������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ��Ŀ ���Ŀ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ڿ � ����� ��� ô � � ��� ���Ĵ ô ���Ĵ ����� ����� �� ��� ����� �� � �� �� � ����Ŀ ڿ � ���Ŀ ô ���Ĵ ��� �� �� � ����� ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ���Ŀ ڿ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ����� ��� ô � � ���Ĵ ô ô � � ���¿ �� � ����� �� � � �� � �� �� ��� ����� Magazine This phile dated 10/01/1994 Volume 5, Issue 1 You can always find BTR on PsychoTron BBS OR AWOL 518-383-1369 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� FiLE : BTR 05-1 All about pot. This Text is gonna be 1oo times better then the other BTR on growing pot.. Sorry that peice of shit slipped thru somehow. It shouldnt have though. The guy who wrote it is gone now. :( So, heres to make up for it. Growing, Cultuivating, Harvesting it etc. etc. etc ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you buy a bag, break up the bud's a little and pick out all the seeds. (Seeds will now be refered to as Beeners) These should NeVeR be thrown away for they are the most important part. For they are what will bring you more pot! So save 'em all and smoke away... You'll thank yourself in the morning:) If you cant get beeners dont goto some lame store like De Ja Vu and buy those roasted hemp seeds and waste your money, they'll never grow, and even if they did, they spray them so it would be shitty any ways. [� �Growing Marijuana Indoors� �] What you will need is beeners (about 1 in every 3 grows) (to tell if they will grow, throw them on a hot frying pan and if they crack, they will). You will also need a good source of light. Use a 75 Watt bulb in a desk lamp (if you dont have a plant lite handy), dont use the kind that has a shade use the kind that has an arm. You'll also need some good soil (Potting soil, hence the name) and miracle grow, and water). Soak your beeners in a small cup with toilet paper in the bottem, put in luke warm h2o. Leave them alone for 2 or 3 days, you'll see a little root possibly, but if not, dont fear just plant them and they'll come up when their ready. The great thing about growing indoors is, less chance of getting busted and the plants are skimpyer but more resin! So all the better. Get a planter box about 4 ft long and 9 " wide (depending on amount of beeners) Put potting soil in it, and dig small hole (about 1/2" deep) about 6" apart. Put 3 or 4 beeners to each hole, for some wont grow. (Once, I was growing for about 6 months, with nice healthy plants, and a new one came up, just a late starter :)) Pack the Dirt in all over. Now water, and give 1o - 12 hours lite, (With the sun schedule), then give them darkness. You'll start to see them come out of the soil in about 1 or 2 weeks. Use a small amount of Miracle Grow mixed in with the water and you'll see a big difference in growth. Now about 4 months or whenever you feel ready (for they are YouR plants) Harvest, if you are in a hurry, but if your not in a hurry then let them grow until they are starting to die (*you might not be able to let them grow till they die, cause some get quite big*) Now pick and dry and smoke. [� �Growing Marijuana Outdoors� �] You dont have to do as much for this, for you are plating your Marijuana in its natural habitat. Soak beeners the same way as indoors, for a few days. Find a sunny, not noticeable spot. Dont do it on your land, unless you plan on denying you ever knew about it. (Dont) Dig the holes about 1" deep a few feet apart. 4 - 6 beeners to a hole. (its harder to get them growing).. Now water, and let be. Hopefully mother nature will be k�rad kool to you, and you'll get some nice buds.. The plants will look much stronger, and thicker then the indoor ones. But a little weaker. You cant change male or female if growing outside. [� �Getting more out of your WeeD� �] If your weed is realitivly weak, or you want it stronger, try this, get an amout of weed in a ziplock baggie, and dampen the weed. Zip it up, and put it in a dark closet for 2 or 3 weeks, it will get a little moldy but its better, better potency. When your done with your bowls worth, tap the bowl (and all the ash) into a baggie, and save it for a while. Believe it or not, ash has THC still in it, you just have to extract it. Put the amount of ash into a pot of water and bring to a boil. When it boils lower the heat to about Medium. Boil till there is no more water, and just nasty shit. Scrape up that nasty shit into a bunch of bowl size cubes (make sure it is small enuf to be smokealbe in a bowl) Wait till it drys (Dont microwave), smoke. That will kick all the THc and res out of the ash. Ash should never be thrown away. Do the same with stems, for they also contain ALOT of Thc. Scrape your bowl, about every 2 months, save the black thick stickey stuff, that is all the weed you have smoked all condensed. it is strong, so keep saving this shit into a ball, untill you have some weed less nite.. If you smoke out of a bong then Never change the water, use the same. Also dont be stupid and think your cool by drinking the bong water, this will not only make you look stupid, it will make you very sick. It is all the crap from the weed you've smoked. Even though its all crap, you can get baked off it, so dont waste it. This is the prcedure for extracting hash from bong water. Im not really sure if this is hash that you will be making, ive just heard that it is. No garuntee. Take the bond water, put it in a pot, and boil till the water is gone. Then take put in fresh water, and boil again. When it is all gone, compress all the crap left (No where NEAR as much as you started) and smoke. Very good, potent stuff. You could sell it, but dont get into selling. You'll get in a lot of Trouble if busted. [� �Some notes� �] You can Dry pot in a microwave, buts its always better in a book (for a small amount) or just air dry. In a microwave, Be sure not to over cook it, or it will have been a total waste of time reading this, and spending some of your life growing, put the weed on a paper towel, and put on TiMECooK for 20 sec's and then if not dry enuf, change paper towel and do again. There are two types of plants out there. Male & Female, you want more Female and its possible to get more, thats in the next note. Male plants can get you stoned but they are no where as strong as female. To get more females try interrupting the sun schedule with 1 hour of light in the middle of the night, every nite for a while, and it will shock the plant into budding, which is good (incase you didnt know?) That will produce more females. Most weed contains from 1 to 4 % THC (tetrahydracanaboil (sp??)) which gets you ripped in the first place. 4 Percent THC weed is considered good shit, and 1 you shouldnt pay more then 50$ for an ounce of it. When your buying weed (in a large amount) make sure you sample it before, it really sux getting ripped off, when you cant do anything about it. And also make sure you know and trust the dealer. [� �Forward, and afterwards� �] Good luck on growing your pot and dont blame me if you get busted, this is a text, and only a text.. If this has been a reel text, you would be notified by instructions flashing at the bottom of your screen. Until next time... Have fun.. Remeber........ - if you smoke Marijuana YOUR ON DOPE! (Brought to you from the Partership for a Drugfull America) :�DioXide�: ..Marijuana has made me a complete imbocile.. -+\+- A BTR production All rights lost. -rk ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ��Ŀ ���Ŀ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ڿ � ����� ��� ô � � ��� ���Ĵ ô ���Ĵ ����� ����� �� ��� ����� �� � �� �� � ����Ŀ ڿ � ���Ŀ ô ���Ĵ ��� �� �� � ����� ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ���Ŀ ڿ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ����� ��� ô � � ���Ĵ ô ô � � ���¿ �� � ����� �� � � �� � �� �� ��� ����� Magazine This phile dated 10/02/1994 Volume 5, Issue 2 You can always find BTR on PsychoTron BBS OR AWOL 518-383-1369 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� FiLE : BTR-05-2 �H�A�C�K�E�R�B�O�O�K�R�E�V�I�E�W� �O�N� �Secrets�Of�A�Super�Hacker� �by�The�Knightmare� �R�E�V�I�E�W�B�Y�T�R�E�A�S�O�N� I would call this book: 'Tales From The Knightmare And Other Short Stories' The author, 'The Knightmare' is the 'Super Hacker'. At first you may be a little skeptical about this title he has, but read on and you will say "WoW he seems to be a some form of a super hacker". I say this because this book is chock full of stories of how The Knightmare did this and The Knightmare did that. In most books that would be a negativo. But not in this case. He tells of dumpster diving, sneaking into cubicles, breaking and entering and many other fine arts. On one story he gets his library card validated to a full librarian access so he has access to do whatever he wants with books and peoples accounts. He does this by writting a program that throws random bar code numbers into the pen light in the library computer. NiCE job. Includes information on these useful topics.... �Trojan Horses� �Virii� �Logic Bombs� �Trap Doors� �Iron Boxes� �Loop Holes� �Back Doors� �Dummy Accounts� �Brute Force Attacks� �Social Engineering� �Reverse Social