,--------. | | __ __ | ,----' |__| ,--. |__| | | | |_ | | ,--. | | ,--.--. ,-----. ,-----. ,--. ,-----. | | | | | ,-' | __, | ,-. | | ,-. | | | | ,---' | `----. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--. | | | `-' | | | | | | | | +---. `--------' `--' `-----' `--' `-----' `-' `-' `--' `-----' October '94 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX X XX XX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXX XX XX XXX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXX XX XX XXX XX XXXXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX XX XXXXX XX XX X XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Number Two Citronic Journal is a 'Cyberpunk' Free Zone Citronic Journal holds the British Standards Kite Mark �i�r0�i� - Citronic - �i�r0�i� - Citronic - �i�r0�i� - Citronic - �i�r0�i� ----> |-|ar|)c0r3 T3cH|\|0pHi11iAcZ <---- +--------------------------Contents-------------------------+ | | | 1) Messages from Dah Krew | | 2) Rumourz n' Info | | 3) Red Boxing - The Canadian Way **** by SparHawk *** | | 4) JANET <--> Telnet Gatewayz | | 5) Notes on Beige Boxing | | 6) Inwardly Boxable UK Chatline **** by SaintHalo *** | | 7) Prosecution Security | | 8) Hacking Answering Machines | | 9) Dah Last Bit | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ "Switch On - Jack In - Phreak Out" "The FBI can do nothing in cases of oral-genital intimacy unless it affects interstate commerce" - J. Edgar Hoover �i�r0�i� - Citronic - �i�r0�i� - Citronic - �i�r0�i� - Citronic - �i�r0�i� an119774@anon.penet.fi an119774@anon.penet.fi an119774@anon.penet.fi |)izc1aim3r ~~~~~~~~~~~ If anyone does any of the stuff mentioned in this file there is a possibility of getting busted and being put in jail forever. If this happens don't come whining to us 'cos we'll deny everything and act real innocent. Also any meteorite hits on planet Earth are nothing to do with us. Everything in here is for informational purposes only and anything carried out is entirely at your own risk. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Messages from Dah Krew ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First of all Citronic iz: HarLeQuin - Dah G0DfaTher Grim Reefer - Dah N0vEl NeT SurFeR Pulse - Dah Cellular hItDeWd Nosferatu - Dah MiDniGhT f0x SparHawk - Dah Inf0 WhIrlwiNd SaintHalo - Dah DaTa FlAsHfL00d CyberSpacePyr8 - Dah RAMrAideR pHr0m hELl HarLeQuin sayz: Well here we are again with the second issue of Citronic Journal. And once more it's time for my bitch-at-the-computer- underground. The computer underground is supposedly based on freedom of information. This is crap. The computer underground, like the rest of the world is based on money and status. For example, h/p BBS's that only allow you to connect at 9600bps or above. An excellent example of information elitism. 9600bps modems can be bought second hand in the UK for about 50 pounds, which I admit is not particularly expensive. However, for your average 16 year old phreak/hack this IS expensive, very expensive. So the BBS's represent freedom of information for rich boys and girls who get money from their parents. Also all this crap about 'machine elitism', like 'Amigas are shit, I have a Pentium, they're eleet' - again bullshit. Since most hacking is done on a terminal, a 8088 with a mono monitor is sufficient, but of course unless you've got money - your a lAm3r right ? Then there is status. How many times have you heard on IRC 'Fuq 0fF s00pErHaq U R lAm3 !' This hypocrisy is exactly what the computer underground is *supposedly* against. Keeping information to your close ring of friends, only the people you think are 'eleet'. Hmmmm, isn't this what Corps and Governments do all the time. Only giving information to those deemed privilidged enough to have it. If information is for everyone then regardless of what you think of a particular person, they have a right to have that information. Then again, if you deny that you are for 'freedom of information' you are no more than a common thief, stealing net access, online time, and credit. If you are happy with doing this, fine. But please, don't spout this bullshit about 'information is for everyone', we know you're talking shit. I do not like nor condone the 'eleet', this does not mean I do not respect peoples technical ability. If they are a great hacker or phreak, this is due to their hardwork, talent and dedication. I respect this and I am in awe of their ability. However, being banned from BBS's and IRC channels just because you're not with the 'in' crowd is hypocrisy we could all do without. In my experience all the great hackers and phreaks I know (and I do NOT count myself among them) do not shoot their mouths off, do not slag other people off, and are always prepared to help the hack or phreak who is a begginer or who does not understand a particular concept. For example, on the #hack channel, someone came on and said 'Hey I've found a way to fake mail from root on my unix net !!!'