Hard Core Hackers presents... ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� � ����� ����� ����������� ����� ����� Filename : SGLUE1.HCH � � ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� Description : Fun with super glue � � ����������� ����� ����������� � � ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� Author: Living Death � � ����� ����� ����������� ����� ����� Time/Date : 4/94 � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Fun with Super Glue by: Living Death --Part 1-- Ok Well, in my spair time at school I like to reak havok with this Wonderful miricle glue called SUPER GLUE!!!.. This substance can do lots of things, and piss lots of people off... Very cool!!! Ok one thing I like to do with super glue, is when I have P.E. I go into the locker room and put glue all over people's lock, try to get it around the edge of the dial or behind it. It says on the tube of Super Glue that it takes like 15 seconds or so to dry.. Well when doing this, it usually takes about well, 5 minutes to get perminat.. When 5 minutes has passed try turning the lock.. You can't well this will greatly frustrate the young feeble child you have done this to, and it will cost em about $2 to buy a new lock to replace the one they had to get cut off.. Well this is also a good time to see what they have in there locker, I've known some people to leave there PE Valuables in there locker when they get there lock cut off.. Open the locker take everything in it and hide it or take it home and burn it.. FIRE!! FIRE!! Ok another good thing to do is go around and glue everybody's locker in the hall. Put glue around the dial on there lockers and also put some in the key hole on the Dial.. (so the Janitor can't open the locker with the key) Do this like during class, Bring a few tubes to say ENGLISH and in the middle of class ask the teacher if you can use the Pis Hole, she'll most of the time say yes, if you jiggle around alot and say you have to go really bad.. Well, by this time your out in the hall, find about 5 lockers and glue the hell out of them. By the time class is over, those people that own those lockers will shit there pants, and well so will the custodian when he finds out that he can't use his trusty key in the lock.. Well they'll end up prying the door off on the locker to get the little bastards shit out of there, and of course, you have one less usuable locker in the school. Well, lets see, another good thing to do with super glue is at lunch. This will be very easy and well, be alot of fun.. You want to glue your lunch plate and silver ware to the Lunch Tray, when you give your tray to the lunch lady, she have a great time trying to pull you plate and silver ware from your tray, I have had endless hours of fun doing this one.. Just to see what the lunch lady does is the best.. Its just darn fun.. Another is to glue your tray to the table and leave it there, This will trash the tray because they'll have to pry it off the table to remove it. Also Places where you can usually borrow a few 20 packages of Super Glue: K-Mart, Walgreens, Kroger, Eagle's, Some Wal-Marts, Convienece Markets, ETC. These are about the easiest places to steal shit from.. So go ahead try this info in this doc, it's just clean fun!! Written BY: L�v��g D��h� [SOB/HCH/HR]