---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- This was archived in JANX OF POISON's private text archive ----- --- along with 3200++ h/p/a-related files making up 110++ MB --- --- POISON's SPEEDWELL @+49 221 599 5932, USR Dual 16.8k --- --- A2000/GVP030/40 530 MB HPA+Amiga+PC+Dox+/X-Tools --- --- BIX: KRosenberg. Ne Maho de Rotane Osch Osch --- ----------------------------------------------------- ����������������������������������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � PHREAKING HACKING AND TERRORISM ENTERPRISES � �����������������������������������������������������������������������; ��������������� ��� �� �������� ��������� �������� �������� �������� �������� ��� ������ ��� ��� �� ��� �� ��� ��� ��� ��� �� ��� �� ��� ������������� �����������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � Volume 1 Issue 1 Release date: December 15,1992 � �����������������������������������������������������������������������; �������� PH/\TE Staff �۲����� ��������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � Main Organizer : Coaxial � � Co-Organizer : Slycath � � UK Organizer : Coaxial/Slycath � � USA Organizer : / Complete Documation on Meridian VMB systems from the Ground UP! 1.1.2> Helpful Happy Driving Hints (some EVIL ideas hahaha!!) 1.1.3> Track 12 from Peace & Love INC. (Information Society) 1.1.4> The Ultimate System Password File 1.1.5> A Driver's Rights When Stopped by a Police Officer 1.1.6> Acid - Fun for the Whole Family! 1.1.7> Want to know more about HP3000's ??? 1.1.8> Audit Advice From A Former IRS Agent 1.1.9> Tax Fraud: Who Gets Caught????? 1.1.10> How IRS Informants are Payed! ����������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � �������� Article 1.1.1 �۲����� � � � � Title: Complete Documation on Meridian VMB systems � � � � Written by: CrazyByte/Phate � � � ����������������������������������������������������������������������; MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiD ERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDi RiDi iDiA iDiA HACKING MERIDIAN MAIL VMB'S PART II DiAN DiAN iAN- iAN- BY CRAZYBYTE AN-M AN-M N-ME N-ME NOVEMBER '92 -MER -MER MERi MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiD ERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDiAN-MERiDi [-]-----------------------------------------------------------------------[-] DISCLAIMER [-]-----------------------------------------------------------------------[-] Since I don't like disclaimers I won't put the usual shit in them. I don't want to say this text is for informational purposes only, but I do want to say this: Don't unnecessary annoy the normal VMB users, or extremely abuse the outdial functions, it's immoral (hahahahaha). [-]-----------------------------------------------------------------------[-] INTRODUCTION [-]-----------------------------------------------------------------------[-] OK then... In may I allready wrote a textfile on meridian mail systems. Now, 6 months later, I found out lots of phun things about this very nice system, and decided my old text needed a good update, so here it is. [-]-----------------------------------------------------------------------[-] IDENTIFYING A MERIDIAN MAIL VMB [-]-----------------------------------------------------------------------[-] It's VERY HARD to identify a Meridian Mail system, when you call a VMB and hear a womans voice saying 'Meridian Mail....mailbox' then you found one. (Phew, this was hard (hehe)). Anyway, it isn't always this easy-to-recognise welcome message. Other ways to know for sure that you're dealing with Meridian Mail is that