Engineering� �Spoofing� �SuperUser Abuse� �Dummy Screens� �Screen Stealing� �Data Delivery� �Stair Stepping� �Dumpster Diving� �GIRK� �PATs� �and much, much more� Look for this book at 'Barnes & Noble' (WoLF RoAD, LaTHaM, New York) Or Borders across the street. Theres this guy that works at B&N I social engineered him and got him to pay for some of the book! I could tell you about the B&N computer but that would take too long. Maybe in another issue or something. Just ask for it by title all of the salespeople (well almost) have heard of it, if they haven't they sure as hell will know how to find it by the title. But sometimes certain salespeople don't feel right letting books like that into the open public even then they are in the open public. (To back me up by saying this just read the letters in 2600!) Or just look down... Ordering Information: LOOMPANICS UNLIMITED PO BOX 1197 PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 USA Enclose a check for $19.95 + $4.00 shipping and handling. If you want a catalog to see the descriptions of other Loompanics Unlimited hacker books enclose a check for $5.00. The Loompanics Moto: We got books for: HaCKERS CRaCKERS aND PiSTOL PaCKERS! Includes a brief history of hacking, lists of likely password, a summary of computer crime laws and a glossary. In my opinion The Knightmare did a good job of the history of hacking by including the major milestons and things that have populated the hacker community as we now know it. If you want to buy a book on Computer Hacking History then read Bruce Sterling's "The Hacker Crackdown". The Knightmare did a good job of covering a lot in a little amount of space. But again the point of the book was to be a new wave book on hacking. Chapter Two: The History of Hacking is the only real section on the history it is 5 pages long. That doesn't seem like much but I'd have to take a guess the book is about 12"tall by 7" wide. So it makes good reading. At the begining of this book there is an introduction by a man named Gareth Branwyn who seems to be pretty intouch with Cyberspace and the whole consept of hacking. And Gareth goes through the many scenarios that would go on as: Hacker as Independant Scientist Hacker as Cowboy Hacker as Techno-Terrorist Hacker as Pirate Hacker as Biblical David Hacker as Security Informat Hacker as U.S. Calvary Hacker as Cyborg and The Knightmare's Vision. After the main book theres a section "Further Reading" that contains about 20 books on things that can make you a better hacker and have a better hacker backround. Theres even a book of phone numbers on people to call who will know numbers for just about everything! Secrets of A Super Hacker goes by 3 sections with many chapters in each section. PART ONE: Before Hack. PART TWO: During Hack. PART THREE: After Hack. Then after all of that fine reading there is a glossary that contains words from 'acoustic coupler' - 'worm'. It is a very fine developed glossary containing roughly 175+ definitions. Then the Appendices. Edited by Substance Book Review Brought to you by Treason :�DioXide�: ..Marijuana has made me a complete imbocile.. -+\+- A BTR production All rights lost. -rk ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ��Ŀ ���Ŀ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ڿ � ����� ��� ô � � ��� ���Ĵ ô ���Ĵ ����� ����� �� ��� ����� �� � �� �� � ����Ŀ ڿ � ���Ŀ ô ���Ĵ ��� �� �� � ����� ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ���Ŀ ڿ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ����� ��� ô � � ���Ĵ ô ô � � ���¿ �� � ����� �� � � �� � �� �� ��� ����� Magazine This phile dated 10/03/1994 Volume 5, Issue 3 You can always find BTR on PsychoTron BBS OR AWOL 518-383-1369 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� How to merc shit from Radio Shack by: Ramon! Part One - Security: Ha! What a joke! There is no security whatsoever at ANY Radio Shack I've ever seen. There are no magnetic alarms at the door,that thing that beeps as you enter the store is just to let employees (who are probably goofing off in back) know that there's someone coming in or out. Go ahead, stuff your pockets when no one's looking and walk out. They'll never know! Cameras? Not! If a Radio Shack has a camera, there is only ever one and it can't cover the whole store. Find the camera, which is usually in full view, and steal shit from where it's not pointing. Even if you get filmed, most likely they'll never know what you stole is missing until they've already re-used the tape! Another tip is to go at the end of the day just after they've been open for 8 1/2 hours. By then the VHS tape will have run out and stopped recording. Employees are either too busy or too lazy to change it anyway. Most of the time they forget to start the tape at all! Part Two - Tactics: I suggest you go in with at least one or more partners. However, if you go in alone, Go when it's packed with people looking at expensive shit like computers. They'll keep the salesmen occupied while you rob them blind. Radio Shack employees are REQUIRED to greet you when you enter the store and offer you help. To get rid of them, act slightly rude and tell them that you can find what you're looking for yourself. That will get rid of them for good and they'll return to goofing off. If you've got a couple of accomplices (I suggest three people total), go to one of the strip plaza stores (mall stores are riskier because they have more employees). Strip plaza stores usually only have two employees working at the same time, and if you're lucky there will only be one. Find the deadest store possible. Have the person with the light fingers go in first, be rude to the saleman and then go skulk in the corner with all the resistors and shit. The salesmen work on commission and hate people who buy .99 cent shit. Have the second and third person arrive shortly afterward (remember: you don't know each other!!!). Have these people distract the salesmen by inquiring about expensive products (not the ones you want to steal obviously) Ask dumb questions like technical specifications and when the salesman can't answer them, demand to see the manual for it! This will cause the person to go digging around the disorganized stock room for a while trying to find the box for it. One down. Another tactic is to ask for a demonstration. Two down! While these idiots are distracted, the first person is free to fill up his coat or whatever with valuable merchandise! I've seen people get out of there with VCRs, CD Players, cordless phones, even a fax machine! Radar detectors and scanners are the easiest, though, so you might want to start with them. The sale displays by the door just beg you to rob them! Some even have full boxes that you can return without a receipt and exchange for what you really want. They do require a receipt for cash back, tho'. The only danger that you should possibly worry about is someone in back watching the camera monitor. Easily found out if you call the store from a payphone during the robbery and see if someone other than the people up front answers. (also a great distraction!) Part Three - Disclaimer: ***ATTENTION!*** If you are stupid enough to get caught doing this, then you deserve to go to jail! It's so fucking easy, though, a moron could do it. Nonetheless, I take absolutely no responsibility for anything that might happen to you, so go ahead and tell 'em I told you to do it. They'll probably laugh in your face. Please do not modify this file in any way shape or form. You got this file from Another Way of Life - (518) 383-1369. Kall for other kool shit. :�DioXide�: ..Marijuana has made me a complete imbocile.. -+\+- A BTR production All rights lost. -rk ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ��Ŀ ���Ŀ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ڿ � ����� ��� ô � � ��� ���Ĵ ô ���Ĵ ����� ����� �� ��� ����� �� � �� �� � ����Ŀ ڿ � ���Ŀ ô ���Ĵ ��� �� �� � ����� ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ���Ŀ ڿ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ����� ��� ô � � ���Ĵ ô ô � � ���¿ �� � ����� �� � � �� � �� �� ��� ����� Magazine This phile dated 10/04/1994 Volume 5, Issue 4 You can always find BTR on PsychoTron BBS OR AWOL 518-383-1369 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� I was just watching 'Australian Rules Football' then I changed the channel. And what do I see on USA? A commercial for this handy toy called 'Memo Mate'. On Memo Mate you recorded a reminder then played it back at a later time. Example: Pick Up Judy At 4:oo PM. It seems to record longer messages than a Voice Greeting Card. Plus the Memo Mate is smaller than a business card. Very portable. It has a black case with a button big enough to fit on your thumb. The rest is all the speaker. And I believe it takes batteries. So this toy Memo Mate could be used to make a Red Box, record misc. tones. Or just totally PHREaK OuT! I myself have not taken the time to order this. Nor plan to. So if you find out that this is a nice handy phreaking tool. Drop me a line or something on Another Way of Life 5i8�383�1569 So to order this toy just call 1�8oo�826-11oo Ask For: Memo Mate :�DioXide�: ..Marijuana has made me a complete imbocile.. -+\+- A BTR production All rights lost. -rk ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ��Ŀ ���Ŀ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ڿ � ����� ��� ô � � ��� ���Ĵ ô ���Ĵ ����� ����� �� ��� ����� �� � �� �� � ����Ŀ ڿ � ���Ŀ ô ���Ĵ ��� �� �� � ����� ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ���Ŀ ڿ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ����� ��� ô � � ���Ĵ ô ô � � ���¿ �� � ����� �� � � �� � �� �� ��� ����� Magazine This phile dated 10/04/1994 Volume 5, Issue 5 You can always find BTR on PsychoTron BBS OR AWOL 518-383-1369 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� File : BTR-05-5.DOC ------ Is Scanning Legal? ------------------ Defination of Scanning : Scanning [skannin] : Calling #'s in sequencial order looking for intresting things, carriers, loops, pbx's etc. etc. etc. A while ago I was scanning 8oo nums like mad [using PsychoScan of course :)] I was doing it 24/7 every day for 5 days to a week.I was getting mad karryerz I had about 70 or 80 a day! I thought this was all well and good until a week later when i got a letter from AT&T's 8oo watz services saying: (something like) You have been abusing the AT&T wats service and exceeded your maxium number of calls 2ooo a month. If you are running a business then please tell us, or else the next offense will result in a $1o,ooo fine and/or imprisionment. I called an operator and asked to be transfered to AT&T, then talked to an operator for a while, and asked why couldnt i dial 8oo nums? she was nice in the begining then she said she'd call me back with the info, when she did she was a bitch about it. She said that i was breaking the law and might get a fine, so i kindly told her to fuck off. and hung up.. They turned off my 8oo services for about 2 weeks, then it came back on. This is all well and good but now we get to the question : Is scanning legal. Well we dont relly have an answer for you. Once i called an operator and said 'I was wondering if it would be legal if I (with my computer) called every 800 number sequencially and she said 'Yes i dont see why not, as long as you dont prank call anyone' and as long as i dont call the same number over and over its okay. Well she says it is and they say it isnt. I have a good mind to write them a fucking letter telling them to get their story straight. So my question was never answered. Is skanning legal? I think we should find out, and make it legal if it isnt. Afterall they dont know we scan to find things to hack. We could just say were looking for not known bbs's in the 800 exchange? If anyone gets any info on this topic, please send it in imediatly to AWoL Later :�DioXide�: ..Marijuana has made me a complete imbocile.. -+\+- A BTR production All rights lost. -rk ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ��Ŀ ���Ŀ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ڿ � ����� ��� ô � � ��� ���Ĵ ô ���Ĵ ����� ����� �� ��� ����� �� � �� �� � ����Ŀ ڿ � ���Ŀ ô ���Ĵ ��� �� �� � ����� ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ���Ŀ ڿ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ����� ��� ô � � ���Ĵ ô ô � � ���¿ �� � ����� �� � � �� � �� �� ��� ����� Magazine This phile dated 10/06/1994 Volume 5, Issue 6 You can always find BTR on PsychoTron BBS OR AWOL 518-383-1369 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �����������������������Ŀ �The � Brought to ya'll by: � � � � � � � � �� � � � �� � ~~~***___D�� the M�g�b���___***~~~ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � �� � � (Given To BTR By Treason) � � � � � � � � BOX� ������������������������� DESCRIPTION: The Nine Inch Nails box is a box file that allows you to broadcast music and voice over the PA system at your local school. It is illegal, i should guess, but it is lots of fun, and it would be hard to get caught after it is installed (unless you are an idiot and you blab it all over. Remember, i am NOT responsible for what you do, so Nyahhhhh! BUILDING IT: In order to build it, you will need: <=A microphone ( for those of you who find a secluded spot, or those idiots) --or-- <=A Lunch Box (i will attach a piggyback to the arj containing the destructions) --or-- <=A standard stereo or Walkman <=Wirecutters <=Screwdriver <=A Good Diversion (tm) Step I First off, find the box containing the PA speaker. Then, using your Good Diversion (tm), unscrew the box and quickly cut into the two wires connecting the speaker to the school. Be sure to leave these connected to the speaker, or your box will be over shortly, as the speaker won't work and the school will repair it, finding your box. Just strip the wires, and attach a piggyback wire to each. Cover these quickly with electrical tape or shrink wrap, or the sound signal might get fuzzy. At this point, you may want to replace the PA, should your Good Diversion (tm) run out of late. MICROPHONE: Step II De-attach the plug with the wire cutters. Strip the wire back. There may be two wires parellel to each other, in which case attach one to each side of the speaker. In another case, there may be another insulateds wire inside the first. In this case, attach the outer wire to one wire of the speaker and the other to the remaining wire. Should the mic have two different color, mettalic wires (ie one blue, no insulation, one red, no insulation), it is too hard to do, and you should get another microphone. Tape up the entire ensemble and to what you will with it. To Use Just talk into the mic. It should work over the whole system, lest you have an newer system. Still, it may work. By the way, if the microphone is not a battery operated one, you will need to wait until the PA is used to talk to the students. WALKMAN: Step II Get an old pair of headphones (REAL old; the new ones have that stupid blue and red metal wires). Cut off the phones. Attach the two inner wires to the two outer wires, or red to red and blue to blue (strip the insulation first, please), etc. Attach one side to each speaker wire. To Use Attach the unit to the headphone jack. In order to work it, just press play. LUNCH BOX: Step II Get the receiver. Take off the part attached to the earphone. Attach one side to each speaker wire. To Use Make sure the unit is on. Transmitting should play through the unit. In order to play music, make the headphone attenuator described under WALKMAN, only attach it to the wires where the microphone goes. APPENDIX A: Headphone Attenuator ASCII'd. to speaker��Ŀ /-------\ V /--------------\ //================ \------\___ /\-/---\/-------| |======// \_<�- to speaker/~~~ \/-\---/\-------| |======\\ /~ /----/ \-------------/ \\================ / \-------/ ====== , \\ , \ , ---- ,<--Wire ______ ~~~~~~<--twisted wire (I hate Ascii drawing... APPENDIX B: Simple troubleshooting. Problem Reason Solution Unit does not work. No power. Add in an amplifier, between the speaker wires and the sound unit Wires not connected. Connect the wires and try again. You fucked it up Take up a new hobby, maybe real bad. woodcarving or toy collecting. Sound is fuzzy. Tape isn't on good Readjust the tape. enough. Connetion is bad. Solder the wires. Sound is too loud. Too much power. Tone it down with resistors. Too loud volume. Turn down the volume. Sound is too soft. Not enough power. Add in some capaciters. Too soft volume. Turn it up, dumbass. The music sucks. Stupid tape. Play something cool. You get caught. You are an idiot. Get a knife and slit your wrists, chode. Have fun, and always remeber, TUESDAY'S THE DAY!. ``~~~---___D�S the M�G����___---~~~'' ANOTHER WAY OF LIFE 5i8�383�1369 H/P/A/C/V/T :�DioXide�: ..Marijuana has made me a complete imbocile.. -+\+- A BTR production All rights lost. -rk ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ��Ŀ ���Ŀ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ڿ � ����� ��� ô � � ��� ���Ĵ ô ���Ĵ ����� ����� �� ��� ����� �� � �� �� � ����Ŀ ڿ � ���Ŀ ô ���Ĵ ��� �� �� � ����� ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ���Ŀ ڿ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ����� ��� ô � � ���Ĵ ô ô � � ���¿ �� � ����� �� � � �� � �� �� ��� ����� Magazine This phile dated 10/08/1994 Volume 5, Issue 7 You can always find BTR on PsychoTron BBS OR AWOL 518-383-1369 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Getting Money out of Radio Shack : Doesnt BTR Just Kill Radio Shack!? O-ke-do-ke.. First obtain 2 Radio Shack stores in the same near vacantety of each other. Go in with a few friends. Distract the Employees, and have 1 friend rip off a bunch of phone supplies. (biege boxes, wall plates etc. etc) Next, get out of the store (make sure you get about 15-20 $ worth of phone stuff. Go to your car (or bike :() and add up the total of all your merchan- dise. Then goto the other Radio Shack and return it. As long as it's under 3o.oo (i believe) you can get the cash back! I did this a few times and never had a problem, its the easiest muny ive ever made. And the funniest. Just tell the guy at the counter your mom bought this 4 you and its not what you wanted, so you need yer money back! Easy as that... Try it.. :�DioXide�: ..Marijuana has made me a complete imbocile.. -+\+- A BTR production All rights lost. -rk ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ��Ŀ ���Ŀ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ڿ � ����� ��� ô � � ��� ���Ĵ ô ���Ĵ ����� ����� �� ��� ����� �� � �� �� � ����Ŀ ڿ � ���Ŀ ô ���Ĵ ��� �� �� � ����� ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ���Ŀ ڿ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ����� ��� ô � � ���Ĵ ô ô � � ���¿ �� � ����� �� � � �� � �� �� ��� ����� Magazine This phile dated 10/08/1994 Volume 5, Issue 8 You can always find BTR on PsychoTron BBS OR AWOL 518-383-1369 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Some unsorted Scans that i did... No descriptions so you check um out Carrier At 1-800-215-4724 �� 04-22-1994 02:18:20 Carrier At 1-800-215-4798 �� 04-22-1994 02:46:06 Carrier At 1-800-215-4799 �� 04-22-1994 02:46:28 Carrier At 1-800-215-4913 �� 04-22-1994 03:28:12 Carrier At 1-800-215-4933 �� 04-22-1994 03:35:02 Carrier At 1-800-215-4935 �� 04-22-1994 03:35:51 Carrier At 1-800-215-4936 �� 04-22-1994 03:36:15 Carrier At 1-800-215-4937 �� 04-22-1994 03:36:39 Carrier At 1-800-215-4938 �� 04-22-1994 03:37:02 Carrier At 1-800-215-4939 �� 04-22-1994 03:37:27 Carrier At 1-800-215-4940 �� 04-22-1994 03:37:51 Carrier At 1-800-215-4941 �� 04-22-1994 03:38:15 Carrier At 1-800-215-5828 �� 04-22-1994 08:19:48 Carrier At 1-800-215-6442 �� 04-23-1994 02:49:03 Carrier At 1-800-215-7638 �� 04-24-1994 23:24:50 Carrier At 1-800-215-7711 �� 04-24-1994 23:55:16 Carrier At 1-800-215-7712 �� 04-24-1994 23:55:33 Carrier At 1-800-215-7766 �� 04-25-1994 00:17:56 Carrier At 1-800-215-7822 �� 04-25-1994 00:41:22 Carrier At 1-800-215-7998 �� 04-25-1994 01:55:08 Carrier At 1-800-215-8618 �� 04-25-1994 06:14:58 Carrier At 1-800-225-0046 �� 05-02-1994 11:23:00 Carrier At 1-800-225-0146 �� 05-02-1994 11:59:12 Carrier At 1-800-225-0150 �� 05-02-1994 12:00:52 Carrier At 1-800-225-0388 �� 05-02-1994 13:29:08 Carrier At 1-800-225-0444 �� 05-02-1994 13:49:44 Carrier At 1-800-225-0533 �� 05-02-1994 14:22:18 Carrier At 1-800-225-0571 �� 05-02-1994 14:36:15 Carrier At 1-800-225-0706 �� 05-02-1994 15:26:35 Carrier At 1-800-225-0825 �� 05-02-1994 22:44:12 Carrier At 1-800-225-1603 �� 05-03-1994 04:10:10 Carrier At 1-800-225-1628 �� 05-03-1994 04:20:37 Carrier At 1-800-225-2216 �� 05-03-1994 08:35:57 Carrier At 1-800-225-2627 �� 05-03-1994 11:06:27 Carrier At 1-800-225-2659 �� 05-03-1994 11:18:44 Carrier At 1-800-225-2798 �� 05-03-1994 12:12:54 Carrier At 1-800-225-2801 �� 05-03-1994 12:14:01 Carrier At 1-800-225-2802 �� 05-03-1994 12:14:18 Carrier At 1-800-225-2907 �� 05-03-1994 12:55:59 Carrier At 1-800-225-2939 �� 05-03-1994 13:08:31 Carrier At 1-800-225-3188 �� 05-03-1994 14:45:36 Carrier At 1-800-208-0001 �� 07-10-1994 22:39:39 Carrier At 1-800-208-0071 �� 07-10-1994 23:13:10 Carrier At 1-800-208-0131 �� 07-10-1994 23:38:40 Carrier At 1-800-208-0133 �� 07-10-1994 23:39:35 Carrier At 1-800-208-0134 �� 07-10-1994 23:40:00 Carrier At 1-800-208-0135 �� 07-10-1994 23:40:24 Carrier At 1-800-208-0149 �� 07-10-1994 23:46:25 Carrier At 1-800-208-0150 �� 07-10-1994 23:46:50 Carrier At 1-800-208-0151 �� 07-10-1994 23:47:14 Carrier At 1-800-208-0152 �� 07-10-1994 23:47:39 Carrier At 1-800-208-0153 �� 07-10-1994 23:48:03 Carrier At 1-800-208-0154 �� 07-10-1994 23:48:27 Carrier At 1-800-208-0175 �� 07-10-1994 23:57:25 Carrier At 1-800-208-0933 �� 07-11-1994 05:18:38 Carrier At 1-800-208-1083 �� 07-11-1994 06:20:17 Carrier At 383-0063 �� 09-27-1994 16:09:29 Carrier At 383-0064 �� 09-27-1994 16:09:42 Carrier At 383-0067 �� 09-27-1994 16:10:48 Carrier At 371-6069 �� 09-28-1994 15:44:22 Carrier At 371-6078 �� 09-28-1994 15:48:03 Carrier At 371-6278 �� 09-28-1994 17:06:00 Carrier At 371-6410 �� 09-28-1994 19:41:14 Carrier At 1-800-232-0090 �� 09-28-1994 23:03:18 Carrier At 1-800-232-0091 �� 09-28-1994 23:03:39 Carrier At 1-800-232-0188 �� 09-28-1994 23:43:22 Carrier At 1-800-232-0208 �� 09-28-1994 23:51:05 Carrier At 1-800-232-0314 �� 09-29-1994 00:31:48 Carrier At 1-800-232-0348 �� 09-29-1994 00:45:36 Carrier At 1-800-232-0387 �� 09-29-1994 01:00:30 Carrier At 1-800-232-0512 �� 09-29-1994 01:47:34 Carrier At 1-800-232-0554 �� 09-29-1994 02:04:23 Carrier At 1-800-232-0589 �� 09-29-1994 02:18:06 Carrier At 1-800-232-0626 �� 09-29-1994 02:33:08 Carrier At 1-800-232-0781 �� 09-29-1994 03:36:26 Carrier At 1-800-232-0807 �� 09-29-1994 03:46:47 Carrier At 1-800-232-0815 �� 09-29-1994 03:49:48 Carrier At 1-800-232-0854 �� 09-29-1994 04:05:25 Carrier At 1-800-232-1134 �� 09-29-1994 05:45:07 Carrier At 1-800-236-0044 �� 10-01-1994 13:37:13 :�DioXide�: ..Marijuana has made me a complete imbocile.. -+\+- A BTR production All rights lost. -rk ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ��Ŀ ���Ŀ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ڿ � ����� ��� ô � � ��� ���Ĵ ô ���Ĵ ����� ����� �� ��� ����� �� � �� �� � ����Ŀ ڿ � ���Ŀ ô ���Ĵ ��� �� �� � ����� ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ���Ŀ ڿ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ����� ��� ô � � ���Ĵ ô ô � � ���¿ �� � ����� �� � � �� � �� �� ��� ����� Magazine This phile dated 10/08/1994 Volume 5, Issue 9 You can always find BTR on PsychoTron BBS OR AWOL 518-383-1369 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Ahige list of FTp sites i found. Part 1 a.cs.uiuc.edu TeX, dvi2ps, gif, texx2.7, a.cs.uiuc.edu amiga, GNUmake, GNU a.cs.uiuc.edu 08/22/90 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net a.psc.edu GPLOT, GTEX a.psc.edu 12/31/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net aarnet.edu.au Australian AARNET network aarnet.edu.au stats aarnet.edu.au 01/03/91 -12 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net ab20.larc.nasa.gov amiga, comp.sources.amiga, ab20.larc.nasa.gov comp.binaries.amiga ab20.larc.nasa.gov 04/01/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net acacia.maths.uwa.oz.au unknown acacia.maths.uwa.oz.au 09/22/91 -8 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net acfcluster.nyu.edu VMS UUCP, news, DECUS library acfcluster.nyu.edu catalog, vsmnet.sources, acfcluster.nyu.edu info-vax code segments acfcluster.nyu.edu 01/02/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net acns.nwu.edu virus info/programs, maps acns.nwu.edu 05/15/90 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net acsc.acsc.com unknown acsc.acsc.com 04/24/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net addvax.llnl.gov GNU Emacs addvax.llnl.gov 02/21/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net admin.viccol.edu.au unknown admin.viccol.edu.au 03/25/91 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net ads.com internet mailing lists, ads.com vision-list, info-graphics ads.com 05/15/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net aeneas.mit.edu GNU emacs, kerberos aeneas.mit.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net aerospace.aero.org minix aerospace.aero.org 05/31/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net ahkcus.org unknown ahkcus.org 04/24/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net ais.org unknown ais.org 12/31/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net aisun1.ai.uga.edu lisp, prolog, natural aisun1.ai.uga.edu language processing, msdos aisun1.ai.uga.edu utils aisun1.ai.uga.edu 03/14/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net aix.rpi.edu aix/370 tcpip benchmarks aix.rpi.edu 01/17/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net aix370.rrz.uni-koeln.de unknown aix370.rrz.uni-koeln.de aix370.rrz.uni-koeln.de 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net ajpo.sei.cmu.edu all the ADA you could ask for ajpo.sei.cmu.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net akbar.cac.washington.edu Next akbar.cac.washington.edu 05/31/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net alcazar.cd.chalmers.se TeX, amoeba, lpmud alcazar.cd.chalmers.se 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net alex.stacken.kth.se unknown alex.stacken.kth.se 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net alfred.ccs.carleton.ca unknown alfred.ccs.carleton.ca 02/23/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net alice.fmi.uni-passau.de unknown alice.fmi.uni-passau.de 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net allspice.lcs.mit.edu RFCs1056 (PCMAIL) stuff, MIT allspice.lcs.mit.edu snmp allspice.lcs.mit.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net altdorf.ai.mit.edu c-scheme altdorf.ai.mit.edu 03/28/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net amarna.gsfc.nasa.gov VAX/VMS VNEWS source amarna.gsfc.nasa.gov 12/31/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net amazonas.cs.columbia.edu unknown amazonas.cs.columbia.edu 12/26/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net ames.arc.nasa.gov pcrrn, GNU grep, conf, grep, ames.arc.nasa.gov iso.ps, mmdf, popd, sail, ames.arc.nasa.gov xfer, zmodem, SCUBA, Space ames.arc.nasa.gov archives, 3b2 source and info ames.arc.nasa.gov 07/06/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net andy.bgsu.edu Unix sysadm tools, Unix Vote andy.bgsu.edu by mail, Unix etc., College andy.bgsu.edu hockey stats andy.bgsu.edu 09/22/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net andy.che.utexas.edu unknown andy.che.utexas.edu 01/17/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net anna.stanford.edu Anna (Annotated Ada) software anna.stanford.edu and docs anna.stanford.edu 04/07/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net aramis.rutgers.edu idea, RFCs aramis.rutgers.edu aramis.rutgers.