� � [MiLK] � � � � � � � � Mighty Issue #15 � � ۲��������� illicit "Wank Bunny: Part II" ۲��������� ۲��������� Liquid By James Hetfield ۲��������� ۲��������� Kollections ۲��������� ۲��������� ۲��������� ����������� ����������� Yeah, I bet you really thought I was finished when I was in the jaws of that wolf, didn't you? Actually, probably not, because if I wasn't I wouldn't be alive to tell you this story, now would I? And by the way it is written, you know it's not divinly inspired, so I must still be alive to write it. Now how bunny rabbits type out stories is a whole other story, which I might tell you some other time. There I was, about to be lunch, when suddenly this human runs up and kicks the wolf! The wolf goes running away into the forest, whining the entire way! I had never had a human HELP me before, so this was quite an inspiring act... they mught actually do good in this world after all! Well, this human was a female, just springing into her womanhood at the age of 21. The other humans called her Nicole, but I just thought of her as my human friend, because I always thought the way that humans identify themselves is stupid anyways... it never tells you about them at all. At this point I was bleeding quite a bit at the areas the jaws of the wolf was holding me. My Human Friend took me into her house and put some stuff on the wounds that REALLY hurt, but they healed faster and didn't get all disgusting like wounds tend to do. Then she put me into one of her human rooms and started talking into some platic thing... and then she yelled a lot and then cried! I don't know what was wrong with her, the plastic thing seemed to be talking back to her, but apparently not giving her the answers she wanted to hear. Finally, she put the plastic thing down, and after a few minutes of weeping, she looked at me. "You know, sometimes I wish I was like you.. you don't have the kind of problems we do..." she sighed. Yeah, humans are crazy. They think they have it SO hard off... but THEY don't have to fight for their survival every day... THEY don't have to worry about the powers of nature attacking them, they have conquered it. They just like to bitch a lot, I guess. So anyways, after she said this she tossed me back outside, and closed the door behind her. I guess she didn't want too much to do with me. Well, I'm happy about that, I guess. Humans are more of a pain then they're worth. So That's my story. lately I've been thinking about writing myself a book or something, you know, about me. What do you think? would it sell? Would people at least read it? maybe then you humans would understand *MY* problems. I'll talk about all the hardships *I* go through in my life... So, watch for my book. Out in your favorite bookstores soon... oh yeah! I almost forgot to tell you! My story about the bookkeeper! Ok, well, a few weeks after My Human Friend helped me out, I was hopping around the good ol' berbs of Chicago when I came upon this big building... it was right near the lake.. I don't remember what the humans called it, Krocks and Britannias or something, but there were a LOT of books in this place. Me being the Enthusiastic learner I am hopped in to look around. I played around on the big moving stairs and stuff for a while, and then noticed some humans playing around on them too! All these people did were go up and down and up and down and over and over! I didn't know humans played with their own inventions... I found them all very silly, to tell you the truth. But I'll leave the story about THEM for another time... ������������������������[MiLK] Information��������������������������������� [MiLK] Sights - WHQ - Barney's Pleasure Palace! (708)965-3098 DiSt- The Lunatic Phringe (708)232-0565 Entropy (708)205-0935 Mech World (708)757-0116 [MiLK] Member Listing - James Hetfield Nyarlathotep Epic Plaid Wilderbeast Mendeleev [MiLK] Issue Number - 15 [MiLK] Issue Size - 4994 Bytes [MiLK] Date of Production: 2/24/93 ���������������������Press ALT to activate menus�����������������������������