______ ______ ______________ | | | | \ | \ / \ / ____ \ _______| | |________| | / \ | |____ | ________ | ( {} ) | _____) /~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | \____/ | |______ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ | |~~~~~~~ / \ / \ / | ~~~~~~~~~| | | | |______| |______| /_____________| | | | | | | | | H0gs of Entr0py TeXt Fi1es Pr3sent...a didactic text file... | | | | | | | | "I'm a Chick, You Obviously Want Me" | | | | | | | | By: the demure literary | | | | vixen, cRAnK | | | | | | \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You all want me. There's nothing else I can say. I've been in the "modem scene" for what's closing in on two years now, and I've met maybe one person whom I can't at least coerce into flirting with me. Whether they're dating or not. Hell, I've gotten six *married* guys to ask me if I'd like to come over, maybe watch a movie "or something like that heh heh". Numerous freaks of the computer world have asked me on numerous dates I don't want to go on, all because I'm female and I'll acknowledge them. Ps. The names have been changed to protect these assholes from the insane and deleterious masses. Point 1: The Entire MBBS System ======== --- ------ ---- ------ I just got out of the shower. If I were to, instead of writing this beautiful t-file, call my favorite MBBS and relay this choice tidbit of information to almost any male there, I already know what the response would be: :[From CompuLoser]: huh huh were you naked? and wet? No. I prefer to take my showers adorned in full three-piece pinstriped suits. Penny loafers reliant on my mood. Now, some of you out there may be saying "well, gee cRAnK, you were really asking for it by telling him you were in the shower." Sure. I very well could have been "asking for it", probably much in the same way that women ASK to be raped. It's rather pathetic, but sometimes, no, most of the time I don't have to say anything even closly related to being derobed to be hit on in this overtly 13-year-old-just-discovering-the-benefits-of-my-right-hand manner. Sometimes I receive pages from people I've never heard of with beauties like this one attached: :*** Hotcock is paging you from Menuing System: wanna hot chat? I just find it rather irritating that simply because I was born female and happen to have an interest in computers that I must endure this sort of degradation from total strangers. Even worse when it comes from people I've known for awhile and thought I knew better. For example, I've known this one for close to a year now, and I actually got this the other day, no lie: :[From SexyStud (whispered)]: i'm really horny..so what are you going to do about that? Sure, had he been joking, I'd be more than happy to play along with him, at least until he became tiresome. For those of you who don't know me, I'm a terrible flirt, actually, I've become quite good at it, but it's only fun until they start taking me seriously. Or if that's all I get back from them. Being taken seriously is something else that makes me twitch. I enjoy joking around. I like a sense of humor; who doesn't? It's pretty obvious I'm teasing someone; unless one has absolutely no reasoning skills at all it isn't difficult for one to tell I'm a flirt. So why have I had two people I've never even met in reality tell me they love me? I shit you not. Have some insight, fellas. You only love my character. I like to talk to people. That's why I call these boards. I like to see how long it takes for them to ask me out, to offer me gifts or the occasional sexual favor, or at the least to ask for my measurements. It's fun to see if I can manipulate this one, or ooh that one because he says he's "built" in his registry, or that one because he's already someone's boyfriend. It's all a large game being played by a lot of people. Or maybe it's just a way to play the people themselves. It makes no difference. The whole thing just turns me into a bigger and more obstinate misanthrope every additional day I expose myself to it. Stupid fucking lemmings. Point 2: Reply to All My Posts. Now. ======== ----- -- --- -- ------ ---- Renegade, Wildcat, Spitfire, PC Board, Oblivian/X, whatever, it makes about two beans of difference to me, anywhere a female can post will suit my cause. It's all a rather interesting menegarie of muddled conversations, bits of patter and occasionally something actually worthwhile. Regardless, what I'm getting to is how females are treated on these systems. If someone posts a question, for instance, and I know the answer, I'll post back. Big deal, right? So why does someone then have to reply to my post with a sexual innuendo? No matter what I post. date: 3:12 am Fri June 2, 1995 number : 33 of 34 from: Crank base : it matters not to : Missionary Boy refer #: 32 subj: re: math test! replies: none stat: normal origin : local Mi> does anyone know what the square root of 25 is? eye kN0w! 1t's /=1\/E!@#$ eye em 5m4/~t!!@& cRAnK Please realize I'm simply mocking the millions of brilliants who a) don't know the square root of 25 and b) actually type like that. It's a bad habit I picked up from our HoE leader, Mogel. (Hi m0g) Shh! Let's see the reaction my post gets! date: 10:23 pm Sat June 3, 1995 number : 34 of 34 from: SexMeUp base : it matters not to : Crank refer #: 33 subj: re: math test! replies: none stat: normal origin : local Cr> eye kN0w! 1t's /=1\/E!@#$ eye em 5m4/~t!!@& Cr> cRAnK your like a real genious. can i lick you're engorged nipple? Alright, this wasn't such a good example but I'm sure the smarter ones in the group will at least understand my basic principle. And no matter what I reply in return, maybe not even anything except tons o' badmouthing for this "genious" here, I'll get another advance in return. It's pathetic. Okay, I can admit that sometimes I'll flirt at someone for absolutely no reason whatsoever. It's in my nature. It amuses me. (Author's note: those things that "amuse" me are in no way funny..just amusing. If you can grasp that concept, maybe it's reserved for those whom have an iq higher than their waist size. ) So I'm saying I'm as much at fault as the minions I control, except I'll at least try to be humerous about it. Let's say I made the mistake of mentioning to someone I was wearing red panties. It's the difference between "You only wear red underwear because of all the blood." and "Well, you know how you are with red in that area..." It's whether someone replys with something rude, obnoxious, annoying, insensitive, or just disgusting as opposed to something that will at least *think* about eliciting a smile on a grim and slack countenance. By the way, this conversation actually occured. The first reply was made by an anonymous loser, we'll call him Xnirys, completely without cause. The second was from a friend of mine, whom henceforth will be referred to as Eguficul, which was offered as a preferred alternative while we discussed Xnirys' completely uncalled-for comment. And you shush, this is anon. Those handles aren't written backwards. Point 3: Manipulation is /<3\x/|_! ======== ------------ -- --------- I don't mind saying it, I manipulate people. Hell, I'm proud of the fact most of the time. I don't do it to anyone that means anything to me, of course, but I just think it's horrible that it's so *simple*. It's one of the easiest things I've found to do in the modem world that actually pays off. "How," one might ask, "would one go about this act of manipulation that causes you so much joy, cRAnK?" Well, average t-file reader, that's a tough one. I've had people, people I hate and bitch at, give me money. "w0w!@#$ h0w??@" Well, sometimes I don't know. One gentleman (term used loosly) I met online I did nothing but scream at. An actual piece of our conversation: :[From MasochisticAtHeart]: this is a kewl board :>mas You are a lamer. You are obviously incapable of even spelling the word "cool" correctly. Please die soon. -- Message directed to MasochisticAtHeart -- :[From MasochisticAtHeart]: what is your name? :>mas I refuse to speak to you if you cannot even direct a message to me when there are others in the Teleconference channel. If you want to know anything, read my registry and leave me the hell alone. --Message directed to MasochisticAtHeart -- :[From MasochisticAtHeart (whispered)]: can i have your number? id' like to talk to you more. I'm not always this anal, only when the situation calls for it. Mind you, this lasted at least half again an hour, and this man, cunningly called MasochisticAtHeart, was 27. He was aware at the time that I was 16. I got *his* number and called him and yelled at him and the like. Fairly badly. He was quite humbled. A little while later, the MBBS board on which I spoke to him (I should say spoke AT him) went pay. This was that evening's conversation: :[From MasochisticAtHeart (whispered)]: hi. are you going to pay? :/mas No way. I have better things to spend my money on than a silly BBS. -- Message sent only to MasochisticAtHeart -- :[From MasochisticAtHeart (whispered)]: how about if i pay for your account? i miss takling to you on line. :/mas It's your money, you can do with it as you please. -- Message sent only to MasochisticAtHeart -- :[From MasochisticAtHeart (whispered)]: okay i'll talk to the sys-op Go figure. Point 4: Everyone's an idiot ======== ---------- -- ----- Anyone will talk to anybody these days, about any topic your hormone- drenched little mind can conjure up. A perfect example occured the other day, strangely enough just in time for this t-file . Mogel, our prized leader, and his anonymous friend (who we'll just call Frannie) stopped by my house for a little while. We partied, but that's not my point here. Mogel, seeing my term program, immediately dialed in to a MBBS system (which is not getting plugged in this file, no sir!) and called myself and Frannie over. "Watch this," he cautioned us. He actually picked out randomly someone on the board and started chatting with them. Choice pieces of his chat appear below. Mogel leads. what's your favorite type of cheese? Cheeze Whiz mE t0o!@!!@1 uh, do you masturbate? of course uhh.. how much do you masturbate? how often? too often like, gimme an idea.. c'mon.. uhh... I don't really keep count liar. is it per day? uhhh... more than once per day wow. how do you do that? Great enduarnace and porno texts hahaha.. where do you get porno texts? teehee. hehe people upload them to my mini board A bit later on...Mogel again leads. okay. what's the meaning of life? Too eat fuck and have fun but if your masturbating more than once a day, do you count that as sex? no, fun oic. that's very interesting. have you ever masturbated while you were sitting in FRONT of your 'puter? I read the txts off my computer so yea i mean, like, do you do it under, over or on the keyboard? hehe no which one?~@!@#!!!!#!~!#~!@!~ No, No, No uh, then what do you do? do you walk off to another room or something? I fly around the room grabbing myself and screaming "WHHHEEEEEEE" don't patronize me!#!@@! It's okay to be scared. Our penis-bound friend begins this section. Ok master. uhh i sit in a chair and do my duty neat. and like do you push away from your computer or somethin'? I don't have a mobile chair so it's like under your desk? Uhh... not really.. what do you do?!?! c'mon!@#!@#!@@@#!251#$!@!