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No One Under The Age of 18 Should Read This Text! ^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^% SHE CAME, SHE SAW AND SHE CONQUERED I am a married professional woman whose career requires a lot of travelling. Although I enjoy sex with my husband, I use these trips as an opportunity to have sex with other women. I never have sex with professed lesbians. Oddly engough, I have amazing success in seducing other married women. The thought of a straight woman sucking on my cunt sends chills up my spine. Last fall I attended a convention in Kansas City. Across from the hotel was a large park with acres of grass and running trails perfect for unwinding after a long day. At the end of the second day of meetings I invited a cute, long-legged redhead back to my hotel to go for a run then out to dinner. Earlier in the day she had asked me how I stayed so fit. I had noticed her frequent glances at my breasts which looked enticing in the thin delicately designed bra that showed through my sheer, high-collar blouse. She attracted me immediately. Her skin was a pale cream color, with no freckles. She wore her deep auburn hair in a long french braid that highlighted her skin and made her look ultrafeminine. She was a classic! I had never wanted a woman more. Her hotel was nearby and I went with her to her room to grab her running gear plus an outfit for later. While she assembled her athletic wear, I volunteered to select her dinner outfit and picked a rich looking jersey dress. We took my rental car to my hotel and began to change our clothes. Married six years, she was five years younger than me and a natural beauty. She genuinely admired my body, which I took great pains to show off. Leaving my breasts exposed while I tied my shorts, I offered the bait and watched her eyes in the mirror as she furtively stared at my upturned nipples. Seizing the opportunity I threw her my jogging bra, stood topless in front of her, and asked her for assistance. Her face seemed to flush, but she continued to stare at my breasts as she slid the straps over my outstretched arms then over my shoulders. Offering no assistance, I turned, placing both hands behind my head, which forced her to reach around me to cup the material snugly around my firm breasts. She was obviously affected by touching them because I could feel her fingers tremble as she hooked the clasp. I resisted doing anything overt and appeared to be uninterested for the rest of the time she spent dressing. While we ran we talked about each of our marriages, and she mentioned the adverse affects of childbirth on her body. Lamenting the slight loss of firmness in her breasts from nursing, she was delighted to find out that I could teach her exercises so she could regain her form. But one positive change, she happily related, was the extreme sensitivity of her nipples since her pregnancy. Simply massaging them, she said, caused her to lose all self control. After our intimate talk we returned to the hotel room with a warm feeling of closeness for each other. Originally I had planned to start something after dinner, but our conversation emboldened me. I ordered a magnum of champagne from room service. Two glasses later, she began to slur her speech. Filling her glass, I offered to go through my chest exercises, a suggestion that she welcomed. Again I had her assist me. She pulled my wet tank top over my head and unhooked my bra. Involuntarily she responded to my slight complaint about its heavy straps by massaging the marks on my back. Mellowed by the champagne, I let her hands work on me for several minutes as I sat with my back to her facing the mirror on the dressing table. Telling her how good it felt, I slowly turned around to let her fingers follow the strap marks down the roundness of my chest toward my two rising mounds. Feeling that her modesty might break the mood if I allowed her to continue, I said "My turn." And then I raised a toast to her gentle fingers and told her to down the rest of the glass with me. I mumbled that I needed to remove the rest of my wet clothes and quickly slid my shorts and panties down my legs. I sat beautiful Peggy on the bed, knelt behind her, and pulled her top over her head. We were both facing the mirror so I could watch the expression on her face. Leaving her bra snapped I slid the straps down past her shoulders. The elastic was so tight it caused the material to pull hard on the tender skin of her areolas, which made her shudder as I slipped the bra to her waist. I began to rub the strap marks on her back, my gaze staying transfixed on her breasts. At least a full-C cup, they drooped only slightly. Her enormous, wide areolas almost covered each breast with thick nipples that were already erect. I told her how lovely they were as I massaged her shoulders. Her gaze didn't leave my breasts, however, and I gently pulled her back against me as I followed the strap marks to the swelling at the top of her chest. Slowly I described the effects exercise would have on her breasts, and I illustrated this point by brazenly cupping her two warm globes and squeezing them upward. "They will point like this," I said, pinching her nipples between my fingers and lifting them up so that the weight of each mound was suspended under her sensitive thimble-sized nipples. The effect was greater than I ever dreamed. Her nipples stretched by her heavy breasts caused her eyelids to flutter. I pulled each breast gently in opposite directions, toward her arms. I fought to stay in control and patiently milked each breast with each hand, which only enlarged her nipples more. The flush of physical excitement began to spread across her cream colored skin. Peg feebly tried to stop me. "Madeleine, I don't know if..." My hands never stopped kneading her warm flesh. "Don't, Madeleine. I can't control myself," she said. But I already knew that and I was determined to make her say more. She tried to push me away but her hands faltered as if they lacked the will to do so. "Peg," I whispered into her damp, red hair. "What do you like your husband to do with your breasts?" "He hurts my nipples," she replied in a dreamy, far-off voice. "Like this," I said, as I pinched the hard flesh between my red fingernails. She didn't have to speak, her body told me the answer as she writhed against me, mashing my own aching breasts into her back and raking her nails across the bedspread. "Madeleine, please..." she moaned. "Tell me, Peg," I said forcefully. "Does it feel good?" I pinched even harder. "Yes," she managed to mumble. "But please...no, I can't." She was giving in and we both knew it. "Does it make you wet when I pinch your nipples?" I asked. "Yes," she said. Her fingernails were now searing the skin on my thighs. "Tell me you don't want me to stop. Tell me you want me to suck you, like your husband." "No," she said. I insisted by dragging my fingernails harshly across both her nipples. "Tell me," I demanded. "Oh, yes...oh, oh, yes...I want it," she moaned. I pulled her back on the bed and lowered my mouth to her nipple. My own straining breasts now dangled only inches from her beautiful face. I sucked with abandon, nearly out of control with the idea that I was fooling around with another man's wife. With my head still facing her feet, I forced my body against hers to keep her squirming body from moving and felt her mouth, wet and warm, encircle my breast. The harder I kneaded and bit at her nipples, the harder she devoured my tits and raked my back with her nails. Her breathing was ragged, and she moaned with passion. She was totally out of control. Her running shorts were soaked in the crotch, and she squeezed her legs together to rub her clit. She was no longer able to resist me - even if she had wanted to. Pushing myself away from her chest, I slid my hand under her shorts and cupped the slick wet fur of her crotch. My middle finger found her lips. Sliding between those swollen guardians that seemed to float in hot oil, my finger plunged deeply into the softness of her vagina. New spasms contorted her body. Sliding my knees over her arms, I pinned them outward and positioned my cunt over her wild-eyed face. "Suck my cunt, Peg," I hissed, lowering my hips. She twisted her head to avoid them, but I ground my sweet wetness against her cheek, circling her face with the feminine smell of my sex, until at last I found her mouth and heard her moan as her tongue accepted my dominance and plunged deep into my vagina. I was so excited I came immediately. I wanted to taste her at the same time. I tore her shorts to one side, pulled her lips wide, and replaced my wet finger with my tongue. The added excitement of smelling her unwashed scent and the taste of her juices sent me through wave after wave of orgasms. "Peg....oh, sweet, sweet, Peg," I moaned over and over. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ Want to buy some Girl Scout cookies? One Saturday morning my wife had to work and so I slept in a little, until about 9:30. I got up and took a shower and just as I was finishing drying off, I heard the doorbell ring. I went to the front door, still naked, and opened it just a crack, not enough to let anybody see that I had no clothes on. A young girl about 11 or 12 years old was standing on the porch. She was holding a clipboard with some papers on it and had on a cute little summer dress. She said "Would you please buy some Girl Scout cookies from me?". Well she looked like such a cute young lady, how could I turn her down? "I don't see any cookies" I said to her. "You have to put in an order and I will deliver them to you, when they come in" she explained. She handed me the clipboard and I could see that it was an order blank for me to fill out. The door was still only open just enough for her to hand me the clipboard so I said "O.K. just a minute and I will take this in and fill it out". I carried it the few feet into the front room, put in down on the coffee table and started choosing the cookies I wanted. Suddenly I felt a little draft and I glanced over to the door and with a feeling of horror, I saw that it had blown open and she could see me sitting there naked. Then I didn't know what to do, jump up and run over and shut the door or what. She didn't look very surprised or shocked so I decided to act natural and pretend nothing was wrong. I didn't say anything to her and continued filling out the order blank. When I finished with the cookie order I glanced at her again and was shocked to see that she was staring at my cock with a little smile on her face. Well I think that child molesting is very sick and it is completely against my principles, but sitting there totally nude with her staring at me was more then I could stand. Against my will my cock started to get very hard. Now I really didn't know what to do. She was just standing there staring at my big hard on and almost without any concious thought my hand started stroking my cock. She then asked me "can I come in for a minute ?". I couldn't trust myself to say anything so I just nodded my head. She came in closed the door and walked over to me. "Did you finish with the form ?" she asked and again I nodded my head. She then reached out and touched the head of my dick and said "It's a lot bigger then my brother's". Obviously there was some incest going on in her family cause the next thing she did was pull up her short skirt and pull down her pink panties. I could see her beautiful bald pussy and I started jacking off faster. She sat down on my right leg and slid her pussy back and forth. "Can I touch it some more ?" she asked and didn't even wait for an answer. I was so hot already I was ready to come any second, so I took her hand and said "Just rub my balls for a minute". I pulled her dress off over her head so that I could see her little pussy against my leg. She had the beginnings of little breasts with pretty pink nipples that I started rubbing. She took her hand off my balls and stuck her fingers down by her cunt and started rubbing the outside of it. "Just a second", I said "I have a better idea". I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom and laid her down on the bed on her back. "What are you doing" she asked fearfully. "Don't worry, you will love this" I said as I spread her legs open and started eating her hairless pussy. It tasted wonderful and I had her squirming all over the bed. Before long she pushed me over on my back and sat on my face. I could hardly breathe, my nose was almost pushed up her asshole and her cunt was grinding on my mouth. Then I felt the most wonderful thing of all. She was taking my cock into her mouth. She couldn't get it in her little mouth very deep but it was plenty deep enough because I came almost immediately. She tried to swallow all my come, which surprised me for a girl that young. She still had a little dripping down her chin, which looked amazingly sexy. By this time we were both pretty sweaty and she had come on her face so I suggested a shower. We washed each other all over and while she was washing my ass she stuck her finger in my asshole for a second. I wondered where this little vixen had learned all she seemed to know about sex. When we finished drying off she told me that she had to go sell some more cookies. We went back out to the front room, she got dressed and picked up the clipboard. She walked over to the door and said "When I bring your cookies maybe I'll bring my 13 year old brother. He loves playing these kind of games". I got another hard on imagining watching her and her brother naked together. I sure hope my wife is working that day. #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ The following letter was published in the January issue of Penthouse Forum magazine: TAKE MY WIFE, HARD For Christmas, my wife Allie bought me an expensive toy, a camcorder. Little did she know that she would be my prime subject. I now have several hours of her on video: in suits, tight skirts, teddies, garter belts and stockings, and of course, in the raw. I had a big and daring video planned, but I needed her approval. Finally, after much begging and persuasion - and a promise that I would never ask her to do such a thing again - she agreed to be in the video I proposed. Through a friend of mine who manages an adult bookstore, I was able to get two guys who would treat my wife to some rough sex while I operated the camera. John and Max were very big, very strong men. They said they