Hard Core Hackers presents... ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� � ����� ����� ����������� ����� ����� Filename : EQ_XBOX.HCH � � ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� Description : The Death Of Boxes � � ����������� ����� ����������� � � ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� Author: EQUiNOX � � ����� ����� ����������� ����� ����� Time/Date : 2/94 � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ***************************************************************** I, nor do any other member of the HCH, claim any responsibilty for any positive or negative outcome as a result of attempts to accomplish the following text. ***************************************************************** The Death of boxes... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, as I look around for newer and better phreaking plans, I noticed the decline in boxes, its time for all of you who still cling onto the concept to face reality... The old boxes are dead. Phone companies have made serious crack downs on these once dominent devices, to my knowledge, New Jersey Bell, New York Telephone, Bell Atlantic, and Bellcore have all found ways to deal with BLACK, BLUE, BLOTTO, and SILVER boxes. So what you think... there's plenty more, right? I wouldn't bet on it... of course new black technologies are coming out with more sophisticated boxes every day, keep a look out for those... but as for the P-80 system text files that so many hold as sacred... leave them be, unless you want to spend the next half of your life in a jail cell. But not to worry, all hope is not lost. There are still many more efficient ways of raising hell in this little place we call earth. PBX's, Carding Methods, and Blackmail methods are still worth while. There are of course (as there always will be) boxes that those "all knowing" phone companies can't get you for, if you act quickly enough... Gold boxes can be traced... count them out... but what about a beige box.. hhmm... sounds interesting huh? Well how can you possibly be caught if you know how to run, right? And with the beige box, comes blackmail... which then comes into some definite money. OK you fabulous soon to be... or present phreakers of America, and if you run into any new methods, give HCH WHQ a call at (609)443-5789 and email the sysop with all the info. -[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-HCH-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]- Wanna join? Call The Spade BBS, (609)443-5473, you do of course know you have to know what the fuck your doing to Apply... ok, I thought so, see ya. -[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]- Copyright (c) Equinox -1994 "If a chain is only as strong as its weakest link... break out the fucking blow torch"