___________ _________________ ____ ____________ \_______ \/ __________ | \ \________ \ _____ \_ \ __)___/ \/ \__/ \ _/ \_/ \ \_ :_: \_ \_ \______________/__________/____| :______/_____________/ July 24th, 1994 - ISSUE #54 - July30th, 1994 _________ _______________ ___ ___ ______________ / _ \/ __________ | | \/ ___________/ / | \ __)___/ : : \_______ \ _/ | \_ \_ _ \_ | \_ \_______|_______/_________/_____|________/___________/ ============================================================================== ((CONTENTS)) ============================================================================== Section 1..............Standard Information Section 2...........................General Section 3.............................Files Section 4.............Music Articles (MC][) Section 5...........................Demo CD Section 6....................Advertisements Section 7..................Top 25 Downloads Section 8...........................Closing ============================================================================== ((Section 1...Standard Info)) ============================================================================== DemoNews is a weekly publication dedicated to the demo scene. It is produced at the Internet FTP site ftp.eng.ufl.edu (aka WASP or HORNET). This newsletter focuses on all aspects of demos and demo-making (including music, art, and coding). There are currently three active demo-operators at this site: Dan Wright (Pallbearer) - dmw@eng.ufl.edu Christopher G. Mann (Snowman) - r3cgm@dax.cc.uakron.edu Mike - weis@elf.stuba.sk This site is mirrored by the following ftps: ftp.uwp.edu ftp.luth.se ftp.sun.ac.za ftp.uni-erlangen.de ftp.uni-paderborn.de If you would like to receive a new copy of Demo News every Sunday in your mailbox write to dmw@eng.ufl.edu. We delete all bounced mail from this service, so if you SHOULD BE getting Demo News and ARE NOT, please re-request this newsletter. ============================================================================== ((Section 2...General)) ============================================================================== We could DEFINITLY use some to help with REVIEWING demos--namely all the stuff in the "alpha/NEW" directory and anything new that arrives. A one line description (like what is in the DEMOS.? of every alpha directory) and a few sentence description for our DEMOS.TXT file is all that is needed. ITALIAN INTRO CONTEST (IIC): For those who did not know there is a party somewhere in Italy next Weekend: July 31st. Grab the "IIC94INV" demo for more info if you are interested in attending or live in Italy. ASSEMBLY 94: Two weeks till the big demoparty in Finland. For more information download the two assembly demos (both have ASM and 94 in them and can be found in alpha/a or alpha/NEW directory). There is also an "asm94" directory set up under "compos" [pub/msdos/demos/compos/asm94] where some information about the party can be found. If you are going to release a demo/intro at ASM94 then take some time and give us some details here so we can put it in our next NEWSLETTER. SPACE: At one point we had 3.3 Megs of space left on this site......... Currently we are over 20 Megs again and we will delete some MUSIC and ANSI this week. So, if you are interested in ANSI either a) visit a MIRROR site like ftp.uwp.edu or ftp.luth.se which will mostly still have the OLDER stuff or b) download what you want ASAP. We plan on sixthing about 15 megs of music and 20-40 megs of ANSI. ============================================================================== ((Section 3...Files)) ============================================================================== Filename.ext Location Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .-----------. | --DEMOS-- | (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos...) `-----------' blackzon.zip /alpha/NEW Blackzone by Masque. From Party III. GUS digitald.zip /alpha/NEW (uploaded as dd.zip) Divine from Canada. SB/PC dd_fix.zip /alpha/NEW Allows digitald to run on 386. Will be renamed. height.zip DELETED Height-field terrain rendering. demo? no. hors.exe DELETED Hide or show a dir or file. houge.zip alpha/NEW A BBS ad. houge2.zip alpha/NEW Another Houge BBS ad. legend.arj alpha/NEW Impact Studios from France. GUS. legend.a01 alpha/NEW Pretty decent demo. They did REALTIME. squash.zip alpha/NEW Mental Designs NEW squash demo. summertm.zip alpha/NEW Mental Designs Summertime ASM94 meetro. under001.zip alpha/NEW Suburban underground BBS intro. .