would be careful, but guaranteed to give Allie a workout that none of us would ever forget. On the appointed night, Allie and I waited nervously for them to arrive. As I readied the camera, Allie put on a white blouse, a red knee-length skirt and high heels. Allie may be forty-three, but she has the figure of a beauty pageant contestant. She's small on top, with a firm, round bottom and legs you could look at all day long. I heard the doorbell and let in John and Max. They introduced themselves to Allie and we chatted a bit. John was tall and on the skinny side. Max, who was black, was built like a pro football player. He was over six feet tall and must have weighed two hundred twenty pounds, all of it solid muscle. His chest and shoulders were massive. As I gave them instructions and told them what I expected, I could tell Max's mind was elsewhere. As he sat across from Allie, he was getting a good look under her skirt. Well, I thought, he'd be seeing a lot more of her soon. I turned on the camera and we got down to business. John, Max and Allie went to the bedroom. When I gave the signal, the men carried her to the living room, holding her tightly by the arms. I'd told Allie to put up a bit of a struggle, for effect. At one point, she jerked her arm so furiously that she freed herself form Max's tremendous grip. I could tell it was going to be a great video. John grabbed Allie form behind, pinning her arms to her side. Max quickly took her by the legs. They carried her to the couch and threw her onto her back. She attempted to get up, but she was like a fly in a spider web. I focused on John. With just one hand, he held Allie`s hands securely over her head. With his free hand he started to unbutton her blouse, then simply tore it away. He unsnapped the small clasp at the front of her bra. It sprang open to reveal her pert tits, the enormous brown nipples swollen with excitement. Max, at the other end, had worked her skirt up above her stockings. I zoomed in for a close-up of her creamy, bare thighs. Max rested his body over her ankles. That gave him the freedom to do what he wanted with his hands. And right now, each hand was busy caressing and fondling Allie's thighs, slowly working their way under her skirt. A quick movement caught my eye: John was still holding Allie, but now he began to unbuckle his belt with one hand. Unzipping his fly, he was able to wiggle out of his pants. Allie's eyes were on the bulge in his underwear. My wife didn't have to wait long to see the big six John was packing. Kicking his breifs to one side, John threw a leg over Allie. In a kneeling position he straddled her chest, his cock just inches from her mouth. He pinned her wrists to the couch, and gently slapped her across the face a few times with his hard cock. Allie tried to get his cock in her mouth, but he teased her and would never let it past her lips. Finally she turned away, but John reached down and turned her head to face him. Just then, she gave a short sigh of pleasure. I knew at that point that Max was up to something, so I tilted the camera in his direction. Max had removed Allie's panties, bent her legs at the knees, and lowered his mouth to her juicy cunt. I could smell its sweetness all the way across the room. I watched with a hard-on as Max tongued my wife silly. He kept her legs spread wide apart with his strong hands. When he pulled away for a moment,her pink slit was visible within the thick, jet-black hair that shrouded her pussy. Then Max's tongue disappeared again in the hot folds of Allie`s cunt. I couldn't keep up with the action. John already had his swollen cock in Allie's mouth. His strokes were hard, fast and sure. Each time he withdrew his wet tool, I watched with excitement as it slammed back into her mouth. I could tell she was doing everything possible to please him with her mouth and tongue. Max's head was bobbing up and down. I knew Allie was getting a good tongue-fucking. I saw her abdomen begin to jerk as her hips rose off the couch to meet his busy mouth. Suddenly her hips shot forward, and the muscles of her belly quivered in orgasm. I know from experience that as soon as Allie comes, she needs to rest a few minutes - she has told me the pleasure is so intense it is almost painful if she continues on. But this time, although she tried closing her legs and pushing him away, Max would not let up. His head continued to bob, and Allie had no choice but to endure the passion thrusts of his demanding tongue. Now it was John who was beginning to spasm. He threw his head back and filled my wife's mouth with come. She swallowed deeply each time he pumped out a little more juice. When he was totally drained, he pulled his dick out of her mouth. She tried to talk, but he silenced her and told her to stroke his dick with her hands. He was hard again in a few minutes and, pushing Max out of the way, sank his long bone into Allie's cunt. As John fucked Allie's pussy, Max took his turn at her mouth. His black, uncircumcised cock was a sight to behold. Thich and heavily veined, it glistened with Allie's saliva as she sucked it feverishly. I pulled the camera back to get them all in frame just in time to catch their orgasms on tape. They all came within seconds of each other. John emptied his load in Allie's cunt, Max rocketed straight down her throat, and Allie herself alternately screamed and giggled with the most powerful orgasm I've ever seen her experience. The big surprise was after the men left, Allie said she wouldn't mind doing it all over again. Perhaps I can convince her to work the camera while I go at it with a couple of sexy women. D.M., Madison, Wisconsin %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Sweet Sixteen by Misty Aragon Hi! My name is Misty, and I'd like to tell you about the most exciting experience I have ever had. It happened several years ago, when my twin sister, Jackie, and I were celebrating our sixteenth birthday... Jackie and I are nearly identical -- if you didn't know us really, really well, you'd never be able to tell us apart! We're 5'2", both right around 105 pounds. We wear our full, dark hair long, almost to our waists. We both have green eyes (Jackie's are a little lighter than mine) and an abundance of freckles. We're small-breasted, only 34C, and we both run track, so we have muscular legs and tight little butts. Our mom let us get away with pretty small bikinis, so we both shaved our pussys so the hair didn't poke out. Wanna know how to REALLY tell us apart? Catch us naked! Jackie has a tiny, diamond-shaped birthmark on her right ass cheek. 'Course, there's another way once you get to know us...just try to turn us on! Jackie will cum in half the time it takes me -- I know 'cause we've been eating each other out since we were 13 -- but once I reach my first orgasm it's like a string of firecrackers going off after that. Jackie always was the precocious one. She was the first of us to have an orgasm. It was Jackie that taught me how to finger myself (and her). Jackie came up with the idea of using our tongues on each other. And it was Jackie that first started our little game of "changing places" with each other's boyfriends, then telling each other about what happened as we giggled in our bedroom afterward. We delighted in seeing who could go the farthest with the other's boyfriend without actually doing it....or them catching on! Funny it should be me to be the first to go all the way! Especially since it was the guy Jackie most wanted to lose HER virginity to! We never really knew our Dad. He died in Viet Nam. I wonder sometimes what he was like, and how our lives would have been different if he were here. Mom never really got over him, I don't think. She drinks a lot, although I can't say I've ever seen her too drunk to function. She's had a lot of boyfriends, but never seems to stay with anyone for any real length of time. Mom has always been really tolerant of Jackie and me, even though we've pulled some really bad stunts from time to time. Mom threw a little party for Jackie and I for our sixteenth birthday. She was dating a guy at the time who was really awesome! Tall and muscular, Stan had sun-bleached blonde hair, broad shoulders and a perfect smile. He drove a 'Vette! Jackie and I flirted with him mercilessly, and he flirted right back. We would lie in bed at night, fingers feverishly working at our hot little twats, dreaming of him, until it got to be too much and I would go to Jackie's bed or vice versa. We had several of our friends over for the party, and had a great time. About the time all of our guests were leaving, Stan showed up. I think Jackie and I were both drooling! He was wearing a tiny pair of really, REALLY tight cutoff jeans and a loose-fitting tank top. He gave Mom a hug and a kiss, winked at us, and they took off for Mom's bedroom. We went to our room and turned on the stereo. Jackie flopped across my bed, wearing only a pair of bright blue bikini panties. I went to take a shower. When I came back out, wrapped in a towel, Jackie had stripped off the panties too, and had two fingers buried deep in her smooth-shaven pussy. She was covered with a fine sheen of sweat, and her hips were pumping. "Oh, Misty, sis, I'm so close and I can't come! Help me out?" "Sure, sis!" I dropped my towel and pulled her hand from her slit, spreading her lips wide, and began to slowly lap at her swollen little clit. Her hips rocked harder and her breath grew quick. "I'm gonna do it. If it's the last thing I do, I'm gonna do it, Misty..." I lifted my head for a second. "Do what, Jackie?" I sucked her love bump back between my lips, rasping lightly against it with my teeth. "I'm gonna....oh, shit, that feels good...I'm gonna f-f-f-fuck S-s-s-tannnnn....! Oh God, yeah, like that, uh..." She began to thrash violently on the bed and it was all I could do to keep my tongue in her as she had the biggest orgasm I've ever seen her experience. The sheet was soaked under her butt and my face was covered with her sweet juices. I felt my own pussy clench and grow wetter. "Oh, God, Misty, mmmm, thank you, darling sis...." She was asleep! Damn it! Right when what I really needed was her talented tongue on my clitoris! I dipped a finger into my hairless hole and rubbed myself for a while, but it seemed all I was doing was frustrating myself. Finally, I got up and slipped on a little red nylon robe. It barely covered my butt, but I figured, what the heck, nobody in the house was up anyway. I went to the kitchen to get a Coke. I opened the refrigerator and bent over to get the Coke from the bottom shelf. "Hi, Jackie," came a voice from behind me. "Nice view." I blushed from my toes to the root of my hair as I stood straight up and whirled around. "Ummm, uh, hi, Stan..." I managed to stammer. I hadn't seen him, sitting at the table drinking a beer in the dark. He had his shirt off and all I could do was stare at the muscles on his chest. I started to tell him I wasn't Jackie, then decided not to. I walked slowly over to the table. "I read the note you slipped into my pocket earlier," he continued. Note? What note? I smiled my prettiest smile at him. He stood up. Omigod, his shorts were off too, and his penis stuck straight out, hard as a rock. My mouth went dry. Without another word, he crushed me into his arms, his mouth seeking mine, his tongue probing into my mouth, his hand brushing aside the robe and caressing my breasts. YES!! I returned the kiss eagerly. Feeling impetuous, I reached between us and wrapped my small hand around his engorged cock. That was all it took. He lifted me onto the table and lay me back on it, the head of his cock prodding at my slit. One short stroke and the head was between my lips. Another and half the shaft dissapeared into me to a brief burst of pain. Then another and another and another and another and ecstasy overtook me as he pounded his length into me again and again. I was so lost in orgasm I don't think I even noticed when he pulled out and shot his hot semen onto my belly and breasts. Collapsing on me, he smothered me with kisses. "Oh, yeah, Jackie, that was great!" "Uh, Stan?" "Yeah?" "I'm Misty. C'mon...we'll BOTH go do Jackie..." Wish you could have seen the look on his face! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ PHOTO ASSISTANT by Christy I had been seeing Jake for about four months. He was a tall, handsome blonde with a great body, not to mention a very talented freelance photographer. The first time I went to his studio for a photo shoot was for a very sexy swimsuit/lingerie calendar of the California Blondes -- two identical twins named Shane and Sia. These two women looked like something out of a teenage boy's wet dream. They were both very tall, with a full mane of flowing blonde hair, long sexy legs, perfect asses and huge breasts. I had always been proud of my 38D chest, but these women made me look small. I couldn't help but stare as I saw them trying on sexy lingerie and skimpy bikinis. Jake was posing them in skimpy bathing suits for the first set. He had me help make each pose perfect by adjusting lighting and props. This also required my to touch up their make-up to remove glare from their taught muscles and the exposed portions of their full breasts. At first, I was thinking pretty seriously about my work until I saw Jake's massive hard-on begin to poke out from his skimpy cotton shorts. It had become quite obvious, to the models and myself, that Jake wasn't wearing underwear. Because Jake is very well endowed, it wasn't long before nearly four of his pulsing ten inches were poking out from cotton shorts. Jake finished another roll of film. "I think that's enough for today," he said. "Oh no it's not," Shane and Sia said in harmony. They quickly removed their bikinis and ran over to Jake. Sia grabbed the exposed portion of Jake's dick and tugged playfully. "We have another shoot to take care of." Jake looked at me red-faced and just shrugged. I was jealously initially, but the sexy scene was just too hard to resist. Shane strolled towards me and I could not take my eyes off her big firm tits as they jiggled. She helped my strip to my bra and panties. Then, she walked behind me and undid my bra, letting my breasts pour out. "Mmmmmmm," Shane moaned as she pressed her breasts against my back while massaging my tits. "Your nipples are very beautiful. I wish mine were as big and dark as yours." I didn't answer, enjoying the massage of her long, cool fingers on my stiffening nipples. Sia had removed