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net archive.cis.ohio-state.edu unknown archive.cis.ohio-state.edu 09/15/91 6 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net archive.egr.msu.edu info-pmdf archive, archive.egr.msu.edu cmu-tek-tcp archive.egr.msu.edu 02/06/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net archive.umich.edu unknown archive.umich.edu 09/15/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net argus.stanford.edu netinfo argus.stanford.edu 08/22/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net ariadne.csi.forth.gr unknown ariadne.csi.forth.gr 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net ariel.unm.edu university networking ethics ariel.unm.edu documents ariel.unm.edu 05/15/90 6 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net arizona.edu RFC, Deproc, VMS tools: arizona.edu VNEWS, xterm, drlogin arizona.edu 11/29/91 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net armstrong.cs.buffalo.edu rec.radio.amateur.* archives armstrong.cs.buffalo.edu armstrong.cs.buffalo.edu 03/31/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net arp.anu.edu.au F77 compress arp.anu.edu.au 12/15/90 -10 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net arthur.cs.purdue.edu RCS, buildtex, deTeX, mac32, arthur.cs.purdue.edu Purdue Tech Reports, xspeed arthur.cs.purdue.edu 08/22/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net ashley.cs.widener.edu unknown ashley.cs.widener.edu 12/26/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net asuvax.eas.asu.edu fidonet node list asuvax.eas.asu.edu 07/10/90 6 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net atari.archive.umich.edu unknown atari.archive.umich.edu 09/30/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net atc.boeing.com unknown atc.boeing.com 04/24/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net atc.sp.unisys.com unknown atc.sp.unisys.com 05/25/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net athena.cs.uga.edu gnu, elm, top, cops, etc. athena.cs.uga.edu 05/25/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net athene.uni-paderborn.de unknown athene.uni-paderborn.de 09/30/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net athos.rutgers.edu dvidoc athos.rutgers.edu athos.rutgers.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net att-in.att.com PSPreviewer att-in.att.com 05/31/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net audrey.sait.edu.au unknown audrey.sait.edu.au 03/31/91 -10 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net augean.eleceng.adelaide.edu.au unknown augean.eleceng.adelaide.edu.au augean.eleceng.adelaide.edu.au 10/05/91 -10 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net augean.ua.oz.au patches for gdb and gas augean.ua.oz.au augean.ua.oz.au 06/02/90 -11 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net aurora.arc.nasa.gov Rhosettastone aurora.arc.nasa.gov 05/31/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net avahi.inria.fr xfedor avahi.inria.fr 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net b.gp.cs.cmu.edu unknown b.gp.cs.cmu.edu 05/25/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net b.psc.edu GPLOT, GTEX b.psc.edu 12/31/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net b.scs.uiuc.edu LaTex b.scs.uiuc.edu 08/22/90 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net babar.mmwb.ucsf.edu unknown babar.mmwb.ucsf.edu 03/17/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net bach.cs.umb.edu web2c, TeX stuff bach.cs.umb.edu 04/11/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net baldrick.cs.flinders.oz.au unknown baldrick.cs.flinders.oz.au baldrick.cs.flinders.oz.au 11/30/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net banksia.maths.uwa.oz.au unknown banksia.maths.uwa.oz.au 09/22/91 -8 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net barnacle.erc.clarkson.edu unknown barnacle.erc.clarkson.edu 09/15/91 1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net bbn.com uumap bbn.com 05/16/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net bcm.tmc.edu nfs list, Texas UUCP maps bcm.tmc.edu 05/15/90 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net belch.berkeley.edu tinymud help robot, tinymuck belch.berkeley.edu 07/09/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net belgica.stat.washington.edu unknown belgica.stat.washington.edu 02/23/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net bert.cs.byu.edu unknown bert.cs.byu.edu 12/26/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net bessel.clsc.utoronto.ca unknown bessel.clsc.utoronto.ca 02/23/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net betwixt.cs.caltech.edu unknown betwixt.cs.caltech.edu 03/22/91 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net betwixt.ugcs.caltech.edu unknown betwixt.ugcs.caltech.edu betwixt.ugcs.caltech.edu 09/30/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net bikini.cis.ufl.edu comp.simulation, IBM RT BSD bikini.cis.ufl.edu patches bikini.cis.ufl.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net biom3.univ-lyon1.fr ACNUC nucleic acid sequences biom3.univ-lyon1.fr database biom3.univ-lyon1.fr 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net birger.forut.no IEEE P1157 MEDIX documents birger.forut.no 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net bitnic.educom.edu nicbbs archives bitnic.educom.edu 12/24/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net bitsy.mit.edu mit worm paper bitsy.mit.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net black.cerritos.edu vmsnet sources black.cerritos.edu 09/30/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net blackbird.afit.af.mil unknown blackbird.afit.af.mil 05/25/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net bnlux0.bnl.gov some virus-related things bnlux0.bnl.gov 12/16/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net bobcat.bbn.com nothing bobcat.bbn.com 08/22/90 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net bongo.cc.utexas.edu unknown bongo.cc.utexas.edu 05/25/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net boole.stanford.edu concurrency models, algebra boole.stanford.edu 04/10/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net boombox.micro.umn.edu networking stuff (POPmail, boombox.micro.umn.edu Mailstop) boombox.micro.umn.edu 08/22/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net boulder.colorado.edu unix-pc, sun, Esperanto, boulder.colorado.edu ghostscript boulder.colorado.edu 12/31/90 6 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net brazos.rice.edu pub/X11R3/core.src brazos.rice.edu 05/15/90 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net bric-a-brac.apple.com Mac Systems Softwre APDA Mac bric-a-brac.apple.com utils, Apple II bric-a-brac.apple.com 09/20/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net brillig.cs.umd.edu icons brillig.cs.umd.edu 10/25/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net brokaw.lcs.mit.edu pc-omega, bison, scheme util brokaw.lcs.mit.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net brolga.cc.uq.oz.au comp.sources.amiga, brolga.cc.uq.oz.au comp.sources.games, brolga.cc.uq.oz.au comp.sources.misc, brolga.cc.uq.oz.au comp.sources.sun, brolga.cc.uq.oz.au comp.sources.unix, brolga.cc.uq.oz.au comp.windows.news, gnu, RFCs, brolga.cc.uq.oz.au isode, pp brolga.cc.uq.oz.au 01/17/91 -12 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net brownvm.brown.edu mac, tn3270 brownvm.brown.edu 08/22/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net bu.edu RFCs, mail utils bu.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net buacca.bu.edu unknown buacca.bu.edu 08/22/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net bugs.nosc.mil Minix, ada math bugs.nosc.mil 05/29/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net bull.cs.williams.edu ParaGraph bull.cs.williams.edu 05/31/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net bulldog.cs.yale.edu ispell, ease report bulldog.cs.yale.edu bulldog.cs.yale.edu 08/05/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net burdvax.prc.unisys.com diana burdvax.prc.unisys.com 05/29/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net byron.u.washington.edu unknown byron.u.washington.edu 09/30/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net c.scs.uiuc.edu adventure, dungeon, world, c.scs.uiuc.edu some astronomy gifs c.scs.uiuc.edu 01/02/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cadillac.siemens.com unknown cadillac.siemens.com 04/24/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net caf.mit.edu giraphe3 caf.mit.edu 05/29/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net calpe.psc.edu GPLOT, GTEX calpe.psc.edu 05/29/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net calvin.nmsu.edu unknown calvin.nmsu.edu 05/25/91 6 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net casbah.acns.nwu.edu unknown casbah.acns.nwu.edu casbah.acns.nwu.edu 03/22/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net casper.na.cs.yale.edu multigrid repository casper.na.cs.yale.edu 09/24/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net caticsuf.cati.csufresno.edu Weather/Drought info for caticsuf.cati.csufresno.edu California, International caticsuf.cati.csufresno.edu Market Research, public caticsuf.cati.csufresno.edu telnet login caticsuf.cati.csufresno.edu 02/21/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cayuga.cs.rochester.edu JOVE, NL-KR mail list cayuga.cs.rochester.edu 09/22/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cc.curtin.edu.au internet access sw, chemical cc.curtin.edu.au eng. cc.curtin.edu.au 09/30/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cc.rochester.edu nothing cc.rochester.