------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cult of the dead cat / cult of the disposable camera / cult of the drying cum- stain / cult of the dead canary / cult of the dead chihuaha / cult of the dead cadillac / concentrated drag:::::::::::::::::::cweenz / cult of the douche con dom / cult of the dope cut /::XXXX::XXX::XXXX::cult of the dressed cabbage / c ult of the dumb comedian / c::X:::::X::X:X:::::ult of the deadly carbonated_be verage / cult of the dead ca::X:::::X::X:X:::::nine / cult of the dumb cow / c ult of the disheiferist clep::XXXX::XXX::XXXX::/ cult of the duplicated copy / clean dildos in a cab / cows:::::::::::::::::::drowning cows / cult of the dum b cult / cult of the dildo that can / crowning dead corpses / cult of the disp osable condom / cyber doodical c / can dogs croak? / cult of the dead cornflak e / cult of the distinct color / cult of the dead crib / CULT OF THE DEAD CAT! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _ __/| \'X.X' Cult of the Dead Cat, Inc (c) 1992-1995 =(___)= Funky Assed Niggahz who fORGOT the Vaseline (c) 1992 U ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SEND ALL COMMENTS, QUESTIONS, ARTICLES, MEATLOAF, 'JESUS LOVES ME' STICKERS, GIFS OF GRAYAREA'S OVARIES, HACKER PENISES, HACKER JEWISH CAPS, UPT'S PASS- WORD FILES TO... upt@bud.indirect.com imedia@tdn.net ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CdC may be obtained the following places: Unphamiliar Territory 602-PRI-VATE /pub/ae2/cdc_cat Inertia 602- conference 1, area 17 corrupt.sekurity.com (ftp) /pub/zine/CdC ftp.fc.net (ftp) /pub/defcon/CULT-OF-THE-DEAD-CAT hickory.sdsu.edu (ftp) /pub/CdC tdn.net (ftp) /pub/CdC or direct from invalid or grayarea ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *** Topic for #hack: "I did it. What was it?" - ILF '94 There's been a lot going around about the Internet Liberation Front. What are they? Who are they? Where can I get some? Do they want me? Do they have a tree? Do they do LSD? Do they know me? Do they blow me? Who knows? WE KNOW! In this issue we have an exclusive interview with someone who claims that 'internet looks funny'. Internet Looks Funny = I.L.F. = Internet Liberation Front? If these people really ARE the I.L.F., you're in for a treat!@#!@# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intro- w3rd! 1> Interview with grayarea (Netta Gilboa) 2> Tone-Loc LITE v.000....666 (m3ga l33t) 3> band reviews that like suck!@#!@# 4> Mr.3l33t!!@#!@#!@#!@#!@#@!# 5> CRASH -N- BURN MAGAZINE!@# by a rival CdC gang!@# 6> s0m3 guyz wh0 d0n't lyk3 CdC cr@sh3d bbz3s wit lam3 tr0jans!@#!@#!@#!@# 7> AnUtHaH Tone-Loc LITE !@#!@#!@#!@#(* (m3gaM0l33t) 8> INTERVIEW WITH THE INTERNET LIBERATION FRONT (3Y3 THINK) 9> the internet monke3z == ilf? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ __/| \'x.X' Cult of the Dead Cat Communications (c) 1995 =(___)= dis b3 dah mayn3 CdC paluz!@# w0rd, h3r3'z da fyl3z nigga!@# U | : . "we reak 3lyt3n3$z" "we kick big fuk3n a$z 3v3ryday!@# mack!@" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Netta, Mahatma Mcaf33 from CdC here again.. Since Issue 207 of our magazine, there has been a lot of mail pouring into our boxes from many people who support you. And, to our surprise, no one has had the guts to flame you or insult you in any way.. except when they weren't looking and our buffers were going... Did you know you had so many friends on the net? I think most people don't care if I am around or not as long as I don't get in their way. But of those who have an opinion, I am sure more like me than my enemies. I'm still here. I can usually get unbanned. And when things have seemed at their worst, people have made it clear that they wanted me to stay. I give good conversation. I think this has been an interesting experiment though. I wonder if you made it a regular thing to interview all the controversial people on #hack whether others would fare as well as I did . You've already discussed your dealings with Brotherhood-Of-Warez and u4ea in the last issue -- do you think they'll stop harassing you now that they see that a lot more people like you than like them? Everyone seems to support you in your efforts.. I thought I explained it last issue. Funny how everyone wants to hear things are awful rather than good . I think I'll answer your question by saying CdC207 upset several people that I know of. One of them sent me two pieces of E-mail but apparently didn't follow up by contacting you as I suggested was the appropriate response. He was mentioned in your question about the identities of the WELL crackers and although I assume you intended his name as a joke, he took great offense that people might be trying to "frame" him for it. That didn't stop him from trying to "frame" me a few days later when he claimed to have .gifs of me having sex with a hacker I never kissed. He said he was "being friendly." I think he behaved like a hypocrite who likes to start trouble and can't take it when the shoe is on the other foot. To quote the Grateful Dead, "new ones comin' as the old ones go." Once again it's someone I didn't start with, this time using the "spyace" acct at MindVox (which I was told by one of the account holders is actually shared by four hacker elites), came on #Hack and accused me of making up my contacts with law enforcement for attention. He didn't really want proof or a reply, just to rag on me. He's collided me a bunch since. Guess he's jealous or threatened by me somehow. Must be a sign I'm doing something right . If he keeps it up, I'll just keep mentioning it in my interviews. I can't collide people, sniff their accounts, or turn phones into payphones, but I find that just telling everyone the truth about who bothers me works wonders. Yet another person has opened an acct using the name "Hillel Gilboa." Hillel is a Jewish word (as in j00ish), unlikely to be used as a name. My last name is quite uncommon. I think the coincidence of another Gilboa suddenly appearing on #hack speaks for itself. This account (gilboa@babbage.csee.usf.edu) is not mine. Opening accounts which play on my real data crosses a line. Enough said. I think the fact universities and other site providers don't take this stuff seriously is a shame. Gray Areas printed a story about the WELL's mishandling of being cracked. 2600 did one on Netcom. And I don't trust law enforcement to know the difference between me and someone setting me up either. At present, a person harassed on the Internet has nowhere to turn in society. Whether I want them to or not, my experiences on #hack shape how I think about the Net and its potential. It is hard to continue believing in anarchy when you are so often its target. Alas, I no longer think the Net is such a great thing. Someone who rapes (in a positive way) the minds of hackers with true conversation is often a threat to people who are often seen as social outcasts. You said it, not me . It's quite clear I am seen as a threat, ironically by the very people who claim society misunderstands them. It's almost as if a group of hackers got together and decided they would rather have my magazine say awful things about hackers than nice things. And so, no matter how much I try to see the whole picture and not get caught up in their treatment of me, these people keep creating problems for me so that I cannot do my work. They want to ruin it for thousands of other hackers. See, the hacking community does not police itself and there is no central agree- ment anywhere in this community. What they fail to realize is the laws against hacking are strengthening and more and more of them will end up in court in the next decade. When they do, the people deciding on how much jail time they get will be people whose opinions about hackers come from the media. I believe hackers should do everything they can to improve their image in the media. However, their treatment of me is clear proof they won't. Issue 208 is coming out real soon and it will have a "Letters to the Editor" section completely filled with grayarea comments. I am sure you'll be surprised at all the things people are saying and maybe some of the people who are saying these things. Heh. I'm sure you've heard from a good cross-section of the people who like me and hate me the most. The ones who hate me are oh-so-vocal about it, but there are many, many more of the quiet, supporting ones. Since we're on the topic of donkeys, how's your obsession with large furry animals going? I know you are sad that merc and Bubba are getting married in jail now -- you just lost a good bestiality partner there -- What are your plans for future sadomasochistic and animal husbandry events centered around hackers? Although I didn't catch too much shit for that last issue, people definitely made it clear they are used to me being serious all the time and I caught them off-guard there. You're a good reporter. I told you last issue that Merc wouldn't want me talking about him in this context and here you are trying to get me to comment again . I have no future plans. Except maybe to befriend Bubba . It's probably the only way I'll ever get to talk to Merc again . Thanks again for your input.. We wish you the best of luck. Thanks. I'll need it. As you've learned the hard way, even people who try to help clean up my image are harassed. I hope now that this issue is done your account will be left alone. I know mine won't be . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ __/| \'x.X' Cult of the Dead Cat Communications (c) 1995 =(___)= dis b3 dah mayn3 CdC paluz!@# w0rd, h3r3'z da fyl3z nigga!@# U | : . "we reak 3lyt3n3$z" "we kick big fuk3n a$z 3v3ryday!@# mack!@" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;DeScRiPtIoN:ELiTe FuCkInG TeLeMaTe ScRiPt WaRdIaLeR ;NaMe:TLiTe.ScR ;UsAgE:FiRe Up TeLeMaTe AnD PrEsS AlT-S AnD Ch00sE TLiTe.ScR! ; ;ToNe-LoC LiTe v.0000000000000000666!!" ;CoDeD By MoThErFuCkInG DeAtH DeAlEr!!" ;To HeLL WiTh BeLL!!!! EaT YoUr SpAm!!" Waitfor 0 Set AutoStop,Off append "carriers.txt" write "ElitE FuCkInG CaRrIeR LiSt!!" write " " print " " print " _ __/| " print " \'X.X' CuLt Of ThE DeAd CaT, InC (c) 1992-1994 " print " =(___)= FuNkY AsSeD NiGgAhZ WhO fORGOT ThE VaSeLiNe (c) 1992 " print " U " print " " print "ToNe-LoC LiTe v.0000000000000000666!!" print "CoDeD By MoThErFuCkInG DeAtH DeAlEr!!" print "To HeLL WiTh BeLL!!!! EaT YoUr SpAm!!" print " " print "PrOgReSs:" while 1=1 x = 10000 ;SuPhIx (DoN'T FuCk WiTh ThIs) y = "924 " ;PrEfIx, (LeAvE SpAcE BeTwEeN LaSt DiGiT And CoMmA) z = 23 ;TiMe To WaIt FoR CaRrIeR repeat x = x - 1 put "atdt",y,x Waitfor "CONNECT",z IF FOUND append "carriers.txt" ;EliTe LoG Of CaRrIeRs YoU FoUnD!! write " " WRITE "Carrier: ",y, x close put "^#", endif put "^#", until x = 0 endwhile ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ __/| \'x.X' Cult of the Dead Cat Communications (c) 1995 =(___)= dis b3 dah mayn3 CdC paluz!@# w0rd, h3r3'z da fyl3z nigga!@# U | : . "we reak 3lyt3n3$z" "we kick big fuk3n a$z 3v3ryday!@# mack!@" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CdC'$ 0ffici@l b@Nd r3vi3w$! ---------------------------- B3AS+I3 B0YS - Ill C0mmuNic@+i0N$ Wh@+ c@N I $@y.. +h3y did i+ @g@iN. I w@i+3d iN liN3 f0r +hi$ 0N3 f0r @N h0ur ju$+ $0 I c0uld h3@r i+ fir$+. +h3 puNk +h3y '+ry' +0 d0 0N +hi$ 0N3 $uCk$ bu+ +h3 r3$+ 0f i+ i$ 0rigiN@l @Nd gr3@+. DR.DR3 - C0Ncr3+3 R00+$ pr0j3c+ 3Rr... r3furbi$h3d w3$+-c0@$+ b3@+$ iN @ N3w p@Ck@g3. F0r c0upl3 $0Ng$ @r3 b3@r@bl3 bu+ I w0uld d3fiNi+3ly giv3 +hi$ cr@p @ hug3 +humb$ d0wN. I r3gr3+ buyiNg +hi$ 0N3. D00RAG - l0c@l b@Nd fr0m +uc$0N Ariz0N@ BuCk3+$, V@cuum cl3@N3r$, h0u$3h0ld cl3@NiNg pr0duc+$. +h3y c@N m@k3 @Ny+hiNg @N iN$+rum3N+ @Nd m@k3 i+ $0uNd pr3++y d@mN g00d. H@v3 @ gri++y $cli++y $0uNd +0 +h3m. D3fiN3+3ly w0r+h i+. DJ 3SS3N+IAL - fr0m +h3 S0ulu+i0N DJ +3@m 0k, I b3+ y0u guy$ h@v3N'+ h3@rd 0f him. M0r3 0r l3$$ @ w3$+ c0@$+ l0c@l $pinNiNg @+ @ f3w club$ @Nd c0ff33 h0u$3$ h3r3 @Nd +h3r3. H@$ +h3 b3$+ +@$+3 iN mu$ic I h@v3 3v3r h3@rd ($iNc3 my 0wN). SpiN$ +h3 b3$+ fuNk/j@zz/HipH0p/$0ul gr00v3z 0f @ll +im3. +hr0w iN $0m3 b@Ck b3@+$, @ fr3$h b@$$liN3 @Nd y0u'v3 g0+ i+. DJ PARI - fr0m +h3 S0ulu+i0N DJ +3@m B@d ch0ic3. Simil@r $+yl3 bu+ h3'$ pr3++y d@mN b0riNg. H3'$ fr0m H@mburg G3rm@Ny @Nd I h@v3 N0 id3@ wh@+ h3 i$ d0iNg d0wN h3r3 cuz h3 pr3++y much $uCk$ b@ll$. 0N3 - l0c@l b@Nd fr0m Ariz0N@ N0+ b@d. S0Ng$ @r3 0rigiN@l @Nd w3lld0N3 bu+ +h3y @r3N'+ u$iNg @ll +h3ir mu$ic@l @bili+i3$. +h3 $iNg3r d03$ @ l0+ b3++3r $0l0 +h@N wi+h +h3 b@Nd -- +h3 b3$+ p@r+ i$ +h3 drumm3r. +HIRD FL00R - l0c@l b@Nd fr0m Ariz0N@ +h3y r0Ck. +h3 drumm3r i$ +h3 b3$+ I'v3 $33N iN @ l0Ng +im3.. @$ g00d @$ gr33N-d@y.. +h3y r0Ck. S0Ng$ @r3 @w3$0m3, f@$+, 3@$y +0 pimp +0. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ __/| \'x.X' Cult of the Dead Cat Communications (c) 1995 =(___)= dis b3 dah mayn3 CdC paluz!@# w0rd, h3r3'z da fyl3z nigga!@# U | : . "we reak 3lyt3n3$z" "we kick big fuk3n a$z 3v3ryday!@# mack!@" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program:Mr.Elite CdC Special Edition Size:666 Usage:To make you as elite as you want to be. By simply using this program, you may, on one day, become as elite as any CdC member out there. To run simply execute the 666 byte .com file you uudecoded after cutting out of this text. Effects:Well lets just say....just type some shit after you run the fucker. Later cut here----------------------------------------------------- section 1 of uuencode 5.25 of file mrelite.com by R.E.M. begin 644 mrelite.com MZ3L!(`H-7R!?7R]\"@U<(%@N6"`@($-U3'0@3V8@5&A%($1E060@0V%4+"!) M;D,@*&,I(#$Y.3(M,3DY-`H-/2A?7U\I/2!&=4YK62!!$5C571%($9O4B!%3&E492!4>5!I3F<@4TMI3$Q3 M(2$A"@U4=5)N($]F1B!!;D0@3VX@0GD@4')% I downloaded a file from THE DANGER ZONE, and it ATE my 420 Megger.. >Fucking Nixed my FAT table.. had to re-Fdisk/Format EVERYTHING.. Thank GOD >for tape backup.. But.. Things are OLD.. This backup is from 12/19/94.. >If you uploaded something that went into the GAMES/WINDOWS Directories, >E-mail me WHAT Credit is Due.. and if it was else where.. E-mail me WHAT it >was and if its not found, you might need to reupload it.. Sorry everyone.. >I'm fucking Pissed as hell at TDZ for the LAME file.. > > ��� Was it a virus or something that you couldn't pick up? Or a file someone lamer phucker created designed to fuck with your system? ���� ��l� S�s�P ----- What the fuck is up with all these VIRUSES??? I lent out like 10 disks to a guy I know at work and he gets the JUNKIE.BOOT Virus and passes it onto my floppies for me.. Thank god I caught it.. We had to trash a HD at work due to that virus.. Mcaffess lists that Virus as UNCURRABLE.. We don't have it or ANY virii.. I'm 100% sure of that, I've checked :) Then Markus gets some other fucked up Virii and now I can't trust THOSE floppies I lent him either.. FUCK.. I want a Tape backup badly!! Anyone else Getting Virused??? Where are they coming from?? ��� Z�L�H ��� hey whats up the name of the would'nt happen to be Necroman.zip would it?? i downloaded it and i had to format my hd to!! FUCKING PISSED ME OFF..!! i hate them1!1hhehehhe later, Brain Smasher ----- It wasn't a virii.. all it did was RE-FDISK my drive for me.. Automatically.. No sweat, we're back online.. Hopefully all areas are working again :) ��� Z�L�H ��� ----- ��� >hey whats up the name of the would'nt happen to be Necroman.zip would it?? >i downloaded it and i had to format my hd to!! FUCKING PISSED ME OFF..!! i >hate them1!1hhehehhe ��� EXACT same file man! FUCKERS!! I e-mail the sysop and told him how FUCKED UP HIS SYSTEM IS for letting that shit go unseen. 5 downloads on that file.. I feel sorry for the other 3 users.. :) ��� Z�L�H ��� ----- ��� >What the fuck is up with all these VIRUSES??? >I lent out like 10 disks to a guy I know at work and he gets the JUNKIE.BOOT >Virus and passes it onto my floppies for me.. Thank god I caught it.. >We had to trash a HD at work due to that virus.. Mcaffess lists that Virus >as UNCURRABLE.. We don't have it or ANY virii.. I'm 100% sure of that, I've >checked :) Then Markus gets some other fucked up Virii and now I can't trust >THOSE floppies I lent him either.. FUCK.. I want a Tape backup badly!! >Anyone else Getting Virused??? Where are they coming from?? ��� A while back a nice fellow named Death Dealer made (or had a program make some for him) a few virii and threatened to pass them around.. That was a long time ago though.. ----- We suffered a MAJOR HIT, If you see a file called NECROMAN.ZIP ANYWHERE! DO NOT GET IT, I ran the INSTALL.EXE and it ate our FAT Table.. We did have Tape backup.. But any/all files uploaded after monday 12/20 was LOST.. Please Re-upload and I'll issue ya Double the credits for the mishap.. *CdC says* damn!@# th3z3 guyz arr3 3l33t!@# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ __/| \'x.X' Cult of the Dead Cat Communications (c) 1995 =(___)= dis b3 dah mayn3 CdC paluz!@# w0rd, h3r3'z da fyl3z nigga!@# U | : . "we reak 3lyt3n3$z" "we kick big fuk3n a$z 3v3ryday!@# mack!@" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to explain what the fuck happened.. on 12-21-94 I "ZILCH" downloaded a file called NECROMAN.ZIP from the danger zone bbs in Arizona. This file turned out to a TROJAN.. All it did was FDISK my 420 megger for me.. No big whoop, beings that I have Tape Backup. Me, Brain Smasher, Deadman, and Two other Unknown users downloaded this file. I e-mailed the sysop of TDZ (danger zone) Right away with my warning.. Bigguy, the Sysop, didn't hesitate to lend a hand at all.. He killed the File right away.. Then .PHATKEDS uploaded a file Called CRASH.001 wich was a text file stating that the Trojan was a succes.. and that I was a LAMER and whimpered.. Let the record show, We have a GOOD IDEA WHO this fucker is.. and maybe through this file you will see it too.. The Messages USED in CRASH.001 weren't posted untill 12-22-94 around 8am.. The date and time that our bbs went back online.. With this info I contacted Bigguy, The sysop over at TDZ.. Between us we found out that the file was uploaded by: .PHATKEDS at 9:30pm on 12-22-94. Bigguy deleted the file Right away and was a GREAT help.. I do wish to thank him for his Quickness in Aided me.. With that info.. It would mean that WHOEVER created it, HAD to have logged onto OUR system between 8am and 9:30pm.. This is the LOG with my OPPION of the users.. As far as I see it.. and who I feel is MORE Guilty.. The actuall LOG is filename SHITLIST.TXT. - 8:08 Am I logged on a re uploaded the missing files.. Since only C: was affected, the NEW uploads were Still around, just not listed cuz our backup was like two days old. :) 12/22/94 - 08:08a ZiLCH logged on at 38400 08:08a On Node 1 08:08a Newscanned File Conference: 08:08a iNERTiA Support Files 08:08a Added File CD-BLITZ.ZIP 08:08a Testing on CD-BLITZ.ZIP passed 08:08a Added File CF2-1HBD.ZIP 08:09a Testing on CF2-1HBD.ZIP passed 08:09a Added File CF2-2HBD.ZIP 08:09a Testing on CF2-2HBD.ZIP passed 08:09a Added File CF2OKHBD.ZIP 08:09a Testing on CF2OKHBD.ZIP passed 08:09a Added File CHEAT175.ZIP 08:09a Testing on CHEAT175.ZIP passed 08:09a Added File DEFEMP1.ZIP 08:09a Testing on DEFEMP1.ZIP passed 08:09a Added File DEFEMP2.ZIP 08:09a Testing on DEFEMP2.ZIP passed 08:09a Added File E-PENC1.ZIP 08:10a Testing on E-PENC1.ZIP passed 08:10a Added File E-PENC2.ZIP 08:10a Testing on E-PENC2.ZIP passed 08:11a Logged Off - Talon is our File Sysop - What Reason would he have?? He's GOD online.. :) 12/22/94 - 08:51a Talon logged on at 14400 08:51a On Node 1 08:54a Sent mail to ZiLCH 08:54a T: Re:What's up? 08:54a Newscanned Message Conference: 08:54a WaReZ LaNdZ 08:57a Newscanned File Conference: 08:57a iNERTiA Support Files 08:58a Moved File ALDCRACK.ZIP 08:58a Moved File WAVE.ZIP 08:58a Moved File FPRO95-5.ZIP 08:59a Moved File MODFILES.EXE 08:59a Moved File ALADTRN.ZIP 08:59a Moved File CD-BLITZ.ZIP 08:59a Moved File CF2-1HBD.ZIP 08:59a Moved File CF2-2HBD.ZIP 08:59a Moved File CF2OKHBD.ZIP 08:59a Moved File CHEAT175.ZIP 08:59a Moved File DEFEMP1.ZIP 08:59a Moved File DEFEMP2.ZIP 08:59a Moved File E-PENC1.ZIP 08:59a Moved File E-PENC2.ZIP 09:00a Logged Off - This is a Semi-New user - But he didn't READ the messages as you see! 12/22/94 - 09:34a astrologer logged on at 9600 09:34a On Node 1 09:34a Filled out infoform 1 09:35a Filled out infoform 5 09:36a Newscanned File Conference: 09:36a iNERTiA Support Files 09:37a Logged Off - labattz is a GREAT uploader, He's been around this system since it first opened.. What possible joy would it give him to fuck with us? 12/22/94 - 10:00a labattz logged on at 14400 10:00a On Node 1 10:00a Newscanned Message Conference: 10:00a WaReZ LaNdZ 10:07a Newscanned File Conference: 10:07a iNERTiA Support Files 10:08a Newscanned File Conference: 10:08a iNERTiA Support Files 10:10a Downloaded File CD-BLITZ.ZIP 10:10a Newscanned File Conference: 10:10a iNERTiA Support Files 10:11a Newscanned File Conference: 10:11a iNERTiA Support Files 10:13a Sent mail to ZiLCH 10:13a T: fpro95-5 10:14a Logged Off - Death is a decent poster.. I'm not framilar with his Entire background.. I keep him on a Low-profile suspect list.. Nothing too major I feel.. 12/22/94 - 11:46a death logged on at 14400 11:46a On Node 1 11:48a Sent mail to ZiLCH 11:48a T: Re:FILES!? 11:48a Newscanned Message Conference: 11:48a WaReZ LaNdZ 11:49a Newscanned File Conference: 11:49a iNERTiA Support Files 11:49a Newscanned File Conference: 11:49a FANTASY LIIFESTYLES 11:50a Logged Off - Usally GOOD Users Upload.. as we see here, he IS a good user :) 12/22/94 - 11:50a death logged on at 14400 11:50a On Node 1 12:51p Uploaded File cps-dv3.zip 12:51p Uploaded File cps-dv4.zip 12:51p Uploaded File cps-dv5.zip 12:51p Uploaded File cps-dv6.zip 12:55p Logged Off - I don't know much about his background either, a quite user, who didn't NEWSCAN the bases, he just posted in ONE area.. 12/22/94 - 12:56p Stubbies logged on at 14400 12:56p On Node 1 12:57p Sent mail to Corpse Warper 12:57p T: Re:Hey cowboy... 12:58p Newscanned File Conference: 12:58p iNERTiA Support Files 01:04p Posted Message 8 Ball Deluxe 01:04p to All 01:04p in WaReZ Discussions 01:04p Logged Off - No Clue who he is.. But alas, He didn't newscan.. 12/22/94 - 01:23p Grim Reaper logged on at 14400 01:23p On Node 1 01:23p Filled out infoform 1 01:26p Filled out infoform 5 01:30p Sent mail to The Bishop of battle 01:30p T: Re:Multi-User Dungeon Software. 01:31p Newscanned File Conference: 01:31p iNERTiA Support Files 01:33p Newscanned File Conference: 01:33p iNERTiA Support Files 01:42p Downloaded File MUD-14PR.ZIP 01:42p Logged Off - Kilian is a good user, Good uploader, Good Poster - Not a Suspect 12/22/94 - 01:44p Kilian logged on at 14400 01:44p On Node 1 01:44p Sent mail to ZiLCH 01:44p T: Re:Files 01:45p Newscanned Message Conference: 01:45p WaReZ LaNdZ 01:47p Newscanned File Conference: 01:47p iNERTiA Support Files 02:56p Downloaded File WARCRFT1.ZIP 02:56p Downloaded File WARCRFT2.ZIP 02:56p Downloaded File WARCRFT3.ZIP 02:56p Downloaded File WARCRFT4.ZIP 03:01p Logged Off - She doesn't have the Knowledge. She's a NICE person.. 12/22/94 - 03:03p Arkla logged on at 2400 03:03p On Node 1 03:04p Newscanned File Conference: 03:04p iNERTiA Support Files 03:17p Downloaded File CHEAT175.ZIP 03:20p Logged Off - No offense man.. But he uploads Trash once in awhile.. I hear BAD things about this dude.. Claims to be a part of TRiP?? 12/22/94 - 03:58p SoUL RAiDER logged on at 14400 03:58p On Node 1 03:59p Sent mail to ZiLCH 03:59p T: Re:Reset 03:59p Sent mail to ZiLCH 03:59p T: Re:Protcols 04:00p Newscanned Message Conference: 04:00p WaReZ LaNdZ 04:01p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 04:01p to Dragontail 04:01p in Classifieds 04:03p Posted Message Re:Hello? 04:03p to CRiTiCAL ERRoR 04:03p in H/P/A/C General Disc. 04:05p Posted Message Re:Hello? 04:05p to Dragontail 04:05p in H/P/A/C General Disc. 04:08p Posted Message Porn FTP Sitez 04:08p to All 04:08p in Internet - FPT - IRC 04:10p Newscanned File Conference: 04:10p FANTASY LIIFESTYLES 04:13p Downloaded File OMFDOX.ZIP 04:13p Downloaded File OMFMOVES.ZIP 04:15p Sent mail to ZiLCH 04:15p T: LIFESTYLE XX 04:15p Newscanned File Conference: 04:15p FANTASY LIIFESTYLES 04:16p Downloaded File AST0013.TXT 04:16p Downloaded File AST0013.TXT 04:17p Logged Off - Didn't read messages :) 04:26p arklaarkla tried to login/check 12/22/94 - 04:26p Arkla logged on at 2400 04:26p On Node 1 04:28p Newscanned File Conference: 04:28p iNERTiA Support Files 05:23p Downloaded File GIRLIS.ZIP 05:23p Logged Off - A lot of you pointed fingers at him and said HE'S Guilty.. No way! He didn't Read messages.. He's a good user in my book.. 12/22/94 - 05:39p ��rGr��� logged on at 14400 05:39p On Node 1 05:39p Sent mail to ZiLCH 05:39p T: Re:they deleted me 05:40p Newscanned File Conference: 05:40p iNERTiA Support Files 05:41p Logged Off - Tough one here.. We never talked before NECROMAN came out.. He approached me with his Cries for help.. Parts on me Trusts him while other parts on me Suspects him.. WHY?? Cuz he came Forward with it first. Could be a cover-up..What do you think? 12/22/94 - 05:52p brain smasher logged on at 14400 05:52p On Node 1 05:52p Paged:hwey you there?> 05:53p Newscanned Message Conference: 05:53p WaReZ LaNdZ 05:54p Newscanned File Conference: 05:54p iNERTiA Support Files 05:55p Paged:hey are you there? 06:01p Logged Off - I log on to much eh?? hehehe Twice so far.. 12/22/94 - 06:12p ZiLCH logged on at 38400 06:12p On Node 1 06:14p Sent mail to Talon 06:14p T: Re:What's up? 06:15p Sent mail to labattz 06:15p T: Re:fpro95-5 06:16p Sent mail to death 06:16p T: Re:FILES!? 06:16p Sent mail to Kilian 06:16p T: Re:Files 06:17p Sent mail to SoUL RAiDER 06:17p T: Re:Reset 06:17p Sent mail to SoUL RAiDER 06:17p T: Re:LIFESTYLE XX 06:17p Newscanned Message Conference: 06:17p WaReZ LaNdZ 06:19p Posted Message Re:FUCKED.. 06:19p to Talon 06:19p in Inertia Updates.. 06:20p Posted Message Re:FUCKED.. 06:20p to brain smasher 06:20p in Inertia Updates.. 06:22p Posted Message Re:FUCKED.. 06:22p to ZiLCH 06:22p in Inertia Updates.. 06:23p Posted Message Re:4 sale 06:23p to Sventek 06:23p in Classifieds 06:24p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 06:24p to invalid 06:24p in Classifieds 06:26p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 06:26p to Dragontail 06:26p in Classifieds 06:26p Newscanned File Conference: 06:26p iNERTiA Support Files 06:26p Logged Off - I look at his account and he doesn't appear to be a threat, but I have no background CLUE about him.. You tell me if he's a known dickhead.. 12/22/94 - 06:31p Sparky logged on at 14400 06:31p On Node 1 06:33p Sent mail to ZiLCH 06:33p T: crack 06:34p Newscanned Message Conference: 06:34p WaReZ LaNdZ 06:35p Newscanned Message Conference: 06:35p WaReZ LaNdZ 06:36p Newscanned File Conference: 06:36p iNERTiA Support Files 06:36p Logged Off - Didn't read messages 12/22/94 - 06:36p Darkbringer logged on at 14400 06:36p On Node 1 06:36p Filled out infoform 1 06:37p Filled out infoform 5 06:39p Newscanned File Conference: 06:39p iNERTiA Support Files 06:44p Logged Off - if he could have done it, then why was he asking for someone to CRACK a game for him? Definatly a Suspect, read on to understand.. 12/22/94 - 06:44p Grim Reaper logged on at 14400 06:44p On Node 1 06:45p Newscanned File Conference: 06:45p iNERTiA Support Files 06:45p Newscanned Message Conference: 06:45p WaReZ LaNdZ 06:52p Posted Message Re:Multi-User Dungeon. 06:52p to The Bishop of battle 06:52p in Tipz.Trickz.Hintz 06:54p Posted Message Re:Comm program 06:54p to brain smasher 06:54p in WaReZ Discussions 06:58p Posted Message Re:Amps 06:58p to brain smasher 06:58p in WaReZ Discussions 06:58p Posted Message Re:Amps 06:58p to Kilian 06:58p in WaReZ Discussions 07:08p Posted Message Re:Comm program 07:08p to Dragontail 07:08p in WaReZ Discussions 07:12p Logged Off - Hack Attempt?? Hmm.. Might not actually be him.. but he didn't act funny online.. Strange.. Plus he's a sysop.. I don't REALLY suspect him.. But you tell me.. And does he HATE EVERGREEN soo much?? 12/22/94 - 07:14p Tried Hacking the Password of Dragontail 12/22/94 - 07:14p Dragontail logged on at 14400 07:14p On Node 1 07:15p Newscanned Message Conference: 07:15p WaReZ LaNdZ 07:19p Deleted Message Re:OARGH! 07:20p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 07:20p to ZiLCH 07:20p in Classifieds 07:20p Newscanned File Conference: 07:20p iNERTiA Support Files 07:20p Newscanned File Conference: 07:20p FANTASY LIIFESTYLES 07:21p Newscanned File Conference: 07:21p iNERTiA Support Files 07:21p Newscanned File Conference: 07:21p iNERTiA Support Files 07:26p Sent mail to ZiLCH 07:26p T: This program 07:26p Logged Off - Just Leeching files.. 12/22/94 - 07:32p SoUL RAiDER logged on at 14400 07:32p On Node 1 07:32p Sent mail to ZiLCH 07:32p T: Re:Reset 07:33p Sent mail to ZiLCH 07:33p T: Re:LIFESTYLE XX 07:33p Newscanned Message Conference: 07:33p WaReZ LaNdZ 07:34p Newscanned File Conference: 07:34p FANTASY LIIFESTYLES 07:36p Downloaded File AST0015.TXT 07:36p Downloaded File AST0017.TXT 07:36p Downloaded File AST0020.TXT 07:36p Downloaded File AST0041.TXT 07:36p Downloaded File AST0054.TXT 07:36p Downloaded File AST0060.TXT 07:36p Logged Off - Looking for something NEW to leech.. 12/22/94 - 07:44p Kraghul logged on at 14400 07:44p On Node 1 07:45p Newscanned File Conference: 07:45p iNERTiA Support Files 07:47p Downloaded File CHEAT175.ZIP 07:47p Logged Off - Newscanned THREE Different Times??? Must be having problems with his buffer/log.. this is why I suspect him.. online for 12 minutes?? Plenty of time to get a TXT file ready.. and not well enough known to get H/P Access on UPT, Wich is WHY this whole thing was done.. Hmmmm.. You tell me.. 12/22/94 - 07:59p Grim Reaper logged on at 14400 07:59p On Node 1 07:59p Newscanned Message Conference: 07:59p WaReZ LaNdZ 08:00p Newscanned Message Conference: 08:00p WaReZ LaNdZ 08:11p Newscanned Message Conference: 08:11p WaReZ LaNdZ 08:11p Logged Off - New user.. 12/22/94 - 08:18p The Paradox Master Applied 08:20p Filled out infoform 1 08:22p Filled out infoform 5 08:26p Filled out infoform 5 08:27p Filled out infoform 1 08:31p Sent mail to ZiLCH 08:31p T: New User: The Paradox Master 12/22/94 - 08:31p The Paradox Master checked for access - He's sooo used to Forum hack validation process eh? 12/22/94 - 08:32p Left Matrix Feedback 08:32p Paged:New User 12/22/94 - 08:33p The Paradox Master checked for access - He's been around INERTIA bbs since it opened.. He's a GOOD user.. I can't see his reason for doing it.. 12/22/94 - 08:33p The Bishop of battle logged on at 14400 08:33p On Node 1 08:34p Sent mail to Grim Reaper 08:34p T: Re:Multi-User Dungeon Software. 08:35p Voted Yes on The Paradox Master 08:35p Newscanned File Conference: 08:35p iNERTiA Support Files 08:35p Newscanned Message Conference: 08:35p WaReZ LaNdZ 08:40p Posted Message Re:Multi-User Dungeon. 08:40p to Grim Reaper 08:40p in Tipz.Trickz.Hintz 08:40p Logged Off - He's the CO-SYSOP.. WHY?? What would it give him?? 12/22/94 - 08:45p Markus logged on at 14400 08:45p On Node 1 08:48p Sent mail to ZiLCH 08:48p T: Re:EllO? 08:49p Voted Yes on The Paradox Master 08:50p Newscanned File Conference: 08:50p iNERTiA Support Files 08:54p Uploaded File lightcd.zip 08:54p Testing on LIGHTCD.ZIP passed 08:56p Downloaded File CHEAT175.ZIP 08:56p Paged:hey 08:56p Paged:hey 08:57p Paged:hey 08:57p Viewed Infoforms 08:57p Entered User Editor 08:57p Entered User Editor 08:58p Entered Menu Editor 08:58p Entered User Editor 08:58p Entered User Editor 08:58p Edited User The Paradox Master 08:58p Edited User Arkla 08:59p Edited User The Captain 08:59p Edited User Big D 09:00p Logged Off - Password HACK attemp.. Invalid Media.. The LAST person online with JUST enough time to do it.. But WHY?? he's a sysop with a good rep.. WHY would he risk getting caught.. and WHY would he be calling Warez BBSes?? Only reaon he calls here is cuz we're friends.. So you tell me.. 12/22/94 - 09:00p Tried Hacking the Password of invalid 12/22/94 - 09:00p Tried Hacking the Password of invalid 12/22/94 - 09:00p invalid logged on at 14400 09:00p On Node 1 09:01p Voted No on The Paradox Master 09:01p Newscanned Message Conference: 09:01p WaReZ LaNdZ 09:04p Posted Message Re:Virii 09:04p to Kashmir 09:04p in General Discussions 09:07p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 09:07p to SoUL RAiDER 09:07p in Classifieds 09:08p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 09:08p to death 09:08p in Classifieds 09:09p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 09:09p to Talon 09:09p in Classifieds 09:10p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 09:10p to Dragontail 09:10p in Classifieds 09:11p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 09:11p to ZiLCH 09:11p in Classifieds 09:12p Newscanned File Conference: 09:12p iNERTiA Support Files 09:13p Logged Off 12/22/94 - 09:18p ZiLCH logged on at 38400 09:18p On Node 1 09:18p Sent mail to Sparky 09:18p T: Re:crack 12/22/94 - 09:20p ZiLCH logged on at 38400 09:20p On Node 1 09:22p Sent mail to Dragontail 09:22p T: Re:This program 09:23p Sent mail to Markus 09:23p T: Re:EllO? 09:24p Voted Yes on The Paradox Master 09:24p Newscanned Message Conference: 09:24p WaReZ LaNdZ 09:27p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 09:27p to invalid 09:27p in Classifieds 09:28p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 09:28p to invalid 09:28p in Classifieds 09:32p Created Message Base Inertia NEWS & VIEWS 09:32p Reordered Message Bases 09:49p Edited Message Base Inertia NEWS & VIEWS 09:50p Edited Message Base Inertia NEWS & VIEWS 09:52p Entered User Editor 09:52p Edited User Markus 09:53p Entered User Editor 09:55p Entered User Editor 09:56p Edited User The Paradox Master 09:59p Edited User The Paradox Master 09:59p Validated User The Paradox Master 09:59p Logged Off -=- Well There it is.. The listing.. If you have any IDEAS.. Please let me know. We're offering Unlimited Creds to who ever can lead us to the guilty party. Please contact me at: Zilch @ inertia systems #1 Zilch @ The Danger Zone I-Shence Master @ Black Knight Citidel Zilch @ Video Graphics Asylum. Thanx for your time.. :) 12/22/94 - 08:08a ZiLCH logged on at 38400 08:08a On Node 1 08:08a Newscanned File Conference: 08:08a iNERTiA Support Files 08:08a Added File CD-BLITZ.ZIP 08:08a Testing on CD-BLITZ.ZIP passed 08:08a Added File CF2-1HBD.ZIP 08:09a Testing on CF2-1HBD.ZIP passed 08:09a Added File CF2-2HBD.ZIP 08:09a Testing on CF2-2HBD.ZIP passed 08:09a Added File CF2OKHBD.ZIP 08:09a Testing on CF2OKHBD.ZIP passed 08:09a Added File CHEAT175.ZIP 08:09a Testing on CHEAT175.ZIP passed 08:09a Added File DEFEMP1.ZIP 08:09a Testing on DEFEMP1.ZIP passed 08:09a Added File DEFEMP2.ZIP 08:09a Testing on DEFEMP2.ZIP passed 08:09a Added File E-PENC1.ZIP 08:10a Testing on E-PENC1.ZIP passed 08:10a Added File E-PENC2.ZIP 08:10a Testing on E-PENC2.ZIP passed 08:11a Logged Off 12/22/94 - 08:51a Talon logged on at 14400 08:51a On Node 1 08:54a Sent mail to ZiLCH 08:54a T: Re:What's up? 08:54a Newscanned Message Conference: 08:54a WaReZ LaNdZ 08:57a Newscanned File Conference: 08:57a iNERTiA Support Files 08:58a Moved File ALDCRACK.ZIP 08:58a Moved File WAVE.ZIP 08:58a Moved File FPRO95-5.ZIP 08:59a Moved File MODFILES.EXE 08:59a Moved File ALADTRN.ZIP 08:59a Moved File CD-BLITZ.ZIP 08:59a Moved File CF2-1HBD.ZIP 08:59a Moved File CF2-2HBD.ZIP 08:59a Moved File CF2OKHBD.ZIP 08:59a Moved File CHEAT175.ZIP 08:59a Moved File DEFEMP1.ZIP 08:59a Moved File DEFEMP2.ZIP 08:59a Moved File E-PENC1.ZIP 08:59a Moved File E-PENC2.ZIP 09:00a Logged Off 12/22/94 - 09:34a astrologer logged on at 9600 09:34a On Node 1 09:34a Filled out infoform 1 09:35a Filled out infoform 5 09:36a Newscanned File Conference: 09:36a iNERTiA Support Files 09:37a Logged Off 12/22/94 - 10:00a labattz logged on at 14400 10:00a On Node 1 10:00a Newscanned Message Conference: 10:00a WaReZ LaNdZ 10:07a Newscanned File Conference: 10:07a iNERTiA Support Files 10:08a Newscanned File Conference: 10:08a iNERTiA Support Files 10:10a Downloaded File CD-BLITZ.ZIP 10:10a Newscanned File Conference: 10:10a iNERTiA Support Files 10:11a Newscanned File Conference: 10:11a iNERTiA Support Files 10:13a Sent mail to ZiLCH 10:13a T: fpro95-5 10:14a Logged Off 12/22/94 - 11:46a death logged on at 14400 11:46a On Node 1 11:48a Sent mail to ZiLCH 11:48a T: Re:FILES!? 11:48a Newscanned Message Conference: 11:48a WaReZ LaNdZ 11:49a Newscanned File Conference: 11:49a iNERTiA Support Files 11:49a Newscanned File Conference: 11:49a FANTASY LIIFESTYLES 11:50a Logged Off 12/22/94 - 11:50a death logged on at 14400 11:50a On Node 1 12:51p Uploaded File cps-dv3.zip 12:51p Uploaded File cps-dv4.zip 12:51p Uploaded File cps-dv5.zip 12:51p Uploaded File cps-dv6.zip 12:55p Logged Off 12/22/94 - 12:56p Stubbies logged on at 14400 12:56p On Node 1 12:57p Sent mail to Corpse Warper 12:57p T: Re:Hey cowboy... 12:58p Newscanned File Conference: 12:58p iNERTiA Support Files 01:04p Posted Message 8 Ball Deluxe 01:04p to All 01:04p in WaReZ Discussions 01:04p Logged Off 12/22/94 - 01:23p Grim Reaper logged on at 14400 01:23p On Node 1 01:23p Filled out infoform 1 01:26p Filled out infoform 5 01:30p Sent mail to The Bishop of battle 01:30p T: Re:Multi-User Dungeon Software. 01:31p Newscanned File Conference: 01:31p iNERTiA Support Files 01:33p Newscanned File Conference: 01:33p iNERTiA Support Files 01:42p Downloaded File MUD-14PR.ZIP 01:42p Logged Off 12/22/94 - 01:44p Kilian logged on at 14400 01:44p On Node 1 01:44p Sent mail to ZiLCH 01:44p T: Re:Files 01:45p Newscanned Message Conference: 01:45p WaReZ LaNdZ 01:47p Newscanned File Conference: 01:47p iNERTiA Support Files 02:56p Downloaded File WARCRFT1.ZIP 02:56p Downloaded File WARCRFT2.ZIP 02:56p Downloaded File WARCRFT3.ZIP 02:56p Downloaded File WARCRFT4.ZIP 03:01p Logged Off 12/22/94 - 03:03p Arkla logged on at 2400 03:03p On Node 1 03:04p Newscanned File Conference: 03:04p iNERTiA Support Files 03:17p Downloaded File CHEAT175.ZIP 03:20p Logged Off 12/22/94 - 03:58p SoUL RAiDER logged on at 14400 03:58p On Node 1 03:59p Sent mail to ZiLCH 03:59p T: Re:Reset 03:59p Sent mail to ZiLCH 03:59p T: Re:Protcols 04:00p Newscanned Message Conference: 04:00p WaReZ LaNdZ 04:01p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 04:01p to Dragontail 04:01p in Classifieds 04:03p Posted Message Re:Hello? 04:03p to CRiTiCAL ERRoR 04:03p in H/P/A/C General Disc. 04:05p Posted Message Re:Hello? 04:05p to Dragontail 04:05p in H/P/A/C General Disc. 04:08p Posted Message Porn FTP Sitez 04:08p to All 04:08p in Internet - FPT - IRC 04:10p Newscanned File Conference: 04:10p FANTASY LIIFESTYLES 04:13p Downloaded File OMFDOX.ZIP 04:13p Downloaded File OMFMOVES.ZIP 04:15p Sent mail to ZiLCH 04:15p T: LIFESTYLE XX 04:15p Newscanned File Conference: 04:15p FANTASY LIIFESTYLES 04:16p Downloaded File AST0013.TXT 04:16p Downloaded File AST0013.TXT 04:17p Logged Off 04:26p arklaarkla tried to login/check 12/22/94 - 04:26p Arkla logged on at 2400 04:26p On Node 1 04:28p Newscanned File Conference: 04:28p iNERTiA Support Files 05:23p Downloaded File GIRLIS.ZIP 05:23p Logged Off 12/22/94 - 05:39p ��rGr��� logged on at 14400 05:39p On Node 1 05:39p Sent mail to ZiLCH 05:39p T: Re:they deleted me 05:40p Newscanned File Conference: 05:40p iNERTiA Support Files 05:41p Logged Off 12/22/94 - 05:52p brain smasher logged on at 14400 05:52p On Node 1 05:52p Paged:hwey you there?> 05:53p Newscanned Message Conference: 05:53p WaReZ LaNdZ 05:54p Newscanned File Conference: 05:54p iNERTiA Support Files 05:55p Paged:hey are you there? 06:01p Logged Off 12/22/94 - 06:12p ZiLCH logged on at 38400 06:12p On Node 1 06:14p Sent mail to Talon 06:14p T: Re:What's up? 06:15p Sent mail to labattz 06:15p T: Re:fpro95-5 06:16p Sent mail to death 06:16p T: Re:FILES!? 06:16p Sent mail to Kilian 06:16p T: Re:Files 06:17p Sent mail to SoUL RAiDER 06:17p T: Re:Reset 06:17p Sent mail to SoUL RAiDER 06:17p T: Re:LIFESTYLE XX 06:17p Newscanned Message Conference: 06:17p WaReZ LaNdZ 06:19p Posted Message Re:FUCKED.. 06:19p to Talon 06:19p in Inertia Updates.. 06:20p Posted Message Re:FUCKED.. 06:20p to brain smasher 06:20p in Inertia Updates.. 06:22p Posted Message Re:FUCKED.. 06:22p to ZiLCH 06:22p in Inertia Updates.. 06:23p Posted Message Re:4 sale 06:23p to Sventek 06:23p in Classifieds 06:24p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 06:24p to invalid 06:24p in Classifieds 06:26p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 06:26p to Dragontail 06:26p in Classifieds 06:26p Newscanned File Conference: 06:26p iNERTiA Support Files 06:26p Logged Off 12/22/94 - 06:31p Sparky logged on at 14400 06:31p On Node 1 06:33p Sent mail to ZiLCH 06:33p T: crack 06:34p Newscanned Message Conference: 06:34p WaReZ LaNdZ 06:35p Newscanned Message Conference: 06:35p WaReZ LaNdZ 06:36p Newscanned File Conference: 06:36p iNERTiA Support Files 06:36p Logged Off 12/22/94 - 06:36p Darkbringer logged on at 14400 06:36p On Node 1 06:36p Filled out infoform 1 06:37p Filled out infoform 5 06:39p Newscanned File Conference: 06:39p iNERTiA Support Files 06:44p Logged Off 12/22/94 - 06:44p Grim Reaper logged on at 14400 06:44p On Node 1 06:45p Newscanned File Conference: 06:45p iNERTiA Support Files 06:45p Newscanned Message Conference: 06:45p WaReZ LaNdZ 06:52p Posted Message Re:Multi-User Dungeon. 06:52p to The Bishop of battle 06:52p in Tipz.Trickz.Hintz 06:54p Posted Message Re:Comm program 06:54p to brain smasher 06:54p in WaReZ Discussions 06:58p Posted Message Re:Amps 06:58p to brain smasher 06:58p in WaReZ Discussions 06:58p Posted Message Re:Amps 06:58p to Kilian 06:58p in WaReZ Discussions 07:08p Posted Message Re:Comm program 07:08p to Dragontail 07:08p in WaReZ Discussions 07:12p Logged Off 12/22/94 - 07:14p Tried Hacking the Password of Dragontail 12/22/94 - 07:14p Dragontail logged on at 14400 07:14p On Node 1 07:15p Newscanned Message Conference: 07:15p WaReZ LaNdZ 07:19p Deleted Message Re:OARGH! 07:20p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 07:20p to ZiLCH 07:20p in Classifieds 07:20p Newscanned File Conference: 07:20p iNERTiA Support Files 07:20p Newscanned File Conference: 07:20p FANTASY LIIFESTYLES 07:21p Newscanned File Conference: 07:21p iNERTiA Support Files 07:21p Newscanned File Conference: 07:21p iNERTiA Support Files 07:26p Sent mail to ZiLCH 07:26p T: This program 07:26p Logged Off 12/22/94 - 07:32p SoUL RAiDER logged on at 14400 07:32p On Node 1 07:32p Sent mail to ZiLCH 07:32p T: Re:Reset 07:33p Sent mail to ZiLCH 07:33p T: Re:LIFESTYLE XX 07:33p Newscanned Message Conference: 07:33p WaReZ LaNdZ 07:34p Newscanned File Conference: 07:34p FANTASY LIIFESTYLES 07:36p Downloaded File AST0015.TXT 07:36p Downloaded File AST0017.TXT 07:36p Downloaded File AST0020.TXT 07:36p Downloaded File AST0041.TXT 07:36p Downloaded File AST0054.TXT 07:36p Downloaded File AST0060.TXT 07:36p Logged Off 12/22/94 - 07:44p Kraghul logged on at 14400 07:44p On Node 1 07:45p Newscanned File Conference: 07:45p iNERTiA Support Files 07:47p Downloaded File CHEAT175.ZIP 07:47p Logged Off 12/22/94 - 07:59p Grim Reaper logged on at 14400 07:59p On Node 1 07:59p Newscanned Message Conference: 07:59p WaReZ LaNdZ 08:00p Newscanned Message Conference: 08:00p WaReZ LaNdZ 08:11p Newscanned Message Conference: 08:11p WaReZ LaNdZ 08:11p Logged Off 12/22/94 - 08:18p The Paradox Master Applied 08:20p Filled out infoform 1 08:22p Filled out infoform 5 08:26p Filled out infoform 5 08:27p Filled out infoform 1 08:31p Sent mail to ZiLCH 08:31p T: New User: The Paradox Master 12/22/94 - 08:31p The Paradox Master checked for access 12/22/94 - 08:32p Left Matrix Feedback 08:32p Paged:New User 12/22/94 - 08:33p The Paradox Master checked for access 12/22/94 - 08:33p The Bishop of battle logged on at 14400 08:33p On Node 1 08:34p Sent mail to Grim Reaper 08:34p T: Re:Multi-User Dungeon Software. 