�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�. //\\//\\ ////// // // \\ \\\\\\ // // e o c X a s t t o r s "Your Bark was Loud but ya Bite wudn't vicous" - Snoop Doggy Doggy �.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�. hEy d0oDz!@! iT'z dA t3Xt pHorCastors SpeCiAL eDiTioN. Produced and editt-tited into its rAdDy rAd Setup by:tHe elEeT kReW!@! ,, <-- hint on what this ascii is : he's not jh00ish / \ / \ (/| |\) .|//\\|. |///\\\|. t3xT pHoRKast0rs .| oo |� "Symbolism's one big chance to say 'what the fuck is that'?" |\\\///| -Mogel �|\\//|� | | "ya never know till you;ve sampled the best and the worst..." |^^^^| -Godd(+d) _/ \_ wElK0Me .. to the .. tF newletter .. HEY! What is this? This shit is Mogel! Where's my buddy Uslurper/God(+d)?! Well, you see, this is the thing. I was in this k-k00l k0ference wiFF a whole bunch of rad's the other day and we decided that we really wanted to help God(-d+d) out. You see, GodDdD is the most important and powerful person in the 215 *AND* 610 area codes and it just bothered us. What bothered us was that when yer as 'k' as GoDddD is, then it must be really *REALLY* hard to put out a rADDd group like tF. Beyond that, GoDD had a very busy schedule. You see, his parents have recently discovered that he had been using his "personal" line for quite a while as a BBS life...er, I mean line. So anyhow, his parents THEN discovered that for some reason strange things began to happen to their phone line...and they we're being charged for a series of AT&T conferences (there is DEFINTALY no correlation to the above-formentioned conference... I assure you ;>). *THEN* goDDdD''z parents discovered that he had run into quite a few people that didn't like what he was doing (d00difing the h/p scene even MORE than already it already is). Anyhow, because GodD had become so busy, we realized he had no time to put out the next release for his group teXt fORcAStERS. Instead of letting such a incredibly talented group die (I mean who could ever forget the infamous "t0p 10 rE4sOns tO nOt KaLL a pEEdEE bOarD"), we decided to write the next release for him. We're don't need any thanks from GoddD because doing this for him was plenty enough. It's time for us all to reflect on what GoDD had done for our lifes. Mogel: "GodDd has shown me that there REALLY is a TRUE moron out there. That's a lesson I'll never forget. Whenever I feel that there SHOULD be total freedom of information... I remember GoDDd and clasp my heart and thank god (the other one) for my SysOp User-delete fuction! bOO-yAh!" Dark Phiber: "Well Godd has been a really good sport about this. And so have his parents. They seem to like us very much and will sit and chat with us for hours because they have no lives. Well first we started just making a bunch of accounts on Godd's BBS. Then we started calling at hours of the night and making prank calls. Finally we had some real fun and rerouted Godd's BBS number to the Secret Service in Philadelphia. Finally Godd had a passcode put on his phone account so we can't change it anymore. We've talked to Godd on a few teleconferences and we are even being nice enough to release a pak for his group Text Forecasters. We even had Godd on a couple of conferences and had him tell us how cool we really are." �.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�. ]]<< iNd3X <<[[ #] Title File Name Done By -- ------------ --------- ------- 1] The Newsletter Intro TFNEW.LET Mogel 2] Godd's Adventures in aYcH3-p33 L4nD GODD.BAS Dark Phiber 3] How to Hack a N.O.S.E. System KA^TF.TXT Kaos 4] |_0g0 aNZi d00d!@! MOG-TFAD.ANS Mogel 5] Top 10 Ways to get A Straight d00d... TOP10SEX.TXT LowLevel 6] How to Make a /<-RaD BBS GD-BBS.TXT Black Ice 7] A Portrait of the one we Love RING-GOD.ANS RingMaster 8] The Return Box RETURN.BOX Mogel/Others 9] GoDD and his brother GODDD.GIF Morpheus �.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�. Who is GodD? Well, I've decided to do a special spotlight on the MAN, the MeeTH, the GODDDDDDD. be forwarded... this is not for the weak of heart, like those cheesy Phrack Spotlights... this thing is the r34l d34l. SPOTLIGHT ON.....GODD(+D)! - Thanks to Dark Phiber for compiling a lot of this info Handle: Godd [currently Usurper] Name: Matthew Baumbach Address: 866 Brill St. Philadelphia PA Phone Number: (215)744-0226 [voice] (215)744-4944 [data] Parents: Walter & Helen Siblings: David Godd's underground achievements: Runs the lamest literature group in 215 (Text Forecasters) and the lamest BBS in 215 (Plateau, formerly Satan's Sanctuary). Family Quotes: Walter: "If you continue using that language I'll have to hang up on you. I am a very religious man.", "Don't call here again you asshole or I'll come to your house and kick your ass. I know who you are and where you live." David: "Why are you still talking to that asshole?" �.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�. oUr pHaVoRitE goddDDdd qUotezZz [iN C|-|r0n0l0giKal 0rDeR]: "...its bright and h/p/a/c/v activises in 2i5 are on the move ... listen to metallica they rule.... we also predict a big downfall for Cafbl..." "You can't change anything on anyone's phone account without a password." "mogel...hahahah that pussy, i logged on to his bbs, i never begged shit!, i asked him if i could have a hoe distro but becuase he's an asshole he never anaswe so i wrote the 2! next people in rank, Black Fran and Slater!, becuase i hoped 1! of them who answer, now that aint begging, begging is stooopid, i dont like hoe, at all really, their the next potential high flyer from 2i5!..." "...this fucking area code is full of Power Trippy lil lamerz like KAOS, mOGEL AND black francis mostly, though i apologize to the cool people who dont go off and try to be /<-rad, anyway, whom have no skill and knocj the skillz of other poeple, and in generally, cornily bullied their way into an area in which they are about to have to deicide what to do, and make mistakes they will, and i iwll be their to reap the joyous collection of InSultS and the happy downfall of hoe and high flyers a like, and you so judgmental, cursing the Tf's and the DpE's and the small cool groups of today with your high flyers Sooooooooper doooooooper ansi rips and your awesome /