�����������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ �H���ACKERSHACKER��� ->THE<- ���HACKERSHACKERSH���AC� �K���ERSHACKERSHA��� ���KERSHACKERSHACK���ER� �S���HACKERSHACKE��� ->HACKERS<- ���SHACKERSHACKERS���HA� �ܰ���������������������������������������������ܲ�������ܲ�������ܲ���ܺ �W���AREHOUSEWARE��� ���USEWAR���EHOUSE���WA� �R���EHOUSEWAREHO��� ->WAREHOUSE<- ���EWAREH���OUSEWA���RE� �H���OUSEWAREHOUS��� ���������������������AR� �����������������������������������������������������������������������͹ �---->hACKERS<------------------------------------------>wAREHOUSE<-----� � "PILOT ISSUE!!!! THE SHOCK BOX" � �-----------------------------------------------------------------------� � Date: 10/11/94 Written By: ���Sandman��� Issue No. 1 � �����������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ Welcome to the first issue of "The Hacker's Warehouse". It's sure to become the leading publication in the 215/610 area. I guess I should tell how I got started with this idea in the first place. About 1 month ago me and a friend were talkin' about various publications such as "VAS","CDC" "PHRACK","BAR"... and others. We got to thinking that the 215/610 really didn't have a good H/P/A publication. Well right then and there we had to solve this delima, so we started a group called THE HACKER'S WAREHOUSE. At first we wanted to modle it after VAS's style.(1 main article per issue) Then about a week later we changed our minds. Then just this past Saturday we changed them back so there. Actualy so HERE I am writing this Pilot issue while my friend is home sleeping! I really wish I haden't said that Oh Well.. In order for this project to suceed we are gonna' need a few things. First, Some INCREDIBLE writers. Second a WORLD HEADQUARTERS, but don't worry about that 'cause I think THE PIT will do just fine. Third we need some distro-sites. Anybody out there reading this that runs a good H/P/A board, drop me a note and I'll see what I can do. And finaly we need some EXCELLENT IDEAS not just the same old shit like "HOW TO BUILD A BEIGE BOX" O.K. now that we have this understanding I'll get started. --------------CUT HERE------------------------CUT HERE--------------------- ********************************THE SHOCK BOX******************************* Have you ever been out Beige Boxing? You know the clips are set... Your ready to dial up your favorite 900 # or your best friend in New Zeland you pick up the handset and......there's a person on the other side! I know when this happens to me I get VERY pissed off and you should too. I mean U spend the time to get set up U are the one risking your butt to make this call U are the one whodoes everything and this person on the other side thinks that just because they pay the phone bills they can use their phone line whenever they want! Wlll you don't have to put up with it anymore. That's what I said to myself and I came up with a "BOX" that like I said actually shocks the phone line open. In Laymens terms it hangs up both parties, leaving U the boxer an open line to use! It's VERY easy to construct requires NO soldering like some other boxes do. and can be built in about 20 minutes or less. Most of the parts can be found around your house and if they are not there then they can be procured(*wink*) from your local RAT SHACK. You will need the following: MATERIALS CHECKLIST --- 1-9v Battery --- 1-9v Battery clip --- 3ft of Speaker Wire(thats just to let U know the size.) --- 1-SPST stwich(Duh A regular ON/OFF one) --- 2-aligator clips --- 1 Role of Electrical tape --- 1-LARGE Capicator(I don't know the size but it should be about 2x2in.) --- AT LEAST 3 BRAIN CELLS(If you don't have that Don't bother reading on) When you have all these items you put them together NO not in any old way but in the EXACT ORDER I HAVE BELOW: Instead of typing up the directions I have opted to give U a diagram. **************************************************************************** KEY: ----| XXXX|===>cAPICATOR >>>,<<<===>aLIGATOR cLIPS 999===>9v bATTERY ----| -----===>wIRE %^%=======>sTWICH ____+-____ =====>bATTERY cLIP ***************************************************************************** |<<< aLIGATOR | cLIP sTWICH |-------------|--------------------%^%--| -------------| | XXXXXXXXXXXXX| | XXXXXXXXXXXXX| | XXXXXXXXXXXXX| | -------------| >>>|aLIGATOR +999 bATTERY & cAPICATOR | | cLIP -999 bATTERY cLIP | | | |------------|--------------------------| Well I think that that is self explanitory enough don't you. Now how to use it (in my opinion it's self evident but to those of you who still think having 30 million gigs of W��z is |<-R/�d it is nececssary to explain So I will!!)All you have to do is dis-connect the Beige Box and hook up the 2 aligatorclips to the RED and GREEN terminals on the phone line box. flip the stwich on(that completes the circut and lets the juice flow into the cAPICATIOR where it will build up to approxmitaly 38.2 volts! All you need to do now isto turn the stwich off which will break the circut allowing the electricty to leave the cAPICATOR through the Aligator clips into the phone line. Here it will open up the line and give U a dial tone when U re-hook up your beige box. Trouble shooting: Problem: Dosent work Solution: START THE HELL OVER(does the battery work?????) Problem: I get shocked! Solution: Make sure U are not touching ANY metal on the Shock box. Problem: I got Caught! Solution: Use the time in the slammer jail writing atricles 4 THE HACKER'S WAREHOUSE! **************************************************************************** Well that about does it for this issue of THE HACKER'S WEARHOUSE I hope you it. I shold be putting these out at the rate of 1 per week but if you would like to become a writer for HW please feel free to copy the header and write away save it as HW000*.txt (where * = issue #) and U/L it to THE PIT. If you have an questions drop me a line under the ANARCHY sub in AOTE Net. One more thing it dosen't have to be a H/P/A article. Look at some of the VAS files they have "Creative Suicide techniques","Canible's Cook Book" "How to kill someone" and the such. So if U can come up with a GOOD topic Go 4 it. Just leave me a message telling me what the file # will be. SEE 'YA! ���Sandman��� **************************************************************************** ���������������������������������������������������ͻ � CALL THESE FINE BOARDS 4 THE LATEST "THW" FILES! � ���������������������������������������������������ͼ Name Number Sysop Status ***************************************************************** THE PIT (215)745-1349 Tortured Soul World Headquarters ??????? (???)???-???? ????????????? Distro Site