�o� (2o3) : A KoV subsidiary presents... T H E L I G H T E R S I D E Issue #3; October 27, 1994 "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." - Amendment I to the Constitution -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This issue's non-willing contributors : SHS : Joco : Electronic Gaming Monthly (EGM) 2o3 Notes : Keep in mind that the editor will try to make all articles submitted look professional. A copy of the edited version will be returned to the author for proofing of the material content. You can save a lot of trouble by doing this beforehand! :) (This is your only warning) : The Lighter Side, 2o3, or KoV and any of its subsidiaries do not necessarily share the views expressed in the articles published. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Article I : FYBITE - Fuck you buddy, I'M THE EDITOR! Replies to notes by Scoop, dates not important ********************************************** That 203-2 sucked soooooo bad. - SHS I almost care. - Scoop So what do you think about writing. I willing to contribute, but I don't enjoy your style of knocking Joe Lieberman without the facts. IMHO, I never present an argument without proof which you did in 203-1. Maybe you're right, but hey, I'm didn't read 203 to hear opinionated editorials. Maybe for your next issue, you could make you opinions a little more subtle. - Joco My proof was not only verified by Lieberman's own TV ads which state "He (Lieberman) fought for removing violence in video games to protect our children" , and on a C-SPAN hearing regarding the entire issue. I understand your concern for the truth and slanted opinion in TLS articles. I try my best to research a topic before writing about it - and this is one thing I do not write about without facts. As for the tone I write with - you don't have to agree with it; it's your prerogative. Thanks for the offer to write. Pick whatever you like and I'll try to accomodate you. - Scoop -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Article II : Mortal Kombat III and Doom II - Sequels v. U.S. Senate Written by Scoop on 10/22/94, contributions from Electronic Gaming Monthly ************************************************************************** News from the pages of EGM shows that two of the current hot games, Doom and Mortal Kombat II, have sequels either in production or already here. It seems that ID and Midway don't acknowledge our government's attempt to censor the top source of entertainment for the younger generation. By now we all know that ID Software has released the second installment to the goriest game in history, DOOM II. This version, outside of shareware and warez versions, is available commercially in many stores. This release came on the heels of Sega succumbing to the official government ratings system, which will be first applied on their Genesis 32X translation of the original DOOM!. According to EGM, the game will carry a rating of M or "Mature gamers 17 and up", and retailers of the game will enforce this when a sale is made. Price for the Sega version has not been released yet, but expect it to be almost $100. Word from Midway Electronics points to Mortal Kombat III, yet another in the line of popular blood-gushers. A report in EGM shows this version to be a Double Dragon-type game, unlike the first two which were one-on-one fights. Some people claim that the game is already out and about, but unfortunately no release date was mentioned. No word from Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) as of yet on this recent information, but TLS will keep you posted. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Article III : Doom/Doom2 at 14.4; Hamden H.S. Cafe Written by Dark Death on 10/21/94 ********************************* Are you sick of those stupid utils that claim to let you go at full speed but instead stop at 9600? Well here are a few suggestions that might work. Both Dooms should have a MODEM.CFG file. If you haven't already, edit it and change baud speeds to something higher (DUH dumb ass). Try 14400 but most modems don't use 14400 since it isn't in the multiples (19200 works for me). That probably won't change much. This should work on all modems using the Hayes command set. There should be a part of the init that says S37=### (### being some number). If that's there then your modem speed in Doom will not change. (Mine says S37=11 chances but look in your modem manual to be sure). Set the baud rate to 19200; that should do it if all else fails. Find me if you need more help or someone to play modem Doom II with. For Doom I players, if you want something other than the setup program for stuff, find the Doom masters program. It's real good. Also for Doom II guys, if you didn't read the README file, to make the game more of a challenge, use the -FAST command. It makes the game go 300% faster! Imps shoot rapid fire, demons and spectors are alot more lethal, cyber demons, well... *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** In other news, myself and other investigative reporters recently launched an investigation into what the mysterious mystery meat on top of the living nachos at Hamden High are. What we found is a pile of some reddish lumpy stuff and a live horse : half in a wood chipper, and half... well... probably in the bucket. Also expect the price of soda cans to go up to 10 dollars by the time you graduate. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= WE WANT YOU!! If you want to write an article or a message to the editor of TLS, just drop it by to one of our members and we'll make some room for it. You will also become a 2o3 member just by writing; whether you join our parent group KoV or not is another story... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Unofficial Member List (203) as of 11/07/94 : Scoop, Dark Death, Victornox, Lord Valgamon, The Bohemith Official TLS Staff as of 11/07/94 : Scoop, Dark Death, The Bohemith