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The Pick [1.6] - ISP VMC Mailbox plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ripmax [1.7] - Ethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Pick [1.8] - General greets etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neurocactus NC-002.ZIP Released Dec/25/1993 Text: 59K Compressed: 23K ���������� [2.1] - Contents and Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Pick [2.2] - Busted! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ripmax [2.3] - VoiceMail, The Final Frontier . . . . . . . . . . . The Pick [2.4] - Advanced Social Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . FreeStyle [2.5] - ISP Voice Message Centre Part 2 . . . . . . . . . . . Ripmax [2.6] - MessageBank Intersystem Signalling . . . . . . . . The Pick [2.7] - MessageBank Fax Boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minnow [2.8] - Trash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scourge and The Pick [2.9] - Payphone overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blade NC-003.ZIP Released / / Text: K Compressed: K ���������� This File was lost when Neurocactus WHQ 'Chiba City' went Down. Maybe oneday, Somehow it will be recovered. NC-004.ZIP Released Dec/12/1994 Text: 34K Compressed: 14K ���������� [4.1] - Contents and Disclaimer ................. by Fractal Insanity [4.2] - Neurocactus news ........................ by Fractal Insanity [4.3] - NeuroCon '95 ............................ by Fractal Insanity [4.4] - Spotting Undercover Police Cars ................... by Ripmax [4.5] - Pitting! ................................ by Fractal Insanity [4.6] - Australian Payphone Listing ....................... by Ripmax [4.7] - Carding News ............................ by Fractal Insanity [4.8] - Advanced Social Engineering Part 2 ............. by Freestyle [4.9] - VoiceMail, The Final Frontier ........... by Fractal Insanity [4.10] - Greets and Contacting us .......................... by Ripmax NC-005.ZIP Released Mar/06/1995 Text: 51K Compressed: 20K ���������� [5.1] - Contents and Disclaimer .................... Fractal Insanity [5.2] - Neurocactus News .................. Fractal Insanity & Ripmax [5.3] - VoiceMail, The Final Frontier .............. Fractal Insanity [5.4] - EFTPOS Machines ...................................... Anubis [5.5] - How to Dodge Red Mini-Minors ........... Bad Sector & Fractal [5.6] - Phreaking Payphones and ANI ........................... Blade [5.7] - Adelaide Payphone Numbers ................. Rhye & DataPhobia [5.8] - Better Homes and Pitting ......................... Bad Sector [5.9] - Making Primary Explosives at Home ................... Klanman [5.10] - Greets and Contacting us ................... Neurocactus Team NC-006.ZIP Released Jul/01/1995 Text: 58K Compressed: 19K ���������� [6.1] - Contents and Disclaimer ................... Fractal Insanity [6.2] - Neurocactus News ................. Fractal Insanity & Ripmax [6.3] - VoiceMail, The Final Frontier .... Fractal Insanity & Ripmax [6.4] - Crimes Act 1914: Electronic Crimes ........ Fractal Insanity [6.5] - Scanning PBX's ................................... Anonymous [6.6] - Perth Payphone Update ............................... Ripmax [6.7] - Canning for Dollars ............................. Bad Sector [6.8] - The Crunch Man ................................... Data King [6.9] - Cellular Reprogramming ........................... Data King [6.10] - Greets and Contacting us .................. Neurocactus Team NC-007.ZIP Released Oct/23/1995 Text:46K Mod:330K Compressed:199K ���������� [7.1] - Contents and Disclaimer ................... Fractal Insanity [7.2] - Neurocactus News .................................... Ripmax [7.3] - VoiceMail, The Next Generation ... Fractal Insanity & Ripmax [7.4] - RIM Remote System ......................... Fractal Insanity [7.5] - Interesting Easycall features ............. Fractal Insanity [7.6] - Optic Surfer - The Truth is in here .............. Data King [7.7] - Optic Surfer - The aftermath ........................ Ripmax [7.8] - EACS Upgrade .............................. Fractal Insanity [7.9] - Phreaking Laws ................................... Data King [7.10] - Greets and Contacting us .................. Neurocactus Team Attached Files �������������� [Nc-Index] - Index to first 7 Issues of NC Bulletin .......... Ripmax [TelcoJam] - Mod File with numerous Telecom Samples ........ The Pick NC-008.ZIP Released Dec/31/1998 Text: 106K Compressed: 29K ���������� [8.1] - Contents and Disclaimer ................... Fractal Insanity [8.2] - Neurocactus News .................................... Ripmax [8.3] - VoiceMail, The Next Generation ... Fractal Insanity & Ripmax [8.4] - Cellular Reprogramming Part 2 .................... Data King [8.5] - Obtaining Underground Magazines and Files ........... Ripmax [8.6] - Perth Payphone Update ............................... Ripmax [8.7] - Making your own cards ............................... Wizard [8.8] - NSW Telstra Base Stations .............. Wizard & Dataphobia [8.9] - The State of things to come ......................... Ripmax [8.10] - Blood and end of an era ................... Fractal Insanity [8.11] - Greets and Contacting us .................. Neurocactus Team Attached Files �������������� [Nc-Index] - Index to first 8 Issues of NC Bulletin .......... Ripmax � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ���