,--------. | | __ __ | ,----' |__| ,--. |__| | | | |_ | | ,--. | | ,--.--. ,-----. ,-----. ,--. ,-----. | | | | | ,-' | __, | ,-. | | ,-. | | | | ,---' | `----. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--. | | | `-' | | | | | | | | +---. `--------' `--' `-----' `--' `-----' `-' `-' `--' `-----' Jan - Feb '95 JJ JJ LL JJ oOOOOo UU UU R rRR nNNNNn aAAAAAa LL JJ OO OO UU UU RR NN NN AA AA LL jJ OO OO UU UU RR NN NN AA AA LL JJJJJJ OOooOO uUUUUu RR NN NN aAAAAAAa lLLLL Number Four Say NO to Rugs �i�r0�i� - CiTR0NiC - �i�r0�i� - CiTR0NiC - �i�r0�i� - CiTR0NiC - �i�r0�i� ----> HardKore TechnoPhilliacz <---- Sister 'Zine to WPoS ! +--------------------------Contents-------------------------+ | | | 1) Messages phrom Dah Krew | | 2) Rumourz n' Info | | 3) CiTR0NiC Criticised on IRC ** by Bleach ** | | 4) A letters page ?? | | 5) On the Edge - with CyntaxEra and LadyAda | | 6) BT Phone Card Dispensers ** by Harlequin ** | | 7) Marijuana Resin and better homes ** by BadSector ** | | 8) Info on included files... | | 9) Dah Last Bit | | | | Included Files: | | CIT-P3.ZIP A taster of Pulse's Cellular Reprogramming | | suit | | SECDR13C.ZIP The Secure Drive Program as promised !! | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ �i�r0�i� - CiTR0NiC - �i�r0�i� - CiTR0NiC - �i�r0�i� - CiTR0NiC - �i�r0�i� an119774@anon.penet.fi an119774@anon.penet.fi an119774@anon.penet.fi Disclaimer ~~~~~~~~~~ If anyone does any of the stuff mentioned in this file there is a possibility of getting busted and being put in jail forever. If this happens don't come whining to us 'cos we'll deny everything and act real innocent. Also any persons sponteaneously combusting after reading this are warned that this is nothing to do with us. Everything in here is for informational purposes only and anything carried out is entirely at your own risk. Messages from dah Krew ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First of all CiTR0NiC is HarLeQuin - Dah G0dfather Grim Reefer - Dah N0vel Net JSujrfer Pulse - Dah Cellular Hitdewd SparHawk - Dah Inf0 Whirlwind SaintHalo - Dah Data Flashfl00d CyberSpacePyr8 - Dah RAMraider fr0m Hell Frequency - Dah T0ken Ring Byterider Zircon - Dah Digital Casan0va Bleach - Dah Kard Shark HarLeQuin sayz: ************************************************************************ Right this issue is LATE LATE LATE. Due to loads of things, not least due to me dropping my hard disk whilst getting of a train. So.... This is Citro 4 that I have re-compiled from my backups... Almost everything is here except Zircon's file on revenge techniques which was very good. So apologies to Zircon, and hopefully he'll be writing again soon.... ************************************************************************* Well, The CiTR0NiC Journal has reached issue number four. And I am damn surprised it has ! I personally thought it would die after one or two issues due to lack of support... but I am proved wrong, mainly due to some HARDCORE eleet dewdz who are out there givin' the world of technology some serious abuse and then sending their battle reports to me. I have to say it - you guyz roq !!! I have had people I have never met before mail and msg me saying 'hey man, I like what you are doing.. Can I write for CiTR0NiC ???' - Thanks to everyone - I really appreciate it !. There seems to be a vaccuum for a decent UK H/P zine and hopefully CiTR0NiC fills the gap, and I personally like to see the current slant towards UK info. However, with the InterNet our rather large world has become rather smaller, so we do want stuff from around the world. A purely UK 'zine would, I feel would be rather insular. And as CiTR0NiC is an international H/P group I also feel it would be rather hypocritical to only allow UK articles, so *any* articles from where-ever in the world will be gratefully recieved. The articles can be on anything you think will be suitable (and believe me, almost anything is:) However, any article displaying any Nazi tendencies will moved to /dev/nul and the author will shot dead. Fair enough ? Good. I have just read a copy of the UK magazine 'Internet and Comms Today' and I must say I was mildly interested. The articles in the 1st issue are all - 'How to connect to the internet' and other 'How to connect to...' but these are soon to die off after a few months. I also noticed that the magazine is as independant as they can get, they do not have their own Internet provider service or any vested interests (as yet) and the publisher is quite a small company. Anyone reading CiTR0NiC shouldn't bother buying a copy 'cos it's all 'beginner to intermediate' stuff but a quick flip thru at your local library now and again wouldn't go amiss. [BiTCH MODE ON] I hate CompuServe. To anyone who is using (well paying for usage of) CompuServe... YOU ARE BEING RIPPED OFF ! Although advertised as a 'gateway