh yeah try calling Acidic Liquid's VMB. Real rapper BBS Hacker: IT'S NOT HACKING. IT'S CRASHING AND IT SUCKS. Head Quarter: Learn How to spell asshole. 3 nodes coming. Shit. Who the fuck is dumb enough to want to carry that reputation with them? Dave H, Golbez, Golderack whatever... go away. No one likes you. Now. Let's log onto his board: ����� �����۲������� ���۲�������� �۲����� ������ �۲�� ������� ����� ������������������ ۲�� ����� ����� �����������۱���� �������������������������������� ���� ۱� �۱���������������� ����������� ����� ��������� ����� � �������������� ��� ������ � �� ���� �������������۲�������� ܲ�� ���������۲����� �� ��� ޲�������������۲�� ����۲����� �����۲� �۲�� ���������۲�� ۲��� �������۲� �۲���� � ��۲�� � �� ��������۲� � ۲���� ��� ��������� ��� ��� ��� � � NM-[iCE] �� �� ޱ � � ߱ �� �� ޱ � � ޱ � � U N D E R G R O U N D C H A O S [iCE Ripoff. Nice Touch. You should be hung, or worse, i should show this to ice, i'm sure they would be very pleased] Da eleete application. These questions were so hard man. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you agree that this BBS is Private and H/P/C/A/V Oriented? Yes Are you willing to join UCT? No [Are you kidding? That's like slitting my wrists] Okay... If you say so... Please tell me what does the following means: H/P/C/A/V : hack/phreak/card/anarchy/virus [ooh, like anyone doesnt know it] LD : Long Distance [haha] PBX : Private.Branch.eXchange [sigh] UC : [beats me] VMB : voice.mail.box [Can you say...Brain Surgeon?] KKK : klukluxklan [Great, A fucking biggot] VAX: virtual address eXtension [Like he knows what it is] VMS: virtual memory system [Must've just got an acronym list]] UNiX: [Unix doesn't stand for anything does it?] Ok... write me a letter and you'll be validated within the next 24 hours You must now send a newuser application letter to the SysOp. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another GREAT announcment by:GolBeZ #1 Comin' this Christmas... Node 2 and 3 will surely open in the vacations... Let's hope...[Not!] I need Programmers/Artists/Coders/Musicians for UCT Email me if interested...[Not!] I should put a ratio for 24OO lamers.... You're blocking the line when 144OO could call... Just a hint: Do Not D/L something bigger than 15Ok, ok? It goes for Co-Sysops too (This means you, MindMaster) [2400 rocks] First UCT Packages is for January '94 [oh shit, i guess i will write another mag :)] [Gotta Love this one] ---- Hope You All 24oo Users Will Get A REAL Modem.... From: GolBeZ MindMaster My Christmas Gift: No Ratio For Everybody Flow !Live On December 24th And 25th Rubicant Puppy _________ �[Time Left: 01:14:16 �[Main Menu: F Which Conference:? (1) H/P Conference (2) Gfx Conference (3) Programming (4) Miscellanous (5) UCT/EGG Conference (6) Magazines (A) All Conferences Which Conference:A Scan for New Leeching [Y/N] ?Y Scanning PRG UpLoad Here #1... Scanning PRG Programming #2... Scanning PRG Source Codes #3... Scanning GFX UpLoad Here #4... Scanning GFX Utilities #5... Scanning GFX Demos and Loaders #6... Scanning GFX Packages #7... Scanning MSC UpLoad Here #8... Scanning MSC Communication #9... Scanning MSC Utilities #10... Scanning MSC Free Files #11... Scanning MSC Warez/Games #12... Scanning MSC Sound Blaster #13... Scanning MSC Modules #14... Scanning HPV UpLoad Here #15... ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ��File Name � Pts � Size � Description �HPV UpLoad He #15 � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ANSBMB12.ZIP Unvalid New version of ANSI BOMB MAKER, IN ENGLISH! ^^^^^^^^^^^^ By: Mega_Man [LooK! It's The ANSI BOMB] Traducted By: Stealth Implanter Uploaded by The Sinister on 12/23/93 Scanning HPV Dissasembled Virii #16... Scanning HPV Hacking #17... Scanning HPV Phreaking #18... Scanning HPV Virii #19... Scanning HPV Carding #20... Scanning HPV Anarchy #21... Scanning HPV NetWork Hacking #22... Scanning HPV Boxing #23... Scanning HPV Trojan Horses #24... Scanning HPV Jolly Roger's #25... Scanning UCT UpLoad Here #26... ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ��File Name � Pts � Size � Description �UCT UpLoad He #26 � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ *BOMBSQAD.ZIP Unvalid Ben pratique pour empecher un prog. que lon veut tester d'ecrire, de lire ou de formater le disque-dur... Uploaded by Megadeth on 12/24/93 *CHECKEXE.ZIP Unvalid Ce programme affiche toute les chaines de caracter de plus de 3 car... Pour trouver les messages contenus dans les trojans BS... Uploaded by Megadeth on 12/24/93 *CALC .ZIP Unvalid Calculatrice TSR pour calculer sous DEBUG, etc... Uploaded by Megadeth on 12/24/93 File listings (?=Help) : Scanning UCT Master of Black #27... Scanning UCT Loaders/Demos #28... [Notice The Quality Shit his group Scanning UCT VGA Art #29... is making. I'm impressed. How 'bout Scanning UCT New Releases #30... you?] Scanning UCT Packages #31... Scanning UCT Applications #32... Scanning ANY UpLoad Here #46... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ �[PRG UpLoad Here] �[Pain] �[Time Left: 01:13:26 �[File Menu: Q �[Time Left: 01:13:23 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the kind of messages I found. Pathetic Date: 7:17 pm Fri Dec 17, 1993 Number : 1 of 9 From: Blue Devil Base : UCN PBX.VAX.VMS.UNiX To : All Refer #: None Subj: Voice Mail Box Replies: 1 Stat: Unsent Origin : Local How do you make a 1-800 Voice Mail Box? (without paying of course!) Blue Devil --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 11:03 am Sat Dec 18, 1993 Number : 2 of 9 From: Golbez Base : UCN PBX.VAX.VMS.UNiX To : Blue Devil Refer #: 1 Subj: Re: Voice Mail Box Replies: 1 Stat: Unsent Origin : Local BD> How do you make a 1-800 Voice Mail Box? (without paying of course!) Scan. [HOLY SHIT! HOW DID HE FIGURE THAT ONE OUT?] Master GolBeZ �UCT� ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: 2:26 pm Tue Dec 21, 1993 Number : 4 of 9 From: The Sinister Base : UCN PBX.VAX.VMS.UNiX To : Blue Devil Refer #: 3 Subj: Re: Voice Mail Box Replies: 1 Stat: Unsent Origin : Local BD> I know.. but how do you take it fro the InfoMail to make it yours?!! Phreaker's secret.. [gna gna. i'm a phreaker!] Th� ������ [doh!] E.g. Send me a few virii and I'll tell yah.. [how bout a kick in the head?] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 6:09 pm Thu Dec 23, 1993 Number : 7 of 9 From: Deathwish Base : UCN PBX.VAX.VMS.UNiX To : All Refer #: None Subj: PBX's Replies: 1 Stat: Unsent Origin : Local Hello everyone do you got any PBX's to give me cause i need to call Sinister's bbs!! thanks a lot bye! Deathwish ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 10:32 pm Mon Dec 20, 1993 Number : 1 of 1 From: Mega_man Base : UCN Drugs/Deals To : All Refer #: None Subj: ahaah Replies: None Stat: Unsent Origin : Local hahaha Drugs/Deals heheheheh toute une seXion .. hehehehe pas grand monde qui ont des deal ca l'air.... MeGaMaN [hehehahah. SeXIon!!! hahahhehehhho. No deals!@ No DEals@@!] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Salut vous autre! J'aimerais bien commencer a hacker des BBS avec des petits trojans qui cherche les "USER.