-----------. | --MUSIC-- | (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos/music...) `-----------' break .lzh /artists/nemesis Breakdown by Nemesis chat .lzh /artists/nemesis You Rang? by Nemesis diskmod .lzh /artists/nemesis Lightning Never Strikes Twice by Nemesis dontlook.lzh /artists/nemesis Don't Look Back by Nemesis gauntlet.lzh /artists/nemesis Running the Gauntlet by Nemesis hunt .lzh /artists/nemesis The Hunted by Nemesis light .lzh /artists/nemesis Symphony of Light by Nemesis nocomp .lzh /artists/nemesis No Compomise by Nemesis shadows .lzh /artists/nemesis Dancing Shadows by Nemesis summer .lzh /artists/nemesis Indian Summer by Nemesis war .lzh /artists/nemesis War & Peace by Nemesis DIRECTORY /artists/rcramer NEW MUSIC DIRECTORY FOR RYAN CRAMER/REN geomshad.zip /artists/rcramer Geometric Shadows by Ryan Cramer powwind .zip /artists/rcramer The Power of Wind by Ryan Cramer f10_pck2.zip /disks Force Ten music pack #2 farm-egg.zip /disks Farm Fresh EGG Musicdisk nept!klf.zip /klf Tripping to Neptune by Basehead dsikdemo.zip /programs/code Digital Sound Interface Kit (GUS/SB etc) gusdk221.zip /programs/code GUS Sound Developer's Kit convrt12.zip /programs/convert CONVERT v1.2b by Jesus Villena (samples) scgroup1.zip /programs/misc Only Sound Canvas MIDI (deleted soon) mp400xx .zip /programs/players MultiPlayer v4.00 (many archives) sadt13 .zip /programs/tracker Adlib Tracker v1.3 by Eric Pojar DIRECTORY /songs/c64 Songs for the Commodore 64 sidpl116.zip /songs/c64 Sidplayer (plays C64 tunes on SB) sidpmus1.zip /songs/c64 Music Package (need sidpl116.zip) gutentag.lzh /songs/mod UNKNOWN dzone .zip /songs/s3m Danger Zone by Kerry Ho evol_end.zip /songs/s3m Evolution's End by Kyron/Acid flair .zip /songs/s3m Flair v.1 by JoseD foregone.zip /songs/s3m Foregone (Instrumental Solo) by KerryHo juiced .zip /songs/s3m Juiced Up by BaSS lghthous.zip /songs/s3m UNKNOWN lost .zip /songs/s3m Whan All is Lost by Mental Floss mv .zip /songs/s3m Mr Vain by Kerry Ho twfr4 .zip /songs/s3m That's What Friends Are For by Kerry Ho sentimen.zip /songs/s3m Sentimental Melody by Kerry Ho storms .zip /songs/s3m Tropical Storms by BaSS suicide .zip /songs/s3m UNKNOWN **DELETED** amiga1 .zip /incoming/music My feature for last week amiga2 .zip /incoming/music " gus353x .zip /music/gusinstall (get them on klingon.epas.utoronto.edu) sadt .zip /programs/tracker Old version of Adlib Tracker -COMPOSERS COMPETITION ENTRIES _1sympho.arj _1throwu.arj _1unvrs .zip _1voices.arj _1vortex.arj _1voyag7.zip _confuse.arj -MUSIC CONTEST 1 ENTRIES backfi .zip cold .zip death .zip deltax .zip dream .zip etherl .zip forgpa .zip grind .zip intgrave.zip lost_s_d.zip m31 .zip oosevhed.lzh orgasm .zip pond .zip raa .zip refuse .zip romp .zip sound .zip symph1 .zip syndi .zip syntheme.zip techri .zip time .zip variatns.zip .--------------. | --ART/ANSI-- | (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos/...) `--------------' ansipic.zip /ansi ANSI to pic conversion. allnc-01.zip DELETED ALLIANCE premier Pack--corrupt. imp-0794.zip /ansi/imperial Imperial's July ART Pack. racism.zip DELETED Bit about a "Racist" ansi by Imperial member. skvd0794.zip /ansi SKAViD pack. Ansi group out of Canada. .----------. | --CODE-- | (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos/programming...) `----------' 3dvect37.zip /source 3D Vector Engine ver 3.6. Gourauds shading, poly... mlib14.zip DELETED Text Mode mouse Library. pastutor.arj /source Asphyxia's demotrainer series. Pascal programming. xlib61.zip /libs XLIB 6.1--toolkit for Mode X programming. .----------. | --MISC-- | (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos/...) `----------' alt-12.zip /diskmags ALT-1 diskmag issue 12. Prozac issue. Lots o poetry. hotmag2.zip /diskmags German diskmag. pcx2raw1.zip DELETED PCX 2 RAW. pw-11.zip DELETED Neat Plasma effect. But not a demo and no source. skymag#5.zip /diskmags Another German diskmag. smap.zip DELETED ============================================================================== ((Section 4...Music Articles - MC][)) ============================================================================== GENERAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots of activity this week. A few quick notes: lots of new music by Nemesis, check it out. To download a file like happy!.zip, type "get happy\!.zip". In general, if there is a special character in the filename, you just preface it with a "\". There is a new musician out there that I want you to take note of: Kerry Ho. He's been uploading a lot of songs lately that have been of very good quality. He is definately someone to look out for. At stated in last week's demonews, the Music Contest 1 and Composers Competition entries are being deleted. I am keeping a full backup of these