. The reply they got was to be kicked and banned. 0K, so its very simple, this does not mean they are lame, it means they have some learning to do. The people who think they can prove how 'eleet' they are by shitting on the newbies are doing nothing except proving they are wankers and stiffling the future of the underground. On a lighter note, I have had alot of positive support both for Citronic and the Citronic Journal. Thanks guyz and galz. We do appreciate it ! At the moment many of the articles are UK based. This is mainly because I write nearly all of them. Hopefully the info will still be useful to ya or if not, an insight into the UK scene. So, if ya want some articles specific to your either a) Write one or b) Get some-one you know to write one. I would appreciate a wide variety of articles, so get round to writing them. We'll clean up the grammar/english/whatever. So get tapping. Although I am happy to keep writing articles my knowledge and creativeness are not endless, so the journals will either become very short or very repetative. Anything will be appreciated ! Sadly Pr0d1gY has left us. On a friendly note though, he's been busted one too many timez and feels he can do without the hassle. Not that I can blame him. However, we welcome SaintHalo and CyberSpacePyr8 who are both serious h4rDc0rE h/p hItdEwdZ... I have now joined the ranks of the CyberTrendies and have aqcuired a cellfone (not connected mind you). A Nokia 101, I have the access code and can change the NAMs and stuff, but if any1 has any programming software or programming leads for it... give me a mail ! My Helloz for this issue are as follows:- BadS - Meeko - Phantasm - AlfiWalf - Mini-Master - Maelstrom - BooYaa "Dah UK H/P Mafia" CyntaxEra - cF - Radikahl- Lapse "International DewdZ - H/P Mafia" King_Dan - Aladar - Xalopp - Ruede "Virii Dewdz in Yer Face" "(and in yer c0de !)" +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Rumourz n' Info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a new and I hope regular feature of the Citronic Journal. Basically rumours are part and parcel of the computer underground. 50% are usually true and 50% are usually completly false. But if we publish all that we hear it'll give you something to work on ! o There is a way to box global from the UK This is not a rumour. This is actually true. But the people who know are keeping their mouths shut. The rumours on this subject are as follows : The breaks are non-standard. It uses R2. It uses CCITT5. Well, non-standard breaks seem feasable. But I have heard two different things about the signalling system. I called Yugoslavia direct (Yugo uses R2) and said "I am a BT engineer etc etc. We have had trouble with some of our lines have you had anyone phone up and as soon as you answered have the line go dead on you, possibly after a short tone... ?" Basically the operator answered, "Yes, we have had lots of 'kids' phoning up for a joke recently and then putting the phone down". Also I know of a Mexican guy who uses R2 to box global of Yugoslavia... Hmmmm, anyone cracking this one gets a big pat on the back from me. I've tried and am still trying with no bloody luck ! o Most PBX's have a direct dial number that gives you a dial tone instantly and lets you simply dial an extension without all the 'Welcome to Super Corp' messages... Also on most of them you can dial 9 (after getting the direct line) and get an outside line, letting you dial out. This was told to me by a person who works for a private telecommunications company and writes software for VMBs/PBXs o HarLeQuin is stunning in bed and is wanted by women around the world. Again, this is not rumour, it is 100% true. I swear. Honest :-) o There is a bug in a version of linux that lets you log in as -froot or as -fguest and logs you in as root or guest respectively (no passwd needed). I haven't really tried this much, only on about two systems, so whether these were patched or not I don't know. I am inclined to think this is false, but if anyone knows otherwise.... +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ ReD BoXiNG - @ @ THe CaNaDiaN WaY @ @ BY SPaRHaWK @ @ @ @ Oh yeah... That Canadian guy... @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ y0y0y0! Spar's here with his phreaking tips from up north! Today's topic boys and girls, is red boxing the welfare way. Since Hallmark Inc. is too 31337 to produce their digitally recordable greeting cards in Canada, and I'm basically too lazy and too dangerous with a soldering iron, and I'm not even going to THINK about handling 3. xxxxxxxxxxxx crystalz, I do all MY red boxing with a sturdy 5 year old Sony Walkman. And if you're from the USofA and you're reading this, the tonez aren't fer you... I've heard from everybody on #phreak that it doesn't work there anymore, kiddies! Too bad. If you find out how to do it there mail me- sparhawk@aladar.pmmf.hu. Anyway, basically what you need is a walkman, a cassette (the higher quality the better, although it probably doesn't matter too much), a tape recorder that you can record the tonez with, a sound card, and a brain size _slighty_ larger than Stimpy. The basic theory of red boxing is this: When you drop a quarter in the slot, on some phones you can hear a tone being made... Its a series of high pitched beeps. This signals to the Telco that the person at the phone has just dropped a quarter in. Hence, what a red box does is produce that tone. The tone for 5 cents is 3900MHz played for 35 milliseconds. So if we want a quarter, we make five of those tonez at 35 millisecond intervals. So what it looks like is this: BEEP____BEEP____BEEP____BEEP____BEEP <35><35><35><35><35><35><35><35><35> But it sounds more like bebebebebe. The human brain receives this information very fast, so when Zircon and I made it for the first time, we were going to do it over because we thought we only heard 4 beeps. Trust me, there are five. I will include a TP program to do this over a PC Speaker at the end of this... Look in Phrack XX for a REDBOX.EXE for Adlib. Make sure to record about $7 or $10 worth. Remember that the more you record the less you have to rewind. Once we have this on tape, we stroll along to the nearest payphone and dial 1-902-YOU-WISH. We wait for the operator to come on saying: Please deposit $2552.46 for the first minute. Then we put the earphone of the walkman right on the speaker, have the volume up to full, and press play. We count the quarters until we have enough, and if the operator says something like "I asked for $4.56 and you deposited $4. 75. Do you want your money back to start over?" just say something like no, you're in a hurry, just put me through... And then your call should be put through. One major drawback of this method that we discovered is that you have to make the call operator assisted or it doesn't work. The variance in the walkman is too great to fool the machine. You _can_ do local calls but you have to dial the operator and say something like the keypad is a bit sticky, could you please dial the call for me. That's my line, so try and think of something original. =) You could probably do one that produces the tonez exactly by building an actual red box with the crystals and whatever, but I'm too lazy and non-inclined with a soldering iron to do it. =) ( u 0n #P|-||234/< !!!!! REDBOX.PAS: ----------------------------Cut-Here----------------------------------------- uses crt; var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to 5 do begin sound (3900); delay (35); nosound; delay(35); end; end. ----------------------------Cut-Here----------------------------------------- I haven't tried it yet, but the tonez will brobably work if you produce them with a PC Speaker because that is what the speaker is made for: Producing accurate tones. If you try this and it works, mail me at the address above. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ JANET to telnet gateway ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +------+ | NOTE | +------+ The menu system has been upgraded at this site. However, the bug has not been fixed, so the same menu options still apply and this bug will still drop you to a telnet> prompt as of 1.00pm 27th Sept '94. History and Dialups ------------------- JANET is an acronym for the Joint Academic NETwork. It was the original internetesqe network that has been around for many years linking british 'higher education establishments'. The original JANET runs at 9600bps (ack) although the introduction of SuperJANET means massive increases in speed to near Novel data transfer speeds. However, not all .ac.uk sites have SuperJANET installed... The advantage of using JANET as opposed to telnet is that after going through a certain number of JANET gateways, the call cannot be traced to the originating site. Also many British universities have JANET dialups where you can dial-in anonymously and get JANET access. Almost every university that has JANET access has a dialup number, there are lots of them, but I'll list a few below. Heriot-Watt University (in Edinburgh) 0314 495941 Strathclyde University (in Glasgow) 0415 228467 Bath Uni 0225 448898 Durham Uni 0913 742832 Leeds 0532 461514 NOTE: Not all dialups will allow you to call JANET sites by name, or they may only allow restricted access. The dialup I usually use only allow 40 or so