*" pis qui les copient dans le directory de d/l... Mais je veux faire mes prog moi-meme... j'ai l'intention d'essayer avec Vbasic car c'est mon language prefer� meme si c pas le meilleur... Mais j'aimerais bien que qqun me donne une couple de numeros de BBS BS pour tester mes progs, pis aussi puisque rechercher un fichier, meme avec Vbasic, c long... pis ca pourrait alerter le sysop... faque si on pourrait me donner une couple de directory que les BBS (style RENEGADE, WW(qqchose), pis d'autres aussi utilisent pour stoquer leur files... Dans le genre de o� ils mettent leurs fichiers a d/l, o� est leur user.* ect... [oh christ. this idiot can't even find the right dirs.] Merci d'avance MegadethMegadethMegadethMegadethMegadethMegadethMegadethMegadethMegadeth Hey GolBrain. MY alias is PAIN. L00SER. $#@(%*#$@(%*@#!$_)(#@!_$)(#%)($#@%)*!@#$)(@!#$_@!($%_)@#!$_$#@(%$#)@%($#)%( Gossip ~~~~~~ Hour Magazine recently published an interview with Sigmond Sl0meau. Because of this Interview, ( In which he stated some bad habits) people seem to think that he is in trouble. Also the fact that those fucking idiot kids' (get out often?) blew some fingers off playing with explosives from some AnArChY FileZ. I wanted to tell those people something. -ahem- IF YOU'RE STUPID ENOUGH TO PLAY WITH EXPLOSIVES WITH NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE THE CHANCES OF AN ACCIDENT ARE HIGH. THEREFORE DONT PLAY WITH FIRE UNLESS YOU WANT TO GET BURNED. Thank-you thank-you. please stop the applauds. -Ahem- . I don't think that any bbs is responisble for this incident since all the t-files did was encourage them to create the bombs. You can get instructions at school if you listened well in Chem Class... Other news...YiPeE YaHoo The graphix revolution is in process. I knew it would happen. Enter GRiP/AD: 3 weeks ago: King of New Art these days: SHIT Magnetic M left for ACiD-The Duellist left for ACiD-Manditory Suicide went down-Their Pbx is down, meaning some of them can't get in touch with The night Prowler-And their last ansi pack was mediocre-Deeply Disturbed joined Eternity. Too bad though. Prospecting group. Bagman is still ELiTE. You fat ass sack of shit. LEARN HOW TO ARTICULATE. Spontaneous Combustion became CCiNet's 514 HUB. Which makes the board ALOT better. NSUNet is gone whoknowswhere. TeXas maybe... that whole thing was nothing but trouble. A board named Cult of Darkness, don't call, it sucks. At least half the Quebec population have gone to Florida. I worship NuKE and Phalcon/Skism. 'nuff said %@$#^)#($^%$)_E^)$@%#()#@!$%(@#!_)$(!)+_%($@)^_98%$@)^(%$@_)^($@%)_^()_#$%(!^ Well I'm bored. It's Christmas day and I got fucking gift certificates for some book store. Gipped. That concludes Dyke Magazine No.1. *Hopefully* there will be another one... 'Hipsters unite, Come Align for the big fight to rock for you But beware all those angels with their wings glued on Cause deep down, we are frightened and we're scared' Sponsored by: Ibanez for the guitar Domino's (Wit Da Little Italian) for the laugh Mcdonalds for the Combo #2 Star d'un Soir Productions for my g-friend Hydropnics (they helped sooo much) Tmr Trinity Hq's for the moral support Snoop Doggy Dog for sucking Lexus Lifted Fog Lights for causing blindness Miller Draft for the awesome feeling Celebrity (eternity ripoff) AiC for Right Turn STP for Creep DLC for Power Goober Choc. Peanuts (missles) Tivoli [ww2] HudSon rocks Classical Guitar [IT IS BETTER THAN COUNTRY] If you want to contact me, call 733-1603 and log on as: Dyke pw:dyke #0000 [LameLameLameLameLameLameLameLameLameLameLameLameLameLameLameLameLameLame]