Hard Core Hackers presents... ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� � ����� ����� ����������� ����� ����� Filename : MAX-ALLI.HCH � � ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� Description : Idiots guide to Alliances � � ����������� ����� ����������� ^^^^ (Jon Migdalof) ^^^^ � � ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� Author: Max Factor � � ����� ����� ����������� ����� ����� Time/Date : 3/94 � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� THE IDIOTS GUIDE TO ALLIANCING ------------------------------ First, you MUST have a SAFE and RELIABLE way to dial in to the bridge. This can be accomplished by dialing either 0-700-456-100X, 200X, or 800-633-54 54. Once you dial into the bridge, you will be greeted with two tones and the stupid bitch saying "Welcome to AT&T Alliance Teleconference center...", you will then be prompted to enter the # of ports you want for your conference. This may be a value between 1-15. After you (the idiot) have completed these SIMPLE fuctions, you will hear a prompt "Dial 1+ACN..." hopefully, you will know how to use the bridge, if not here is a list of some commands: ALLIANCE COMMANDS FOR THE IDIOT: -------------------------------- # - Basic moving operations (Ex: Add Confree to Confrence, Enter yourself to the conference, Enter Dialing Room, etc.) 6# - Transfer Control of the Bridge (Only Works When They Want It To!) 9# - Enter a Silent Attendant Line (For you to have some peace, or put the conference on hold) 0 - Get a conference operator (Only use in extreme situations, when you call they take control over, THEY ARE DUMB!, some times they forget to give it back) NOTE: ---- Although using an Alliance is safer than dialing a 950. You should (AS ALWAYS) be cautios about personal information being said on these bridges. Operators CAN and SOMETIMES DO monitor SUSPICIOUS conferences. AS FOR SUSPICIOUS: _________________ I can only say, use common sense. (Ie: Don't make 1,000 calls to over seas numbers and expect them to overlook it as a NORMAL conference. Extra ordinary things like that throw big FLAGS up in the operators brains, that is unless you are running a Twi-Lite conference.