named servers to be called. However calling them with there JANET X29 address usually bypasses this. If you don't know the X29 address of a site calling nott.info or on inter telnetting to info.nott.ac.uk will give you a lookup facility, so you can enter the site name and it will provide you with its X29 address... Gateways -------- There are other ways to get telnet from JANET.... Calling the NISS service will provide you with a guest telnet prompt. However, everything going thru here *is* logged. I know this for a fact. Also it prevents you from calling .uk telnet sites. Although it will permit you to call some them if you use only the IP number rather than the host name. The Birmingham site also provides a guest telnet service (log in as telgate) but this is undoubtably logged. Part of the JANET regulations state that all gateways must have the *ability* to log all data going thru them or not. It would be safe to assume this happens at bham.acsis The Birmingham site however has a bug in its software that drops the user to a telnet prompt when it fails to connect to a gopher site. The log below is the process of how to get the prompt. All lines starting with /* and ending with */ are my comments.... To get to JANET from the internet, you can telnet to acsis.bham.ac.uk and log in as x29gate. Although almost all universities are internet connected, JANET is still phun to play with :) /* to call via JANET either use its site name or PAD> address...*/ PAD>call bham.acsis /* or ...*/ PAD>call n000020060300 /* or you can telnet to acsis.bham.ac.uk */ Calling Name Server Connecting... Connected ******************************************************************************* * * * W E L C O M E t o T H E * * U N I V E R S I T Y o f B I R M I N G H A M * * A C A D E M I C C O M P U T I N G S E R V I C E * * I N F O R M A T I O N G A T E W A Y * * * * acsis - ACSIS System * * cis - Campus Information Service * * gopher - Gopher Client * * jughead - The Birmingham Jughead Server * * lynx - World-Wide Web Line Mode Browser * * mosaic - World-Wide Web Window Browser * * newsread - Gopher News Reader * * status - Status of ACS Hosts and Networks * * telgate - Telnet Service for X29 PAD and Gandalf Users * * veronica - University of Manchester Veronica Server * * x29gate - X29 Service for Telnet Users * * * * Please login using the service name required. No password is needed. * * Type clear if you need to clear the call to the Information Gateway. * ******************************************************************************* login: gopher /* Note the amount of useful stuff on the menu :)) */ Connecting to the Gopher System at The University of Birmingham, UK. You will need to specify which Gopher Server you wish to connect to. [Hit RETURN for the Birmingham Gopher Server; Q to quit.] Please enter IP Name of Gopher Server: /* Press [RETURN] for the default server */ Receiving Directory... Internet Gopher Information Client v1.03 University of Birmingham Academic Computing Service --> 1. About the Birmingham University Gopher. 2. Campus Information Service at Birmingham University/ 3. Usenet News Reader/ 4. Other Birmingham Information Sources/ 5. UK Gopher Servers/ 6. Some World Wide Gopher Servers/ 7. Koos Van Den Hout's Interesting Gopher Links/ 8. University of Minnesota (World Wide Root Server)/ 9. Swedish University Computer Network (European Root Server)/ 10. Finding Gopher Resources/ 11. Gopher Searching Facilities/ 12. Campus Wide Information Servers & Library OPACS/ 13. Internet Finger Servers/ 14. Other Internet Facilities/ 15. All the World's Gopher Servers/ 16. School Gophers/ 17. BTs Electronic Yellow Pages 18. X.500 Gopher Gateway/ Press ? for Help, q to Quit,u to go up a menu /* At this point choose menu option 14 */ Move To Line:14 Other Internet Facilities --> 1. Hytelnet Server [Login as hytelnet] 2. InterNIC/ 3. Internet Chess Server 4. NetFind Service 5. UK Archie Server 6. WAIS Based Information/ 7. World-Wide Web [Login as lynx] Press ? for Help, q to Quit,u to go up a menu /* At this point choose menu option 3 */ Move To Line:3 Warning!!!!!, you are about to leave the Internet Gopher program and connect to another host. If you get stuck press the control key and the ] key, and then type quit Now connecting to valkyries.andrew.cmu.edu Press return to connect, q to cancel: telnet: Unknown host valkyries.andrew.cmu.edu telnet> /* Boom, you are dropped to a telnet prompt. */ I have used this for several months with no problems. 90% of the time it works, sometimes it will hang at the Press return to connect, q to cancel: prompt after you have pressed return. But usually waiting a while will result in a telnet prompt. 