welcome to strangeness. what you'll find in here: email addresses, random quotes, gibberish, ftp/web sites, a troma filmography, how to play ska, build a redbox with hallmark cards, a jackie chan filmography, + more!!!! plus a good hamster gif. wow. neat. what follows isn't so much a zine as much just as all the random stuff I've gathered up. I guess I'm a packrat by nature� I dunno. Whatever. Factoids facinate me. if anyone out in Netland has any random questions they'd like answered (or any random facts, etc, to contribute to the heap), just email me. As scary as it might sound, I like doing research (at least on topics that interest me). So yeah, send away. what follows is a lot of random stuff� deal with it however you want. I have no idea where most of it came from. I'm not bound by any real length requirements, so... Strangeness Issue 1 10/30/94 jonathar@gas.uug.arizona.edu Sylvester Stallone has charged that, following his Rambo films, he was exploited by the Reagan and Bush administrations. In a London interview with Reuters Sunday, Stallone said, "Rambo became a symbol of American aggressiveness and I became the symbol. I didn't want it. I was no longer an actor, I was now a symbol for the war machine." g00d email addresses: askmike@aol.com (Mike Levey) -- of Ask Mike infomercial fame. mrdensity@aol.com (Mr Density) -- The Mister Density zine� dedicated to crispin glover postmaster@BADRELIGION.COM (Greg Gaffin) -- hella sell outs :) WWOR09A@aol.com (WOR News) -- WOR (NY/NY superstation) news dept dateline@news.nbc.com (Dateline) -- News. Conanshow@aol.com (Conan) -- Late night talk show stuff sassy@phantom.com (Sassy) -- the magazine, the myth, the legend podbox!milhous@cs.utexas.edu -or- kingcoffey@aol.com (King Coffee) -- of the butthole surfers knitting@netcom.com -- the knitting factory club/scene/label 76711.271@compuserve.com (Roger Ebert) -- big thumbs up TVNatn@aol.com (TV Nation) foxnet@delphi.com (FOX) -- hey�doesn't rupert murdoch own both FOX and delphi? chuck manson #833920 box 3456 corcoran, ca 93212 --- alt.cult-movies #58148 (1 + 156 more) (1)+-[2] From: Kevin Martinez \-[1] [2] Troma film list, was: Toxic Avenger/Class of Nuk'm High Nntp-Posting-User: lps Organization: a2i network Date: Sat Oct 15 21:23:03 MST 1994 Lines: 239 v5s4@UNBSJ.CA (CHRIS C. TESINK) writes: > I loved the Toxic Avenger series and the Class of Nuk'm High movies, >and i was just wondering if anyone could tell me what other movies the >directors, Michael hertz, or something like that and some other guy. Have >put out. And are they worth renting? Thanks in advance. Here's my list I made last year. Some of these films (Ferocious Female Freedom Fighters..) weren't made by Troma but changed by them (FFFF has a new soundtrack. You'll love it or hate it. Instantly). As for if they are worth watching, only you can be the judge of that! ------ Known Troma Films 7-93: Adventure of the Action Hunters Battle of Loves Return Blades Blurb: Just when you Thought it was Safe to Putt! Blood Hook Bloodsucking Freaks Capture of Bigfoot Chillers Chopper Chicks in Zombietown Class of Nuke'Em High Blurb: Readin'� Writin' and Radiation! Class of Nuke'Em High II: Subhumanoid Meltdown Combat Shock Croaked - Frog Monster From Hell Cry Uncle Curse of the Cannibal Confederates The Dark Side of Midnight Dead Dudes in the House Deadly Daphne's Revenge Death to the Pee Wee Squad Def by Temptation Blurb: She's every mans dream� and your worst nightmare! Demented Death Farm Massacre Dialing for Dingbats Dreams Come True East End Hustle Ellie Evil Clutch Blurb: The Nightmare that Grabs you Where you least expect it! Fat Guy Goes Nutzoid Blurb: He's all action� He's all man� He's all over the place! Feelin' Up Ferocious Female Freedom Fighters Ferocious Female Freedom Fighters Part II Fertilize the Blaspheming Bombshell The First Turn On Blurb: Can you think of a better reason for going to summer camp? Fortress of Amerikkka Blurb: Where the Brave Must Fight to be Free! Frostbiter: Wrath of the Wendingo Girls School Screamers G.I. Executioner The Good, the Bad and the Subhumanoid: Nuke'Em High III Haunting Fear Hollywood Zap Hot Summer in Barefoot County Hunted to Death I Married a Vampire I was a Teenage T.V. Terrorist Igor and the Lunatics The Love Thrill Murders Lust for Freedom Monster in the Closet Nerds of a Feather Nightmare Weekend A Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell Ocean Drive Weekend Play Dead Preacherman Rabid Grannies Blurb: They love their grandchildren� Well Done! Rebel Love Recorded Live Redneck Zombies Rockin' Roadtrip Scoring Scream Baby Scream Screamplay (B&W) Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D. Is this out anywhere but Japan yet? Shadows Run Black Sizzle Beach, U.S.A. The movie that made Kevin Costner a star! Squeeze Play The Stabilizer Star Worms II: Attack of the Pleasure Pods Story of a Junkie Strangest Dreams: Invasion of the Space Preachers Stuck on You Blurb: You'll come Unglued with laughter! Student Confidential Stuff Stephanie in the Incinerator Sugar Cookies Surf Nazis Must Die That's My Baby They Call Me Macho Woman The Toxic Avenger Blurb: He was 98 lbs. of solid nerd until he became� The first Super-Hero from New Jersey! Blurb II: A different kind of hero! The Toxic Avenger: Part II Blurb: Ol' Goo Eyes is Back! The Toxic Avenger III: The Last Temptation of Toxie Troma's War Trucker's Woman Vegas in Space Video Demons do Psychotown Video Vixens Blurb: All the Action� Without switching Channels Blurb II: The wildest video contest ever. Waitress The Wedding Party When Nature Calls White Elephant: Battle of the African Ghosts Wildrose Wizards of the Demon Sword Zombie Island Massacre (with Rita Jenrette) Blurb: Have a fun filled vacation of Terror, Torture and Death! -------------- Hopefully this format isn't too obnoxious. ______________ #9.1 Dictionaries (word lists from the net) Some of this information seems outdated. Please use archie if you experience problems and let me know of any changes. = gopher = There are online dictionaries available via gopher, eg: gopher.tu-chemnitz.de: "Weitere lokale Infos (Woerterbuch)" # (last time checked ok: 01/31/94) gopher gopher.informatik.tu-muenchen.de 70 # (couldn't access -- ??? still alive ???) 20. ISAR Gopher/ 14. Services/ 13. Englisches Woerterbuch = ftp = German word lists and German-English dictionaries are available via FTP from the sites listed below. # Always assume use the following, unless stated otherwise; # login: anonymous # password: for people in EUROPE � ___site___ ___directory___ ftp.informatik.tu-muenchen.de /pub/doc/dict # Couldn't login� ??? still alive ??? ftp.uni-kl.de /pub2/packages/doc.tum/dict # (last time checked ok: 01/31/94) ftp.th-darmstadt.de /pub/dicts/German # (last time checked ok: 01/31/94) ftp.uni-muenster.de /pub/dict/German # (last time checked ok: 01/31/94) # nestroy.wu-wien.ac.at /pub/lib/info/dict # (last time checked ok: 01/31/94) # mailserv.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de /public # (last time checked ok: 01/31/94) and, for people WEST OF THE ATLANTIC� ___site___ ___directory___ arthur.cs.purdue.edu /pub/pcert/dict/German/ftp.informatik.tu-meunchen.de ------- sprechen sie deutsch? Ich habe deutsch nicht gern. gurken ___________ -NNTP News Servers telnet vaxc.cc.monash.edu.au 119 or 119 telnet munnari.oz.au 119 or 119 (AUSSI) telnet etl.go.jp 119 or 119 (JAPAN) telnet news.fu-berlin.de 119 (GERMANY) offers: Post to Usenet news via telnet. (Type HELP after connecting) The CyberDen Current CyberLink address directory as of August 20th, 1994 Record Labels [Majors and Indies] --------------------------------- Anubis Recordings anubis@cyberden.com Cleopatra Records cleopatra@cyberden.com * Charnel Music Charnel_Music@cyberden.com Astralwerks Records astralwerks@cyberden.com World Domination Records mr.suit@cyberden.com 21st Circuitry Records 21st.circuitry@cyberden.com Neverland Records vlad@cyberden.com 'Zines ------ Nexus 6 n6@cyberden.com Drazil E-Zine liz.ard@cyberden.com QrM E-Zine qrm@cyberden.com Chaos Control E-Zine rsgour@cyberden.com Bands ----- Xorcist xorcist@cyberden.com chemlab chemlink@cyberden.com Mephisto Walz mephisto@cyberden.com