to the internet', to anyone who has spent more than 5 mins on there it is obviously not. No FTP, no telnet, no WWW. Hey ! But you get e-mail, that makes me a CyberPunk-NetSurfer-TechnoDood doesn't it ? *BLAM* Basically you pay o When you first join o Every month o And for every minute of time spent using CompuServe o For any 'extra' disk space taken up by you (including space used by incoming mail) and on top of this... o You pay extra (on top of the last four) for 'Premium services' o You pay extra if you use a fast modem You get to pay thru the nose, they get to offer you crap service. Basically there is NO excuse (apart from convenience) for anyone who wants basic net access to be paying for it in the UK. There are numerous ways of getting free (and full) internet access in the UK, (and in almost every other country in the world) which are reasonably simple and legal (sort of a grey shade of legal - but doesn't involve hacking systems) so I'll write an article on it if I get hassled enough... After spending several hours on CompuServe I realised two things 1) Anything remotely useful on CompuServe is a 'Premium Service' 2) CompuServe is designed so it is easy to use for beginners, it is also designed to keep people as beginners. Screw CompuServe for anything and everything they have, but be careful (they have all the new fangled hacker traps (tm)), and make sure you're screwing the corp and not the users. Many of the users either don't know any better or will wake up in 8 months time and think 'Shit - I have been ripped off' and phone the bank and cancel the standing order. CompuServe make money out of peoples ingnorance of computer technology and provide a poor service to boot. The CompuServe corporation is nothing more than a con artists dream come true. Seeing CompuServe go down in flames would make me so happy I would explode ;) I would highly advise phoning CompuServe and get them to send you a free starter pack (in the UK 0800 289378), then not only do you get a free disk (after formatting) some free roaching/firelighting material but you also get to read the prices and laugh yourself silly. One day I will wake up and find out that CompuServe was just a huge conspiracy started up by a H/P Group to get some easy cash off of stupid people and to make more people become hackers. Shit - I wish I had thought of it. [BiTCH MODE OFF] My policy, and on the whole, CiTR0NiC's policy (although I am not speaking for other members) is freedom of information. I do not agree with *doing* some of the things published here (for instance making and selling speed in Citro-1), however, we beleive in freedom of information so we publish this information simply because it is discouraged or in most cases restricted by the authorities or governments. If suddenly the governement decided they were going to ban publications of cake recipies with cinnamon in them, no doubt, your screen would be filled with articles like '101 Ways to make cakes with cinnamon in them'. Generally speaking, we also do not beleive in the authorities patronising attitude of 'we won't tell them this - the public are very stupid so they are bound go out and and do it'. I beleive in the individuals right to choice (unlike some governments of small english speaking european islands) , so we simply provide the information, whatever you do with it is *your* decision. They say get back, we say FIGHT BACK ! Greetz to the following:- UK ppl BadS :: BooYaa :: oJ :: Meeko :: Alfiwalf :: Phantasm :: Mini-Master Maelstrom :: Mocara :: iZ0T0NiK :: Rotox Not UK ppl Aladar :: King_Dan :: Xalopp :: Ruede :: CyntaxEra :: cF :: Twize Frosty :: Fisch :: Omega :: LadyAda :: MindScrew :: DOC.KO/S and *not* forgetting Lapse !! +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Rumourz n' Info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ More rumours and half-truths this issue, lets kick off with some of the most amusing.... o Harlequin Overdosed ahahahahahahahaha, 'fraid not, I haven't got a clue how this was started but it is 100% not true. For a start I wouldn't be stupid enough to take any drug that you could overdose on. Sorry guyz, I am 100% in perfect health o Harlequin was busted Oh dear, again not true. I have not been even slightly busted. o The Hacker who got the BT numbers for the queen, prime minister etc was xxxxxxxxx Probably the only person who does know who this hacker is the hacker him or herself. The mail was entirely anonymous and didn't even give a handle, let alone a name. o Citro is dead. 'Fraid NOT !!! ahahahahaha +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ CiTR0NiC Criticized On IRC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by "BLEACH" I am on IRC almost everyday for about an hour or two and that is probably too much time. But there are people who are there 24/7 so I don't feel as bad. Just recently I was in #Phreak when some of the people in there were really giving it to Sparhawk because he wrote for CiTR0NiC Journal. It seems like the so called "elite" bunch on IRC thinks that the Journal is lame. Well, everyone has the right to have an opinion I guess, but for myself I say that CiTR0NiC is doing excellent for only being on its fourth issue. It takes a lot of hard work to put out a journal every month. The whole staff is working on changes on the Journal so everyone is happy, but I do not think that people on IRC should complain about the Journal in whole. I mean if anyone and I mean ANYONE wants to put in a suggestions, please do so. BUT if anyone just wants to complain and act ignorant, then you are the ones that are being lame. If anyone thinks that they could write better articles than what is already in the Journal, my only suggestion is, write for us or any other E-Zine or Paper Zine. Then if you criticize us and you say something like that, then give us a reference of what you have written and let us see if it has any use to the H/P community. CiTR0NiC Journal started out as an United Kingdom zine. Then some others joined the staff and now it will be mainly UK/US. We need some more US writers with experience in certain topics. These topics will be at the end of the issue. We would also like people from any other country who has hacking or phreaking tips there. We would like to bring information to everyone and not be criticized all the time while doing it. So my final words are: Don't criticize unless you have something intelligent to say, ie. Suggestions, Writings for us, etc. Also, try to keep the community together instead of breaking it apart with all of these lame fights that go on almost everyday in the H/P Community. Sure there will be disagreements, but being total enemies is what will bring us all down. That is why some of the less optimistic people are saying that hacking is dying. The Feds and Telcos are not killing us, we are killing ourselves. These are my ideas and I cannot say that they belong to any other member of CiTR0NiC Journal. If you want to suggest soething or if you are an US writer and wish to write for CiTR0NiC Journal, please e-mail me at: an142797.anon.penet.fi [ OK, heres my 2 cents or pennies... :) First of all I must repeat what we said in Issue 1 WE DONT GIVE A FUCK ! We do this because we want to not because we want to be eleet or other such bollocks. If you don't like CiTR0NiC, fine, you are entitled to your opinion, but there are plenty of people who do. And by the way, you don't look rebellious just because you slag off a popular h/p 'zine. Being rebellious is driving a stolen truck through your nearest police stations window, tapping out shite on your keyboard isn't. - HarLeQuin ] +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Letters ~~~~~~~ I've sort of been getting, like letters and stuff. It really weird, anyway, I thought I'd publish one or two. If anyone wants me to mail me about anything, go ahead and freak me out some more ! --- HI HarLeQuin Just a quick hello and like the mag type of mail. Well I lIKE the mag. [ Thanks mate ! ] You asked about the rlogin bug on Linux well this does work! :) Ah but alas it is too well known and too well patched. :( The early releases of Linux SLACKWARE DIST had the bug, But the latest release has it patched out :( The bug/hole also works with IBM RS6000 AIX 3.X. but has been patched out with the latest release ver 4.1 which was relased in the UK about a month ago. The actual bug works like this rlogin target.host -l -froot where -f[any valid user] cul8r RatFace Looking forward to the next edition. --- Anyway, big greetz to RatFace and thanks for the mail !! +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ On the Edge with LadyAda and CyntaxEra ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (or CiTR0NiC gets political :) by HarLeQuin First of all I must start with an apology.... After coming up with the idea of doing an article on Women, Sexism and the Computer Underground I did interviews with LadyAda and CyntaxEra (on IRC) about this subject. I asked the questions and so on and logged the session with TextBox, but I was stupid enough to think the /log feature would work on mindvox.phantom.com, so I haven't got a verbatim account of what was said, so this is from memory, but the content has been agreed to be accurate by both CyntaxEra and LadyAda. Political comment, investigative journalism, what more could you ask for from a H/P 'zine ? (Next months article is a MPEG movie, a report from war-worn Bosnia by HarLeQuin called Hacking and Mortar Bombs. Well it could happen.... :) The Computer Underground is mainly dominated by males. Largely due to our society and culture, computers are seen as a 'male thing' - stemming from their introduction in the 60's when