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cc.sfu.ca msdos, mac cc.sfu.ca 08/22/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cc.tut.fi unknown cc.tut.fi 11/28/91 -2 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cc.utah.edu nothing cc.utah.edu 12/31/90 6 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net ccadfa.cc.adfa.oz.au unknown ccadfa.cc.adfa.oz.au 10/09/90 -11 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net ccb.ucsf.edu comp.sources, GNU stuff, ccb.ucsf.edu sound_list archives ccb.ucsf.edu 10/30/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net ccu1.aukuni.ac.nz unknown ccu1.aukuni.ac.nz 09/30/91 -10 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net ccv1.bbn.com unknown ccv1.bbn.com 03/17/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cdc1.cc.lehigh.edu cybserv cdc1.cc.lehigh.edu cdc1.cc.lehigh.edu 09/22/90 -4 anonymous/guest cecelia.media.mit.edu unknown cecelia.media.mit.edu 08/22/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cephalotus.maths.uwa.oz.au nothing cephalotus.maths.uwa.oz.au 09/28/91 -8 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cerl.cecer.army.mil Pcomm and patches 1-8 cerl.cecer.army.mil 09/07/90 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cert.sei.cmu.edu virus-l archives cert.sei.cmu.edu 05/29/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net chalmers.se RFCs, sunet information (runs chalmers.se whois server) chalmers.se 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net charly.bl.physik.tu-muenchen.de unknown charly.bl.physik.tu-muenchen.de 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net charon.mit.edu perl+patches, xdvi, world map charon.mit.edu data charon.mit.edu 05/29/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net chem.bu.edu unknown chem.bu.edu 08/20/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cica.cica.indiana.edu misc unix, pc, NeXT updates, cica.cica.indiana.edu ms windows cica.cica.indiana.edu 03/01/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cicero.cs.umass.edu large collection of digitized cicero.cs.umass.edu images cicero.cs.umass.edu 12/25/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cis.ohio-state.edu NeWS, alt.gourmand, unix-pc, cis.ohio-state.edu comp.sources.misc, cis.ohio-state.edu comp.sources.unix, cis.ohio-state.edu comp.sources.x, idea, ien, cis.ohio-state.edu netinfo, rfc cis.ohio-state.edu 12/31/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net citi.umich.edu pathalias, CITI macIP citi.umich.edu 09/22/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cli.com akcl piton proof-checker cli.com 08/22/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net climate.gsfc.nasa.gov unknown climate.gsfc.nasa.gov 04/27/91 3 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net clouso.crim.ca RISQnet related documents, clouso.crim.ca mail lists, reports, and clouso.crim.ca announcements, awa: ca domain clouso.crim.ca reg., RFCs, IEFT, etc. clouso.crim.ca 05/29/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net clutx.clarkson.edu BBSLists Batch ISETL clutx.clarkson.edu MicroEmacs SmallTalk TurboC clutx.clarkson.edu TurboPas Z100 aplc clutx.clarkson.edu ghostscript uupc xlisp clutx.clarkson.edu 06/03/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net clvax1.cl.msu.edu MS Windows clvax1.cl.msu.edu 08/22/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cmns.think.com Connection machine starlisp cmns.think.com simulator, starlisp cmns.think.com simulator, gmacs, thinking cmns.think.com machines gmacs hacks, other cmns.think.com connection machine softare cmns.think.com 05/07/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cnam.cnam.fr X11R5, TeX, GNU, cnam.cnam.fr comp.sources.* cnam.cnam.fr comp.binaries.* cnam.cnam.fr 11/29/91 -2 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cobalt.cco.caltech.edu unknown cobalt.cco.caltech.edu 03/31/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cod.nosc.mil unknown cod.nosc.mil 07/08/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cogsci.indiana.edu unknown cogsci.indiana.edu 04/24/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net col.hp.com NOS col.hp.com 08/22/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net columbia.edu NEST network simulation columbia.edu testbed columbia.edu 05/29/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net compaq.com unknown compaq.com 09/27/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net convex.com perl sources, perl examples convex.com 02/19/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net copernicus.berkeley.edu unknown copernicus.berkeley.edu 01/22/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net coral.bucknell.edu nothing coral.bucknell.edu 12/31/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net corto.inria.fr unknown corto.inria.fr 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cpsc.ucalgary.ca unknown cpsc.ucalgary.ca 03/31/91 6 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net crl.dec.com X11R4, neuralnets tinymud crl.dec.com 05/31/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net crvax.sri.com RISKS Digest archive crvax.sri.com 12/31/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cs-sun-fsa.cpsc.ucalgary.ca xinterface, text compression cs-sun-fsa.cpsc.ucalgary.ca corpus, the reactive keyboard cs-sun-fsa.cpsc.ucalgary.ca 10/25/90 6 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cs.arizona.edu Icon, SR, SBprolog, SNOBOL4 cs.arizona.edu languages, xkernel cs.arizona.edu communications kernel cs.arizona.edu 05/15/90 6 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cs.bu.edu conquer cs.bu.edu cs.bu.edu 03/22/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cs.columbia.edu ispell cs.columbia.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cs.curtin.edu.au nn patches, fdx, images, cs.curtin.edu.au raytracing cs.curtin.edu.au 09/26/91 -8 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cs.dal.ca unknown cs.dal.ca 05/25/91 3 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cs.nyu.edu unknown cs.nyu.edu 10/25/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cs.orst.edu Xlisp, smalltalk, TOPS cs.orst.edu Terminal, NeXT cs.orst.edu 05/15/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cs.rice.edu unknown cs.rice.edu 10/26/91 -2 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cs.stthomas.edu unknown cs.stthomas.edu 03/17/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cs.ucl.ac.uk DIS CMIS/P cs.ucl.ac.uk 08/22/90 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cs.uni-sb.de GNU, atari, RFCs, perl, misc cs.uni-sb.de utils cs.uni-sb.de 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cs.uoregon.edu raytracing archive (markv), cs.uoregon.edu not much cs.uoregon.edu 05/15/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cs.utah.edu Worm Tour, amiga, forth, utah cs.utah.edu raster, news service archive cs.utah.edu 08/03/90 6 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cs.utexas.edu QSIM, FIG cs.utexas.edu 08/22/90 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cs.utk.edu DECnet mail gateway for VAXen cs.utk.edu and suns, mail11 cs.utk.edu 07/19/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cs.uwp.edu discographies, eclectic music cs.uwp.edu newsletter and tangerine cs.uwp.edu dream mailing list archive, cs.uwp.edu other music stuff cs.uwp.edu 12/15/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cs.wm.edu texsun, animal-rights, cs.wm.edu pargen, ALV, raster images cs.wm.