08:35p Voted Yes on The Paradox Master 08:35p Newscanned File Conference: 08:35p iNERTiA Support Files 08:35p Newscanned Message Conference: 08:35p WaReZ LaNdZ 08:40p Posted Message Re:Multi-User Dungeon. 08:40p to Grim Reaper 08:40p in Tipz.Trickz.Hintz 08:40p Logged Off 12/22/94 - 08:45p Markus logged on at 14400 08:45p On Node 1 08:48p Sent mail to ZiLCH 08:48p T: Re:EllO? 08:49p Voted Yes on The Paradox Master 08:50p Newscanned File Conference: 08:50p iNERTiA Support Files 08:54p Uploaded File lightcd.zip 08:54p Testing on LIGHTCD.ZIP passed 08:56p Downloaded File CHEAT175.ZIP 08:56p Paged:hey 08:56p Paged:hey 08:57p Paged:hey 08:57p Viewed Infoforms 08:57p Entered User Editor 08:57p Entered User Editor 08:58p Entered Menu Editor 08:58p Entered User Editor 08:58p Entered User Editor 08:58p Edited User The Paradox Master 08:58p Edited User Arkla 08:59p Edited User The Captain 08:59p Edited User Big D 09:00p Logged Off 12/22/94 - 09:00p Tried Hacking the Password of invalid 12/22/94 - 09:00p Tried Hacking the Password of invalid 12/22/94 - 09:00p invalid logged on at 14400 09:00p On Node 1 09:01p Voted No on The Paradox Master 09:01p Newscanned Message Conference: 09:01p WaReZ LaNdZ 09:04p Posted Message Re:Virii 09:04p to Kashmir 09:04p in General Discussions 09:07p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 09:07p to SoUL RAiDER 09:07p in Classifieds 09:08p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 09:08p to death 09:08p in Classifieds 09:09p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 09:09p to Talon 09:09p in Classifieds 09:10p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 09:10p to Dragontail 09:10p in Classifieds 09:11p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 09:11p to ZiLCH 09:11p in Classifieds 09:12p Newscanned File Conference: 09:12p iNERTiA Support Files 09:13p Logged Off 12/22/94 - 09:18p ZiLCH logged on at 38400 09:18p On Node 1 09:18p Sent mail to Sparky 09:18p T: Re:crack 12/22/94 - 09:20p ZiLCH logged on at 38400 09:20p On Node 1 09:22p Sent mail to Dragontail 09:22p T: Re:This program 09:23p Sent mail to Markus 09:23p T: Re:EllO? 09:24p Voted Yes on The Paradox Master 09:24p Newscanned Message Conference: 09:24p WaReZ LaNdZ 09:27p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 09:27p to invalid 09:27p in Classifieds 09:28p Posted Message Re:OARGH! 09:28p to invalid 09:28p in Classifieds 09:32p Created Message Base Inertia NEWS & VIEWS 09:32p Reordered Message Bases 09:49p Edited Message Base Inertia NEWS & VIEWS 09:50p Edited Message Base Inertia NEWS & VIEWS 09:52p Entered User Editor 09:52p Edited User Markus 09:53p Entered User Editor 09:55p Entered User Editor 09:56p Edited User The Paradox Master 09:59p Edited User The Paradox Master 09:59p Validated User The Paradox Master 09:59p Logged Off -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ __/| \'x.X' Cult of the Dead Cat Communications (c) 1995 =(___)= dis b3 dah mayn3 CdC paluz!@# w0rd, h3r3'z da fyl3z nigga!@# U | : . "we reak 3lyt3n3$z" "we kick big fuk3n a$z 3v3ryday!@# mack!@" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;NaMe:TLiTe.ScR ; ;DeScRiPtIoN:ELiTe FuCkInG TeLeMaTe ScRiPt WaRdIaLeR!!!!!! ; ;AcTiOn:DiAlS EnTiRe PrEpHiX LoOkInG FoR CaRrIeRs. ;If CaRrIeR Is FoUnD ThEn A LoG Of ThE SeSsIoN --> ;WiLL Be CrEaTeD JuSt LiKe ToNe-LoC DoEs!! ThE LoG FiLe ;LoGs FoR 5 SeCoNdS ThEn Is ClOsEs, ThE ExAcT NuMbEr WhErE ;ThE CaRrIeR WaS FoUnD Is AlSo ReCoRdEd At ThAt TiMe. ;ThE CoNnEcTiOn Is ThEn ClOsEd By DrOpPiNg DtR. ; ;UsAgE:FiRe Up TeLeMaTe AnD PrEsS AlT-S AnD Ch00sE TLiTe.ScR. ; ;TiPs:MaKe SuRe YoUr TeLeMaTe LoGgInG Is SeT To ThE SaMe ;DiReCtOrY YoU ArE RuNnInG TeLeMaTe FrOm. ;AdJuSt ThE PrEpHiX To YoUr TaRgEt "Y". ;AdJuSt ThE DeLaY FoR CaRrIeR WaIt To YoU DeSiRe "Z". ;EnJoY.... Waitfor 0 Set AutoStop,Off write " " print " " print " _ __/| " print " \'X.X' CuLt Of ThE DeAd CaT, InC (c) 1992-1994 " print " =(___)= FuNkY AsSeD NiGgAhZ WhO fORGOT ThE VaSeLiNe (c) 1992 " print " U " print " " print "ToNe-LoC LiTe v.0000000000000000666!!" print "CoDeD By MoThErFuCkInG DeAtH DeAlEr!!" print "To HeLL WiTh BeLL!!!! EaT YoUr SpAm!!" print " " print "PrOgReSs:" while 1=1 x = 10000 ;SuPhIx (DoN'T FuCk WiTh ThIs) y = "555 " ;PrEpHiX, (LeAvE SpAcE BeTwEeN LaSt DiGiT And CoMmA) z = 23 ;TiMe To WaIt FoR CaRrIeR repeat x = x - 1 put "atdt",y,x Waitfor "CONNECT",z IF FOUND logon "carriers.txt" delay 50 logoff append "carriers.txt" write " " write " " WRITE "Carrier: ",y, x write " " write "------------------------------------------------------------------" write " " close put "^#", endif put "^#", until x = 0 endwhile ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- aRTiCL3 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ __/| \'x.X' Cult of the Dead Cat Communications (c) 1995 =(___)= dis b3 dah mayn3 CdC paluz!@# w0rd, h3r3'z da fyl3z nigga!@# U | : . "we reak 3lyt3n3$z" "we kick big fuk3n a$z 3v3ryday!@# mack!@" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We went on a quest to find ILF.. and we got an exclusive interview with them! CDC: HI THIS IS MAHATMA MCAF33 OF CULT OF THE DEAD CAT, WHO DIS? ILF: THIS IS PHIGAN. CDC: OK, WHO ARE YOU? ILF: I AM THE MAIN MEMBER OF ILF. CDC: HOW DID ILF START? ILF: I WAS TALKING TO MY FRIEND ON THE TELEPHONE AND HE TOLD ME THAT HE CALLED A BIG BBS CALLED INTERNET AND IT GAVE HIM A $ PROMPT. I SAID THAT IT WAS OBVIOUS CREATED BY SOME BIG GOVERNMENT CORPORATION AND THEY MUST ALL DIE DIE DIE AND THAT IT LOOKED FUNNY. CDC: WHAT HAPPENED THEN? ILF: WE PLAYED AROUND FOR A WHILE AND WE STARTED TALKING TO A GUY WHO SAID THAT HE COULD HACK. WE ASKED HIM HOW AND HE GAVE US A BUNCH OF 3L33T SCRIPTS AND SHIT THAT COULD FAKEMAIL. WE STARTED FAKEMAILING AND THEN WE LEARNED TO ASCII UPLOAD SHIT AND WE STARTED MAIL BOMBING. CDC: WHAT DID YOU ASCII UPLOAD? ILF: SHIT LIKE, MAIL GRAYAREA@NETAXS.COM < BIGFILE.TXT. IT HAD A MILLION LINES BECAUSE WE KNOW HOW TO CUT AND PASTE AND SHIT. IT WAS ELEET. IT WAS WAY FUKEN ELEET. CDC: SO WHAT DOES ILF STAND FOR? ILF: IT MEANS INTERNET LOOKS FUNNY. WE GOT THE NAME BECAUSE INTERNET LOOKS FUNNY WITH THE $ PROMPT AND SHIT. IT LOOKS REALLY FUKEN FUNNY. CDC: WHAT DO YOU THINK OF L0CK, MOD, LOD AND EVERYONE ELSE? ILF: THEY SUK, WE FUKEN R00L. CDC: DO YOU HAVE A MESSAGE FOR THE REST OF THE WORLD? ILF: YEAH! CHANGE THE DAMN $ PROMPT TO SOMETHING ELSE. IT WILL MAKE US STOP MAILBOMBING GRAYAREA THE B1TCH. CDC: ARE YOU THE REAL ILF? ILF: I THINK SO. CDC: OK, BYE. We kept looking for more ILF members to interview. I was on IRC and got this. *j00* this is an IRC bomb from the ILF!@# *j00* this is an IRC bomb from the ILF!@# *j00* this is an IRC bomb from the ILF!@# *j00* this is an IRC bomb from the ILF!@# *j00* this is an IRC bomb from the ILF!@# *j00* this is an IRC bomb from the ILF!