���Ŀ ���Ŀ ������Ŀ �� �� � ������� � � �Ŀ � ����Ŀ � �� ����Ŀ �Ŀ � � � ��� �� � � � �� � ��� � �Ŀ ���� �������� � ���������� Damned Fucking Shit Edited by Access Denied Issue #15 Title: AT&T Access Numbers Date: 12/27/93 By: Wonko the Sane ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [Note from editor: Well it's been nearly two whole months since the last issues of DFS. I bet you were getting happy right? Well too bad. DFS is NOT dead. I've just been very busy. Watch for a bunch of issues coming out soon. -AD] =============================================================================== AT&T Access Numbers How would you like to know a little more phone line trivia? Of course you would! Well, next time you are calling from another country, here are the Access Numbers for AT&T from the respective countries- Andorra 19-0011 Austria 022-903-011 Belgium 078-11-0010 Bulgaria 00-1800-0010 Croatia 99-38-0011 Cyprus 080-90010 Czech Republic 00-420-00101 Denmark 8001-0010 Egypt 510-0200 Finland 9800-100-10 France 19-0011 Gambia 00111 Germany 0130-0010 Greece 00-800-1311 Hungary 00-800-01111 Iceland 999-001 Ireland 1-800-550-000 Israel 177-100-2727 Italy 172-1011 Kenya 0800-10 Liechenstein 155-00-11 Lithuania 8-196 Luxembourg 0-800-0111 Malta 0800-890-110 Netherlands 06-022-9111 Norway 050-12011 Poland 0-010-480-0111 Portugal 05017-1-288 Romania 01-800-4288 Russia 155-5042 Slovakia 00-420-00101 Spain 900-99-00-11 Sweden 020-795-611 Switzerland 155-00-11 Turkey 9-9-8001-2277 UK 0800-89-0011 ========================================================= | Paradise Lost (DFS WHQ) - +1.414.476.3181 | | Realms of Decadence (DFS Site) - +1.216.671.0078,,t66 | | | | FTP - etext.archive.umich.edu - pub/Zines/DFS | | | | To submit, call Paradise Lost and log on as DFS. The | | password is JINGLE JINGLE. | =========================================================