*** The Morgue Text Reader! *** CopyRight 1993 by �SCII Express Welcome to the Morgue Text Reader. This program lets you read morgue issues. IMPORTANT! The Morgue issues must be called MORGUE??.TXT If you get one that you want to read and it's like MORGUE??.DAT Just rename it. Command Line Switches Morgue reader is flexible. Here are the switches you can use when starting. /B: Use bios writes to the screen. This is good if you, like me, use a speech synthesizer and need bios writes, or if you are multitasking, this will make it better. /C: Turn snow checking on. If you have a monitor that requires snow checking, this turns it on. /D: Directory to find the MORGUE??.TXT files. for example if the morgue.exe is in my C:\util and the morgue files are in C:\Morgue I'd type MORGUE /D\Morgue You can specify a directory across drives, like /DD:\MORGUE or something.. That's about it. you can specify multiple commandline options. Have fun. call Ionic Destruction 215-722-4524 to pick up morgue textfiles. seeya and enjoy. �SCII Express [TMM/�egend/Morgue (hopefully) '93 And Beyond!!!]