@# *j00* this is an IRC bomb from the ILF!@# *j00* this is an IRC bomb from the ILF!@# *j00* this is an IRC bomb from the ILF!@# *j00* this is an IRC bomb from the ILF!@# *j00* this is an IRC bomb from the ILF!@# *j00* this is an IRC bomb from the ILF!@# *j00* this is an IRC bomb from the ILF!@# How did they do that? I don't know, they must be 3l33t. So I /msg'd j00 /msg j00 Hey are you the ILF? Can I interview you for CdC? *j00* zur3!@#!@# CDC: J00, WHO ARE YOU? J00: I AM ONE OF THE MOST ELEET PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. I KNOW HOW TO ASCII UPLOAD INTO MY TERM PROGRAM TO SEND A MILLION /MSG COMMANDS AND ANNOY PEOPLE. CDC: WHAT IF THEY /IGNORE J00 ALL YOU? J00: FUK Y00! D0 YOU WANT AN INTERVIEW OR NOT? CDC: OK, SORRY 0H 3L33T J00. WHAT DO YOU GUYS DO? J00: WE MAIL BOMB PEOPLE AND TALK TRASH BECAUSE WE'RE 3L33T. CDC: IS THAT ALL? J00: NO, WE BREAK INTO LARGE CORPORATE COMPUTERS ON THE INTERNET, FIND BUGS THAT PEOPLE HAVE NEVER HEARD OF AND TRY TO THROW THE LARGE CORPORATIONS OFF OF THE INTERNET BECAUSE THEY ALL SUCK AND WE WANT THE INTERNET BACK FOR US HACKERS. CDC: OH, NO BIG DEAL. BACK TO THE MAILBOMBING. ITS KEWL. J00: YEAH I KNOW! I GOTTA GO. I AM WORKING ON A NEW MAILBOMB. I'LL TRY IT OUT ON YOU. Suddenly I got: *j00* ALL CAPS IRCBOMB! *j00* ALL CAPS IRCBOMB! *j00* ALL CAPS IRCBOMB! *j00* ALL CAPS IRCBOMB! *j00* ALL CAPS IRCBOMB! *j00* ALL CAPS IRCBOMB! *j00* ALL CAPS IRCBOMB! *j00* ALL CAPS IRCBOMB! *j00* ALL CAPS IRCBOMB! *j00* ALL CAPS IRCBOMB! *j00* ALL CAPS IRCBOMB! *j00* ALL CAPS IRCBOMB! *j00* ALL CAPS IRCBOMB! *j00* ALL CAPS IRCBOMB! *j00* ALL CAPS IRCBOMB! Damn, looks like ILF has struck again. I kept looking for more ILF members but all I got was a bunch of idiots saying that they hacked pipeline.com, and shit like that. But thats probably something else... Then all of a sudden I got a mail on my bbs: From: special (Special Sauce) Hey this is Special Sauce. I think that internet looks funny. --end-- I knew this had to mean something. I called him up (since he left a voice telephone number. RING RING RING ILF: HELLO? CDC: HI, THIS IS MAHATMA MCAF33 OF CULT OF THE DEAD CAT. ARE YOU SPECIAL SAUCE? ILF: YEAH. CDC: ARE YOU IN ILF? ILF: HUH? CDC: WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MAILBOMBING AND IRCBOMBS? ILF: HUH? I'M 12 AND GOT YOUR BBS FROM ONE OF MY 1983 TEXTFILES ON CARDING ELEET SHIT. CDC: SO YOU'RE NOT ILF? ILF: WHATS ILF? CDC: Oh well, it was worth a shit. Then we called up Merc to see if he knew what was going on. RING RING RING CDC: HI THIS IS MAHATMA MCAF33 OF CULT OF THE DEAD C MERC: RING RING RING CDC: HI THIS IS MAHATMA MCAF33 OF CULT OF THE DEA MERC: RING RING RING CDC: HI THIS IS MAHATMA MCAF33 OF CULT OF T MERC: Ok, I had to try a new approach.. RING RING RING CDC: HI MERC, THIS IS GAIL THACKERAY. MERC: HEY BABY, WHATS UP? CDC: NOTHING MUCH, WANNA DO SOMETHING TONIGHT? MERC: SURE, WHY DON'T YOU COME OVER AND BUST ME AGAIN. CDC: HEY THAT SOUNDS PRETTY KEWL. MERC: YEAH, I AM KINDA BORED. CDC: OK I'LL BE OVER.. BTW, DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE ILF IS? MERC: ITS THE 3L33T GROUP OF HAX3RZ THAT THINKS INTERNET LOOKS FUNNY, RIGHT? CDC: YEAH. DO YOU KNOW WHERE I CAN GET A HOLD OF THEM? MERC: ARE YOU GONNA BUST THEM? CDC: NO, I'M JUST WANT TO DO AN INTERVIEW BECAUSE THIS IS REALLY MAHATMA MCAF33 OF CULT OF THE MERC: F00! RING RING RING CDC: PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT ILF!! MERC: Darn... that sucks. Who else should we try? Lets whip out the old rdist script and see if we can hack into LMOS through a WWIV bbs. SUCCESS! Main Menu> find ILF members Invalid Command! Main Menu> SUCCESS!!! THEY POINTED US TO INVALID COMMAND! INVALID COMMAND == INVALID MEDIA?? WE'LL SEE... RING RING RING CDC: HEY THIS IS MAHATMA MCAF33 OF CULT OF THE DEAD CAT. WE KNOW YOU ARE IN ILF, INVALID MEDIA. IM: HUH? CDC: SPILL IT N1GGA. IM: OK.. I JUST SPILLED MY MILK ON THE KEYBOARD. CDC: OH, I'M SORRY. IM: THATS OK. CDC: WHAT KIND OF MILK WAS IT? IM: 2%. I WAS EATING A COOKIE AND SHIT WHEN YOU CALLED. IT WAS A GOOD COOKIE TOO. ONE OF THOSE OTIS SPUNKMEIER COOKIES. CDC: THOSE ARE GOOD. IM: SURE ARE! CDC: ANYWAY, I'LL LET YOU GO. IM: BYE. SHIT! We forgot to ask him about ILF.. we'll called back BUSY BUSY BUSY DAMN! I GUESS WE'LL HAVE TO WAIT FOR THE NEW GRAY AREAS TO READ MORE ABOUT THEM BUT I AM SURE THAT 'INTERNET LOOKS FUNNY' WILL CONTINUE MAILBOMBING UNTIL THE $ PROMPT GOES AWAY! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARTicl3 N1N3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ __/| \'x.X' Cult of the Dead Cat Communications (c) 1995 =(___)= dis b3 dah mayn3 CdC paluz!@# w0rd, h3r3'z da fyl3z nigga!@# U | : . "we reak 3lyt3n3$z" "we kick big fuk3n a$z 3v3ryday!@# mack!@" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE INTERNET MONKE3Z WE WERE GIVEN A TIP THAT A GUY NAMED TIM WAS IN ILF. SO WE BRAINSTORMED AND FIGURED OUT THAT TIM == THE INTERNET MONKE3Z. THE INTERNET MONKE3Z: (SUNG TO THE MONKEES SONG..) HEY HEY WE'RE THE INTERNET MONKEES, AND WE DON'T MONKEY AROUND. WE JUST HACK UNIX, AND WE LIKE TO PATCH SYSLOGD. HEY HEY WE'RE THE INTERNET MONKEES, AND WE AREN'T SCRIPT KIDDIES. WE LIKE TO MAILBOMB PEOPLE AND HAVE SEX WITH K0D3 KIDDI3Z! TIM = THE INTERNET MONKE3Z = ILF? WHO KNOWS.. ,-*~'`^`'~+-,._.,-*~'`^`'~+-,._.,-*~'`^`'~+-,._.,-*~'`^`'~+-,._.,-*~'`^`'~+-, --+ +-- --+ UNPHAMILIAR TERRITORY +-- --+ +-- --+ dialup: 1-602-804-0313 (azpho) +-- --+ e-mail: upt@bud.indirect.com (CC: imedia@tdn.net) +-- --+ admins: invalid (Invalid Media) +-- --+ support: Phalcon/Skism, The Empire Times, the-X-files +-- --+ +-- --+ We are one of the longest running h/p bbses (over 5 years) +-- --+ -- +-- --+ Active message bases with all messages dating back to 1992 online +-- --+ (with messages since 1991 available for download in the ae section). +-- --+ Over 200 megabytes of messages on many topics from unix security to +-- --+ System 75, to Fortell, COSMOS, packet switched networks, and so on.. +-- --+ up to date information, very complete, very informative. +-- --+ -- +-- --+ Obsene file section with areas for scanner/radio/cellular mods, +-- --+ security digests (bugtraq, CERT, CIAC, CORE, InfoHax and many more), +-- --+ hacker programs and scripts (for dos, amiga, macintosh, unix), large +-- --+ zine section with everything imaginable. We over 200 file sections +-- --+ with more than 20,000 files online. +-- --+ -- +-- --+ We cater to our network users by providing uuencode as a file xfer +-- --+ protocol as well as full tty and vt100 support. +-- --+ -- +-- --+ 'Neutral Territory' forum (discussed in InfoWorld and InfoSecurity +-- --+ News magazines) in which hackers converse with members of Sprint, +-- --+ government security, hardcopy magazine editors, etc. +-- --+ -- +-- --+ Programming and Virus support. We have over 4000 viruses, a large +-- --+ selection of labs, generators, and v-zines. Sorted by group, by +-- --+ author, and by age. +-- --+ -- +-- --+ All information on UPT is complete legal -- there are no codes, +-- --+ no cards, no copyrighted software, no accounts, just pure info for +-- --+ those who want it! +-- --+ +-- ,-*~'`^`'~+-,._.,-*~'`^`'~+-,._.,-*~'`^`'~+-,._.,-*~'`^`'~+-,._.,-*~'`^`'~+-,