when you don't enter a box number after about 5 seconds it will say 'Please enter your mailbox followed by number sign'. After you've entered the 4-digit mailbox number, it will ask 'password'. A lot of times you won't be directly at the logon-prompt, so you'll first have to find a way to get to that prompt. So far I only found one meridiam mail you can't access from an outside line, so I guess that's really an exception. To access it, try typing different things like 81 (logon), 0, #81, 1#, 10#,... In some cases you will get a menu after the VMB answered stating like 'press 1 to leave a message... press 2 to logon...' in such a case you press whatever the message says to logon ofcourse. [-]-----------------------------------------------------------------------[-] FINDING A VALID BOX [-]-----------------------------------------------------------------------[-] Even when the box you entered is not valid, the system will ask for a password. The boxes are 4 digits, and usually grouped in blocks. I suggest that you first try these box-numbers: x000,xxxx,xy00. On allmost all vmb systems I've found valid, hackable boxes with these 'templates'. I think they usually set up boxes like 1000, 6666, 2600, 9800,... for testing purposes, or when they're used by many people, and the number has to be easy to remember. On all Meridian Mail systems I found, the default password was the same as the box number. I haven't found system administrator boxes yet, but I think they're probably located as on other vmb systems (ex: 9999,9000,...). However, it might be possible that there aren't any system administrator boxes because Meridian Mail is controlled by an IBM compatible, with a special card to control the phonelines and recognise DTMF tones and so on, a HUGE harddisk to store all those messages, and a soundblaster. HOWEVER, I'm NOT sure about this. Someone told me that he found the dialup for such a system, but I don't know if he was telling the truth or just bullshitting. Also, if someone can get me the name or telephone number from the company that manufactures Meridian Mail, I'd be extremely thankfull. [-]-----------------------------------------------------------------------[-] WHEN YOU FOUND A BOX [-]-----------------------------------------------------------------------[-] Don't change anything in it, use the one you found to scan for other unused boxes. I'll explain how to scan for them later. I would say don't listen to the messages, because then the legit owner (if there is one) could be warned, but hey, I like to listen to other peoples bullshit too, so... (I once had a box from a woman, and two different guys used to call her a couple of times a day saying that they missed/wanted her, and stuff like that (Belgians: it was on the JD fuckin' EDWARDS system)). NOW, the MOST important thing (in my humble opinion)... Try if it allowes outcalling. Press 0*, you will here a message, then try any of the following numbers: 9+local number+# (ex: 95551212# -> dir. assistance) 9+0+local number+# (ex: 905551212# -> dir. assistance) 9+1+local number+# (ex: 915551212# -> dir. assistance) 8+local number+# (ex: 95551212# -> dir. assistance) 8+0+local number+# (ex: 905551212# -> dir. assistance) 8+1+local number+# (ex: 915551212# -> dir. assistance) 9+ACN+# (ex: 93054439903#) 9+1+ACN+# (ex: 913054439903#) 8+ACN+# (ex: 83054439903#) 8+1+ACN+# (ex: 813054439903#) 9+011+cc+nr+# (ex: 90113238252274# to reach Sin City) !!! USE YOUR IMAGINATION !!! These are the 'templates' I have used, except for the 8+blah which I heard from someone that had used it. It's quite possible that other 'templates' also work, just try everything you can think of, meridian mail outdials will 'last' several months. [-]-----------------------------------------------------------------------[-] MAILBOX OPTIONS [-]-----------------------------------------------------------------------[-] 0* : Outcalling !!! * : get info about what you're doing, and all available options. 