most people who came into contact with computers were Mathematicians and Scientists - both fields in which women in the 60's were discouraged to explore. So, in the 90's we are left with the legacy of medieval attitudes towards technology and slightly over 50% of the population. Luckily this is beginning to change, their are more and more computer literate women around, and with that more and more female H/P dewdz. Here is an interview with CyntaxEra and LadyAda both of which are well known in the Computer Underground both for thier 'unique' personalities and their technical ability. The LadyAda Interview ===================== Harl> Do you consider yourself a hacker/phreak/virus writer etc etc ? LadyAda> Those are names other people give you, each persons understanding of the names differs, so I prefer not to label myself. Harl> Do you think its harder being a female in the Computer Underground ? LadyAda> Not really, it is just as difficult as being male. Except you get hit on more. Harl> Do you encounter much sexism ? LadyAda> Occasionally, but this stems from immaturity rather than genuine sexism. Harl> Is being a female an advantage in anyway in the computer underground ? LadyAda> None that i would consider real. If you dont care about your reputation you can always use sex for getting information. But you would have to be quite desperate to stoop that low. Harl> On IRC you give as good as you get, is this an attitude you have *had* to adopt, or is it one you have *chosen* to adopt ? LadyAda> Its just something I do... I think it's rather necessary. Harl> Thanks for the interview LadyAda !! Prepare to be famous (well sort of :) LadyAda> I certainly hope not. The CyntaxEra Interview ======================= Harl> Would you call yourself a hacker/phreak/virus writer etc. ? CyntaxEra> I wouldn't call myself anything, that's for other people to decide, but if I'm bored I can amuse m'self =) *Grin* Harl> Do you think it's harder being a female in the Computer Underground ? CyntaxEra> I've been quite lucky, I met some great people who have given me a lot of help and respect. Harl> LadyAda mentioned that the sexism she encountered was due to immaturity, would you say this was correct from your experience ? CyntaxEra> Yes, I agree 100% =) Harl> In your experience, have their been any advantages in being a female in the Computer Underground ? CyntaxEra> No, not really. I think it's pretty evenly matched. Harl> On IRC, you don't stand for any shit. Is this an attitude you have chosen to adopt or one you have been forced to adopt ? CyntaxEra> I have chosen to adopt it. That's just me though *Grin* =) Harl> Do you think sexism is part of the Computer Underground, or do you think attitudes will change ? CyntaxEra> I think they will and they are. It's just a matter of time. Harl> Thanks Cyn. ! CyntaxEra> =) Well, sexism obviously boils down to one thing. Immaturity. I would tend to agree. All the hackers/phreaks etc who are always going on about how 'eleet' they are and always slagging other people off are usually the ones who always talk about 'Bitches' and 'Hoes' and other such bollocks, but then again, I would expect little more from their tiny minds. OK, so this isn't your usual h/p zine stuff, but I thought it would be good for a change, this sort of stuff isn't going to be a regular feature (some of you may be pleased to hear) but its different. Finally a note to the stupid: CyntaxEra, LadyAda and other female H/P dewdz I know are among some of the best hackers/phreaks I have met. So before you decide to slag them off as 'fuqin dum bitches' remember, they can kick your ass so bad you'll be crawling to the feds, begging them to bust you. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ BT Coin-Op Phone Card Dispensers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by HarLeQuin These are the little green boxes you see in bus stations, train stations and other public places. Basically you put your two pounds in and they dispense a value-for-money-definitely-not-a-rip-off two pound phone card. Its one of the ones about 2 foot by 1 foot and green, with a pull out draw for the phone card, and a little red light on the front of the box, near the top right corner. Basically, you put your money in, and then pull out the tray which will have your phonecard in. However, someone was stupid enough to leave one of these open (without any cards in mind) so I had a quick look inside. And low and behold there was a little booklet entitled 'Operating instructions for the QBUSTER PLUS' which I quickly photocopied and replaced. The machines themselves are very simple, but pretty much bullet proof. They would be very difficult to force open due to the large steel frame that covers them. However, the frame is locked by means of a padlock and the padlock on the one I found was an extremely simple one that would take 15 secs to pick or 30 to hacksaw. The machine itself has a tubular lock which could provide a few more problems... 