Switchblade Symphony neurotic@cyberden.com the bleeding stone trolloc@cyberden.com Retina cchriss@cyberden.com * Greg Ginn greg_ginn@cyberden.com * Insight 23 perception_rek@cyberden.com _--_______ I know� Its a promo thing. I still think it's interesting. ___________ FTP g00dness (no, I haven't checked all these so I dunno what's up with 'em) ftp.netcom.com/pub/caddy/movies/ReservoirDogs -reservoir dogs stuff ftp.infonet.net /showcase/agency/marulyn /showcase/agency/marilyn - marilyn munroe gifs fnovhtu.tu-graz.ac.at ( /UNIX/PUB/TASTELES - alt.tasteless FTP site. ftp://ftp.doc.ic.ac.uk/public/media/tv/collections/tardis/us/drama/ RealWorldThe/ - the real world info wiretap.spies.com /game_archive/ --- Rec.Games.Video.Arcade file servers ! ftp ftp.hmc.edu /pub/drugs/marihuana/growers -- you figure it out ftp.intac.com:/pub/intac/users/starman --- the OFFICIAL movie goofs list ftp site Check out atari.archive.umich.edu - a great FTP site for 2600 tech info. ftp.uu.net /usenet/rec.arts.tv and sub-directories for popular shows ftp.doc.ic.ac.uk /public/media/tv/collections/tardis. lots of good tv stuff ---- Blue Phantom is an anonymous uploader. The BP may be contacted via a blank freenet account. Mail may be sent to bjen@cybernet.cse.fau.edu Requests are OK. Begging is not, and there is a difference. ---- how to play ska (sort of) I can't remember where I found any of this: It doesn't really matter too much what key you play, so the A-G-D progression I mentioned, and the G-F progression that was also mentioned. The main thing is getting the actual progression right, and the key doesn't matter too much--just transpose. So the progression would be (assuming that I'm right) I chord-Flatted 7th-IV Chord. ++++++++++ Hmmmmm�. Looks like there aren't any ska guitar experts around, but I think maybe I can help. I'm not much of a guitarist, but I can play ska fine. Mostly I find that as long as you stick to using the barred E, and the BArred A, you can sound out most ska songs pretty easy. About 90% of the ska songshave progressions that can be found within these four chords: start at a Barred E(umm, try at the 5th fret), then move 2 frets up(towards the end of the neck), then switch to the Barred A form, then move back down two frets. too bad i don't know note names.. to make this easier, we'll call the first chord 1, the second 2, etc.. So here are some songs. Respond to me if this makes no sense. Specials Little Bitch: 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 (each number stands for up *and* down) Too Much Too Young: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Operation IVy: sound system: 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 Hmmm, well, maybe you'll get the basic idea out of this mess and figure the res tout yourself? I'd hate to just hand *Everything* to you. MONKEY MAN, SKA Music News and Reviews To subscribe send a message to eisner@primate.wisc.edu To make things easier please include this in the body of your mail: subscribe your@email.name.edu _____- blah -----_ make a redbox with hallmark recordable cards�. Well, here's what I did: 1) Rip off the actual card, get to the plastic frame and components inside. 2) separate the components from the frame. 3) If you want to use the batteries that come with, just cut the holder away from the frame. 4) Find some kind of enclosure that you can mount the components in. Be creative. I used part of an old phone handset. 5) stick it together, record the tones, and use. Now. The speaker that comes with the card is crap, IMHO. Use part of your headphones, or better yet pull the speaker out of the earpiece of a phone. The microphone is also a bit weird, and not very good. I just cut the wires from the piezo that was included and wired them straight into the speaker, which doubles as a handy mic. I'm sure the impedances are mismatched, and I'll probably suffer for this down the line in some way, but it works. *Shrug* I also added a 1/8" jack for a line in / line out feature. Don't jack your walkman straight into this. Line level is definitely too high for the mic input. You'll need