0K ? Good, have phun with this and remember. I didn't say traffic isn't logged through here, it's just less likely to be... But they 'aint got me yet :-))) Mwuahahahaha +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Notes on Beige Boxing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I've been messing around with beige boxing and the like recently so here's just a few notes that might help ya out. The best file/s I have found on beige boxing were in CoTNO, so check out Field Phreaking I & II in CoTNO Issue #1 it's excellent. Beige Boxing off BT Payphones ----------------------------- Most lines coming out of telephone boxes go underground (especially the newer steel and glass phoneboxes) however with the older red phoneboxes the line often leaves as a cable, perhaps leading up a telegraph pole. This is especially true in small villages and more rural areas. This is what you want to clip your modified phone onto. After attaching your phone to the line, it ceases to have the same restrictions on it as dialing from the payphone would have. For example, you can call the BT test numbers, such as 174, 176. I would recommend hanging the payphone up while beiging off its line, as lifting the reciever causes a nasty buzz on the line. Also the payphone ceases to function, although you can hear the conversation you cannot speak thru the payphone handset speaker. I have built a gold box (a diverter, sometimes called a Cheese box) which I have yet to try, but I'll report on if it worked probably in the next issue if I get round to it... +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ INWARDLY BOXABLE UK CHATLINE ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~ There is a new chatline fer aLL u cuNtz who st!LL dont know, hehe. It is sited in Trinidad, Jamaica. Here : [0800 899 843] KP2-59211010-ST Unfortunately it is *total* crap as there are no real phreaks using it and u wiLL get kicked off every 10 mins, but weLL its nice 2 know it's there... [ N.B. !F w3 caN GeT sUm PhrEAkz 0n iT, tHeN iT w0n'T b3 cRaP !! s0 AlL y00 UK PhrEaKz - geT b0xIn' AnD taLkinG !! - Harl ] I wiLL be setting up an InterNet H+P site in the UK in the next month or so, if u are interested in helping me out then mail an107853@anon.penet.fi. Ta. .sainthalo. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Prosecution Security ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After talking about the recent busts with various hacks and phreaks it seems to me that if the police or feds did make a casual visit to your trusty hard-disk you would be buggered. The only way the police can prosecute you is if they have *evidence* which most h/p dewdz leave liberally scattered around there hard-drive and floppies. The simple answer to this is: a) Completely destroy unwanted files b) All dodgy files that are stored must be PGPed with a 1024bit key and a long pass phrase. This effectiveley means if your data is visited by the cops, you will have no trace of anything dodgy and everything else will be PGPed (and you won't tell them the pass phrase - 'cos you've forgotten it). This means, when you get some new h/p WaReZ and unpack the archive, shred the unpacked files afterwards and store the archive as a PGPed file. When I mean shred I mean completely overwritten (at least 3 times) and the file renamed to something like XYXYXYX.XYX, then deleted. To this end I have included a very simple file shredder I knocked up (for MS-DOS). It only took me 10 mins or so and therefore is quite basic but will serve its purpose. Any half decent k0der with a half hour or so should be able to come up with something more effecient and effective. I personally use SHRED.EXE that is packaged (or used to be packaged with) Dr. Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit. Norton also do very good utilities that can shred disks as well as files. -*- REMEMBER -*- 'If you can't be good be careful If you can't be careful - develop a liking for bars and 7x4 rooms' ------------------- CUT HERE ----------------- section 1 of uuencode 5.15 of file shred.exe by R.E.M. begin 644 shred.exe M35I%`0H````'`(H$1J0U`0`$`````?#_4`````4!4$M,251%($-O<'(N(#$Y M.3$@4$M705)%($EN8RX@06QL(%)I9VATU*=/1S^#/),]O1[4ITQ='3T>U*=,31TX7;=!?1 M[4ITO]'3@/L&<@O1[4IU!*V5LA#1TRZ*CUX!@/D*='0SVX/Y`G0JT>U*=)UR M(]'M2G2U*=02ME;(0T=.`^P)S%2Z*OVX!K(K85HOW*_/Z M\R:D^U[K@='M2G4$K96R$-'3@/L(U*=02M ME;(0T=.!X]\`AM_KO:P"R(#5`#S_=8);B^N#PQ`SP*R1XPZM`\..P*V7)@$= MXOGK[*T#P_J.T*V+X/NM`]A3K5".Q8[=,\"+V(O(B]"+Z(OPB_C+`P`""@0% M````````!@<("0$"```#!`4&```````````'"`D*"PP-```````E4TA2140@ M+2!!(&9I;&4`"2!S:')E9&1E*&,I(#$``#DY-"!( M87),95%U:6X@;V8`H"!#:71R;VYI8R]4;R!CX$<)=&%C=!0@;6%!05`@86XQ M-S4Q`*#` MFGP"S0"_8`,>5YKG!7B!"II&#[\```Y7:B*[$;8&%@4;)MYU#QL&*D4?*AW0 M=1DJQ@9(`@#)PY#8.T?^N``!%*C_@>P)C;X`_Q:!(BD180EW2`%WBJ)H_W4. 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