Hard Core Hackers presents... ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� � ����� ����� ����������� ����� ����� Filename : GETEVEN.HCH � � ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� Description : How to get even with those� � ����������� ����� ����������� you hate � � ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� Author: EQUiNOX � � ����� ����� ����������� ����� ����� Time/Date : 2/94 � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� And now for the boring shit I have to get outta the way... ***************************************************************** Any and all information I give is for leisure purposes only. I, nor any other member of the HCH take absolutely no responsibility of any kind for any mishap or negative and/or positive consequences as a result of attempts to accomplish any items stated. Again, I nor any other members of the HCH do not wish, either directly, or indirectly to persuade you to undertake any of the paraphernalia. There is a serious chance of severe legal action taken if you get caught. ***************************************************************** AAAAH.... now that thats over... Ok, Mr. School bully, or your regular run of the mill asshole draggin' you down huh? Ok, they're stronger, and faster, but thats just about where their talents end. If you want to have them pay for stealing your lunch money, beating you up in the locker room, or just for breathing near you, you basicly have 2 ways to go. Either have them pay, and have them pay dearly, to the point where they want to move to another country an assume a different name, or you can just play a little harmless prank on them, and get a little laugh. This text file happens to cover choice number one. Well, nobody ever said true anarchy was ever easy. In order to execute your plan correctly, you'll need to gather up a lot of information on this guy, even to the point of waiting weeks to get to the stage of knowing how many pink hearts are on his boxer shorts, if you get my drift. I suggest you get to work on this as soon as possible... heres basicly all of the information you need to know on this guy. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: His Name - This includes first, last, middle, nicknames, anything really. Even here you may uncover some hidden secret that you can use against him at later times, never know, that innocent G. that you never bothered to think twice about may stand for Garfunkle of something. Look on attendance sheets, follow him around and hear what other people are calling him, sneak through records, if you find him leaving his backpack, wallet, notbook, or jacket around, ransack it you fool! You'll not only find out his name, but a lot of other things that will make your job much easier, and on top of that, maybe even a bit of money to help fund your scheme. His Location - You can't just have his house number, you could just look in the phone book for that... you've got to know where in the house his room is, what are good hiding places in his back yard, where the shower is, where he hides his keys, what type of neighboorhood he's in, whats his form of transportaion, and what is his average schedule for a week. And of course, his address dosn't hurt. His social life - who he hangs out with, where does he hang out with these people, what does he like to do in his spare time? That should cover it. Best thing to do is follow him around, but to dress different, and to keep your distance. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ok, you've gathered all the info on this guy. Hell, you could be his twin if you wanted to. Now comes the interrigation proccess. Run off to your local public telephone. And dial this guy up. JOE SCHMOE'S MOM: HELLO? -AAAAW shit, didn't count on a parent picking up... stay calm.- Anarchiest: Hello, may I speak to Joe Shmoe Please? JOE SCHMOE'S MOM: Ok, who may I ask is calling? -Yet another problem, but if you've done this before I shouldn't- -have to tell you how to handle this - Anarchiest: This is Mike Roberts. (just make somthing up duh) JOE SCHMOE'S MOM: Ok, just hold on minute -Ok, don't loose your nerve, heres where the sweat starts - -pouring down if your an amateaur, fake your voice, the lower - -the better. - JOE SCHMOE: Hello? Anarchiest: You know when you start with the wrong person, people tend to get hurt, watch your back. JOE SCHMOE: Who the fuck it this!?! Who the hell are you? Anarchiest: One of your very close enemies Well now you've got him thinking something in the back of his mind, thats all you really want at this point. Well, now to make him shit in his pants. Write him a letter, if you want to go to extrememes, wear gloves when writing it, but it really dosn't matter. Heres an example of what you can write, but if you keep it in this essence, it really dosn't matter how you put it.... Dearest Joe, When your in the shower, and blink, I'm watching you. In the places where you feel the most secure I'm with you. When I see you sleep at night, I am in your dreams, and in your nightmares. Take care Joe, take care. Sincerely, X ... Well when you write this, if you decide to write it, (as opposed to typing it) make your handwriting totally different, and I mean totally, but whatever you do, don't ask someone else to do it for you, even your best friend, secrets have a way of getting out, and thats the last thing you need. Before you mail the letter, you may want to add the finishing touch... Heres a recipe for a nice little blood substitute that seeps well into paper.... 1/4 Cup of the clearest oil you can find (caster or corn oil are good). Some Red food coloring. Add the coloring `till the oil looks a deep, rich red, thats it. ...Now take a pencil, and dip it into the mixture and flick the stuff onto the paper, just a little finishing touch makes the difference. Wait for it to dry, and pop it in an envelope and send it away, and just in case I'm dealing with an idiot here, don't put your return address on it! Well now he's jumpy, and this should give you a good laugh. If you want to stop here, fine, be a pussy, but if your a true anarchiest, read on... Now over a 4 days time, you should start to play anonymous little pranks on him here or there.... if you need help with that, here are some ideas... Put white-out on his locker dials... Leave anonymous love notes to his sister/girlfriend Crack an egg in his gym locker when he's already gone If you find his bookbag/coat alone, put a stink bomb in it. Spread the most viciouse rumors you can about him Put a small amount of hair dye in his shampoo in gym ...there, you've done all this to him. And he's really confused at this point, now, if your a phreaker, you can re-route his number as a gay hotline, that would get him nuts, and now for the grand finale, what you've done so far would normally be enough for some people, but if not, heres what to do... If he has a car... 1.) Shove concrete in the tailpipe, and let it harden 2.) Put sugar in his gas tank 3.) Put tar on his windsheilds 4.) Pull out his muffler If he only ownes a bike 1.) Put WD-40 on his breaks (the actual breaks not the system) 2.) Loosen every bolt on it 3.) flatten the tires If those don't apply 1.) Call your school to make a bomb threat, make a great looking bomb clone and place it in his locker. 2.) Stink bomb his house (immature, but extremely effective) 3.) Destroy this 150 dollar shoes of his 4.) Re-route his phone system 5.) Gather enough information about him (going through his parents mail should do it) and call the water company, get his water shut off. 6.) Same as #5, but with gas, electricity, the like. 7.) Put him on the largest mailing list you can find. 8.) Place an add for him in the personals as someone looking for somone of the same sex Well if you would do some/all (and if you do all of that, let me shake your hand) you've been successful. Sit back and relax know that you've made someone else's life miserable, and have gotten the supreme revenge. You sir are an anarchiest. -Equinox [HCH]