2 : play message 4 : goto previous message 6 : goto next message 9 : call the sender of the message 70 : message options 71 : reply to the message you've just listened to 72 : play envelope : hear all info about the message 73 : forward the message to another box 74 : record one reply for all messages 75 : record a message (5 to start, # to stop recording) 76 : delete the actual message 79 : send message 80 : mailbox options. 1 : change operator assistance number This will change the number that is called when you enter 0 for operator assistance. These numbers are usually other box numbers, but I found a systems which will connect me to some local prefixes too.... might be interesting. 81 : logon to another mailbox 82 : change the internal and external greeting of your box 1 : change internal greeting 2 : change external greeting Don't do this, or you'll lose your box very fast... 83 : logoff 84 : change password (enter new pw + #) 85 : create a distribution list !!! This option can be used to scan for other unused/valid boxes. Just enter 5 to compose a new distribution list, and then enter the box number followed by #. Note down boxes that respond with 'mailbox xxxx' because they're unused, and I still have to find such an unused box that hasn't got the box number as password. When you found enough unused boxes, press ## to stop your distribution list, and then 76 to delete it. 86 : goto message #. This option will ask for the number from a message, end then go to that message (like you could by using 4 and 6). 89 : personal verification (will say name of owner) 5 : record name 4 : exit Well, those were the most important commands. Remember that you can allways get help by pressing *. [-]-----------------------------------------------------------------------[-] SCANNING FOR BOXES USING YOUR MODEM [-]-----------------------------------------------------------------------[-] Well, since I'm a VERY lazy person I like to write scan programs for anything I'd normalle have to press numbers on my phone for... So I also made some to scan Meridian Mail systems. The first one is written in MicroSoft Basic (yeah, I know it's lame, but who needs lightning speed for a scan program ?), and will only work if after a toll free number hangs up you get a busy-tone in your country/city/area/whatever. In Belgium when you call a tollfree number you'll get a busy tone when it hangs up. So what this program basically does is dial the Meridian Mail dialup, wait for a while, and then starts sending 3 times a random 4-digit number with the same number as a password, each time followed by #. Because this probably isn't clear, here's an example: First I send f.e.: ATS8=4D,,,; Now my program checks for 'OK' Then it sends f.e.: ATS8=1 (1 is enough and quicker) ATDT2789#,2789#,7765#,7765#,2112#,2112# Now when any of these numbers was correct, your modem will return a 'NO CARRIER'. Otherwise you'll get a 'BUSY'. I know in some countries you get a dialtone when a tollfree number hangs up, so you can check by using 'W' for a dialtone, and if it says 'NO DIALTONE' you found a box ! The second method goes as follows: Do exqctly the same as with the first method, BUT after sending the second dialstring, send a third one containing the following: ATDT0*,,0# This will start the outcalling option, and call the operater, which will ALWAYS give at least one 'RING', so you need to have a modem than can detect RING's, and have to enable that option. So, if you detect a RING, then you found a valid box, and you can hangup. Otherwise if you haven't detected a RING after about 5 seconds, hangup, you haven't found a valid box. To this 2 methods there's one disadvantage: if the first or second box you try is valid, AND the next box(es) contain(s) an option in their digits (like 81 or 83) then it might be possible you won't detect the valid box. However, using this method I found boxes on several Meridians, and Freud has also used it with success. If you want to contact me, try these boards: Devils Triangle, Hangar 18, Sin City, The Empire, Tone Town, Unphamiliar Territory. These are the ones I call at least once a week, so you'll receiver an answer on questions you might have soon. [-]-----------------------------------------------------------------------[-] THE END [-]-----------------------------------------------------------------------[-] ����������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � �������� Article 1.1.2 �۲����� � � � � Title: Helpful Happy Driving Hints � � � � Written by: Lord Nihilist/Phate � � � ����������������������������������������������������������������������; All of the information contained within this file was obtained by personal experience from myself, and tested by myself. Honestly. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1] If your used to a rear wheel drive car, and have never driven a front wheel around a turn at 75 MPH, dont. What happens is because a front wheel car is pulling you instead of pushing you, it makes it a lot harder to control the vehicle. You will end up skidding into a telephone poly, flipping the car, and having it explode on you. Yes, this really happened to me, but it wasn't real bad. I wasnt seriously hurt, and neither was my car, considering I was driving a friends. 2] Get a CB, for extra road saftey in case you have any problems along your long car trip. And make sure you attach a Public Address System (PA) to it so you can yell at a) other drivers, b) little old women at bus stops, c) cops, d) cows (this is actually really a lot of fun. I started moo'ing at a heard of cows a few weeks ago, and this big mass of cow heads just popped up and looked at me, then went back to grazing. I did this over and over again for about 5 times until all the cows simultaneously stampeaded in the opposite direction. Make SURE you are Moo'ing ar Cows and NOT Bulls, which are male cows. I royally pissed off a heard of Bulls a week ago, and I swore if I had stuck around any longer they would have jumed the fence! 3] Smoke Bombs. To throw into the open window of a double streach limo driving down the road. This is a great amount of fun because you get to see the driver swerve all over the place trying to figure out what the fuck is going on, and just imagine the rich fucks expressions in the back of their car! Ahhaha! Or, if you dont feel like going to that extent, just flick your cigarette cherry into the drivers side window! 