Field Phreaking for the Absolute Moron.... By: Rebel Angel ?� Table of Contents Section 1. Disclaimer Section 2. Introduction Section 3. What do I need... Section 4. I am Outside... What Should I do? Section 5. Places of Interest Section 6. Conclusion Disclaimer ^^^^^^^^ This file was written for informational purposes only and should not be used. In reading, copying, and downloading this file you are agreeing to this disclaimer that I, Rebel Angel, can not be held responsible for any of your actions. So be careful! Introduction ^^^^^^^^^ Welcome to the bright new world of Phreaking! Since this is for beginners, I will try to be as simple as I can to get you started. In this installment, I will give you the basics on what you need, where to go, what to do when you get there, and places of interest. Now you might be wondering, "Why do I want to be a Phreak?". Well, mainly to get free phone calls to anywhere in the world and tap into other people's lines. So grab your shit, get out there, and do some damage. What do I need? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Every true Phreaker has his own bag of tricks. The list below tells you what I have whenever I go out for a night on the town. A (*) tells you that its a necessity. *Test Phone: You practically need this whenever you go. I'll tell you how to make one. Walki-Talkies: Good to have. Pencil and Paper: Good for notes. *Tools of the trade: Pocket knife, Rachet set, pliers, screwdrivers, wire cutters, etc. *Gloves: Keep your fingerprints to yourself. Mace/Smoke Bombs/M-80s: Well, you don't wanna get caught! *Flashlight: Since most of your missions will be at night. Spray Paint: Mark off your turf. *Fellow Phreakers: Always go with a few reliable people. 2 or 3 Sack: Something to carry all this stuff helps! Organize your bag, so that you can get what you need quickly. Example: Telco dude finds you screwing up his lines... do you A: Rummage through your bag trying to find the mace B: Have the mace handy and blind the wuss C: Break down and cry If you said A or C, give it up and erase this file. So the better organized your bag is, the quicker you can get done and outta there. Okay, for those of you who do not have a test phone, here is what you do: Get a regular phone and find the wire coming out of the modular jack. Strip the wire until you find two or four wires. Don't worry if you only have two, because that is all you need. Splice the middle two wires and connect the wires to separate roach clips. There now, you have your own test phone! To test the phone, go out back or around the side and pop open your phone box. You might need tools, if you have a newer box. Okay, now hook up the roach clips to the top two terminals. You should get a dial tone, if not re-arrange you wires. Now if you want, you can go to your neighbor's house and pop open his box and call long distance numbers or 900 porn lines. If you really want to piss someone off call 976-WAKE, so that you can give them a wake up call at 3 in the morning. Of course you could always call the president and threaten his life if you are in a real bad mood. Just make sure that when you are doing this, the neighbors aren't awake or you will be in a big heap of shit! Another thing that you can do is lead a wire from their house to yours and listen onto their conversations and call from the comfort of your own home. This is called Beige Boxing... more on boxes another time. I am Outside.... Now What Should I Do? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Every good Phreaker checks out what he wants to screw up during the day and does his work at night. But you might be saying, "What should I look for?". Good question, at least you are awake! Well, Ma Bell puts these phone boxes like you and your neighbors have everywhere. They are different sizes and colors, but they all do generally the same thing. These Telco boxes can be broken into three groups: small, medium, and large. 1. Small Boxes: These boxes can be easily found and are easy to open and close. Example: The telco box in the back of your house where to tried out your test phone. *Home Box: These are generally beige colored (aka. Beige Boxing), but they might also be grey if you have two lines. These boxes can be found around your house. They are usually near the power meter and are a foot or two off the ground. After you open this box you will see some different terminals. Look for the red and green wires on the top terminals and take them off. You can attach your test phone to these terminals and be connected to the line. *Aluminum Box: These are fairly larger then the home box and can be found behind business centers and condos. They have many more lines then the home box. Pick some terminals and have some fun. Most terminals for the phone lines are right next to eachother, so it shouldn't be too hard. These boxes are real easy to open, any moron can do it... IQ of 2+ 2. Medium Boxes: These boxes have plenty of lines to play with, but are found in places out in the open, like streets. If you find a safe one, keep playing with it until you learn everything or it gets too dangerous. * Distribution Box: Tons of lines to play with, but they take some practice to get used too. The doors need a rachet to open most of the time, if you see one that doesn't write me. I would be interested to check it out. These boxes have large and small wires. Work with the large ones until you get used to what you are doing. The boxes have no terminals, so you have to do some splicing in order to get them to work. Just find some pairs, splice them, and attach to your test phone. Take your time with this type of box and get the most out of it! *Flat Peg Box: I have never used one of these yet, but I will get around to it someday. From what I have read, the terminals are long flat pegs. I will get back to you on this one. If you want to find one and test for yourself, they can be found inside malls and large buildings. If you are local, try Franklin Mills Mall... 3. Large Boxes: These wonders can have hundreds of lines in them, but they are the most risky of boxes to use. They can be found on very busy city streets or in heavy business areas. *Wire/Plastic Box: Big( 3 feet tall ) box that has two doors and opens on a latch. Attach your phone to two screws that are found near the door, if you do this correctly you will be connected. *God Box: The God Box, or terminal box, can't be missed. It looks like one of those huge generators behind factories. They are about 4 feet tall and from what I heard can host up one-thousand lines. On the doors, there are some screws where you can connect your test phone. Connected to the screws are some alligator clips that you can connect to one of the hundreds of lines. If you find one of these puppies, make sure that you can Phreak out the thing for max time. They are simple to use and are the most fun... One small hint, be able to pick a lock if you happen to find one on the door! Places of Interest ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There are two major places to get some more Phreaking stuff that I have found. If you know of any more, I would like to hear from you. The first is the Telco storage base and telco sewer holes. The Telco storage base has all the stuff that a Phreaker could ever want. If you are lucky enough to be able to sneak into one after dark, you can grab many great things. My phriends got into one once and stole a shitload of manuals and test phones. Most of the shit, they said was in the Telco trucks and only a few were locked. I might write a file on what to do if you decide to raid a Telco site in the future. Another great place to grab some manuals and do some Phreaking is down the Telco sewer holes. The easiest part is finding one... and even that is impossible. They are not easy to find, but you will know if you found one, because they are much bigger then the average sewer hole. Now that you have found one, make sure that you have enough people to open it up. You will need a lot of leverage because they weigh so much. So grab your crowbars and get going. When you get down there, you might find some old manuals and a test phone, if you are lucky. But the main prize comes if you decide to Phreak one of the many phone lines down there. Make sure you have a flashlight and some boots! Conclusion ^^^^^^^^^ The main reason for this file is so that you can get out there and start right away. I will get into specifics some other time. I hope to have been able to help the beginner Phreaker for whom I wrote this file. It is a great thing to learn and something that you will never forget. Once you get started you won't be able to stop, mainly because of the natural high you get when you break the law... not that I would know . Well in the future look for some more from DpE and from Rebel Angel. In future issues I will talk about boxing and some other things that every good Phreaker must know. If you need to contact me... Call Violence in Heaven! 215-945-1459 * Great Sysop... LogiK *A small hello to Redrum, Zip, and Spooky.... he * Great file area is learning! * H/P/V/A/C *This has been a test of the Emergency Broadcast System.... *Note: This is my first how-to file, so bare with me. I get better with time, Trust me! If you think that I am great and want to talk to me or you think that I suck, E-Mail me at Violence in Heaven... another plug! 215-945-1459 **This has been a Rebel Angel Production. You can distribute only in its entirety. Make the world safe for Phreakers everywhere so don't get caught and if you, don't blame me! @#$ End File %&*