some kind of adapter. I believe someone mentioned in a past post that Radio Shat sells cables to match line level to mic level impedances. I dunno. It shouldn't be that hard to figure out, honestly. There aren't that many parts. Be creative. Have fun. Learn how to use a soldering iron on small things without toasting your hair. [1] INTRRR NRRRD WWW E-ZINE IS UP. Be afraid. Be Very Afraid. + 8) Date: Tue Aug 23 23:19:15 MST 1994 Organization: Michigan State University Lines: 43 X-Posted-From: InterNews 1.0.1@ Xdisclaimer: No attempt was made to authenticate the sender's name. Just when you thought it was safe�. INTRRR NRRRD is now online! "So what," you say. "I don't even know what it is. Uhhhh.. What *IS* it, anyways?" Glad you sort of forcefully asked. Its an electronic magazine, or "e-zine" dedicated to "punk" lifestyle, Do-It-Yourself Culture, and technology. Its NOT just a "ooh, here's my homepage with a crapload of links to other useless places." This isn't an Internet photo album for the bored. This is activity. We're going to be having monthly columnists (no, nobody famous like Mykel Board or Larry Livermore YET) as well as areas for people to submit artwork (in GIF form), audio samples of their bands and projects (in Sun-AU form) and written articles, opinions and such (via e-mail). People can send things to me via "Snail Mail" as well (as in United States Postal Service), and I can scan and digitize audio files when they get to my liiiittle mailbox at my apartment. All the addresses are on the site. Theres also "NrrrdNet"- an area that links up sites that have the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) ideal in mind. Most of these people are very involved in zines, their bands, and even own record labels. 'Wooowww," you gasp. "How cool." Networking is the key. Anyways, if you are interested in looking, connect with Mosaic or any other WWW browser to: file://etext.archive.umich.edu/pub/Zines/Intrrr.Nrrrd/intrrr.html ___--- Female cheerleaders are cute, sexy, fresh, and all-American. Male cheerleaders are scary. ---____ The first three issues of phrack are available on www at lysator. You will find it under various interesting text at: http://www.lysator.liu.se:7500/ Type=1+ Name=ASCII Clipart Collection Path=1/Art and Images/ClipArt (ASCII) Host=gopher.cs.ttu.edu Klaatu, Barada, Nikto _--_ WHY O. J. IS DEFINITELY INNOCENT I have come to the very easy conclusion that O. J. Simpson is innocent of the crimes that he has been charged with. How can this be, you may ask, considering all of the evidence that has been mounting against him? The answer is simple: He is a sports hero. You see, I do not think of sports heroes like I do you average double murderer. When I am dealing with a defendant who holds the all-time rushing record, I am prone to look at the evidence with a rather biased perspective. This is because all that I know of O. J. is through the public eye. I knew nothing of his prior troubles with beating up his wife, and when I do find out about them, I realize that they by no means prove his guilt. After all, this is a man who Ive always seen smiling, whether it be on a Hertz commercial, Saturday Night Live or the Naked Gun movies. So how could he possibly be anything but a perfect person? I am able to judge his character from watching him play football, and let me tell you, he is no murderer. His run from the police and threatened suicide when he knew that he was going to be caught were obviously done out of panic. Surely the actions of an innocent man. All of this overwhelming evidence, the matching bloody glove, the blood stains, and so on, merely prove that O. J. was framed. I cannot destroy the image that I have of O. J. Simpson as a public hero, and will not tolerate any suggestions that he may have done anything wrong. From now on, whenever any new evidence is introduced, I will make the assumption that the evidence is not convincing, and then somehow justify my assumption. So therefore, I am easily able to come to the conclusion that his son did it. Definitely. ------ I dunno. I watched the o.j. fiesta grande on