directories JUST IN CASE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FIRSTIES (Main Feature) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ever wonder what the first MODs sounded like? Well, wonder no more. In my searching through the Amiga archives, I came across a couple of archives which contained some of the very first MODs ever written. These were made back in 1987-1988 back when Karsten Obarski first invented the MOD format. You can get them under /incoming/music BTW, in future issues when I have files that accompany the article (like this week), the files will be deleted on the next weekend to keep down on storage restrictions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THAT'S WHAT FRIENDS ARE FOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This probably does not interest many of you, so you can probably skip this part. Recently, a very good friend of mine (Jester, not of Sanity) left to go to Southern France for a month and a half. He has helped me immensely with getting started in the graphics aspect of the demo scene, and even got me set up with my very own copy of POV (Raytracing). Well, he and I wrote several times weekly, and I was a bit sad about him leaving. Well, guess what!? Within a day or two of his departure, I got a letter from Dee-Cug. Dee-Cug is another of my close friends and we had written regularly (I beta-tested UNIS669 for him), but he had lost his internet account a couple of months ago. Well, he's back, so I'm happy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAMUG (Canton/Akron/Massilon Users Group) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Last week I gave a presentation at a local computer users group. There were about 30 people in attendence for the main demo feature and about 23 or so for the music portion. I was very apprehensive about the whole deal (I don't like to speak in front of large groups of people). The average age of the audience was about 35, and it was mixed about evenly between males and females. Overall, it went very well, and I think I may have corrected a few ideas the people had about computer music and the Sound Blaster card. :) By the end of the demo portion of the presentation, I felt the audience loosing interest. I was trying to figure out what to do, and I was contem- plating ending the presentation right there. However, I started talking about how I got Jester to do artwork for me. I happened to mention that he was 22 years old and started to get on the subject of the ages of people in the demo scene. The audience started to perk up!?! So I talked about about "eLiTe" and "lame" and how younger demo people are sometimes problamatic. BINGO! Human interest stories seemed to intrigue them much more than playing a .s3m, so I went on and talked about a few select people, trying to crack a joke every once in a while. The presentation ended (of course) with Second Reality. I had to talk about demo parties as well, and I told them of my failed attempt to organize a bus trip from the USA to Finland for Assembly 94. ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASSEMBLY 94' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Next week is a special Assembly 94 issue! Get it. ============================================================================== ((Section 5...Demo CD)) ============================================================================== Check /pub/msdos/demos/incoming/democd for UPDATES and information. (i.e. More information, cost, how to get the DEMO/MC][ CD) I have uploaded a NEW want list to the directory and would be greatful if people would upload those demos and others not on the "fileslist.txt" to the "democd" directory. If you have a BBS with a lot of demos please upload your LIST and I will CALL or let you know what I would like. ART: We are looking for artist to design the ART for the CD's inserts. Pay will be 10-100 copies of your ART (worth $5-$50). It all depends on the cost/min press run. If we have to run 1000 you get a ton of your art in FULL color or whatever we decide to use. (Most likely Full color for the front and back of the book and possibly for the insert). DAT: We are going to need to borrow or find someone with access to DAT player to help us master our music for the CD. RESERVE: We plan on pressing between 200 and 300 of these DEMO/MUSIC CD's. Thus far approximately 61 CD's have been reserved (w/o exchange of money). If you are interested in reserving a copy E-mail me at: dmw@eng.ufl.edu DEMOS WANTED: Just in case you do not check out the WANTLIST.TXT here it is: This is a want list of demos I am looking for to put on the DEMO/MUSIC