4] Fishing Wire. To string across the road from tree to tree. There are many purposes for this. One, hang newspapers over the string and watch cars go skidding into the other lane and off the road. Or two, forget the newspaper, set the string at about head level, make sure it is tight, and wait for a motorcycle to come by. *SNAP* off goes his head. (I have done the first, but yet the second. Thats tommorow nights project) 5] 100 Foot Fuse. Go up to someones house you really hate, open up their gas tank (you may need a crow bar) and shove the fuse as far as you can down. Light the fuse, and RUN LIKE HELL! 6] Destructo-gear. Mothballs, sugar, or even dirt. Throw it in the gas tank. The poor bastard has to have his whole gas tank replaced in order to have it fixed. A better one is using a golf ball. Shove the golf ball down their (it'll work on older cars, but not my Nissan since the hole is too small) tank. When the bastard is driving, everything will be fine, until he goes up a hill, then it'll clog up the pump hole causing the car to stall, until he gets on even ground, then it'll start right up, no problem, until he goes up a hill again.. Funny as hell to see the person get aggravated until he gives up! 7] Wire cutters, wrenches, wenches, and any other tools you feel like carrying. These can be used for many different purposes. Bashing in windows, denting side panels, or if you are like me, cutting break wires, cutting transmission wires, or releasing the oil from his oil tank... 8] Gasoline, extra headlight, fast small drill. If you have the time and effort, this one is a great gag. Find your victoms car, check the lightbulb type, car type/model, and go to your local car parts store and buy the exact same type. Drill two holes (one in top, one in bottom) of the light (be careful not to break the light!!) Fill the light with gasoline, and plug up the holes with cotton, or whatever. Insert the newly modified light into your victoms car, and wait for him to leave at night (so you can watch). As soon as he turns on his headlights, the moified light will explode into a fury of fire! 9] What? That asshole just pissed you off, passed you, and cut you off? Are you going to take this shit? Fuck no. Go call 911, report an anoymous tip that your friends car (the asshole) is carrying an extensive amount of hidden drugs within the body of the car. Make sure you give the nice 911 woman the car description, plate #, and location. Soon you will be passing your friend while he's on the side of the road being searched, and having his car taken apart, seeing his seats ripped to shreads, his tires in pieces, ahahahaha! Make sure you flick a lighted cigarette at him, then wave!! Look for more Helpful Happy Driving Hints in the future! ����������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � �������� Article 1.1.3 �۲����� � � � � Title: Track 12 from Peace & Love INC. � � � � Written by: Lord Nihilist/Phate � � � ����������������������������������������������������������������������; Greets folks, this is an unexpected text file I never intended on releasing, but I found it to be interesting, so what the hell. I was scanning this CD a few minutes ago, and noticed that track 12, not listed by anything then a triangle, sounded like a 300BPS carrier. So I quickly scanned through the CD cover insert to find: "Track 12 is Computer Data, not a musical selection". So what am I to do? With a few minutes of simple re-wiring of one of my modems, I got it to work, and here is exactly what Track 12 is translated: CONNECT SO WE'RE SUPPOSED TO PLAY IN CURITIBA IN 18 HOURS, BUT OUR BUS IS BEING HELD HOSTAGE BY THE LOCAL PROMOTERS. THEY'VE FORMED SOME UNHOLY ALLIANCE WITH THE BRAZILIAN COUNTERPART OF ASCAP; THE PRS. APPARANTLY THE PRS HAS THE LEGAL POWER TO ARREST PEOPLE, AND THEY WANT A PIECE OF THE NATIONAL TOUR PROMOTER'S MONEY. THE LOCAL SECURITY FORCE, "GANG MEXICANA", HAS BEEN BOUGHT OUT FOR 1800 CRUZADOS AND A CARTON OF MARLBOROS EACH. THE ONLY FACTION STILL OPERATING IN OUR DEFENSE IN "BIG JOHN", OUR PERSONAL