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Hmmm, guess you can't kick me, hahahahahahahahahahahaha you mean fuck? *Lars* Haahahaaa Hello? Is this just about the color black? Or just about a lot of black people? whats up with kkk? bring on that amuniton eYE aM fORREST, fORREST gUMP yOU aLL wANNA kNOW hOW eYE gOT mY nAME? My momma told me that my great great grandpa started this club called the KKK, and they went around hanging something callled coons from trees *Lars* hahahha *SweetLuv* fuck you you sorry PIECE OF SHIT!!!!! *SweetLuv* fuck you you sorry PIECE OF SHIT!!!!! Geee, I lub you too I am from Montreal, canada! and u where r u? i got one more thursday then my relatives is comin to get me We hang Canadians too eh, hosehead? kkk: you couldn't f*ck me with that 1 inch penis of yours SweetLuv : It's not the size that matters, it's how you use it you are so damn TIRED YOU DAMN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kkk: us black people are actually using a type of vernacular that only black people can understand...so fuck off Us whitie's had to get real used to that pfuzz : Oh, so it's... Like, a black thing, right? kkk is a punk don't trip, kkk: with that small mind of yours you wouldn't know how to use it if it came with instructions kkk is a greek homo SweetLuv : Well, yes I can, cause my momma told me everything I need to know! KKK: why do you want bring such a disturbed manner on the net I am greek, so what? c-ya all! fuck u kkk kkk, you's a fake ass fool That figures! Just listen to you!!!!!! kkk: I should have known that you were an inbred piece of shit! Sunspot : Just wnated to to see what it was like in here INBREEDERS *Lars* hahahh I am one of them My sister and I, ooooh, watch out, we get things going player : I'm not a fake.. I'm the real white thing In this case mother dosen't Know SHIT!!!!!!!!! *** Kevr requested finger information for you. *Lars* its just funny to sit back and watch :) goodnight kkk....u are sounding real tired wHITE pOWER fOR tHE gREEKS *** Kevr pinged you. -Kevr- Initiating DCC Chat ( *** DCC CHAT (Kevr) request received from Kevr *** Kevr is Kevr.io.or@dyna-18.net7a.io.org (Kevr) *** on channels: #black *** on irc via server irc.io.org (Internex Online) <<< Mail Bomb that address, thank you - mistawho >>> hahahaha you are funny, white, ohh you must have a penis problen NO CARRIER *** Signoff: Lars (EOF From client) I don't have a penis problem, the dick pump and I work out quite well kkk: go to #shitface where you belong and get your mother to fuck you in the ASS. KKK: but you use one of the most hated organizations as a nick and make racist references sweetluv: ooh...such language!!! i love it SweetLuv : But but, my mother isn't a herm, so she can't do that to me, do you want me to ask her to wear a strap on? Plus, the KKK is just an organization for white folks, nothing more really What with kkk is it for real or a joke? robo53 : wtf do you think fucknut? What do u look like? KKK: actually your refered to blacks not having good grammar Sunspot : So? Can't help it if I point out the truth * intermission * even though that was the second episode in #black i decided to release it in this issue. it was rather small but does well on content. to point out something, nyquil does not like to release issues dealing with only one or two channels. the more channels we have fun in, the better. * resuming nyquil four * * this logged account has been edited for you the viewer * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deathbringer's Notation: Basically I went to #chatzone on the undernet and pretended to be flashed and be a first time user. You'll get the idea. (My nick is `tyler'). I also waited around here and massflashed everyone a few times before I started shit so that a few people would share the same problem. My crap is indented with one space and messages to me are in *starz*. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ahh... what's going on??? Something just happened to my screen? HELP! I can't SEE! tyler, what's wrong with it? tyler, you don't see anything? My screen too I can't see anything! Everything is garbled! flashed? yea sounds bad... What's going on? HELP! Tyler: check your terminal emulation Qi, help the guy out. :) I think the only thing we can do is kick him. signoff and type "mesg n" someone was trying to flash huh What's going on?!?!?! HELP! *[Kelse:RENEE@tstc.edu]* relog *[SueFish:sufi@gate.net]* try typing /clear tyler: try kicking your monitor *[QI:oj123az@indirect.com]* WHATS WRONG? :) Now things are beeping! I can't see anything. There aren't any letter's here! HELP! *[Kelse:RENEE@tstc.edu]* relog chill tyler beeping ??? tyler.... poor guy... I feel sory for him. Ahh! HELP! HELP!!!!!!!! ok tyler he's getting msg's i have the same problem too *[QI:oj123az@indirect.com]* SIGNOFF AND TYPE "MESG N" IN LOWERCASE Ahh.. QI: How do I signoff? This is my first time here? HELP! tyler:? tyler:why dont connext again HELP!!!! *[Kelse:RENEE@tstc.edu]* you got it fixed? *[QI:oj123az@indirect.com]* TYPE SIGNOFF SIGNOFF TYPE SIGNOFF HELP! This isn't working!!! tyler :??????/ NO: /SIGNOFF lower case tyler :) should we kick him? /SIGNOFF he can't see anything why are you telling him what to do? he can't see anything /SIGNOFF *[buddha:gwong@psych.uiuc.edu]* no spaces. tyler:i have the same problem too..nothing shows when i type.. HEY ANY OP: kick Tyler off so he can relog...his modem switched to TTY and he needs to have it reset /SIGNOFF i think they can see caps.. tyler : try buying a new computer :) HELP! I CAN"T SEE! What's wrong with this? This sucks! you can use your old one in many ways Kelse, we are only chops. that takes an IRCop *** You have been kicked off channel #chatzone by Y`zor (Y`zor) *** tyler (thutton@ccnet3.ccnet.com) has joined channel #chatzone *[Kelse:RENEE@tstc.edu]* RELOG and it will fix! IT'S NOT THE COMPUTER..I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM TOO.. *[Y`zor:dwood@dialin.iupui.edu]* Sorry... its a virus attack Someone PAHLEEEEEEESE HELP ME! *[buddha:gwong@psych.uiuc.edu]* geez. bad week. imran? AHHH! *** Mode change "+b *!*thutton*@*.ccnet.com" on channel #chatzone by buddha AHHHHH! *** You have been kicked off channel #chatzone by buddha (buddha) *** #chatzone Sorry, cannot join channel. (Banned from channel) -- editors notes -- nyquil is looking for some good ascii artists. i have no need for ansi at this time. obviously any form of art will be welcomed, but ascii especially. i have a great need for more ascii's. a site would not be far off for a few good quality ascii's. * end of issue four *