TV LIVE, as it happenned�. and I'm not sure what to think. I really dig conspiracy theories, so I had to throw this in there. now back to your regularly scheduled program ------ WWW stuff: http://iris3.carb.nist.gov:8000/pub/ram/music/primus/primus.html -primus http://www.dsv.su.se/~petter-s/music.html --- kp's music page. Links to lots of g00d stuff like band info etc. check it out try http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/ray/midnight/midnight.html -- some band called Midnight Coil's site. Hmmm� "Like the violent and crashing sounds of the ocean, Midnight Call's sound is very recognizable." - Kathy Tibbitts, Northeastern News http://www.galcit.caltech.edu/~ta/creative.html -- The Creative Internet Page. YOU MUST SEE THIS! http://crca-www.ucsd.edu/TajMahal/after.html --- In MPEG stereo where available. alternative music + ???? Cult movies http://www.public.iastate.edu/~abormann/ Pulp Fiction http://www.musicbase.co.uk/movie/pulp/contents.html Star Wars: http://www.wpi.edu:8080/ftp/starwars Evil Dead/AOD: http://b62528.student.cwru.edu/home.html Q. Tarantino: http://www.nvg.unit.no/~eddie/tarantino.html Natural Born Killers: http://crimelab.com/NBK.html Reservoir Dogs: http://colargol.edb.tih.no/~kennetha/dogs.html Blade Runner: http://kzsu.stanford.edu/uwi/br/off-world.html John Woo http://panacea.library.ucsb.edu/~jkoga/jw_gallery.html Forbidden Planet (Sci-fi movies,etc.) http://www.maths.tcd.ie/mmm/ReviewsFromTheForbiddenPlanet.html Cardiff's Movie Database (absolute BEST for movies!) http://www.msstate.edu/Movies/ Hong Kong Movies http://www.mdstud.chalmers.se/hkmovie Asian Movies http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~luwang/homepage.html http://www.ee.pdx.edu/~caseyh -- The Hellraiser Page http://www.elmail.co.uk/music/pwei/pweipage.html/ -- Pop Will Eat Itself ---____ Since the new Ween album, Chocolate and Cheese, came out on double vinyl on Grand Royal Records, it earned an entry at the Grand Royal WWW site. It's there, including all it's controversial cover art, complete with links to the lyrics at Captain Sarcastic's site. The Grand Royal WWW Site is within the Music Kitchen, which lives at the URL: http://www.nando.net/music/gm/ Captain Sarcastic's site http://nyx10.cs.du.edu:8001/~kkoller ----____ I guess you could call ween my favorite band� --- If you're into ambient techno along the lines of FSOL, you should check out the Violet Arcana home page at http://www.teleport.com/~arcana There's lots of sounds and graphics�news�and interesting tidbits. In the "Arcana Web" you'll find the ::Cat Compilation:: home page--a CD compilation featuring such artists as Information Society, Anything Box, Channel 69,& T-42. You'll also find a cool list of other music related web pages (including the Willard E. Love home page for REALLY amazing rave flyers!). If you publish a zine, do you: . Do Web Site Reviews? . Print Web Server Announcements? . Consider Web Site Press Releases for print? . Write articles on "Interesting Web Sites"? If so, our company publishes a Web Site and a complementary Web Service which I hope will be of interest to you and your publication. Following is our "press release": ****************************************************************************** 10/10/94 Salt Lake City, Utah AmeriCom Long Distance, a leading reseller of competitive International and Domestic Long Distance Service, is proud to announce the AREA DECODER: A Complementary World Wide Area-Code, City-Code, Country-Code Lookup Server. . Find Area-Code by City, State or Country . Find City, State or Country by Area-Code . Find Codes for Over 75,000 Cities World Wide To LOOKUP AN AREA CODE anywhere in the world (or for information about low cost International/Domestic long distance), visit the AmeriCom Web Site at: http://www.xmission.com/~americom/ Request information on discount Domestic and International long distance service by e-mail at: info@AmeriCom.com, or call (800) 955-9385. _____ don't ask me why this exists (the americom thing, that is). I don't know. _____ NETTWERK'S ONLINE WORLD We are pleased to announce that