CD. If you have any of these or OTHER demos not on this site (ftp.eng.ufl.edu) please upload them to the pub/msdos/demos/incoming [/democd] directory. Thanks--dmw@eng.ufl.edu GROUP DEMO SIZE/DATE -------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS DENIED AD-INC intro 3 ACCESS DENIED Only the Women Bleed ACCESS DENIED House of f'n necros ACTIVISION Toungue of The Fatman ALPHAFORCE PHENOMENON ARKHAM ARGRO NAUTS 0230 kB 03/93 BAD GROUP BAD NEWS #8 0215 kB 06/92 BINARY POETS Poetry Emotions BINARY POETS BIP-XMAS'92 BINARY POETS Random Demo BITBLASTERS HELP! 0138 kB 02/93 B�HNKE PROD. KOB II 0340 kB 10/92 BP's KOB-Intro-Part 2 BRAIN SLAYER COLLAPSE 0385 kB 07/91 BRAIN SLAYER UNIVERSE 0375 kB 10/91 BYTE BUSTERS HELP! CRAZY NoName CYBERNETIC DR. THE FIRM BBS 0010 kB 02/94 DISTORSION HYPNOSYS #1 0375 kB 03/94 DISTORTION Purity (final version) DUST Megademo 1991 DUST Bounce ENVY ENVY #1 EPICAL GRR! ESCAPE COPER. THINK TWICE PR 0008 kB 01/94 EUROTECH Fluent Visions THE FIRM The Firm FUTURE CREW Gr8 (1st demo) GLOBAL POWER HOUSE of Pain KEEN LIKE FRO. BLUE OBZESSION 0040 kB 04/94 LAST VISION SPACE VISION 2 0085 kB 06/93 LOOM SYNDICAT. Mad Mag Intro. MAJIC 12 ROH (Ray of Hope) MAJIC 12 New Intro MAJIC 12 HAMMER94 MEGABUSTERS GREEN HOUSE 0255 kB 10/93 MGE OTTA SPACE 0140 kB ??/9? MORAFF-WARE VGAART NOISE 30_DEMO 0040 kB 05/93 PUBLIC NMI FUNKBOX INTRO 0100 kB 02/93 SKULL Spheres SKYHAWKS SkyHawks demo 2 SONIC Access Denied STEINER & W. DISTANT SHORES 0440 kB 05/94 STORM MYSTIC 0025 kB 12/93 SPACEPIGS DEMO 3 SPACEPIGS Julkul SPYCE ParaSpyce TASMANIC FUCK YOU! 0065 kB 11/92 TRIAD GROOVY TRSI Aladdin ULTRAFORCE Mach 3 UTOPIA UTOPIA WHQ 0055 kB 06/9? VIRTUAL VOID V. LATE X-MAS 0135 kB 01/94 WITAN WET DREAMS 0205 kB 06/91 XEROX COLOR BLIND OTHER DEMOS THAT EXIST but we do not know the group: Noter Hardcore X-mas demo Trash1 ============================================================================== ((Section 6...Advertisements)) ============================================================================== This week we have TWO: For the industrialites in the audience. My band "id", no not the software company, (trust me I've gotten plenty of shit for keeping the name), has just released it's first demo. It's more rockish than I hoped, but it's still good industrial for a first release. Anyways, all the tracks were laid down with cakewalk for win. If you would like to hear a slice of industrial rock just send a check/money order for $4.00 US Dollors ($5.00 overseas) to: =======>>>> make check payable to Trent Hare "id" attn: demo PO Box 846 Flagstaff, AZ 86002-846 Note: we are not making any profit off this, it just covers tape duplication and shipping >:] You may also be interested in that we used a GUS and a Proaudio for some of the sounds. Sometimes the old FM sounds come in handy. I have just thrown out my Proaudio and for some god awful reason purchased a SB awe32. (It actually seems pretty powerful for uploading your own samples. You can put 32 megs on the soundcard --> if your rich. Poor musicians take what they can get. And if you like I could throw a few *.wrk (I guess I could put them out as midi files also) files onto the net. (imbedded samples and all. Even some of the samples and sounds were ripped >from the internet.) But for full effect you have to hear the vocals and guitar. I also hope to throw out a few mtm's or ult's pretty soon. Live long and eat. (slave to tech) thare@sirius.wr.usgs.gov ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----PRiMal DiSoRDeR BBS +44 (628) 74179 (Based in the United Kingdom)---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Music, Ansi, Latest Internet Filez, Gifs, Animations and Gamez (Doom)-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------SysOp: Tim Mole------------------------------- ---------Co-SysOp's: Dean Rocks, James Grainger, Jamie Baker------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== ((Section 7...Top 25 Downloads)) ============================================================================== SOUND FAMILIAR: Well, the info.log (aka ftp.syslog) is now 40+ megs on this site and dates back to early July. If I attemped to create a TOP25DL I would definitly DUMP "core." So, I'll just wait till the log gets reset before I do another TOP25DL. ============================================================================== ((Section 8...Closing)) ============================================================================== Quote of the Week: "I know the self doubt that treats you so unkind..." -Rollins Band dmw@eng.ufl.edu ---------------------------------------------------------End-of-Demo-News-#54-