'The QBUSTER PLUS holds approximately 150 wrapped phone cards'. With lowest denomination, thats 300 pounds worth of phone cards... However simply stealing the cards is a one off and a little barbaric. The most interesting bit is that there is some set up dip switches inside the machine that lets you set the vend price for each phone card. Kewl ASCII Diaphragm Below... Looking inside the machine at the interesting bits... +-----------------------+ | +-------------------+ | | | Machanically bits | | | | that handle coins | | | | and dispensing | | | | cards etc etc | | | | | | | | | | | +-------------------+ | | | | +---------------+ | | | Electronic | | <----- This is the bit you | | bits and dips | | are interested in. | +---------------+ | +-----------------------+ The electronic bit has several chips on it as well as a dip switch panel which can be set as follows: Switch number 1 is the one farthest to the left. Switch Number | Value When Set ---------------------+------------------------- 1 | One Pound 2 | Two Pounds 1 and 2 | Three Pounds 3 | Four Pounds 3 and 1 | Five Pounds etc. To quote the usage booklet: 'These are adjusted to alter the price at which phone cards are sold. In the "up" position switches are "on"' It's often better simply to reset the switches so phone cards are vended at one pound. I did this when someone was about to re-fill the cards in the machine. They opened it up, took the money and left to put it in a safe place, at this point I changed the vend price, they then came back and refilled the machine with new cards. I did this, got lots of half price phone cards (even more than half price if the machines are vending 5 pound cards for example) and sold some on. So I made a profit and got some free cards out of it. The operators of the machine haven't noticed and have continued re-stocking the machine and collecting the money. This obviously has advantages over simply stealing the cards as then they simply improve the security of the machine and your chances of getting more cards this way are finished. Other Mildly Interesting Features The machine is fitted with two different locks (as stated one on the frame usually a padlock and one tubular lock on the box itself). To quote the booklet 'Please note we do not keep spare keys'. So trying to social engineer the company who make the dispenser machines will not work. Also the machines have a non-resetable counter that says how many phone cards have been sold. So the operators can check up on how much money they have and how many cards they have sold. But, with the machine I was scamming the operators obviously did not bother to check this. The coin recognition on the machine is entirely mechanical, so, although I haven't tried it I would imagine getting a piece of metal the same size and weight of a 1 pound coin would fool the machine. Its been about 3 weeks since I wrote this article and I have noticed that the same dispensing machine (the QBUSTER PLUS) is also used to dispense books of stamps, photocopier cards in libraries and other useful things... So keep your eyes open. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Marijuana Resin and Better Homes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by BadSector [ NOTE: BaDSector (BadS on IRC) has written a *huge* file on psychedelic drugs which is extremely comprehensive. So catch him on IRC if you want a copy... He's usually hangin' round #Phreak during UK daylight hours...] o CANNABIS CH OH | 3 | |____ |____ / \ /----\ / \___/ \__ C H \\ // \\ // 5 11 \\ // \\ // ----\ /---- \___O /\ / \ TETRAHYDROCANNABINOL (THC) CH CH 3 3 Cannabis is the most common and safest of all 'street drugs'. The vast majority of drug offences in most countries are simply the possession of small quantities of cannabis. But, as even the police admit, the vast majority of cannabis users are never caught. A simple solution to 95% of the 'drug problem' in Europe and America would be to decriminalise cannabis. An advantage of cannabis is that it can be readily recognized as genuine by its physical appearance. As far as other drugs are concerned it must be remembered that any pills or tablets bought on the black market may either contain no drug at all or a substitute drug. An additional danger is that illegally manufactured drugs may contain dangerous impurities. This is less true of which LSD is a reasonably good bet. Your tab is most likely to be dosed with acid or nothing. A marginal possibility, also, would be the presence of DOB in blotter. Ecstasy could have anything in it. The effects of dope are due to a mixture of many psychoactive chemicals. Different sorts of dope contain different quantities of these and so have slightly different