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net csam.lbl.gov nothing csam.lbl.gov 05/31/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net csc-sun.math.utah.edu unknown csc-sun.math.utah.edu 10/20/90 6 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net csc2.anu.edu.au sun-fixes, RFCs, NCSA, msdos, csc2.anu.edu.au mac csc2.anu.edu.au 01/17/91 -12 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cscihp.ecst.csuchico.edu online chemistry manual cscihp.ecst.csuchico.edu 03/20/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net csd4.csd.uwm.edu high-audio csd4.csd.uwm.edu csd4.csd.uwm.edu 05/15/90 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net csdvax.gatech.edu nothing csdvax.gatech.edu 08/22/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cse.ogi.edu suntools graphics tools, old cse.ogi.edu Kerberos, old mush, cse.ogi.edu neuro-evolution mailing list cse.ogi.edu archive, speech recognition cse.ogi.edu archive cse.ogi.edu 08/22/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net csegbbs1.uark.edu unknown csegbbs1.uark.edu 11/30/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net csl.sri.com Handhelds csl.sri.com 05/31/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net csl36h.csl.ncsu.edu unknown csl36h.csl.ncsu.edu 09/27/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net csli.stanford.edu Gandalf csli.stanford.edu 05/15/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net csri.toronto.edu nothing csri.toronto.edu 08/22/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net csus.edu NeXT, vectrex csus.edu 07/22/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net csuvax1.csu.murdoch.edu.au amiga, elmdocs, internet csuvax1.csu.murdoch.edu.au resources csuvax1.csu.murdoch.edu.au 09/22/91 -8 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net csvax.cs.caltech.edu p2c, M88K csvax.cs.caltech.edu 01/17/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cu.nih.gov unknown cu.nih.gov 09/30/91 4 anonymous/guest cujo.curtin.edu.au unknown cujo.curtin.edu.au 09/22/91 -8 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cunixf.cc.columbia.edu MM mailer cunixf.cc.columbia.edu 01/11/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net cuvmb.cc.columbia.edu kermit, ibm tcp/ip mods cuvmb.cc.columbia.edu 08/22/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net daimi.aau.dk unknown daimi.aau.dk 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net dartcms1.dartmouth.edu unknown dartcms1.dartmouth.edu 09/30/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net dartvax.dartmouth.edu dartmouth stuff (rn, mail, dartvax.dartmouth.edu etc.), ATT 6300+ dartvax.dartmouth.edu 09/18/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net dcssparc.cl.msu.edu unknown dcssparc.cl.msu.edu 05/25/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net deco.ucc.su.oz.au unknown deco.ucc.su.oz.au 09/30/91 -11 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net decoy.cc.uoregon.edu VAX book, TeX Primer decoy.cc.uoregon.edu 04/11/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net decuac.dec.com unknown decuac.dec.com 10/09/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net derro.ucc.su.oz.au unknown derro.ucc.su.oz.au 12/31/90 -10 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net dftnic.gsfc.nasa.gov VMS stuff, MacSecure, ALEX, dftnic.gsfc.nasa.gov VNEWS vms newsreader dftnic.gsfc.nasa.gov 09/30/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net dftsrv.gsfc.nasa.gov VMS & Unix stuff, MacSecure dftsrv.gsfc.nasa.gov anti-virus pkg, ALEX util dftsrv.gsfc.nasa.gov 01/03/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net dg-rtp.dg.com GDB, DG version of GNU C for dg-rtp.dg.com 88K dg-rtp.dg.com 08/22/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net dimacs.rutgers.edu unknown dimacs.rutgers.edu 04/24/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net dirt.cisco.com Mac telnet w/slip dirt.cisco.com 03/15/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net dkuug.dk unknown dkuug.dk 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net dmssyd.syd.dms.csiro.au unknown dmssyd.syd.dms.csiro.au 01/17/91 -12 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net dra.com unknown dra.com 12/31/90 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net draci.cs.uow.edu.au unknown draci.cs.uow.edu.au 01/17/91 -12 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net dryandra.maths.uwa.oz.au nothing dryandra.maths.uwa.oz.au 09/30/91 -8 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net drycas.club.cc.cmu.edu ANU_NEWS, TALK drycas.club.cc.cmu.edu drycas.club.cc.cmu.edu 12/31/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net dsl.cis.upenn.edu GIF, IBM dsl.cis.upenn.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net dsrbg2.informatik.tu-muenchen.de unknown dsrbg2.informatik.tu-muenchen.de 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net dsrgsun.ces.cwru.edu Minix, TOS Atari ST, gcc from dsrgsun.ces.cwru.edu bammi dsrgsun.ces.cwru.edu 08/22/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net duke.cs.duke.edu compress gnuplot duke.cs.duke.edu 05/31/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net durer.cme.nist.gov 8mm backup (Exabyte), pdes, durer.cme.nist.gov microemacs 3.10 durer.cme.nist.gov 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net eagle.cnsf.cornell.edu unknown eagle.cnsf.cornell.edu 10/10/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net eagle.tc.cornell.edu unknown eagle.tc.cornell.edu 09/15/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net eba.eb.ele.tue.nl Apollo info eba.eb.ele.tue.nl eba.eb.ele.tue.nl 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net ebony.educom.edu bitnet files, paroute ebony.educom.edu 08/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net eddie.mit.edu nothing eddie.mit.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net ee.umr.edu unknown ee.umr.edu 03/17/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net eecs.nwu.edu unknown eecs.nwu.edu 01/17/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net eff.org unknown eff.org 05/25/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net einstein.engr.umbc.edu unknown einstein.engr.umbc.edu 09/30/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net elauto-gw.lysator.liu.se unknown elauto-gw.lysator.liu.se elauto-gw.lysator.liu.se 11/30/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net elbereth.rutgers.edu SF-lovers archive elbereth.rutgers.edu 08/22/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net elroy.cs.iastate.edu mail servers elroy.cs.iastate.edu 08/05/90 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net elroy.jpl.nasa.gov ANU_NEWS elroy.jpl.nasa.gov 05/15/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net elsie.nci.nih.gov unknown elsie.nci.nih.gov 12/31/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net emsworth.andrew.cmu.edu Andrew Toolkit emsworth.andrew.cmu.edu 08/22/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net emunix.emich.edu Ultrix, VMS (soon) emunix.emich.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net emx.utexas.edu net directory emx.utexas.edu 05/15/90 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net enh.nist.gov ftp-list enh.nist.gov 08/22/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net eru.mt.luth.se gnews 19, gated, plp, eru.mt.luth.se gcc(old) eru.mt.luth.se 08/22/90 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net ese3.ese.ogi.edu grtool, xvgr, xmgr, SunView, ese3.ese.ogi.edu Xview, Motif, XY plotting ese3.ese.ogi.edu tools ese3.ese.ogi.edu 03/15/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net euler.eedsp.gatech.edu unknown euler.eedsp.gatech.edu 10/12/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net expo.lcs.mit.edu unknown expo.lcs.mit.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net export.lcs.mit.edu X, portable bitmaps, CLX and export.lcs.mit.edu CLUE, gwm export.lcs.mit.edu 03/17/91 3 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net extro.ucc.su.oz.au images, gnu, icon, kermit, extro.ucc.su.oz.au Ghostscript patches extro.ucc.su.oz.au 07/08/90 -12 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net f.ms.uky.edu mac, msdos, unix-pc f.ms.uky.edu 08/22/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net farallon.com updates, drivers, product farallon.com info farallon.com 11/28/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net faramir.informatik.uni-oldenburg.de134.106.1.9 irc faramir.informatik.uni-oldenburg.de11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net faui43.informatik.uni-erlangen.de NeWS X11 amiga atari faces faui43.informatik.uni-erlangen.de games gnu hp28 irc iso lisp faui43.informatik.uni-erlangen.de faui43.informatik.uni-erlangen.de 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net fg.sei.cmu.edu serpent user interface fg.sei.cmu.edu management system fg.sei.cmu.edu 05/17/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net files1zrz.zrz.tu-berlin.de newsreaders, netinfo files1zrz.zrz.tu-berlin.de 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net fionavar.mit.edu latex styles, jokes, online fionavar.mit.edu consulting software (soon) fionavar.mit.edu 10/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net fits.cx.nrao.edu FITS (astronomy image fits.cx.nrao.edu transfer system) fits.cx.nrao.