SECURITY MAN, AND HE'S HIDING IN HIS ROOM BECAUSE A LOCAL GANG IS OUT FOR HIS BLOOD BECAUSE OF A 1982 KNIFING INCIDENT IN WHICH HE WAS INVOLVED. OUR 345-POUND ROAD MANAGER, RICK ONLY HAD THIS TO SAY: "YOU WANTED THE LIFE OF A ROCK STAR!". PAUL, JIM AND I REALIZED THAT THIS WAS ONE SITUATION WE WERE GOING TO HAVE TO GET OUT OF OURSELVES. WE CONVENED A HASTY CONFERENCE IN THE NOVOTEL LOBBY. PAUL SUGGESTED CONTACT- ING OUR NATIONAL TOUR PROMOTER IN SAO PAULO, BUT WE REMEMBERED THAT HE WAS IN RECIFE WITH FAITH NO MORE, WHO HAD JUST ARRIVED FOR THEIR BRAZILIAN TOUR. WE THOUGHT ABOUT CONTACTING OUR BRAZILIAN RECORD COMPANY IN RIO, BUT THEY WEREN'T HOME. OUR EVER-DILIGENT AMERICAN MANAGER WAS ARRANGING HELP OF NUMEROUS FORMS, BUT HE WAS IN NEW YORK, AND JUST TOO FAR AWAY TO GET ANYTHING MOVING IN TIME. AND THERE WERE 6000 KIDS IN CURITIBA WHO JUST WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND. WE KNEW IT WAS TIME FOR ACTION. PAUL WENT UP TO THE PRS GUYS AND INVITED THEM INTO THE BAR TO DISCUSS IT LIKE CIVILIZED MEN OVER A FEW BRAZILIAN DRINKS, OFFERING EACH OF THEM A CIGAR ON HIS WAY. THE AMUSED PRS HEAVIES SEEMED TO LIKE THE IDEA OF A FEW FREE DRINKS, EVEN IF THEY KNEW THEY WOULD NEVER GIVE US OUR BUS BACK. WHEN PAUL WINKED AT JIM AND I ON HIS WAY IN, WE WENT INTO ACTION. I STOLE OFF TO MY ROOM TO PREPARE WHILE JIM WENT INTO ACTION. CREEPING CAREFULLY THROUGH A SERVICE DUCT, HE MANAGED TO GAIN A VANTAGE POINT SOME THREE METERS ABOVE THE BUS, AND DROPPED CAREFULLY ONTO THE ROOF. AFTER USING HIS ALL-PURPOSE SWISS ARMY KNIFE (AFFECTIONATELY KNOWN AS THE "SKIT KNIFE") TO JIMMY OPEN THE ROOF HATCH, HE WENT THROUGH THE DARKENED INSIDE OF THE BUS AND REMOVED THE INSIDE ENGINE SERVICE PANEL. USING SOME SPARE ELECTRONIC PARTS HE FOUND WHILE ON AN ISLAND IN THE AMAZON, HE WIRED THE ENTIRE BUS FOR REMOTE CONTROL, NOT UNLIKE A REMOTE CONTROL TOY CAR. AT THIS POINT, HE ASKED HIMSELF "NOW HOW SHALL I GET OUT OF HERE?!?" PAUL WAS HAVING DIFFICULTIES OF HIS OWN. "COULDN'T YOU SEE YOUR WAY CLEAR TO LETTING US FULFILL OUR CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS IN CURITIBA? THINK OF THE KIDS!" THROUGH OUR TRANSLATOR, FABIO, THE PRS MAN, ALDO, SAID; "NO. YOU AMERICANS THINK YOU OWN THE WORLD. HAH! WE'LL BURN DOWN OUR RAIN FOREST IF WE DAMN WELL PLEASE. WE NEED ROOM FOR COWS!! WE WANT A MACDONALD'S ON EVERY... OH, SORRY, YES ANYWAY, NO. WE NEED 40% OF YOUR CONCERT RECEIPTS TO GIVE TO DAVID BOWIE." HE SAID, WINKING TO THE LOCAL PROMOTER, PHILLIPE. AS PAUL CONTINUED THIS ELABORATE DISTRACTION, JIM EFFECTED AN ESCAPE FROM THE HEAVILY GUARDED BUS BY CRAWLING DOWN INTO THE CARGO BAY, CUTTING A HOLE IN THE FLOOR WITH THE SWISS ARMY KNIFE'S ARC-WELDER, SLIPPING INTO THE MANHOLE COVER SITUATED UNDER THE BUS, AND WALKING UP INTO THE HOTEL'S BASEMENT FROM THERE. JIM CALLED UP TO ME IN MY ROOM AND GAVE THE SIGNAL. WE WERE NOW TO MEET AT THE BACK ENTRANCE, WITH OUR TECH GUYS. BUT FIRST, PAUL WOULD NEED SOME HELP GETTING AWAY FROM HIS UNWELCOME GUESTS, AS THINGS WERE GETTING UGLY. "HE SAYS HE HAS LOST HIS PATIENCE, AND THAT HE CAN THINK OF OTHER WAYS OF EXACTING PAYMENT FROM YOU KURT AND JIM PHYSICALLY." OUR TREMBLING INTERPRETER SAID. THE MOMENT HAD COME. JIM BEGAN OPERATING THE BUS FROM HIS BACK ENTRANCE VANTAGE POINT. AS THE REMOTE-CONTROLLED BUS LURCHED TOWARDS THE PARKING LOT EXIT, THE SUPERSTITIOUS SECURITY YOUTHS FLED IN TERROR. PAUL WAS PULLING ANXIOUSLY ON HIS COLLAR AS THE PRS MAN BEGAN DESCRIBING HIS COLLECTION OF WORLD WAR II NAZI CERIMONIAL KNIVES WHEN A SUDDEN CRASH SPLIT THE TABLEAU. JIM HAD PURCHASED ME THE GIFT OF A COMPLETE BLACK NINJA STEALTH ASSASSIN