Jake's clothes and gently pulled him by the cock over to the middle of the studio set. "Look sis. I landed a big one." Sia knelt down and began giving Jake the blowjob of his life, giving me a great view of the entire sexy scene. Shane had removed my panties and was squeezing my nipple and rubbing my clit at the same time. Soon all three of us were on the floor licking Jake's massive member. Three warm mouths were more than Jake could handle and his orgasm was building quickly. I instinctively grabbed his organ at the base and squeezed firmly. "Not yet lover," I whispered. Sia immediately straddled Jake and I put the head of his cock at the entrance to her wet pussy. Sia slowly wiggled herself down onto Jake's 10-incher. Meanwhile, Shane had straddled Jake's face, facing her sister. While Sia was thrashing furiously on Jake's huge dong, Shane was getting a tongue bath from him. "Hey. What about me," I said. Shane got up immediately and walked to her dressing room. She soon emerged with something I had not expected to see. She was wearing a strap on dildo that was easily longer and fatter than Jake's marvelous tool, and holding a tube of KY jelly. "We never travel without our toys," she said. We joined Jake and Sia who were fucking doggie style. Shane handed me the KY jelly and ordered me to give her "cock" a good lube. As I did, I could hear Sia screaming with her first orgasm. Shane then ordered me to kneel beside her sister, who was still being rammed relentlessly by Jake's massive cock. Before I could prepare myself, Shane rammed the lubricated dildo into my wet pussy. I nearly crumpled under her thrust, but soon propped myself up to meet her slow strokes. Sia and I turned to each other and kissed deeply as Jake and Shane continued their slow strokes. "Look at our huge cocks sliding in and out," Shane said to Jake lustfully. "Do you like me fucking your girlfriend as much as you like fucking my sister?" she asked. "Let's fuck them hard. Let's make them cum together. I want you to shoot your hot cum on both of them." Jake needed no encouragement and began to fuck Sia like a jackhammer. I could feel Shane's slender fingers grab my hips firmly as she also picked up her thrusting pace. Both Sia and I dropped our heads to the floor. We watched each other's faces twist with passion. Almost simultaneously we both screamed out with powerful orgasms. "C'mon Jake," said Shane. "Shoot your load all over them." With that, Jake pulled his huge member from Sia's pussy and shot long streams of cum on her back and in her blonde hair. Shane quickly grabbed his spastic member and shot more jism on my ass and back, rubbing it in with her other hand. We all collapsed in a sweaty pile. "That's the best shoot I've ever done," Jake said. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ A really nice massage The stars twinkled down from a crystal sky. The moon was just a sliver, illuminating nothing but making the shadows seem deeper. Four cars sat silent in the driveway. The windows of the house were dark. A hush had fallen over the scene. It was not long before the silence was broken by the whish-whish of footsteps moving through the tall grass. Two shadows broke apart from the others and moved to the side door of the garage. The taller of the two fumbled in his pockets for something. There was the jingle of keys and the door obediently swung open. The shadows dissappeared within. James flicked on the lights, blinding them both for a second. When Theresa could see again she surveyed the scene. "So, this is it?" "Yep." James said. "Be it ever so humble--and they don't come much more humble than this." The interior of the garage appeared to be a cross between a bedroom and a storage shed. Tools hung on the wall. By the door was a rather uncomfortable looking low bed with a bicycle parked next to it. Theresa noticed one of the tires was flat and smiled. No wonder he went into shock when it blew! At the other end of the garage stood a computer desk complete with mandatory computer and plenty of other stuff stacked on the shelves. Beside the computer stand was a large stack of white boxes. She could see comic book covers through the oval slits on the side. The rest of the room was hard to describe. Various pieces of furniture were stacked along the wall, and every horizontal surface had something stacked on it. So much was stuffed into such a small space that there was barely room to swing a cat. Fortunately there were no cats available anyway. Against the opposite wall a large standup freezer hummed contentedely to itself. Finally she said, "This isn't bad. It's a roof over your head." She looked up and saw something strange. A mason jar strung from a hook overhead with a cord running from it, nailed across the ceiling to a light socket with a plug in it. "What is that?" "Oh, you'll like this..." James reached up and plugged in the cord. Immediately the little jar lit up with colored points of light. Theresa gasped a little, in spite of herself. It was beautiful. Then James reached out and unscrewed the other ceiling lights just enough to put them out. The little jar cast a pale, subdued glow about the room, like a tiny galaxy all alone. Deep, mellow shadows surrounded them, making the room more cozy and warm. "That's beautiful." She said quietly. "Nothing special, just some christmas lights I stuffed in there. Works really well, I think." He moved behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders, gently massaging them and admiring the way the light brought out the highlights in her beautiful long brown hair. Theresa closed her eyes and smiled as a sigh escaped her. "That's nice." After a long moment James stopped, rummaging through a sack on the table. He pulled out a small plastic bottle. "I have to go get this heated up first. You could, um, get undressed while I do that." He pulled a towel from the dresser. "Is this fine?" "Perfectly fine." Theresa said, accepting the towel. "You go ahead and do that. I'll be waiting..." "Okay." James said, a little nervousness in his voice. He closed the door quietly behind him and a moment later she heard the back porch door open and close. Silly boy. What was he worried about? Theresa was surprised to find her heart was beating a little faster than usual. She sat down on the bed, testing it. Three inches of foam over a solid wood platform with a comforter on top. About as uncomfortable as it looked. Probably about right softness for a massage table, except it was too big and too low. Oh, well, James said it would work fine. She trusted his judgement. In the dim multicolored light she quietly undressed. Standing nude in the middle of a man's bedroom she felt a little vulnerable and shivered, gooseflesh running down her arms and legs. Not worried, though. She felt she knew James well enough to trust him. But one could not be 100% sure until the moment of truth. Well, guess what time it was? She shrugged off her concerns and laid down on the bed on her stomach. She positioned the towel over her back so it covered her from mid-thigh to her shoulderblades. Then she folded her arms and rested her head on them, waiting patiently. James returned several minutes later, bearing a large plastic bowl of steaming water in which the little bottle floated. He saw Theresa laying there on the bed, her skin given a lovely golden sheen by the mood light. His heart rate suddenly tripled as his mouth went dry. Jeez, get ahold of yourself, man! he scolded himself. Be cool. He set the bowl down quietly on the table. "Hi." "Mmmm." Theresa replied, enjoying the peace of the moment. James pulled off his shirt, asking her if she minded. "Mmmm-mm." she replied distantly, vaguely wondering why he had to ask so many questions. It was distracting. James worked his fingers a little to loosen them up. Not that he really needed to, but he did need to regain some of his composure. Having a beautiful young woman laying all but naked on his bed was a little unsettling. No matter, he would act professionally! After a moment he felt more assured. He fished the bottle out of the bowl and pulled the edge of Theresa's towel down to the middle of her back. He squirted some of the massage oil on his hands and rubbed them together. Then he placed both hands on Theresa's shoulders just on either side of the neck and went to work. This was not Theresa's first massage by any means, and she could tell that James hadn't had much practice. He used too much or too little pressure, but not enough to hurt or tickle. It was just uneven. Then she realized that while he wasn't experienced he was indeed talented and fingers instinctively sought out the tension in her muscles and worked them slowly out. It wasn't long before she felt like purring as his strong fingers slowly worked over her back muscles. Moving downward, downward... James was out of shape. By the time he reached the small of her back his fingers were aching. No problem. He oiled his hands again and gently placed the heels of his palms side by side along her spine. He slowly ran them up her back, putting a little weight behind them. He was rewarded with an "Oooohhh..." from her and did it again several times. The he pulled the edge of the towel back up over her back. The he swallowed hard and gingerly gripped the lower end of the towel, raising it up over her back. It was a sight worth dying for. Her ass was magnificent, and he just had to stop a second to admire the smooth lines of her form. She had great legs, too. Then, embarassed, he quickly reached for the bottle and oiled his hands some more, hoping she hadn't noticed the lapse. Theresa had noticed the pause and knew exactly what he was looking at. She blushed a little but she was also flattered. Her pulse quickened and she felt a warmth begin to spread out within her, starting out from a spot not too far from where he had been staring... James began working the muscles of her lower back with gentle strength. His fingers worked down over her hips and around until he had one beautiful cheek in each hand which he kneaded slowly. James wondered how she'd feel if she knew he had a massive erection. He doubted she'd be surprised. Theresa's warmth was quickly fanned into a flame by his gentle ministrations, though he didn't know it. Where he was touching and how he did it was incredibly erotic, and she hoped he'd spend extra time there. He did. It was with regret he moved on down to her upper thighs and worked one leg at a time with both hands. He moved slowly, working every square inch with great care. The fire soon cooled but by no means did it go out. For either of them. Finally he laid her other leg down and quietly said, "Okay, let's turn over." A gentleman to the end, he closed his eyes and picked up the towel. Theresa rolled over and took the towel from him, positioning it modestly. For a brief second she toyed with the idea of tossing it aside but better judgement prevailed. For the first time she saw the dim golden light wash over his bare chest, and saw how thin he still was, so long after his problems. A brief twinge of pity tugged at her heart, but it quickly quieted. Thin or not, he was still not bad looking... James opened his eyes to see she was looking at him. He smiled back as he began to work the muscles over her lower legs. Soon he was working up to her thighs. He raised the edge of the towel as high as he could. His eyes were well adjusted to the light and he couldn't help noticing a few pubic hairs poking from beneath the edge of the towel. He kept his face bland in case she was watching him (he didn't want to look) and concentrated on gently knotting the muscles of her thighs. Theresa's eyes were closed as she concentrated on the powerful sensation of his hands moving slowly up to her crotch. The fire had returned and she felt her hips moving slightly in rhythm with his hands. When his hands had moved all the way up one finger accidently (was it an accident?) brushed between the lips of her vagina and made direct contact with her clitoris. She shuddered at the explosion of pleasure from the direct core of her being and he stopped suddenly. She knew he knew what had happened. Eyes still closed, she waited to see what he would do next. Oh, shit, James thought. It was an accident (wasn't it?) but he felt he had messed everything up. He felt it was a violation of trust and for a second he considered calling the whole thing off. But no, if she didn't say anything then why mess it up? She had promised to squawk if things got uncomfortable and he didn't doubt she would. He pulled the hem of the towel down, with more than a little regret. Then he gently worked the muscles of her hand. How tiny it looked in the palm of his hand! For a brief moment he was flooded with an emotion that had nothing to do with sex, then he got back in control. All the trust she had placed in him seemed represented by her limp hand in his, and he suddenly felt fiercely protective of her. Oh, knock that shit off! he scolded himself again. He had no business feeling this way. Put it away and concentrate on the work at hand. He gently kneaded the muscles of her forearm and upper arm, and then leaned over to work the other one. Finally, he placed his thumbs on her temples and massaged the muscles there. Then he sat back, massaging his own aching hands. He needed to build up the muscles more if he did this often. He hoped he would be doing this often. A long moment of silence stretched between them. Finally Theresa stirred and sighed. "That was wonderful." "I do try." James said, reaching down to gently stroke her arm. He ran his fingers lightly up to her throat. She tilted her head back as he traced the line of her jaw. A smile crossed her lips, small but very, very large in meaning. Almost before he knew what he was doing, James leaned down and kissed her. Their lips met for an endless passionate moment that ended much too soon. When they parted he saw she was looking up at him, and he knew she was feeling the same things as he. Theresa reached up and caressed his chest. "That was nice. Let's do it again." So he kissed her again, their tongues meeting in an intimate embrace. This time he didn't break contact, but instead traced his lips down her jawline to the hollow of her throat. She giggled a little at the tingling sensation this caused. Nor did he stop there. Taking his time he explored the lovely lines of her collarbone, then moved down with slow, exquisite deliberation. He moved the hem of the towel down until both her