@53 Well i sit there, i'm not under i'm in front ohhh! i get it. Are you uh, are you into GIFs? slightly uh, like, what's your favorite type of GIF? Uhh... Famous and lesbians that's pretty sharp. No, wait! There's more! Cue Mogel. am i annoying you? nope good. then tell me who is your favorite sex txt story about? It's about this lady and her next door neighboor, who is her sons age comes over and he like gets her into all these positions , except she's like a really hot mom and the it's got to be one of like 3 well written txts i've seen out of hun hundreds are you masturbating right now? nope are you sure? that was _quite_ a recap. uh, are you even a little..excited? teehee a little i guess, you want me to upload it right now Alright, I think I've tortured you with that quite enough. My reason, you may ask, is just to show that any of these poor bastards will chat with ANYONE who wants to. About anything. Please note: Mogel and Frannie and I all had a nice hearty laugh over this one. He does not do this when he is alone, honest. Also note that our semen-laden asshole here hardly ever talks to Mogel, let alone talks with him about anything of a personal nature. They don't even know each other's real first names. I'd like to quickly comment that he ascii-uploaded his "favorite" sex text file into the chat, but I was nice enough to cut that part out. None of us watching went off to read it and, say, jerk off into my trashcan, and then waltz out and proudly proclaim it, much as someone ELSE did...(if you'd like the story, Mogel, Frannie, and various others besides myself would be happy to relate it to you in all of it's gory detail.) Back to my point, why would someone be willing to reveal information of this personal a nature to an almost total stranger? Are you that lonely? Do you crave attention so badly that you feel forced to go to this extreme to get it, whether that attention is malignant or not? s and s all around. Point 5: I could be MALE! ======== - ----- -- ----- To clear up any immediate confusion, no, I am not male. However, while you flirt with me, and buy me accounts, and ask me my bra size, and tell me I sound cute, you really have no idea whether I'm wearing a cup or not. I would like to print my actual registry for a "popular" MBBS I frequent, right in this HoE, flirtatious or not. (Idiots: the answer is the former.) :/r crank Ok, here's the info for Crank... Real Name: alishia =) Sex: f Age: 16? Aliases: cRAnK City/State: media, aka bumblefu*k Voice Phone#: ask i'll decide Physical Description: 5'2, 94lbs, br/gr/pr hair, blue eyes, 48-24-26. oops, that was my locker Comp. Phone#: soon BBS: �sanction� Favorite Movie: you're watching? ;) Favorite TV Show: tv sucks Favorite Music: metal and punk Instrument Played: drums, bass Favorite Foods: wild strawberries Favorite Sport: hockey. flyers rule. Other Hobbies/Interests: reptiles and computers. General Info: ����"i'll do anything i can to find a way to stop the wheel." -daryl Summary: IStriveForIndividualityLikeEveryoneElse That's really not all that bad, is it? I don't believe so. A bit flirty, a bit humorous, all real. My locker combination actually *is* 48-24-26. You wouldn't believe how many comments I get on that one..with one of three main ideas behind it and three main responses in front of it: :*** SweatyLove is paging you from Farwest Trivia: hehe i like your locker combo thingy. that's funny. :) :/p sweaty Hey thanks. Glad I can amuse someone. :) Paging SweatyLove... :*** SuckMeOff is paging you from MajorMUD: are those your real measurements? :/p suck Yes. My chest is larger than my head, double D cups. Makes a fabulous snack-tray. Paging SuckMeOff... :*** Romeo is paging you from Teleconference: you have big titts :forget romeo Okay, you will not receive any of Romeo's whispers, pages, chat requests, or invitations. You will also not see any of his public messages or actions and Romeo has been uninvited from your private channel. Enjoy the peace and quiet! It's all really rather amusing. For all these people know, I could be some hulking 700-pound slob with three chins, drooled milkshake down my front, a piece of fried chicken in each hand, licking my stained teeth and scratching at the lice in my greasy, stringy hair. Nice image, huh? Even nicer when you add that I'm sitting there in my old stained boxer shorts. Make me a male. Jerk off to that, Sparky. The ability to hide behind one's keyboard astounds me. People believe anything you tell them. So naive, so trusting...so foolish. You wonder why your friend Trixie just got her sweet little heart broken again? Most guys are the same way I just described (at least those I've come in contact with, with some obvious exceptions [you know whom you are]). When you give trust, you give access to a little part of you for someone to hurt. If there's the option, someone is going to take it. And when you get played, when someone takes your heart and grounds it out under the toe of their sneaker, don't come crying to me. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| | _____ Call Goat Blowers Anonymous for the LATEST HoE! _____ | | 6/ ^..^ (215) 750 - 0392 ^..^ \9 | | \_____(oo) This Issue's Featured ELiTE WaReZ Board is: (oo)_____/ | | WW WW \ Demonic Image / WW WW | | moo. (215) 464 - 5794 i am lunch. | | ...the kings of modern goofiness... | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| Copyright (c) 1995 HoE Publications and cRAnK and some junk. #82 -> 06/16/95 All rights and hugs to Tim. Greets and love to Spiff. Tailfeathers to all. Post-File Message: If you saw your own pathetic self in this t-file, feel free to email me on GBA! I'd love to hear what you think . This space for rent.