Hard Core Hackers presents... ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� � ����� ����� ����������� ����� ����� Filename : FCC.HCH � � ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� Description : FCC Hit List for 609 � � ����������� ����� ����������� � � ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� Author: .\\�\D Dog � � ����� ����� ����������� ����� ����� Time/Date : 4/94 � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Hey people of 609, and all others should be also be aware of this. i am going to keep my name anonymos because of the seriousness of this information, to let ya know about me and to help on the sitution a little bit, I run a bord here in 609, and i recently was looking throuh some of the private mail, and i noticed a paticular msg to anoter user (Mlusk) it had to do with the FCC hiting most o the 609 boards, i edited out the msg, and put it in down ther below. It seems the contents of the msg had to do with taking down, and getting information on sertain BBS'S. Here take a look- ----------------------------------------------------- Mlusk, this is what we now have and what we need you to get for us, get screen captures of the boards and try to talk to the sysop's and get them to talk about Commercial Software. You know what I mean. You were briefed on getting the captures and the conversations between you and the sysop's. Also try to aquire the numbers and other information needed where it is missing. And work from the top and start your way down, the ones at the top are priority. Also, some might have New User Passwords (NUP), if they do you will probably be able to find it. If not, call me and I'll see what I can do. Name- Number (609) NUP Why (Main Reason For Code 14) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. The Void- 499-0482 'I SUCK!' /Pirated Commercial Software/ 2. Alternate Reality- 231-9582 ??? /Pirated Commercial Software/ 3. Side Pocket Nd1- 985-8063 ??? /Pirated Commercial Software\ Side Pocket Nd2- 985-0632 ??? \P.C.S. Courier Group Distr./ 4. The Spade Nd1- 443-5789 'SPEEDRACER' /Pirated Commercial Software\ The Spade Nd2- 371-0369 """ \Large File Capacity......../ 5. Alternate Node- 581-2382 'SPOON'? /Pirated Commercial Software/ 6. Black Sunday- 586-8814 ??? /Pirated Commercial Software/ 7. Damage Inc.- 767-3701 ??? /P.C.S.-??? - UnKnown-Check Out/ 8. DarkSide- 871-0363 ??? /Pirated Commercial Software/ 9. Metallic Blade- 499-9318 'LACTATE' /Pirated Commercial Software/ 10.Eastern Proletar.- 587-0683 ??? /Pirated Commercial Software/ 11.Mourning Glory- 584-1478 ??? /Pirated Commercial Software/ 12.Gene Pool- 877-4627 ??? /Pirated Commercial Software/ 13.Wicked Phenomenom- 882-9525 'ILLUSION' /Pirated Commercial Software/ 14.UnderWorld- 298-8854 ??? /Mostly Hack, Phreak, etc.../ ///////////////////////////////////////////Has Some P.C.S., Tele Fraud/ Mlusk,. Now, call away... These are the most important "Elite" Boards we want. Work on it, and get as much information about the boards as possible, and work on all 14 as long as possible, see if they except donations, and get screen captures of that. If you have any problems let me know, and if any boards act "funny" about the questions you ask, stop, and just try to get regular access, the main rule is to except anything and everything except giving your cover up. And remember, if they ask you if you work for the "government or state", you can't lie, so try to avoid that question and do not give your cover, and first try to use a fake (dummy) handle before you use your known one. You were told why before. Ok, I'll keep in touch, but do your best and don't worry about long distance calls. You are getting paid and all you have to do is highlight the long dis. calls on your phone bill and give it to me, and you will be paid for them also. Bye Mlusk, T-7 --------------------------------------------------------- There that was the leter, some wierd stuff in there huh. oh, this letter was writen by a guy called 'SlideShow', i checked out the information, phone number, etc. and his numebr was just a fax number. All his informatioon was bogus, so i guess he was probably checking out my board as he told Mlusk to do. I have seen this Mlusk guy around befor, and his stuff was for real, i called him, and when i did, i just told him I was voice validating him from my BBS, he stated to me he did apply and he did say the password he gave me etc. But then he told me he was alllready on, and insisted why i called to re-check him, i told him i had to go, cuase i thouht he was geting real curios. The next day the other guy 'SlideShow' came on and probably noticed all wares were gone, and then deleted all msgs to Mlusk, then wrote a last one,. Here.....- ----------------------------------------------------- Mlusk, this is no longer a place to exchange msgs, I believe the system operator has read one, or more of our messages. We can no longer talk on here. He has removed his wares, but I believe I got enough information already, but we will see. If he reads this information, it doesn't matter, he can't do anything more. T-7 ---------------------------------------------------- |^^^^ | I read that and I took down my board, i dunno what is going to happen now, but i'm not movin to Canada, hehehehe. And one thing puzzles me is the T-7, the other guy put it at the end of every msg he wrote, only to Mlusk.. But if anything does happen, I am going to Mlusk's god damn house and kicking his ass. Fight the Feds, and burn the pigs, we should kill em all.. Anarchy Rules 94-95 and on forever. If you run a board, you should remove Mlusk, and check your users carefully, and as a duty we should spread this file, and burn all the Narcs CPU's to there fucking foreheads, and shove thier modems up there wide dick-fucked assholes.... ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Anarchy Rules 94-95 and on forever ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� I put this in the mag because i wanted to warn everyone, i do not have elite on my board, but they are on my back anyway, i have a private board though, if you or your board are in this file, please change your NUP. I am not because i do not have anyhting copywright or anything on my board, but those of you who do, please be warned .\\�\D Dog [HCH Prez] The Spade (609)443-5789 (609)371-0369 NUP:SPEEDRACER 2 CD-ROMs Online 1 Gig Hard drive No elite warez d0oD! HCH WHQ BL/�DE Site SUCK Site SCaR Site D*U*A Member Board PCB 15.1 Registered and fully configured, best looking around Nets coming soon (when we figure out Qfront)