breasts were left exposed. The nipples stood up stiff and hard. He took one in his mouth and the other in his hand. Theresa gasped and squirmed at the waves of pleasure that swept over her. He used teeth and tongue gently to bring her to ever higher plateaus. Her hands roamed over his back, sometimes clenching and leaving light scratches. After a while James stopped. With a contemptuous flick of the wrist he whipped the towel away. Theresa was startled by the action but his smile reassured her. With his mouth he travelled down her belly, pausing a moment at her navel. Then onward again, down to the dark triangle of her pubic hair. The hair was very soft and he rubbed his face against if for a minute, wondering what she must think of that. He moved downward a little more, teasing her inner thighs with little licks and nibbles. With a gentle hand he parted her thighs and brought his mouth to the very center of her pleasure. His tongue flicked out and teased the folds of flesh, then moving in between them, quickly finding that one very special spot... More waves of pleasure, much more intense than the first, threatened to overwhelm her senses. Theresa gasped and shuddered, astonished at the intensity of the feelings. Within moments the pleasure had advanced to true sexual lust that began to build and swell. Relentlessly he drove her to the point of orgasm, and with a jolt she came with more force than she imagine possible, the pleasure exploding in a trillion fragments of feeling, filling her entire body with a shudder. A long moment her body tensed, muscles hard as iron, then all tension drained out like water and she collapsed on the bed, utterly exhausted. James collapsed beside her, holding and stroking her gently. In a breathless voice she said "My God. How did you...?" He shrugged. "I'm not really sure, actually. I just go ahead and do it." "You sure did it right." she hugged him close to her, muscles still shivering from the release. She felt his hardness press against her stomach, still covered by his jeans. She tugged at his belt and said, "Considering the intimacy of the moment, aren't those kind of out of place?" Without a word James stripped off his pants and hugged her close again. The feeling of skin against skin was exquisite. Her breasts pressed hard against his chest, generating more sexual heat. She was surprised how fast she was recovering, and how much she wanted more. She roamed over his ass with her free hand, feeling it's firmness. He was doing roughly the same thing, she noticed. Then she reached around and grasped his erection, a little surprised at its size and hardness. She pressed her hips against his and was more surprised at the spark of sexual energy that exploded in her. There was just one little detail that needed taking care of. "So, where do you keep the, um..." "Um's the word." James chuckled, reaching somewhere over her head and pulling open a drawer. He retrieved a small cellophane package which he tore open with more than a little difficulty ("Damn high-security bulletproof plastic!"). From the package he triumphantly extracted a condom. "I knew it was in there!" After they stopped their nervous giggling he offered it to her. "Would you like to do the honors?" She gingerly took the condom and placed it over the tip of his penis, slowly rolling it down along it's rigid length. The pale rubber stood out against the golden sheen of his skin and it looked damn funny, producing more giggles. Then they embraced again, until he rolled over on top of her. Their eyes met, and he once again thought about how dark and mysterious and beautiful her eyes were. In a soft voice she said, "Please be gentle." "Have I been anything but?" He silenced her fears with a last, lingering kiss. Then he positioned his penis and slowly, slowly inserted it. Then he was all the way in and grinding his hips against hers. For Theresa the pleasure returned, faster and more intense than before. It felt so damn good to have him inside of her, so right! She never wanted it to end. James thrust slowly in and out, propped on one elbow and running his free hand along her bare side. He felt her moving under him in time to his movements and her breath was warm on his cheek. It was a passing moment of great power and beauty. He wished it could last forever. But of course nothing lasts forever. Too soon, it seemed, the pleasure built in both of them until orgasm was inevitable. They came together in a fury of gasps and moans, holding each other so tightly as to almost become one, poised for one brief and glorious second on a much higher plain than this one before returning to the real world elated and exhausted. Silently they lay together for a long, long time, enjoying the warmth and closeness and each other's touch. Quietly, Theresa said "Thank you." "Well, thank you too." James whispered, hugging her tightly to him. Again, the silence. Eventually he spoke. "Theresa?" "Yes?" she mumbled, somewhere between waking and sleeping. "There's something I been wanting to tell you. I-" he froze. "What?" she looked up at him, awake now. "I-" he started again, "Um-" he continued, finally he shook his head and finished lamely, "I guess I must be tired." She turned away, dissapointed. "Me too." Maybe later he would be able to say what he was feeling. Maybe. But she did not have much energy left for wondering, and soon both of them were deeply asleep... !@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@ The Longest Time ---------------- I have wanted to do this for the longest time. In my bag I have four lengths of fabric--oh, and a darker one, for your eyes. Could I simply darken the room? I could, but I want to watch you, watch the responses of your body and your face. I want to see how I affect you. I want to watch you as I move above you. Yes. Take off your clothes. Do you know what I have planned? Have you known all along? You must have known; as I said, I've wanted this for a long time, even told you so. Until now, I've felt the slightest timidity, but I think I can overcome that. Some things are a bit more powerful than average, everyday shyness. Take off your clothes, then, and lie down on the bed. Slowly--I want to watch you, darling. As you pull your shirt over your head, I see the smooth skin of your chest and the pinkness of your nipples. As always, I am gripped by the urge to touch that smoothness, that pinkness, and to hear the breath catch in your throat. But not yet. For now I am only watching, directing you, instructing you in what you must do. Must do? Yes. Must. You tease me sometimes, tell me that I should be more dominating. As you wish, my love. Take off your shorts, now. You bend over to push them aside and your hair comes down over your shoulders, covering your face from my view. But you are probably smiling, yes, I think you're smiling. You push them down and straighten, kicking them off. As you stand I am struck once again by the power of your beauty, and the ridiculous feeling of weakness that takes me as I look at you, naked before me. The novelty of being at my command has intrigued you; I can see that much with the stiffening of your cock as you stand, being watched. Being consumed. I want you all. And, oh, I want to touch you. But I won't. I won't. Not yet. I want to tease you, tease myself. Better to turn my head away and allow you to arrange yourself before I give in to the compelling urge to feel that flawless, pale skin under my hands. Lie down. No compromise in my tone as I tell you this. You are indeed at my command, since you offer no protest, no questioning look. You lie down on the bed, glancing at me, wondering how to orient yourself to suit me best. I like this attitude. You realize that I am in charge. I tell you to lie on your back, with your arms and legs spread out. I wonder if this can be comfortable for you, and you are quick to assure me that it is. You seem a bit eager. Eagerness? Oh, no, that won't do at all. Instructing you to remain still, I retrieve the lengths of fabric and the blindfold, making sure that it is clear to you what I plan to do. Arms first, I think. I tie one end of the fabric to your arm, and the other to the bedframe down at your sides. Just enough tension, now. No motion and no discomfort. Perhaps I am not harsh enough--in taking my pleasure I want to provide yours. I tie first one arm, and then the other. I am careful to touch you as little as possible. That will come later. I arrange your legs to be tied, bent slightly at the knee and spread apart. One end around the ankle, the other around the bedframe as before. Secure. I step back to survey my handiwork. What a clever craftswoman I am! You lie there on the bed, watching me, perfectly arranged. What a nice picture you would make. Does being so helpless, so much at my mercy, distress you? I don't think so. Your body tells me that you are entirely comfortable with the situation. But do I want you to be comfortable? I do like to keep you just a bit off-balance, my dear-- So I retrieve the blindfold, once again assuring that you know my intentions before I begin to fasten it around your eyes. Your face takes on an expression of disappointment, but you are wise enough not to offer any verbal complaint. I take your slight grimace as a compliment. I would want to watch if I were in your place. After tying the cloth around your eyes and assuring myself that you cannot see me, I allow myself the indulgence of touching your face, the face that I love to watch in all its moods--amusement, concentration, sincerity, and, now, the smallest hint of frustration. Just as I had planned. I begin to speak softly to you. Does the sound of my voice speaking of such things excite you? The blindfold allows you to listen without distraction to the things I say to you, and I hope my words are eliciting some vivid images for you to consider. "Do you know how deliciously vulnerable you are right now, darling? Your whole body is fair game, you know. Perhaps I could begin with my usual, gradual approach, kissing your mouth as I draw my hands down over your collarbone and down onto your chest, brushing over your nipples with my fingers. Squeezing them gently between my fingers as I rub my cheek against the smoothness of yours. "But what if I tried something different? I could move straight to your nipples with my mouth, closing my lips around one, then the other, a more direct approach. Teasing you with my tongue, sucking gently, then harder, or lightly nipping at you with my teeth. Touching them with the lightest of touches, brushing them back and forth over the wetness that my mouth has left there. "Plenty of options here, really. What if I were to take your cock in my hands first, feeling the velvety skin there as I gripped you, feeling the way your body would jerk in surprise as I stroked the sensitive head with my fingertips. I could wrap my hands around you and stroke you, gently, as I've watched you do it. "Or--and I am partial to this method--I could simply take you in my mouth. I'd like to feel you resting on my tongue, tighten my lips around you, and move as I know you'd want me to, taking you deep into my mouth and sucking as I advanced and withdrew." But these are just ideas, and perhaps I won't even voice them. I have a suspicion that you are already considering them as I watch you. I like to think that I understand most of your desires. I know that I am willing to gratify them-- But now you will gratify mine. I begin to undress, describing the process to you as I do so. First my shirt, over my head, the fabric brushing against my nipples as I remove it, exciting me. My shorts, now, then my panties, which have already become slightly damp simply from the sight of you and from the thoughts I have been entertaining. You can't see me as I stand here above you, naked and eager for your touch. The thought excites me even more, and I begin to taunt you a bit. "My whole body is ready for you," I tell you softly, "but you aren't in much of a position to help. It's really too bad." I tell you how my nipples are hard already, as I think about the feel of your tongue and your lips as you kiss them. I tell you about the deep ache that has begun between my legs as I think about the firm, gentle touch of your fingers. I tell you about the warmth and the wetness of my cunt as I imagine the feel of your cock as you enter me at first, that fine first feeling of being spread wide apart. And what a wicked girl I am! I delight in knowing that you are becoming more and more frustrated as I speak to you, telling you all about how willing and ready I am--I delight in hearing the breath come faster and in watching the slight unconscious movement of your hips. As if in apology for my glee at seeing you so helpless, I bend to kiss you, careful to keep my body from touching yours. I kiss your cheek and you turn your head to catch my mouth with your own. A breach of discipline, yes, but not a serious one, and one I reproach only by seeking the other cheek and not your mouth that waits for the attention of mine. I take your face in my hands and hold you still, gently, for that seems to be necessary. I bend and kiss your lips, stroking your face as my tongue seeks yours. You seem to understand that I am in charge, that you are not to be the aggressor tonight. You return my kiss, but with a docility that is unusual in you. I like it. I believe I may be developing a taste for control. I kiss down your neck, not the lingering, trailing kisses that are my preference , but deep, random kisses that leave some doubt as to where the next will fall. I choose each spot carefully, deliberately. I want you to understand that you are an important subject, one to be studied with some concentration. As if by accident, I allow my breasts to press against you briefly, moving away after only a few seconds of contact. Then my hands move down from the softness of your cheeks to your chest, to grasp your nipples suddenly. The unexpected firmess of my touch surprises you, and you whimper softly. Was that a protest? Am I hurting you? Oh, no. I know the way to touch you. My lips form a kiss at the base of your throat as my fingers stroke you more tenderly, just my fingertips across the hardened pink points. I trail my tongue down the hollow of your throat and down your chest, and bring my mouth down onto your right nipple first, the less sensitive one. I tease you with my tongue, still touching you with my fingers on your other side, moving one in concert with the other. I flutter the tip with my tongue as I rub you swiftly and lightly with my fingers. Then, an abrupt change as I switch sides. The wetness under my fingertip seems to excite you as I take your left nipple in my mouth. As I begin to suck you, I squeeze you with my fingers and I feel the movement of your hips. Now, you know you are not allowed to move. I didn't say so, but I shouldn't have had to. I move away from you. "Don't move," I command, and your motion stops. And I look at you, the long, extended boy stretched out there on the bed. I take in the slight flush of arousal across your chest, the nipples that are a deeper pink than usual, and the stiff cock that juts out and demands attention. I haven't touched you there yet. Shall I now? Shall I take you in my hands and stroke you, feeling the drop of wetness that has formed at the tip, then extend my tongue to lick you? Shall I draw the head of your cock across my tongue, hard, causing your breath to come fast and the wordless sounds to form in your throat? Shall I take you in as far as I can, allowing your cock to approach the back of my throat? Oh, not yet. No, not yet. I bend to remove the blindfold from your eyes, and you blink at the brightness. Your eyes meet mine and I see that you are enjoying this little game, though your eagerness to have it over is apparent. You want to be inside me, I think. Oh, not yet. I stand in front of you and bring my hands down my body, touching myself as you might if you were able. Down over my breasts, but not yet lingering there, and down my hips, over my thighs. Back to my breasts, now, rubbing my nipples with my palms. I have wanted your touch there, but my own will do for now. I tease myself with my fingers, touching myself as I had touched you a moment before, very lightly with my fingertips. I squeeze my nipples gently, cupping first one breast, then the other, as you watch me. Wouldn't you rather be touching me now? I play with my nipples for a long time, imagining your hands on my body, simulating your touch. I lick my fingertips so I can imagine that your mouth is there-- It isn't a perfect substitute, but it is enough, more than enough, to intensify the feeling of heaviness between my legs. I hope you won't mind; I think I should sit down for this. I arrange myself between your legs that have been spread wide so you can watch me, placing my legs across yours and tilting my hips up. I reach down and, with a single finger, trace along the outer lips of my cunt, touching myself as lightly as I can bear to, enjoying the warm feeling that begins to spread. Then I begin stroking the slick inner recesses-- I surprise myself by the heat there, and by the way my touch makes me tremble. Part of that is knowing that you're watching me. No blindfold allowed for this. I use my fingers to spread some of my moisture up to my clit, which is swollen and stiff with excitement. I am still toying with my nipples, first one, then the other, as I stroke myself with one finger. As the pressure builds, I force myself to stop, though it is almost impossible-- I am about to come, and, oh, I want to, but I also want to save that for you. In appreciation for being such an entertaining plaything. I still haven't touched your cock, and looking at you reminds me how much I'd like to. I arrange myself so that I am kneeling between your legs, and I take you in my mouth. The direct approach, you see. And you know I love to lick you, to tease you, to hear the sounds you make as I excite you further. I take you in my mouth as deeply as I can, guiding you in with my hands that are still wet with my own moisture. I feel your body move as I fuck you with my mouth, pausing occasionally to draw my tongue over the head, to grasp you with my hands, or to stroke down behind your balls. I won't make you come, not this way, but it is delicious to have this kind of power over you. The power to please, or the power to torment. I prefer to please and to torment, I think. Abruptly I let you slide from my mouth, just as I know your excitement is building. I move up between your legs to take one of your nipples in my mouth again. Your cock brushes against the valley between my breasts, and my nipples are stimulated by the feel of the coarse, curly hair there. You are ready for me, I know, and I am almost ready for you. I straddle you and lower myself so that your cock is situated not inside me but along my cunt, so I can use you as I please. I guide you with my hands, stroking my clit with the tip of your cock, moving my hips so that I can feel the entire length of you. I move back and forth, exciting myself almost to orgasm again, until I realize that you are moving with me. You're ready. You are, and so am I. But one last thing-- Ignoring your sigh of disappointment, I move myself up so that your mouth can meet me with ease. You know what is expected of you, and you seize the opportunity, licking me and forcing your tongue into me as I caress my breasts again. I imagine that you can taste me, and I wonder vaguely whether you like it, but it is difficult to concentrate on any coherent thoughts as you begin to suck on my clit. Oh, and I know I have to move soon, because I don't want to come until you're inside me. You know that sometimes I move away after I've come, because the pleasure is simply too intense. This time, though, I retreat beforehand, and it is pure torture. I don't care about being in charge anymore--I have to get you inside me. I resume my position of earlier and come down hard upon you. As soon as you are within me I begin to come. Can't help it. I've been ready for a long time, now. I'm not moving yet. Just the feel of your cock, hard and solid, is enough. You're smiling at me. I'm not sure I like the smugness of that smile, my love. As soon as the last tremors of my orgasm subside, I move away from you, slowly, and let your cock slide out of me. Your look of deprivation assures me that you have been adequately reminded who is on top. Good. Such reminders can be neccessary sometimes. But I have to smile at your eagerness, an eagerness that I share. I take you inside me again, feeling you deep, moving slowly, agonizingly slowly, onto and off of your cock. I move as you would want me to, because now I am concerned not so much with controlling you as pleasing you. And usually your hands would come to my hips, guiding me, moderating the speed of my motions. I retain some control, then, as I fuck you, placing my hands on your chest to caress your skin. Your hips are coming up to meet mine, and I make no protest. It's time. The feeling of pressure begins to build inside me again as you move with me, and I am coming again. Now I am the one who is helpless, because at this moment I am lost to the feeling of release and the rocking of your body. After I recover somewhat, I resume my motions in earnest, and I know that you are about to come as well. I know the signs by now. I increase the attention to your chest, stroking the skin there, gently massaging you and feeling the hardness of your nipples. As your body stiffens and your orgasm begins, I squeeze your nipples, hard, and I know that I have pleased you. I can feel your body moving, hear your breath and your surprised gasps, and I can feel you, hot and explosive inside me. I bend to kiss your nipples as you begin to relax. The stiffness leaves your body as you thrust up to meet me for a last few times, and my hands come up to your face to caress you as I lay my body against yours for the first time since we began. I think you would put your arms around me if you could. Soon. Soon--right now I want to lie and listen to your heartbeat. And remember that it was I who caused this. And remember who is in charge. ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ Summer Love I was lying back on purple satin sheets, with a full moon bathing the room in its soft glow, a warm summer breeze gently flowing over my lightly tanned skin and the tinkling sound of wind chimes soothing both body and soul. I stretched my arms out over my head, feeling my breasts rising with every breath, little goose bumps covering my flesh, and my nipples thickning with every heartbeat. My legs were stretched out long, slightly apart, tingling with anticipation. The kisses started ever so softly at first - barely noticeable, little warm puffs of breath against the insides of my thighs. My back arched with the sensuous feeling of my flesh being sucked between soft, warm lips. Hands gliding over my hips and belly and over the swell of my breasts, moving ever so gently over sensitive nipples. I sighed as a wave of pleas- ure shot through me, a flush of warmth moving into my vagina, bringing with it a welcome ache of desire. The kisses continued moving from one thigh to the other, creeping ever closer to my pussy, teasing, tickling, telling me more was to come, but later; there was time. With every kiss, every pulling motion of soft skin between warm lips, every lick of a wet tongue across my sensitive skin, I felt my breathing deepen, my heart pound harder, faster, and the surface of my skin become more and more sensitive to nuances of touch. Finally the kisses were on the edge of my pussy, sucking softly on the skin in the crook of my leg, brushing the soft hair between my legs now moist with pleasure. A kiss here, a kiss there, nibbling on my engorged lips, sucking gently on the nub of my clitoris, slow, easy, taking me to the edge, but never over, never high enough to let loose the explosive passion that was aching to bust out of the calm, sensuous exterior I dis- play so well. The slow, playful attention felt so good. A deeply intense pleasure was building gradually, filling my entire body with warmth as I edged ever so slowly toward fulfillment. The long, full kisses on my vagina, kisses that took in all of me - sucking gently the flesh of my pussy, rolling around and around, tongue-probing me, teasing me, entering me again and again as I arched my back and spread my legs ever further, opening myself up for an even deeper embrace. I expected the end to come in a rush, but instead there was a pro- tracted sense of pleasure that seemed to suspend me in a timeless void where all I felt was one long sweeping wave of pleasure that began in my vagina and radiated out, flooding my entire body. It wasn't the pulsing explosion I expected; it lingered, seeming never to end. And when it was over, I reached down and pulled that beautiful face, blonde hair all mussed up, toward mine and held that warm body close to me, burying my face between two soft breasts and thanking my lover for the wonderful gift of pleasure. ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() New Best Friends We had met Carol and Jim at the party on Friday night. They seemed like such a cute couple. We exchanged phone numbers and promised to get together for dinner and good conversation in the near future. You really thought Carol was cute and frankly I did too. I guess I've always wanted to make love to a woman and she was just the type that attracted me...small, cute, beautifully shaped breasts...she seemed like a little doll. We even fantasized with each other before we went to sleep that night...but it was just fantasy. The next day Carol called and invited us over to their mountain home for some nice conversation. Somehow as we drove up the hill, I had a funny sense of anticipation...this was not going to be a normal type of get together. When we arrived, Carol answered the door and was clad only in a short terrycloth robe and had on white lace stockings and white bikini pants. Her robe was not pulled tightly around her and when she leaned forward I could see the nipples on her beautiful breasts. She invited us into the living room where Jim was sitting also in a robe. I had the feeling that he had nothing on underneath. Carol showed us around their beautiful home and then we all sat in the living room talking. Jim then uncrossed his legs and let his robe fall partially open. I caught sight of a beautifl huge cock that was semi erect. Carol was sitting by you and I noticed that as she talked she would occasionally put her hand on your leg and stroke upwards towards your groin. I could tell that you were getting excited and wondering what they had in mind. Carol then got up and turned the TV/vidio on and there was a really sexy X-rated movie playing. Carol and Jim began to comment on the scenes and talking about their fantasies. Then they asked us what ours were. I found myself telling them that I had always wanted to make love to another woman....I felt that I really understood the female body and could please a woman...maybe even better than a man. With that I saw Jim open his legs further and move his hand down to stroke his cock. It seemed that the thought of two women making love really turned him on. Carol said "ooooooh...that sounds like fun"! Carol then suggested that I come upstairs with her while she checked on something. When we got upstairs, she invited me to change into a robe she had and to take a shower if I wanted to. By now I was sure that something was going to happen but I didn't know how far everything would go. I was tired and decided that the shower would give me a few minutes to collect my thoughts. I stood under the warm, running water and tried to imagine making love to her and possibly being made love to by Jim. It sounded exciting and taboo. I finally stepped out of the shower and as I was drying off, I caught sight of Carol watching me in the mirror. She came over to me, took the towel, and began to gingerly dry me off taking great time and pleasure in rubbing my breasts. Then she lowered her head an$ began sucking on them with great passion. I could feel myself getting instantly dripping wet. She then handed me a robe and suggested that we join you and Jim downstairs. I wondered what you two guys had been talking about while we were gone. You were still fully dressed and Carol went over immediately to you and began undoing your shirt. Your wonderful hairy chest looked so good in the subdued lighting and I could see the buldge in your pants begin to rise. Jim meanwhile joined me on the thick, plush carpet and opened my robe. He began to suck on my breasts and his hands quickly found my wet pussy. He quickly entered it and began to rub my "G" spot with an intensity that I thought would make me come immediately. By now Carol had you down to your cute bikini shorts and when she lowered those, I saw your wonderful, huge cock was