effects. Studies at St Louis Medical School in 1988 have identified the THC receptor, which is mainly in the front brain, and discovered that THC caused no damage to brain cells. There is some really strong (and therefore dear) weed around now, e.g. Thai weed and Semsemilla (seedless). These have very high concentrations of THC and can cause strange visual effects -- almost like LSD -- if quite a bit is consumed. As a rough rule of thumb the more tacky, sticky, darker, wet with resin the cannabis material the stronger it is. The negative effects of cannabis (confusion, unease, slight paranoia, anxiety and a feeling that you are unable of performing the simplest tasks) are very mild usually pass quickly and can be overcome by power of will. The only report of a death directly attributable to cannabis is of several tons falling on one unfortunate man. Smoking when drunk is a bad idea unless you really want to get smashed out of your mind, because you end up being both very drunk and very stoned at the same time and liable to pass out. Yeah I have been there. Hash oil can be easily made from hash. Pour an inch of petrol lighter fuel into a small test-tube (from any chemist). Add enough hash for a spliff. Gently heat with lighter. It's OK to hold since it boils quickly, dissolving the chemicals you want and leaving a residue. Soak cigarette in fuel and leave five minutes to dry, then smoke (without tell tale smell). An alternative to smoking is to eat dope, which has a different effect and lasts longer. It is less economical than smoking. I am told that a sixteenth will get eight people buzzed or four heavily stoned. For the latter try dissolving about half a gram in enough butter or margarine and adding to coffee or the traditional instant chocolate brownie mix, since THC is soluble in fat but not water. AMSTERDAM, HOLLAND Although in Holland possession of up to thirty grams for personal use is still technically illegal it is often tolerated by the local authorities. In Amsterdam (and some other Dutch cities) high quality cannabis can be openly bought and consumed, mainly in coffee shops dedicated to this purpose. Even ready rolled joints and 'space cake' (containing about a gram of dope) can be purchased. They adhere to the following simple and sensible code:- 1. No Hard Drugs 2. No one under 18 3. No aggression tolerated. I can particularly recommend 'Skunk Weed' -- purple and green Dutch semsemilla -- as the best grass I've ever smoked. It is apparently grown in Holland from the seeds of an infamous Californian strain. It cost between 4-10 guilders a gram in 1991. After several bong hits of this stuff you are practically tripping. I had to lie down. [ NOTE: Also a strain called Northern Lights knocks yer socks off! - Harl] +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Info on included files.... Right, with this months issue there are two included files: SECDR13C.ZIP and CIT-P3.ZIP SECDR13C.ZIP is a program called Secure Drive that encrypts your hard drive to PGP standards, see BooYaa's article in issue 3 for more details. The documentation is pretty self explanatory. CIT-P3.ZIP is part of a suite of software compiled by our very own Pulse to reprogram cellular phones. We didn't write this stuff, we are just organising it. As their is so much cellfone software out there Pulse came up with the idea of breaking it up into little chunks and 're-packaging' it. So if you want some software to reprogram your mobile it will be available in one easily available bite sized chunk. Also added is Pulses documentation that details cables needed and other essential info.... +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ How to get your copy of The CiTR0NiC Journal Internet -------- Lamerbot on IRC :: Type /msg lamerbot help to get started. Copies are kept in the /misc-zines directory FTP to corrupt.sekurity.com :: in the /pub/incoming directory. Also, the latest issue of the CiTR0NiC journal can be got by fingering harl@aladar.pmmf.hu WARNING: This could be ssslllooowww..... BBS's ----- In the USA Digital Fallout 516-378-6440 H/P BBS that also has 'The Code Line' h/p conferences and is home to AoD In Denmark Restricted Access +45 367 030 60 The Underground Danish Style Sysop: Twize In Holland Arrested Developement +31.77.547477 Hacking - Phreaking - Virus - Anarchy Sysop: Omega In the UK Urban XTC Sysops: Meeko and Mini-Master and Underground Access Sysop: Phantasm Those nice people who produce the VLAD virus 'zine have offered to write a special CiTR0NiC virus ! So watch out for that in the near future ! To get the VLAD virus issues try the bot VLADBot on IRC (usually on #virus), if it 'aint there try the usual h/p/v sites.... Its a damn good read with a DOS menuing system with some excellent touches. The ASCII is included for all you ppl who are 'lucky' enough to have non-pc machines.