OUTFIT IN ARACAJU. I HAD BEEN GEARING UP AND CRAWLING THROUGH THE AIR CONDITIONING DUCTS ALL THIS TIME. AS I CRASHED THROUGH THE CHEAP IMITAION- STYROFOAM HUNG CEILING TILES, SKATES FIRST, I FLASHED NINJA STARS ALL ABOUT ME. IN THE ENSUING PANIC, PAUL ESCAPED TO THE PRE-ARRANGED BUS PICK-UP POINT. UNFORTUNATLEY, MY SKATES WERE A POOR CHOICE OF FOOT GEAR FOR ESCAPING OVER THE BROKEN GLASS. OF THE TABLE I HAD LANDED ON. WERE IT NOT FOR THE CONFUSION AND THE NINJA-STAR-INFLICTED WOUNDS DELIVERED TO THE BAD GUYS, I WOULD HAVE BEEN SET UPON WHILE FOUNDERING ON THE GLASS-STREWN CARPET. AS IT HAPPENED, HOWEVER, I LEAPT THROUGH THE OPEN DOOR OF THE CAREENING BUS AS IT DEPARTED THE CITY OF MARINGA FOREVER. IF ONLY WE HAD MANAGED TO GET OUR EQUIPMENT IN THE BUS, TOO . . . EVERY WORD OF THIS STORY IS TRUE. - KURT HARLAN NO CARRIER Now not to sound like a poser with my board name being the same as the groups name, I would like to mention that I have met InSoc, and kicked back with them for a while after there gig at the 9:30 club in DC about a year and half ago. Personally I dont think SOME of their music is the greatest, but I believe in what it stands for... ����������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � �������� Article 1.1.4 �۲����� � � � � Title: The Ultimate System Password File � � � � Written by: Slycath/Phate � � � ����������������������������������������������������������������������; DISCLAIMER: AHH FUCK THE DISCLAIMER, USE THESE PASSWORDS AND I HOPE YOU GET INTO MANY SYSTEMS AND ABUSE THE FUCK OUT OF THEM...... MAY MANY A BUSINESS BE HARASSED DUE TO YOU FREAKS READING AND USING THIS INFORMATION UNWISELY.. INFO: THE PASSWORDS CONTAINED IN THIS FILE ARE FOR HACKING THE FOLLOWING SYSTEMS: HPx000, UNIX, VAX, VM/CMS + PRIMOS. GREETS: GREETS TO ALL OUR CREW AND ALL YOU FUCKERS WHO HAVE THE INQUISITION TO FUCK WITH SYSTEMS. PASSWORDS: OK LET'S GO AND LEARN THEM DEFAULTS SO YOU CAN ABUSE THE HELL OUT OF YOUR LOCAL DIALUPS....... LET'S GO!! ----------------------- HEWLETT PACKARD HPx000 ----------------------- MGR .CAROLIAN MGR .CCC MGR .CNAS MGR .CONV MGR .COGNOS OPERATOR .COGNOS MANAGER .COGNOS OPERATOR .DISC MGR .HPDESK MGR .HPWORD FIELD .HPWORD MGR .HPOFFICE SPOOLMAN .HPOFFICE ADVMAIL .HPOFFICE MAIL .HPOFFICE WP .HPOFFICE MANAGER .HPOFFICE MGR .HPONLY FIELD .HPP187 MGR .HPP187 MGR .HPP189 MGR .HPP196 MGR .INTX3 MGR .ITF3000 MANAGER .ITF3000 MAIL .MAIL MGR .NETBASE MGR .REGO MGR .RJE MGR .ROBELLE MANAGER .SECURITY MGR .SECURITY FIELD .SERVICE MANAGER .SYS MGR .SYS PCUSER .SYS RSBCMON .SYS OPERATOR .SYS OPERATOR .SYSTEM FIELD .SUPPORT OPERATOR .SUPPORT MANAGER .TCH MAIL .TELESUP MANAGER .TELESUP MGR .TELESUP SYS .TELESUP MGE .VESOFT MGE .VESOFT MGR .WORD MGR .XLSERVER ----------------------- J O B I D . S ----------------------- PUB SYS DATA ----------------------- P A S S W O R D S ----------------------- HPONLY TELESUP HP MPE LOTUS MANAGER MGR REMOTE ----------------------- VAX ----------------------- Username: Password: --------- --------- SYSTEM MANAGER or OPERATOR FIELD SERVICE or TEST or DIGITAL DEFAULT USER or DEFAULT SYSTEST UETP or SYSTEST VAX VAX VMS VMS DCL DCL DEMO DEMO TEST TEST HELP HELP NEWS NEWS GUEST GUEST GAMES GAMES DECNET DECNET SYS SYS NETCON NETCON ALLIN1 ALLIN1 NETPRIV NETPRIV OPERVAX OPERVAX ALLINONE ALLINONE TELEDEMO TELEDEMO NETSERVER NETSERVER NETNONPRIV NETNONPRIV RJE RJE HOST HOST LINK LINK INFO INFO BACKUP BACKUP NETWORK NETWORK DECMAIL DECMAIL HELPDESK HELPDESK REPORT(S) REPORT(S) ------------------------- U N I X ------------------------- [Unix = Case Sensitive] [ I.E. 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