sticking straight out and fully erect. She sat you down on the couch and then kneeled between your legs. She took your wonderful cock between her lips and then began to suck on you with a passion. I saw your eyes close and thought that you were so excited you might come too quickly. Then you opened your eyes and looked at me....I smiled to let you know that strangely I didn't feel jealous but instead was really enjoying watchi[5your reaction to this cute woman enjoying your wonderful cock. Meanwhile...Jim was going down on me and he really knew what he was doing. But I didn't want to come yet...I wanted to make all this excitement last a little longer. Suddenly Carol stopped and stood up. She led you over to us and you both laid down next to Jim and I. Then she mounted you on top and you slipped your very erect penis inside of her. She began to move very slowly and then began to pick up speed. She moved her hips faster and faster and you closed your eyes in ecxtasy. I knew you were close to coming. I saw her hips move faster and faster and then I saw your back arch up as you began to shoot all your wonderful love juices into her. You moaned loudly as the energies flowed into her. Then I saw your body totally relax as she still sat astride you. I knew she hadn't come yet. Carol then looked over at Jim and I and leaned down to take a breast of mine into her sweet mouth. You then got up and came to the other side of me. Each of you had one of my breasts in your mouth while Jim frantically sucked and licked my clit. I had never had such exciting sexual attention....but all I could think of was making love to Carol. I finally rolled over and gently pushed Carol onto her back. I briefly kissed her sweet breasts then lowered myself between her legs. I began to slowly and sensously kiss her clitoris. I knew that you and Jim were watching us intently and Jim moved where I could see him begin to stroke his now erect penis. Soon he moved behind me and positioned himself against me. He reached down and placed his wonderfully hard penis inside of me and immediately began hard, deep thrusting. You came over and began to kiss Carol's lips and breasts while I continued to kiss her sweet, small pussy. Soon she began to moan and she was thrusting her wetness upwards into my face. I felt and tasted her juices all over my lips, cheeks and chin. Suddenly she let out a very loud moan and lifted up. Her whole body seemed momentarily rigid and then she began to shudder. Then it seemed she couldn't be still...I increased the intensity of my tongue on her clit and she began wildly moving around in an effort to escape the intense feelings of pleasure and almost pain of cumming and pressure on her clit. I wouldn't stop. Finally she relaxed and fell back on the carpet. Soon I felt Jim increasing his speed and hardness and then I felt his hot wet juices squirting into my wet pussy. I looked at you and saw that watching Jim fuck me was really exciting to you. You leaned down and started kissing my lips as Jim finished me in that doggy fashioned style. When Jim layed down also exhausted, you mounted me and put my legs up on your shoulders. You began to drive your cock deep into me with such a speed and passion as we have never known. I reached up and began to squeeze your nipples....your eyes closed in exctasy and I knew you were very close to coming. I felt my own passions rising and then I felt my nipples get hard and I began to come. My hips were frantically rising up to meet yours as you continued to pound into me. I came longer and harder than I have ever come before and I knew that the sounds of my moans were driving you to a peak of excitement. Then I heard you begin to whisper my name. I squeezed your nipples even harder and I could feel you start to shoot your wonderful love juices into me. It felt hot and wet and I was surprised how wet we both were. We all laid back exhausted and started to laugh. It felt so good and so right. We all just laid together and hugged each other. Later that night when we left, we promised to call each other for another get together very soon. 123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123 Tami and the Neighbor Tami was a sweet little girl of thirteen. Brown-haired and brown-eyed, she was quite a pretty sight. Mature, too. That's how this story came about... Tami's next dorr neighbor's name was Ron. He was in his mid to late twenties, and married to a gorgeous blonde. The families were quite good friends, and since Tami's mother was a bit overprotective, whenever she went out, she would want her daughter to go next door. So, one day, Tami's mom went shopping, and she went next door to hang out for a couple of hours. She knocked on the door, and it was promptly opened by Ron. "Hi, Ron. My mom's going out. Can I come in?" "Sure, Tami." She stepped in and Ron closed the door. As they walked to the kitchen, Ron said, "I was just having something to drink. Want anything?" "No, thanks. Where's Bonnie?" "Oh, she's out. Buying clothes, or something. She won't be back for a while. Have a seat." They both sat down at the kitchen table, Ron sipping from a beer can. They talked for a bit, and soon there was a lull in the conversation. Tami broke the silence. "Hey, Ron. I think you're cute." It wasn't a comment that was out of the ordinary. The two of them had a pretty silly relationship, and joking around like this was pretty common. "Well, I think you're cute, too." "Yeah, well, I think you're a hunk." "Yeah, well, I don't think you're a hunk!" She giggled. "That's good. I didn't want to be." Ron smiled in response. But this conversation made him think about something that had been disturbing him for quite some time. Tami was getting quite good-looking, and over the past few months, he had often found himself strongly attracted to her. Like now. She had just changed position on the chair, and was now hugging her knees. Under her loose, white skirt, between her feet (which were slightly apart), he could see her panties. He began to fantasize about her spreading her legs, begging him to rub every inch of her body. Now he was getting hard. She would sit in his lap... "Hey, want to play checkers?" she asked. The question brought him out of the trance with a suddenness that blew his mind. 'What am I thinking?' he asked himself. 'I have a beautiful, intelligent, caring, fun wife, whom I love, and yet this little girl drives me insane. Am I insane?' "No, checkers is to easy and stupid. Play a game of chess with me." "Okay," Ron obliged. He mentally beat down his hard-on - basically so that she wouldn't notice, and also to satisfy himself that he was still thinking reasonably. He got up to get the chess set. Ron had tought Tami chess a few years ago when he moved here. Now, that and checkers were their favorite pastimes. She had such an interest in them (well, just chess now - apparently she now realized that nobody who's not a kid plays checkers anymore). She was good too, but of course, Ron could kick her ass any time he felt like it. They set it up on a small table in the den. Ron let her take a few pieces in the beginning, but then began to toughen up. The sight of her, beaming when she captured his bishop, playfully angry when he took her knight, relieved when she figured out how to save her queen from certain demise, set his mind wandering again. She was...cute? Well, she always had been. Now she was more like, lovely. She had her chin in her hand, chewing her lip, as she thought about her next move. "Ha, check!" She moved her queen into a diagonal line with his king. "Ha, maybe not," he retorted, and took her queen with his remaining knight. "Shit!" she said. "Shitshitshit!" "Hey, watch your language, young lady," he chided. He really didn't mind her speaking that way, and let it show, but it never sounded right coming from one so young and, well, pretty. He was going to let her win, but her last move was so thoughtless, he couldn't now. Within fifteen minutes, she was in mate. "Aaah! You won!" Ron cracked his knuckles and smiled. "Yep. Another effortless victory for the great Ron. Care to lose again, m'lady?" "That's it." Tami came around the side of the table and tackled him. Ron let himself fall backwards, with her on top. "You're a cheater," she proclaimed. He turned over so that she was under him. "Yeah, just how did I cheat?" "I don't know. You did. You're a cheater." Ron began to tickle the girl. "What did you call me?" he asked, as she writhed under him. God, he loved the feel of her skin. At that moment, he almost stopped, but thought, 'Well, we're just playing. No harm in that.' They had, in fact, gotten into similar predicaments before. Except that on those occasions, Ron wasn't hard as a rock. But he continued, secretly enjoying her body. Secretly, as long as she didn't notice that bulge in his crotch. "I said, you're a cheater!" she managed, between spasms of laughter. She reached behind her head and grabbed a pillow that had been lying on the floor. Wielding it with two hands, she brought it down in an arc on Ron's head. "Ohhh..." he moaned, and collapsed on top of her. His head rested on Tami's stomach, right below her breasts. "Get...off!" Tami groaned, as she struggled to free her lower body from the crushing weight of Ron's torso. The older man acted as if he was dead, his body completely limp. Finally, when she managed to free herself, he grabbed her calf and pulled her back towards him. Then, when she was on her back, he straddled her stomach and sat up. She looked up at him, and asked, "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" The question caught him completely off-guard. Why had she asked? Geez, because my erection is staring her in the face, that's why! Suddenly he became very nervous, like a kid caught masturbating in his room. "Uh, yeah." He tried to act as normal as possible, but it was futile. "Don't worry. I know, you're not supposed to do anything with a kid like me, but I really like you, and I think about you a lot, and I've always wanted you to touch me and stuff..." "No." It was his logical side speaking, and it came out pretty harsh. But then his horny side broke into the conversation and betrayed his true feelings. "I mean, I really shouldn't. You're just a kid, and I'd get in a lot of trouble." "But you want to, right?" Tami put her hands on his hips. "Please? I won't tell anyone. Let me touch it." She began to move her hands inwards towards his jean-clad member. He grabbed her wrists when they got too close. She smelled wonderful - her perfume was driving him mad. Her long, brown hair formed a halo around her head as she rested on the floor, and her big, dark eyes implored him to make a decision. She was unmoving, giving him time to make this difficult choice. Ron moved Tami's hands to his crotch. "Thank you, Ron," she whispered, as her tiny fingers explored the shape of his hardness. Ron's penis pulsed upon first contact, and an electric tingling passed throughout his body. Her fingers moved fluidly over the member, making it even more erect, until the tip poked out of Ron's pants. "Ooh!" Tami exclaimed, surprised to see the penis itself. She touched it with her fingertips, but there really wasn't much to feel. She fumbled with Ron's buttonfly until he relieved her and opened it himself. "It's so big!" she gasped, gazing at it through taut jockey shorts. With both hands, Tami pulled down on Ron's underwear, letting his erection fall forward. "Rub it, Tami," Ron said, and she used her right hand to stimulate his shaft. His dick was so big, and her hand so small, that she couldn't even reach all the way around. Her hand moved back and forth, and Ron began to make involuntary pelvic jerks as his climax rose. "Can I lick it, Ron?" Tami asked, tentatively. "Yes - anything," was his terse reply. Before she could get out from under him and into a more accomodating position, he leaned forward and pushed his hard-on into her face. She moaned in agreement as he began to rub it on her. A drop of pre-cum landed on her cheek, and was spread around by his thrusting. Tami stuck out her tongue to the side, under the sliding erection, and moaned again. Unable to say anything comprehensible, Tami contented herself with wrapping it in her hands as it slid all over her face. "In my mouth," she said, as she lifted it up. Suddenly concerned, Ron asked, "Are you sure? It might be too big for you." "I'll be alright," she replied in that sweet little-girl voice. "Just don't put it in all the way, and take it out before you squirt, okay? I don't want to choke." Tami sat up against the nearby couch, and Ron moved over to her on his knees. He pressed his prick against her soft lips, and they parted to take in his swollen, purple head. He could only get two or three inches in without hurting her, but it was enough to drive him wild. Ron's eyes were shut, head turned upwards, while Tami's were wide open, as if to verify that she really did have Ron's monster dick in her mouth. "Suck on it, Tami. Use your lips and your tongue." God! Her mouth was so small! He felt like he could never dislodge his penis from this warm, wet dick trap. Then her tongue started working. Ron let out a groan of pleasure, and felt his cock swell up inside with cum. It took an act of determination to keep control and not suddenly spew in her throat. Her hands came up, then, and wrapped themselves tightly around the base of his member. They seemed to trap every sensation coarsing through his dick. Cum would enter from his scrotum, and build up between his glans and her fingers. "Tighter, Tami," he moaned. "Christ. I think it's going to burst soon." Suddenly he felt the telltale sensation that he (or she?) had gone too far. He had been hovering on the edge of orgasm for a long time, and now he lost his balance, tumbling forward into ecstacy. "I'm coming!" he announced, and pulled out of her mouth. An instant later, he shot his load into her face, hot and sticky and the color of watered-down milk. Tami rolled her eyes upward, and bathed in his orgasm. Ron's cock undulated with each cream-shooting spasm, gradually growing weaker and less frequent as he emptied his scrotum on Tami's face. He felt a deep aching at the base of his cock from her fingers, and marvelled at how quickly she learned! It was the most powerful orgasm he had had in weeks. Of course, it helped that he hadn't had sex with his wife in a few days, but - he just realized this - they even still had their clothes on! Meanwhile, Tami had scooped a wad of cum from her cheek and had wormed her hand down into her panties. She was working wildly down there, and her face showed it. Cum was dribbling down from her top lip to her lower, and into her mouth. Her eyes were half shut, and she was oblivious to Ron's presence. What a sight she was! Ron simply stared at the girl as she played with herself, his softened prick pointing to her breasts. She would rub herself with her right hand, then stick one or more fingers in. (It was happening under her skirt, but he could tell by the way she was moving and by the sounds.) Her breathing was heavy, fingers moving furiously, thighs quivering slightly. Tami was coming. She continued to finger herself throughout the orgasm, and stopped when it was over. Eventually her eyes opened, and she looked up at Ron, who now had a hard-on thanks to the show. Tami blushed. It wasn't masturbating in front of him that embarrased her, but rather the fact that she had paid no attention to him, and he had watched her like a curious parent who had opened the door at the wrong time. "Sorry," was all she could manage. "For what? I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I just wish I could have helped." "You did!" she pleaded. "Your thing in my mouth made me so horny. I've touched myself before, but I never felt like doing this!" She hugged him. "It was wonderful, Ron. Let's do it again." "No, let's do something else. I want to fuck you. Let's go upstairs." He put his hard-on back into his shorts, and carried her up into his room. To be continued... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tracy and Billy -- Naked Passion Was I supposed to feel guilty? Probably. Was I feeling guilty? No. Definitely not. Tracy stood on the crest of a rolling sand dune. Behind her, a full moon drew a streak of silver light across the ocean and cast alluring shadows over her body. Tracy pulled her tennis shirt up over her head, tossing her long hair over her bare shoulders. She cupped her breasts and then slid her hands along her torso, her fingers easing into her unzipped shorts, peeling them down. I sensed the presence of her pussy although I couldn't see it in the protective shadow of her hips. "What are you doing, Billy?" she whispered, the crash of a powerful breaker nearly drowning her words. "Are you getting hard?" Tracy turned sideways and raised her arms above her head. Her fingers danced together for a while, then came back to her breasts as though her own body was such a temptation that she had difficulty resisting it herself. I know I did. "Can your cock get hard when you just look at me? Or do you need more?" Tracy came over to find out for herself. She dropped to her knees and leaned forward, landing on her elbows so her face stopped about a foot from my cock. Her hair lay ticklish across my thighs. "I'd say," Tracy whispered, running her fingertips along my cock. "This is very, very hard." Tracy turned around, down on all fours, tempting me with her sexy laugh as she wriggled her ass and backed towards me. Her hanging breasts dangled deliciously. Coming on her from behind, I grasped her slim hips, felt her taut stomach and imagined her working these muscles in daily aerobic exercises. She had that kind of hard body. Lean, strong, passionate. I felt inside her thighs and Tracy spread her knees further apart for me, digging into powdery sand. She was so wet that my fingers slipped over her labia and effortlessly entered her. She writhed and made beautiful, quiet sounds as I penetrated her. "What I would really like, Billy," she said softly, still moving her rump, "is your tongue. Can I have your tongue, Billy?" Sometimes just hearing Tracy's voice could make me come. I got myself situated faceup beneath her, the back of my head on the sand. My hands spread across her thighs and urged her pussy onto my mouth. "Mmmmmmm," she sighed, "lick me, Billy. Mmmmm....your tongue...." She sat upright so that her silky smooth slit was against my mouth. Her fingers interlocked with mine atop her thighs, squeezing as my tongue pressed firmly against her clit. She tasted so sweet and warm. When I stuck my tongue into her gap, she writhed wildly and pressed down for more. Her pussy spread across my mouth, offering it all. "Oh, God, Billy, do it to me like that!" I kept penetrating her channel with my tongue, sucking against her folds so that her clit popped back and forth under the pressure. Tracy tightened her grip on my hands. "I'm going to touch myself," she warned. "But don't let me do it! Don't let me get that wild!" She didn't want to let go of my hands, afraid of what she might do. But I wanted her to. I turned my mouth from her pussy and Tracy gasped. She pushed her cunt back toward my mouth and smeared my cheek with her juices. "BILLY! Billy?" she moaned, "Don't stop, baby. Please don't stop." Her fingers moved over my face, trying to bring me back to her slit. "Billy!..." I grasped her wrists, and her forearms tensed in protest. I tried to make her touch herself. She groaned deeply as her will broke down; her fingers brushed across her pubic hair and slid into the slick lines of her seam. "Right there," I directed her, placing her fingertips on her labia. Tracy tilted her head back and thrust her breasts and hips forward, offering herself to me once again. Her fingers slowly spread her pussy, showing me how much she wanted to give it to me. When her pink seam was stretched out in front of me, I went back on her with a probing tongue, licking across her clit, having Tracy hold herself that way until she came in a tight rush. Her entire body shook with ecstasy. She collapsed beside me on the soft sand, breathless, sides heaving, perspiring. "Why do you get me so crazy like that, Billy? You get me so hot." I tried to guage by the position of the moon how long I'd been gone. Hard to say; I only pretended to know that navigator stuff anyway. I kissed Tracy's forehead and reached for my gym shorts. "I'd better go." "But you didn't come," she pouted weakly. "Next time." I brushed off the sand and went running across the dunes. When I reached the steps to my house I saw my wife inside reading the newspaper. "Have a good run?" she called out. The screen door banged shut behind me. "Not bad. I'm gonna take a shower," I replied. Should I have felt guilty? Maybe. Did I feel guilty? No. No way. Tracy worked as a waitress in one of those trendy chain restaurants, a place with a multipage menu bound in vinyl, with entrees sorted under separate headings: Pasta, Burgers, Oriental, etc. I'd eaten in these places from Florida to D.C. and the stuff tasted exactly the same at each locale. (There's something scary about that, I'm just not sure what.) Most of the waitresses were cute and flirty, like Tracy. Her uniform was a white tennis shirt tucked into a black skirt. The pretty lines of her bra showed through her top and the outline of her nipples pressed visibly through both bra and shirt, especially when the restaurant had the air conditioning going full tilt. Tuesday afternoon, I was back at Tracy's restaurant having lunch alone at one of her tables. Tracy must have told the hostess that she and I had something going, because the hostess - not too bad looking herself - gave me a knowing glance as she led me to the table and laid that monstrous menu in my lap. Tracy brought me a drink without bothering to ask what I wanted. It was a new beer, something Asian that wasn't selling well. "For free," Tracy teased, "you'd better not complain." She nudged my elbow with her knee. Just watching her made me want her. The way she moved from table to table, very chatty and pleasant with everyone, even with the old card-club bitches who she knew were only going to leave her a two-buck tip. I even liked seeing her flirt with the businessmen. Tracy would lean over when it wasn't really necessary, letting the front of her tennis shirt open up a bit so their eyes could sneak peeks inside. She was casual about it. Everything she did was pretty and alluring in a soapy-clean kind of way. I took my time eating lunch, talking with Tracy and a few other waitresses who had begun to know me by name (something I'd have to watch if my wife ever wanted to come here). Tracy got off work at three, at which time I followed her back to her apartment. She lived in one of the two top-floor units in a small white stucco building off Summerlin Road. She kept the windows cranked open 24 hours a day. As soon as we walked into the parquet-floored living room, she flicked on the ceiling fan as automatically as most people turn on their lights. But this was Tracy's style, free and breezy. She flopped down on the sofa and kicked off her shoes. "I'm glad you came in for lunch today. Usually I don't see you for a few days after we make it." That wasn't a criticism, just an observation. I sat down and put her feet in my lap, massaging them through her white socks. Tracy's skirt bunched up around her thighs, and her pink cotton panties were just visible. I wanted to let my hands glide up her legs, onto her pussy, but decided to wait. "I was wondering," Tracy said. "Last night, when you got home...?" She hesitated. I pressed my thumbs firmly into the ball of her foot. "Yeah?" "Did you make it with your wife?" This was new territory for us. We'd discussed the fact that I was married, but little else. I didn't want to lie and say my wife didn't understand. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," Tracy said. "No." I liked this. "I'll tell you." My eyes lingered on her breasts. In the warm living room, her nipples no longer poked hard into her blouse, but I could still sense their outline. "I didn't screw my wife last night." Tracy thought that was funny. "What?" "Nothing," she said, smiling, then broke into a laugh. "What's so funny?" I laughed with her. Tracy was contagious that way. "Nothing," she insisted. "Nothing at all." Her lips parted and accepted my tongue. It was still a rush to be accepted into her mouth like that. A French kiss was always the first hurdle of seduction; it told you more and better things were coming your way. My hand went inside her shirt, lifted her bra and fondled her warm breast. My cock got hard in a hurry, and it pressed against her thigh through my pants. "Today he wants to come," Tracy murmured sexually. "He's going right at it today." She raised her hips so I could pull down her underwear. She kept her ankles locked together for a second, making me struggle to get her panties all the way off. But once I freed her of them, her teasing was over. She unhooked her skirt and peeled it away from her pussy. She hoisted her legs up so that her ankles locked at my back. "Yeah, Billy. Mmmm, feel that cock," she moaned, fingering my shaft, moving her hips until I was in her, thrusting straight down into her pussy, where she was so wet and hot and slick. Our mouths pressed together, tongues slipping back and forth, smothering our moans. Tracy bucked, riding with me as she squeezed her pussy in tight little spasms. "You're right on my clit, Billy," Tracy gasped quietly, "right there!" She reached down and spread herself even further. My cock may have only gone an extra half inch into her, but the explicitness of her words and touch made it seem like so much more. It was this sort of thing that she did, the sometimes subtle - or not so subtle - act that spurred me on. "That's it!" Tracy cried. "Fill me up, Billy! Stretch my pussy out! Ooooohhhh, fuck me, yeah baby, fuck me!" I pulled my dick back to the outer lips of her folds. My glans throbbed in the clasp of her pussy. Feeling dizzy, I took a deep breath. "Don't stop, Billy! Don't...." I fired back into her and Tracy shuddered. Her tongue pressed into my mouth, tasted me hungrily, and then withdrew as she gasped. "I'm coming, Billy! Oh, yesss! RIGHT NOW!!!" Our bodies slapped together. Pressure rose in my cock. A tightness surged through my entire body. "Now, Billy! Now!" She hit her peak, trembling, little mewing noises coming from deep within her, and I was right there with her. Drawing hard, tight breaths, thrusting through her come, I felt the strain burning in my cock. I shot off inside her, hot spasms of pleasure coursing through my body like rapid fire. "I think talking about your wife turns you on," Tracy said as we lay side by side on the sofa, still sticky from our sex. Our clothes were in a tangle around us. "All I had to do was mention her and your cock got hard. I think that by us talking about her, it makes you see her in a new light. It changes her without really changing her. It makes her more exciting." This was something else I loved about younger women. They liked to analyze, loved to play armchair psychologist, little Dr. Ruths and Siggy Freuds. "Because you still love her, don't you?" "Sure." It was easy to be honest with Tracy. There was nothing to lose. There were no expectations between us; we were friends who had sex. "But sometimes you have sex, and its boring? You just do it to be doing it?" "Do it to be doing it?" I thought about that one. "OK, sure. Sometimes." Tracy laid her head on my stomach. "Does she suck you? Will she suck you off...all the way off...in her mouth?" "Yes" "And does she let you come on her tits? Will she wrap her tits around your cock and fuck you with them, if you want? Will she lie there, pose for you, and let you squirt all over her tits?" Her questions created images -- explicit images -- of my wife in my head. Things Karen and I had done together in the past, acts that had become routine now, seemed so hot as I talked about them with Tracy. Tracy reached for the phone and started dialing. "What are you doing?" She smiled. The phone rang two, three times. Someone answered, a woman's voice. "Hello?" Tracy held the phone closer so I could hear. "Hello?" Jesus, it was Karen. She'd called my wife. Tracy fondled my shaft. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Tracy smiled. Her thumb flicked across my glans and I was hard again in her hand. I pressed shut my jaw to keep from making any sound. "Hello?! " Karen was becoming perturbed now. Tracy's hand flashed up and down my cock. I felt as though I was already about to come. A click over the phone told me Karen had hung up. I gasped aloud. Tracy pumped my cock and started dialing again. "What the hell are you doing?" Her hand felt so good. My cock was straining. "I want you to hear your wife's voice while I make you come." "No!!" I reached for the phone and hit the hook, cutting off the line. Tracy smiled. "It turns you on, doesn't it? Being with me turns you on to your wife. It cuts out the boredom." I leaned back and let Tracy do my cock with both hands. She fondled my balls, made a tight loop of thumb and forefinger and snapped it clean around my glans. She pursed her lips and oozed warm saliva onto my rod while her hand continued to pump. "Last night, after you left me, you went home and had sex with your wife, didn't you?" I gasped, "No." "Billy, you don't have to lie to me." She grasped my cock in both hands, moving up and down, firm, steady beats. "You made it with her, didn't you?" "Yes." "Tell me about it." "After the shower," I began to say, straining to make the memory come back through the cloud of pleasure Tracy had working on me now. "I went into the living room. Karen was reading the newspaper. She didn't see I was naked at first -- she just kept on reading. When she did see that I was undressed and hard, she came over to me." "She wanted it," Tracy commented, doing my cock. "I can see why she wanted it, Billy. This nice..." "I didn't undress her all the way, I just took down her shorts, had her get on all fours..." "Like how you went down on me." "Yes. She wasn't wet, but she licked her fingers and got my dick and her pussy wet enough to get me into her. We were both that turned on, and once I was in her pussy she got wet in a hurry." "And she came, didn't she? You made her come with your dick." "Yes," I breathed, clutching Tracy's tit, on the verge of coming myself. "More than once, didn't you? You made her come three times. And then you withdrew because her pussy was getting sore. You rolled her onto her back, knelt over her, put her hand on your cock, and the two of you got you off. You shot your stuff all over her tits. One line of jism jumped up and got her right here, didn't it?" Tracy ran a finger across her cheek. "Right here." About to climax, I gasped, "How do you know?" I thrust my cock through her hands. "HOW DO YOU KNOW?" "Because I followed you home and watched through the windows. Karen said it would be OK..." Tracy wrapped her mouth around my cockhead, flashed her tongue, and sucked hard. I exploded in her mouth, reeling. My mind's eye was shocked by the image of Tracy spying on me while I fucked my wife...and her knowing about it! Did I feel guilty? Should I have felt guilty? Not at all, it turns out! And Tracy is now a regular guest in the king-size bed Karen and I share. Our "affair", it seems, was planned quite purposefully by Karen and Tracy, and I think I may well be the luckiest man alive! 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Young Innocence Lost Beth and Erin became best friends the day they met in 7th grade. It was Beth's first day at a new school and Erin's best friend had moved away last year. Both girls had been inseparable for the first part of the school year, but this was the first night that Beth got to stay overnight at Erin's house. It was morning and Erin's parents had left for work. With her brother away at college, the girls were all alone at home. And since it was a school holiday, they had the house to themselves. Erin woke up first. She lightly rubbed her eyes as she watched her friend sleep. Beth's night shirt had crept above her waist and as she lay still, Erin fixed her eyes on the cotton print panties that Beth was wearing. They seemed to be a little tight and she could clearly make out the outline of her fronds slit. She wasn't sure why she was getting a strange feeling looking at another girl. It was the same feeling that she got each time just before she played with herself. As she looked at Beth, she placed a hand in her own panties and started to massage her little bud. This always brought her pleasure but this would be the first time she had done it when she wasn't alone. As she circled her clit with her finger, she admired her friends body. Beth was very cute; long blonde hair, big blue eyes. Erin wondered if Beth ever played with herself like she was doing now. They had talked about lots of intimate things, but not that. Soon an overwhelming urge came overtook Erin to touch her friend on that special spot. Even though she didn't know how Beth would react, she felt compelled to take the chance. Pretending to be asleep so that she could claim it was not intentional, Erin allowed her hand to come to rest on the mattress next to Beth's crotch. After it had been there a minute without any adverse consequences, she allowed it to brush against the cotton panties. Little by little she became more brave, sure that Beth would not wake up and scream or even worse. Beth had lay awake, one eye just barely opened, concealed by her hair. She watched as Erin, with her hand in her panties, played with herself. She was relieved to know that she wasn't the only girl that did this -- maybe it wasn't so bad after all. She wished that Erin had lowered her pajamas before doing it so that she could actually see what she was doing. When Erin suddenly stopped playing with herself, Beth was afraid that maybe she had sensed that she was awake and closed her eyes tightly. But when she felt Erins' hand make contact between her legs, she knew that wasn't the case. A little shiver of excitement trickled through Beth's body as that first initial touch was felt. That was the first time anyone had ever touched her there. She wasn't expecting it from another girl, but right now that really didn't matter. She was excited from watching Erin and that overcame any sense of wrongdoing. Besides, she could just lay there and pretend to be asleep and see what happened. Erins' touch was very light and casual in the beginning. But as time went on and Beth didn't awake and protest, her touch got more aggressive and deliberate. She had already caused a wet spot to appear on Beth's panties and now she was so excited that she didn't care if Beth did wake up. Bravely, with one hand she lifted the waste band of Beths' panties and held them up while she slid the other hand beneath them. She brushed her hand over the soft, tiny patch of sprouting pubic hair and found her friends moist hole with one finger. After slightly inserting it she commenced a circular motion around the girls' clit with her thumb. Beth was sure she couldn't pretend to be asleep much longer. The tingles of electricity that she had felt had turned to bolts of lightning as Erins' finger toyed at the entrance to her cunt. Slowly, instinctively, she began to rotate her hips in a circular motion in response to Erins' continuing massage of her clit. Sensing that her pretending to be asleep was serving no purpose except to diminish her enjoyment of the experience, Beth opened her eyes, smiled at her friend and said softly, "Ummm... that really feels good." "I am glad you like it. I wasn't sure you would. I don't know why I started doing this, but I just wanted to." Beth responded by pulling her panties off and spreading her legs apart to give Erin more freedom between her legs and a sort of unspoken permission to proceed. Erin buried a finger in Beth's cunt and started pumping it in and out. Beth, now discarding her charade of being only a passive participant, reached inside Erin's pajama bottoms. Erin wasn't wearing panties. She found the moist slit with her finger and commenced to give Erin the same type of pleasure that she was receiving. "The only thing that would make this better is if we had a boy here with us.", said Beth. "Like, really. Except the boys I know would blab all over school. Or, you could end up like Melissa Harris -- pregnant!" "Yeah... you ever done it with a boy?", Beth asked. "No. Almost did but my brother came home from school early and messed everything up. Have you?" "No, but when the time is right I want to. I just want to know what it feels like... I mean, you are making me feel better than anything I have had yet.", replied Beth Suddenly Erin stopped. "You wait right there. Don't move!", Erin ordered as she got up from the bed, went to the dresser and reached way behind a drawer. Carrying something white and folded into the bathroom, she told Beth that she would be right back. The five minutes seemed like an eternity for Beth until the bathroom door opened and Beth received the second biggest surprise of the morning. Erin had slicked back her already short brown hair, parted it on the side and had it combed in a boys style. She was wearing a tee shirt and a pair of boy's jockey shorts. Her big brown eyes gave her the look of a young boy that could have been her twin. Sensing the question on her friends face, Erin explained "These used to be my brothers a few years ago. I rescued them before Mom threw them out. Sometimes I sleep in them -- it turns me on." "Wow!", Beth exclaimed as she looked at her friend in amazement. If she didn't know better, she would swear she was looking at a 7th grade boy standing before her in his underwear. She felt her cunt start to really itch as she admired her friend's ingenuity. "And that's not all." said Erin as she pulled her jockey shorts down in the front and revealed about five inches of a double-headed dildoe protruding from her cunt lips, the other half buried deeply in her hole. "I never thought I would get to use both sides of this at once, but if you're as hot as I am, we need to do it like now!" As she walked over to the bed, holding the thing to keep it from shooting out from between her legs, Beth reached out to touch it and examine the device. It was made of a soft, and slightly rigid vinyl. The head was just like the drawings she had seen in her sex ed book, and she could imagine that it was probably pretty close to the real thing in size and shape. "Got it from a mail order place last summer.", Erin explained. "I guess if we don't have a boy, this is the next best thing." Beth was a little apprehensive about allowing the thing up her cunt. She had put things like that up there before, but it was always her in control. But her fear started to subside as her friend reassured her, "It's okay. You'll feel great when it is in you." With that, Erin removed the dildoe from her cunt and turned it around, placing the head that had been in her cunt, now slippery wet, over the opening to her friends hole. The lubricant on the head of the plastic dick and the wetness of Beth's cunt caused the head to pop in with a minimum of resistance. Beth lay on her back with her legs spread obscenely, her knees resting against the budding little mounds on her chest as Erin worked the cock in and out of her to get her adjusted to it. When she felt that it was properly in and not going to be painful for Beth, she positioned herself between Beth's spread legs. Once again she pulled down the front of the jockey shorts she was wearing and expertly inserted the other half of the dildoe in her own cunt. Slightly, she pumped her hips, allowing the dick to sink first into her hole and then into Beth's. Beth was still spread with her hands behind her knees holding herself open, afraid to resist in the least. Soon both girls were pumping their hips in opposite rhythm until the cock was completely swallowed between both of their cunts. Their pussies were rubbing together as Erin humped Beth, continuing the role of the boy as Beth, now engulfed in lustful abandon, wrapped her legs tightly around Erin, digging her heels into her friends pumping ass. "Fuck me, you slut!" Beth cried to her friend, "Bury that cock of yours in me all the way!" As Erin pumped and her cunt would tighten, the slippery dildoe would shoot all the way into Beth's cunt. And as Beth pumped back, Erin would feel the thing thrust against the back of her hole. The girls had the dick so deeply buried into them that their clits were rubbing together and it didn't take long until both girls shuddered into ecstacy, juices flowing from their cunts and down the crack of Beth's ass. The girls collapsed in exhaustion, their slippery toy now glistening as it lay cast aside on the bed. They kissed each other passionately feeling the kind of devotion that only one young girl could feel for another, having traded their youthful innocence for passion. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//////////////////////////////////////// CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Element: Woman Symbol: Wo Discoverer: Adam Quantitative Anaylsis: Accepted at 36-24-36, though isotopes ranging from 25-10-25 to 60-55-60 have been identified. Occurance: Found wherever Man is, but seldom in the highly reactive, energetic singlet state. Surplus quantities in all urban areas. Physical Properties: Undergoes spontaneous dehydrolysis (weeps) at absolutely nothing and freezes at a moments notice. Totally unpredictable. Melts when properly treated, very bitter if not well used. Found in various states, ranging from virgin metal to common ore. Non-magnetic, but attracted to money and sports cars. In its natural shape, the specimen varies considerably, but it is often changed artificially so well that the change is indiscernable except to the experienced eye. Chemical Properties: Has great affinity for Au, Ag, and C, especially in the crystalline form. May give violent reaction if left alone. Will absorb great amounts of food matter. Highly desired reaction is initiated with various reagents such as C(2)-H(5)-OH, and sexy aftershave lotions. An essential catalyst is often required (you must say you love her at least five times daily). Reaction accelerates when in the dark and all reaction conditions are suitable. Extremely difficult to react if in the highly stable pure form. Yields to pressure applied at the correct points. The reaction is highly exothermic. Storage: Best results are obtained between the ages of 18 and 25 years. Uses: Highly ornamental. Used as a tonic for low spirits. Used on lonely nights as a heating agent - if properly prepared. Tests: Pure specimens turn rosy tint if discovered in raw, natural state. Turns green if placed beside a better specimen. Caution: Most powerful reducing agent known to Man (income and ego). Highly explosive in inexperienced hands. Specimen must be used with great care if experiments are to succeed. NOTE: It is illegal to possess more than one permanent specimen, though a certain amount of exchange is permitted \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//////////////////////////////////////// ����� � � ��� ���� ��� ���� ����� � � ���� ���� ��� � ����� � ���� � ���� � ���� � ���� �� �� � � � � � � � � ��� ���� ��� ���� � � � ���� ���� � ��� ����� o o o