><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> * * * Voice Mailbox Hacking * * * * * * * * Another Modernz Presentation * * by Nereus * * * * (C)opyright July 23rd, 1993 * ********************************************************* <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ******************************************************************************* The Modernz can be contacted at: MATRIX Keep BBS (908) 905-6691 (908) WOK-NOW! (908) 458-xxxx <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Voice Mail Systems are basically answering machines with a lot of features. They are privately owned systems, usually for employees of a certain company to exchange mail with. There are systems out there which are there solely for the purpose of VMB's, but not many exist.. These systems set up boxes for sale, and as a result usually are very tough to hack. Company systems, however, are often very open, with low security.. I have found that many of the system operators give slightly less than a fuck whether the system is even there or not, so these are the ones you want. Once you have your voice mail box, it can be used for a lot of things.. You can leave it up for your friends to leave you messages on, or if you run a business to have customers call you up. Hell, rent them out to people you know, if you need some cash. VMB's are very versatile, and can be used for anything you want. There are many different kinds of systems out there.. The most popular of which is probably the ASPEN system. (ASPEN is the computer controlling the boxes) The ASPEN system is frequently updated, patched, and modified by the company who sells them. They offer upgrades to current owners, but in my experience most systems do not get the upgrades unless they are commercial systems which try to make money off the boxes. Most operators of company systems are perfectly satisfied with what they have, and therefore do not upgrade. Resulting from this, of course, is that there are a WIDE variety of systems out there, and every one is different.. but the one thing they have in common is their general vulnerabilities. When you find your voice mail system (1-800 systems which answer 24 hours a day are optimum) look around and check it out. I called one system which people couldn't hack, and hacked it just by listening to the recording. The recording said "Press 1 for questions and comments, Press 2 for a service representative, etc etc, or enter the box number now." The options went up to 8. This means that if you enter a box number lower than 900, it will go to a different option.. which means all boxes must start with 9. No one could find empty (or even used, for that matter) boxes because they were all scanning boxes 1XX and 2XX (which I commonly do, on normal systems). If there is an option such as "Press 9 to leave a message to a box owner" then the box number can be anything, and that doesn't give you much. On systems with no option to enter the box number, you can usually leave messages by pressing the "*" key on your phone. Boxes are usually populated around 1XX and 2XX, but there are still empty boxes in higher numbers.. although there are many more where the other used boxes can be found. Once you have your system, and narrowed down the box numbers (if possible), it is time to do some scanning. On most systems I have encountered, you press the "#" to enter "your own" mail box (it could be different, though.. every system has it's own specifics). Once you get to the "Enter your mailbox number" prompt, pick a number and start. I usually start at 110, but it can be any number. One important thing: scan SEQUENTIALLY. Never enter random box numbers. You'll end up with nothing. If you go, say, straight from 110 to 200, trying every box, you are guaranteed to find at least a few empty boxes. When you find a used box, it usually plays a recording of the owner's name in the owner's voice. When it asks you for the password, you can often abort it by pressing the "*" key. One problem with VMB's is that they usually hang up on you after 3-5 invalid tries. There are ways of getting around this.. Find a used box (not difficult, obviously). When you enter a box (say, 131) and it says "Box Number 131 is not valid", it's ok. If you enter another box that isn't valid, simply enter the used box next. If you enter a third invalid box, the system will hang up on you.. Once it asks you for your password, just abort by pressing the "*" and it will reset. Now you can have 3 more invalids before it will hang up on you. Your scan might go something like this: [] = What you press Everything else is the voice mail system's response ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please enter your mailbox number. [220] I'm sorry, box number 220 is invalid. Please re-enter your mailbox number. [221] "John Hughes" Please enter your password followed by the pound sign. [*] Please enter your mailbox number. [222] I'm sorry, box number 222 is invalid. Please re-enter your mailbox number. [223] I'm sorry, box number 223 is invalid. Please re-enter your mailbox number. [221] "John Hughes" Please enter your password followed by the pound sign. [*] Please enter your mailbox number. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After entering invalid box numbers 222 and 223, you should enter a valid box number (221 is used here) just incase, then just abort. This will let you do all your scanning without having to call back every 3 invalids. You do NOT want a used box. If you take a box which someone already has, it will be taken away within DAYS. If you REALLY want a box which is taken (say, box #666.. or #123, etc etc), then you can try logging in and fucking up everything (deleting messages, etc) daily. The owner will eventually complain and get a different box number.. But this takes a few weeks. Since you can't take used boxes, and invalid boxes aren't available, there's only one kind of box left for you: Empty ones. These boxes are there for people coming into the company. The system operator will usually give them the password and then they can just take the box without the operator doing anything. To find the empty box, all you need to know is how to recognize it. On systems which play a recording of the owners voice, if you enter a box number and it just says "Box Number ###, enter your password." or just a plain "Enter your password", then it is either empty, or the owner is too lazy to change his recorded name. ASPEN systems are the easiest systems to find empty boxes on. When you enter an empty box number, you will get a message that says something like "Hello, mailbox owner! This is the ASPEN voice mail system. You can use this system to send and receive messages from both outside callers and other box owners." etc etc, until it gets up to "Your system manager has given you a temporary password. Please enter it now." Bingo. You have found your empty box. Hacking the box sounds like the toughest part, but it is really the easiest step out of all of them. The system operator does not want to have to make individual temporary passwords for each box which are hard to remember, so he doesn't. On ASPEN systems, the system operator usually sets the same 4 digit temporary password for ALL empty boxes. This temporary password is almost ALWAYS one of the following. BOX# = The 3 digit box number you are hacking. (Examples assume 666) Three Digit Passwords: 123 000 333 666 999 321 111 444 777 (BOX#) 987 222 555 888 (BOX#+1) Examples: 666, 667 Four Digit Passwords: 1234 0000 3333 6666 9999 1(BOX#) 4321 1111 4444 7777 0(BOX#) (BOX#)1 9876 2222 5555 8888 (BOX#)0 Examples: 0666, 6660, 1666, 6661 Five Digit Passwords: 12345 00000 33333 66666 99999 11(BOX#) 54321 11111 44444 77777 00(BOX#) (BOX#)11 98765 22222 55555 88888 (BOX#)00 Examples: 00666, 66600, 11666, 66611 Seriously; Try ALL of those. If the password is not any of them, then the system probably has a random password for each box and is secure. But do not try 1234 and then give up. It is almost ALWAYS one of the above. If the password is 6 digits or more, don't bother.. There are other systems out there. Once you have hacked out your first box, do NOT change anything! Use this as your scanning box; when you scan boxes from inside another box, it will not hang up on you after 3 invalids. This makes scanning much easier. All the empty boxes you find most likely have the same password your box did when you hacked it out (so write it down, or make sure you remember it!). That's about it as far as VMB's go. There are many different types of systems, but in reality they're all the same. When hacking the password, just think stupid. And when scanning boxes, think logical. A few 1-800 voice mail boxes you can check out/hack: (Yes, I only scan numbers which are easy to remember. ) 1-800-TAK-PISS The password to EVERY box (including the sysop's box at box #100!) is "1111". I believe it's only up after 7pm, though, so I don't want it. (These bastards kept taking away my boxes anyhow) Fuck these guys over and take down their system; they piss me off. 1-800-TIT-SUCK Who knows. I didn't even scan this one.. But I know there are boxes on it. Tell me if you hack out one. 1-800-GET-MAIL Meridian Mail. I hacked out a box, but didn't like it.. I think that it is an internal system, meaning that only people with boxes can send messages. Fuck with it, tell me if you find anything useful. If you have any questions/comments, you can leave me a message on my VMB: 1-800-DART-801 (Hack, or even try to scan it and die.) Box Number : 837 That's all for now.. More to come. � Nereus '93 � <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ******************************************************************************* The Modernz can be contacted at: MATRIX KEEP BBS WOK-NOW! / World of Kaos NOW! / World of Knowledge NOW! St. Dismis Institute Sysop: Digital-demon (908) 905-6691 (908) WOK-NOW! 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