we have set up a Nettwerk World Wide Web home page. We have included GIFs, sound bites, and text such as bios, catalogues, tour dates and newsletters. Right now we have pages for Sarah McLachlan, Ginger, Brainbox, Single Gun Theory, Delerium, The Rose Chronicles, Papa Brittle, P.O.W.E.R., and Itch. We will be adding to and changing these pages regularly. The URL is: http://www.wimsey.com/nettwerk/ --------- this is a good thing. entire songs available over the web for free�. sigh� if only I had a faster modem. WEB: http://www.iuma.com/IUMA/ FTP: ftp.iuma.com Gopher: gopher.iuma.com via the web you can jump to our mirror sites to go to one which is quickest for you. if you wish to ftp/gopher to one of the other ones directly, their addresses are: North Carolina: WEB: http://sunsite.unc.edu/ianc/ FTP: sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/electronic-publications/IUMA Gopher: sunsite.unc.edu, worlds of sunsite/IUMA London: WEB: http://www.southern.com/IUMA FTP: www.southern.com:/IUMA The music is compressed. For PC/Mac use the MPEG compression. (*.mp2) In order to play the song on your computer you'll need the software. You can find that at: http://www.iuma.com/IUMA/html/use/song-play.html http://www.mps.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/hpp?bigfo --- The official Alt Dot Bigfoot WWW site. is there an unofficial one? Hmmm� lots of strangeness to be found here. I am pleased to announce the Freakshow Homepage on the Net! It is still under construction, and I have a lot to add. But a few exhibits are in place now. Use your favorite web browser and go to: http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~denis Send me some mail and let me know what you think. I would love to know if you have anything to add! Dave ----- >Puck appeared on a local (SF Bay Area) TV show this morning >for an extremely brief interview. At the end of the segment, >as they were starting to go to commercial, Puck asked if he >could give his P.O. box number so people could write to him >(PO Box 117115, Burlingame, CA 94011). -------- From: hannam@waikato.ac.nz [1] Another Jackie Chan fan Date: Sun Aug 14 15:44:23 MST 1994 Organization: University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand Lines: 82 Hi, for all those other Jackie Chan fans out there here is his filmography. It may not be 100% accurate but it is better than nothing. JACKIE CHAN FILMOGRAPHY Credits : D = director, W = writer, P = producer. A = US Production YEAR D W P Master with Cracked Fingers 1971 / Little Tiger from Canton Karate Bomber 197? Hand of Death 1975 / Countdown in Kung Fu New Fist of Fury 1976 Shaolin Chamber of Death / Shaolin Wooden Men 1976 Killer Meteors 1977 / Jackie Chan versus Wang Yu Snake-Crane Art of Shaolin 1977 To Kill with Intrigue 1977 Half a Loaf of Kung Fu 1977 Eagle Shadow Fist 1977 Magnificent Bodyguards 1978 Spiritual Kung Fu 1978 /Karate Ghostbuster Dragon Fist 1978 Snake in the Eagle's Shadow 1978 * / The Eagle's Shadow Drunken Master 1979 * / Drunken Monkey in the Tiger's Eyes Fantasy Mission Force 1979 Fearless Hyena 1979 * * Fearless Hyena II 1980 Young Master, The 1980 * * Battle Creek Brawl 1980A / Big Brawl, The Dragon Lord 1982 * * * Winners & Sinners 1983 Project A 1983 * * * Wheels on Meals 1984 Protector, The 1985A First Mission, The 1985 / Heart of the Dragon My Lucky Stars 1985 Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars 1985 Police Story 1985 * * * / Police Force Armour of God, The 1986 * * * Dragons Forever 1986 Project A Part II 1987 * * * Police Story II 1988 * * * Mr. Canton and Lady Rose 1989 * * * Operation Condor - Armour of God Part II 1991 * * * Island of Fire 1991 Twin Dragons 1992 Police Story III: Super Cop 1992 City Hunter 1992 Crime Story 1993 Drunken Master 2 1993 Other movies with only minor roles in : Cannonball Run, The 1981A Kung Fu Girl 1983 Cannonball Run Part II, The 1983A Two in a Black Belt 1984 Ninja Wars 1985 Project S 1993 Note: The first title given is generally the New Zealand release titles. Other titles are known alternatives. I myself have only seen about 25 of