����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � ���� ��� ������ ������ � ������� � � � � �� �� � �� � � �� � � � � � � � � � �� � � �� � � � � � � � ����� � � � � � � � � ���� � � � � � � � � � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������͹ � Demented Anarchists & Malicious Malignant Inventors of Terror � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ Issue No. 4 - 501 Things I Hate - 2/3 Well, let's start 501 thing I hate Volume 2 - 168 Thru 334..... 168. Pants 169. Jordan 170. Fault Modems 171. 286 Computers 172. Schools 173. France 174. Illegal Aliens 175. Persons who hate Rush 176. FireHouse 177. 720k Disks 178. Blank Minds 179. That the Talking Heads broke up 180. Boredom 181. Sabbaticals 182. Not being able to figure out Back Rockwards 183. 200 Dollar Basketball shoes 184. Getting Shot 185. Falling of buildings 186. Having Buildings Fall on you 187. Shooting a gun 188. YoungBlood 189. The Hair Club for men 190. Nosey People 191. Small Penises 192. Sleep 193. Bad Reception on TV 194. "" "" on Radio 195. Wigger Stations 196. Ted Turner 197. The JFK Bandwagon 198. Bad Requests 199. Death 200. Holes 201. Snotty People 202. Oppression 203. Government in general (But since We's Stuck with it, let's make do) 204. Those who don't vote for my hero, Howard Stern 205. Calendars 206. That Drexell's Class was cancelled 207. Modem Manuals 208. 2 Dollar bills 209. Not having a ticket stub 210. Grumpy Smurf 211. Empty Pop bottles 212. Landfills 213. The fact that Fiction means not real and Non-Fiction means real 214. Pencil Sharpeners 215. Desks 216. The Cars 217. Yugos 218. The Amazing Discovery Show 219. The asshole who was drunk and hit Sam Kinison's car 220. The fact that he's gonna get off easy 221. The fact he isn't dead yet 222. Using The Fact in a sentence 223. The English Language 224. Borders 225. The Lute 226. Bud Lite 227. The Smell of shit 228. Mr. Rogers 229. Liars 230. The sound of flies buzzing 231. Judge Wapner 232. Rusty, his bailiff - Homosexual lover 233. Garth Brooks (SIDE NOTE - Let me elaborate on this Garth Brooks Asshole. Garth decided to have a concert in a pretty small town. So, he opened the phonelines to order tickets. At the same time, a guys wife had a stroke, and he tried to call 911. But, the phone lines were overloaded, and he couldn't get thru to FUCKING 911! The guys wife died. The guy is suing EVERYONE. I hope he wins) 234. Side notes 235. Todd McFarlane, for leaving Spider-Man 236. Burnt Seinta 237. Pepsi's New logo 238. Overcast days 239. Rain 240. Not getting paid 241. Mowing the lawn 242. Tambourines 243. SpellCheckers 244. Cardboard CD packages 245. PhoneBooks 246. Losing 247. Waking up early in the morning 248. Hunting 249. The Hardy Boys 250. Grids 251. Life in general 252. Generals 253. The Marines 254. Phone cords 255. Dirt 256. Paper 257. Tunnel Wrists (OW) 258. Stiff Necks 259. Reverse Bungee Jumping (HOW FUCKING STUPID CAN YOU BE!) 260. U2 261. Pencil Shavings 262. Shaving Cream 263. Vanilla Ice 263. Heavy Things 264. Gravity 265. Homework 266. Getting carded 267. Night Clubs 268. Grammar 269. English Teachers 270. Afros 271. Small Hooters 272. Pennies 273. Crazy old People 274. Ugly knives 275. Sea Lions 276. Car phones 277. Trains 278. Car Accidents 279. Persons who commit Suicide 280. Constructive Activities 281. Cold Summers 282. Overdoses 283. Fly Swatters 284. Samba Beats 285. The LAPD 286. Gnomes 287. Gremlins 288. Porpoises 289. Ascending 290. Jocks 291. LCD displays 292. Radio Shack displays 293. Dares 294. Bets 295. Children 296. Viruses in the wrong hands (I.E. 11 Year old "HaCKeRZ" Who will *TRY* To virus you if you don't give them SysOp access) 297. Debts 298. Hondas 299. Bush 300. Quayle 301. Gore 303. Clinton 304. Jethro (Jethro?) 305. Bad artists 306. Another Bad Creation (Name sez it all, huh.) 307. Pause 308. Contraception 309. AiDS 310. Cancer 311. Phone Plugs 312. Ear plugs 313. Realism 314. The person(s) who shot Andy Warhol 315. "" "" John Lennon 316. "" "" JFK 317. The Fact I'm missing Lollapalooza 92 318. The Fact I'm angry at the world 319. Coffee 320. Those inserts in magazines 321. Forgetting Stuff 322. Dragons 323. Legends 333. People who hate AD&D 334. Bikes 335. Logic 336. Having to pay for shit 337. 6 bucks to get in at the movies 338. Wires 339. The heat 340. The cold 341. The lukewarmness 342. "Family" outings 343. Dysfunctional Families 344. Stupidity Well, That was GREAT. Let's go for part 3! COMING SOON (They's about to burst!) From Me: 100-300 (Need to decide a number) Things I'm afraid of 152 things I like And more stuff. And now, we end wid a joke.... What's the worst thing a bride can say after her wedding night? "Boy, am I glad I didn't throw my vibrator away! "Eh?" ����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � For the Latest DAMMiT Stuff, Do Call These Boards: � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������͹ � Name � Number � Baud � SysOp � Status � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������͹ � Death's Gate �(313) 591-0802 � 16.8 � Hacker � Dist. Site � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������͹ � Seven Seconds �(313) 344-2977 � 14.4 � Grave Walker � Dist. Site � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