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net flash.bellcore.com mgr, spiff, RFCs, track flash.bellcore.com flash.bellcore.com 01/23/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net flinders.cs.flinders.oz.au GrowNet.dvi flinders.cs.flinders.oz.au flinders.cs.flinders.oz.au 05/31/90 -11 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net flop.informatik.tu-muenchen.de x11r4, minix, EmTeX, Scheme, flop.informatik.tu-muenchen.de etc. flop.informatik.tu-muenchen.de 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net foobar.cs.colorado.edu BDF fonts, xtex foobar.cs.colorado.edu 07/09/90 6 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net forwiss.uni-passau.de SML of NJ, GraphEd, amiga, forwiss.uni-passau.de atari st, minix, elisp, TeX forwiss.uni-passau.de utils, misc forwiss.uni-passau.de 02/05/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net freebie.engin.umich.edu macintosh freebie.engin.umich.edu 05/31/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net freja.diku.dk nn, gnu, x11r4, tex, isode, freja.diku.dk scheme, sun rpc, rfc, ietf, freja.diku.dk emacs archive freja.diku.dk 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net fresnel.stanford.edu X11R4 for Iris fresnel.stanford.edu 07/09/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net fsa.cpsc.ucalgary.ca unknown fsa.cpsc.ucalgary.ca fsa.cpsc.ucalgary.ca 01/26/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net ftp.brl.mil info-iris, images, sgi demos, ftp.brl.mil gifs ftp.brl.mil 03/15/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net ftp.cs.toronto.edu AIList, sun-Spots, many other ftp.cs.toronto.edu mailing list archives, CA ftp.cs.toronto.edu domain reg. forms, RFCs, ftp.cs.toronto.edu NETINFO, DOMAIN, IETF, ftp.cs.toronto.edu INET-DRAFTS, Current C News, ftp.cs.toronto.edu dvix, logging ftpd, Jove, ftp.cs.toronto.edu sunOS SLIP et al, S/SL, TeX, ftp.cs.toronto.edu UofT BIND, X applications ftp.cs.toronto.edu 03/15/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net ftp.lysator.liu.se irc, lpmud, primos, qnx, X11, ftp.lysator.liu.se sci-fi ftp.lysator.liu.se 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net ftp.pitt.edu unknown ftp.pitt.edu ftp.pitt.edu 04/24/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net ftp.uni-sb.de unknown ftp.uni-sb.de 09/30/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net funet.fi FUNET/NORDUNET info funet.fi 11/28/91 -2 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net gandalf.umcs.maine.edu MS windows 3.0 shareware and gandalf.umcs.maine.edu freeware gandalf.umcs.maine.edu 02/05/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net gang-of-four.stanford.edu schemer gang-of-four.stanford.edu 05/31/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net garbo.uwasa.fi msdos, win3, ts-progs, unix, garbo.uwasa.fi vms garbo.uwasa.fi 11/28/91 -2 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net gargoyle.uchicago.edu named-kit, Odbol equational gargoyle.uchicago.edu programming language gargoyle.uchicago.edu 08/22/90 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net gatekeeper.dec.com X11, recipes, cron, map, gatekeeper.dec.com Larry Wall stuff, STDWIN, gatekeeper.dec.com lots of source gatekeeper.dec.com 05/15/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net genbank.bio.net National Repository for Gene genbank.bio.net Sequence Data genbank.bio.net 05/15/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net girch1.hsch.utexas.edu Physiological Research info girch1.hsch.utexas.edu and programs girch1.hsch.utexas.edu 08/22/90 6 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net giza.cis.ohio-state.edu X, PEX giza.cis.ohio-state.edu giza.cis.ohio-state.edu 05/16/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net gjetost.cs.wisc.edu unknown gjetost.cs.wisc.edu 03/17/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net gmdzi.gmd.de unknown gmdzi.gmd.de 09/30/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net gmuvax2.gmu.edu Intel Hypercube library, hp28 gmuvax2.gmu.edu software, statistical gmuvax2.gmu.edu software gmuvax2.gmu.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net godzilla.cgl.rmit.oz.au unknown godzilla.cgl.rmit.oz.au 02/23/91 -12 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net gondwana.ecr.mu.oz.au unknown gondwana.ecr.mu.oz.au gondwana.ecr.mu.oz.au 10/09/90 -10 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net goober.phri.nyu.edu cnews, nntp, kcl docs, psnup, goober.phri.nyu.edu sequence analysis stuff goober.phri.nyu.edu 08/22/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net goya.dit.upm.es artix/ixi, eunet, bbs on goya.dit.upm.es spain, lotos, irc goya.dit.upm.es 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net grape.ecs.clarkson.edu Opus BBS, msdos, graphics, grape.ecs.clarkson.edu comp.binaries.ibm.pc, grape.ecs.clarkson.edu Freemacs, packet drivers grape.ecs.clarkson.edu 08/22/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net gregorio.stanford.edu vmtp-ip, ip-multicast gregorio.stanford.edu 08/22/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net grinch.umiacs.umd.edu unclear grinch.umiacs.umd.edu grinch.umiacs.umd.edu 08/22/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net groan.berkeley.edu unknown groan.berkeley.edu 11/30/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net guardian.cs.psu.edu unknown guardian.cs.psu.edu guardian.cs.psu.edu 09/27/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net gumby.cc.wmich.edu MAINT (VMS) gumby.cc.wmich.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net gumby.dsd.trw.com some RFCs, networking progs gumby.dsd.trw.com 08/22/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net gwen.cs.purdue.edu unknown gwen.cs.purdue.edu gwen.cs.purdue.edu 11/09/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net hal.gnu.ai.mit.edu unknown hal.gnu.ai.mit.edu 09/27/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net halgania.maths.uwa.oz.au nothing halgania.maths.uwa.oz.au 09/26/91 -8 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net hallc1.cebaf.gov genealogy hallc1.cebaf.gov 11/28/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net hamlet.caltech.edu Nanny (VMS) hamlet.caltech.edu hamlet.caltech.edu 12/31/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net hanauma.stanford.edu sun, TeX, world-map, astro, hanauma.stanford.edu cake, graphics (best of hanauma.stanford.edu comp.graphics 86-89 archive), hanauma.stanford.edu neptune pics, zhongwen hanauma.stanford.edu 05/17/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net handel.cs.colostate.edu unknown handel.cs.colostate.edu 09/30/91 6 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net harbor.ecn.purdue.edu unknown harbor.ecn.purdue.edu harbor.ecn.purdue.edu 05/25/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net harry.waisman.wisc.edu LZW harry.waisman.wisc.edu 02/21/91 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net harvard.harvard.edu sendmail, rmtlib.shar, lots harvard.harvard.edu of VMS harvard.harvard.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net helens.stanford.edu kjv, sultrix, secure.tar.Z helens.stanford.edu 08/22/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net helios.tn.cornell.edu unknown helios.tn.cornell.edu 05/25/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net helios.ucsc.edu unknown helios.ucsc.edu 03/22/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net hercules.csl.sri.com Handhelds latex-figures hercules.csl.sri.com 05/31/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net herky.cs.uiowa.edu theorem prover herky.cs.uiowa.edu 05/15/90 5 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net hmcvax.claremont.edu cyrillic fonts hmcvax.claremont.edu hmcvax.claremont.edu 12/31/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net hobbes.catt.ncsu.edu digitized sounds hobbes.catt.ncsu.edu 10/30/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net hobbes.cs.umd.edu homebrew C compiler, minix hobbes.cs.umd.edu 08/22/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net hobiecat.cs.caltech.edu GNU hobiecat.cs.caltech.edu 08/22/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net hobiecat.pcmp.caltech.edu unknown hobiecat.pcmp.caltech.edu hobiecat.pcmp.caltech.edu 10/26/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net hp5.mcs.kent.edu unknown hp5.mcs.kent.edu 09/30/91 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net hpcsos.col.hp.com hp48 archives hpcsos.col.hp.com 11/28/91 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net hpcvaaz.cv.hp.com MitX11R4 Motif, hp48 archives hpcvaaz.cv.hp.com 11/28/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net hpcvbbs.cv.hp.com hp48 archives hpcvbbs.cv.hp.com 11/28/91 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net hpserv1.cs.uit.no unknown hpserv1.cs.uit.no 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net hpserv1.uit.no HP stuff, X11, unix, etc. hpserv1.uit.no 08/22/90 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net hub.ucsb.edu UNISEX hub.ucsb.edu 05/15/90 7 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net hubcap.clemson.edu RFCs hubcap.clemson.edu hubcap.clemson.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net hugin.syo.lu.se unknown hugin.syo.lu.se 09/30/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net hurratio.tde.lth.se GNU stuff, some local elisp hurratio.tde.lth.se stuff hurratio.tde.lth.se 11/28/91 -1 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net husc6.harvard.edu pcip, appleII, uumap copy, husc6.harvard.edu ucb tahoe husc6.harvard.edu 05/15/90 4 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net husky1.stmarys.ca unknown husky1.stmarys.ca 09/30/91 3 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net hydra.helsinki.fi misc, TeX, X, hydra.helsinki.fi comp.sources.misc, hydra.helsinki.fi comp.sources.sun, hydra.helsinki.fi comp.sources.unix, hydra.helsinki.fi comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes, hydra.helsinki.fi comp.binaries.ibm.pc hydra.helsinki.fi 11/28/91 -2 anonymous/odin@pilot.njin.net :�DioXide�: ..Marijuana has made me a complete imbocile.. -+\+- A BTR production All rights lost. -rk