these movies all of them being dubbed releases only. Generally all movies of his after PROJECT A (which is my favourite) are good. Movies prior to this are all mostly "Avenge My Master" which are for die hard fans only. I hope this guide helps. +=-+=-+=- CHECK OUT== OUT OF BAND EXPERIENCE-WACKO ALIEN NYMPHO SOUND ORGY OR KINGS OF FEEDBACK-Industrial Blues SLACK SludGE Noise ROCK CALL 1-(617) LICK OBE or E-Mail= LickOBE617aol.com OR WRITE TO: OBE-KOF-BTM==BOX 221==BOSTON, MA 02123 USA FOR "FREE GIFT" STICKERS AND INFO ABOUT CD/VINYL/TAPES-ETC. RANDOMLY SELECTED RESPONSES MAY RECEIVE THE NEW OBE-KOF CD "OPEN YOUR EARS"!!!!! PRAISE BOB-STAY SLACK! rec.arts.tv.mst3k #6083 (0 + 727 more) [1] From: mneylon@lem.engin.umich.edu (Michael K. Neylon) Newsgroups: alt.tv.mst3k,rec.arts.tv.mst3k [1] Who's this Joel guy? READ B4 you post! Date: Sat Aug 06 18:15:57 MST 1994 Organization: University of Michigan Engineering, Ann Arbor Lines: 30 Distribution: world X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Just so that we can keep the number of messages down, please read further if you were confused about this week's MST� Who's this guy, Joel? What happened to Mike? For those of you new to MST3K, Joel was the original host during the first 4.5 seasons of the show. (He was also the original writer and producer of it as well, and the main creative force for MST3K). In the episode 'Mitchell', Joel escapes from the SOL, and makes his way to Earth (ending up somewhere in the Australian outback) (In real life, Joel Hodgson took a hiatus from the show to work on the very short lived 'Paula Poundstone Show'..any possiblity of his returning to the show is unknown at this time). The Mads were of course upset at this, and thus, they show Mike up to the SoL (who was, as the NEW title credits say, a temp for the Mads). And since then, Mike is the new host. PLEASE DON'T POST THIS QUESTION TO EITHER GROUP! If you would like to have further information, then thats fine, but there have been too many 'Who's the new guy?' threads in the past to kill someone with� Just a friendly reminder� Date: Sun Aug 07 20:37:45 MST 1994 \-(1) From: Cary_Gordon@vine.org (Cary Gordon) -[1] Organization: The Vine - The Entertainment Industry On [1] Re: How do you make dry ice fog? Distribution: world Lines: 15 In an article, Steve Collins writes: >I want to build a dry ice fog machine for a production I am working on. >Has anyone built one before or know how they work? All you need is a 30 gallon steel drum with a removable or hinged top, three 1500 watt hot water heater elements, a 150-300 cfm squirrel cage blower, a basket for the dry ice and a mechanism to raise and lower the ice. Also you'll need appropriate breakers, boxes switches, hoses, some kind of dolly to move the thing around and about a ton of RTV. Personally, I just rent them (although I did build one once--never again). +++++ ___________ ugh. it's time for me to go now. i need to know what you think of all this. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @ @ @@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@ @ @ @@@ @@@@ @@@@@ @@ @@ @ @ @ @@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @ @@ @@ @@@@ @ @ @@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@ @@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @ @@ @@@ @@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @ @ @@ @@@ @@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @ @@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @ @@ @ @ @@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @ @@ @ @ @@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @ @@ @ @ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @ @@ @ @ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @ @@ @ @ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @ @@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @ @@ @@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@ @@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@ @@ begin 644 hamster1.uue M1TE&.#=A0 '( )< ! 0$! 0(" 0(! @$! @(! @," @$" @(" @,! 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