������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ��Ŀ ���Ŀ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ڿ � ����� ��� ô � � ��� ���Ĵ ô ���Ĵ ����� ����� �� ��� ����� �� � �� �� � ����Ŀ ڿ � ���Ŀ ô ���Ĵ ��� �� �� � ����� ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ���Ŀ ڿ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ����� ��� ô � � ���Ĵ ô ô � � ���¿ �� � ����� �� � � �� � �� �� ��� ����� Magazine This phile dated 05/23/1994 Volume 3, Issue 1 You can always find BTR on PsychoTron BBS �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Well another issue of Beneath The Remains is out and this issue will be on getting high off of NUTMEG. Yes I did just say NUTMEG. The great chemical in Nutmeg is Myristicin. Here's the defination: -=���=--=���=--=���=--=���=--=���=--=���=--=���=--=���=--=���=--=���=--=���=- Myristicin A toxic, crystalline, safrole derivative present in star anise,parsley seed oil, and nutmeg oil. When ingested in large quantities, can cause convulsions, hallucinations, tachycardia, and possibly death. -=���=--=���=--=���=--=���=--=���=--=���=--=���=--=���=--=���=--=���=--=���=- Don't get paranoid about the convulsions, hallucinations, tachycardia, and possibly death. By the way, what the hell is TACHYCARDIA? Never heard of it. Oh yeah... Back to the text file. I have done nutmeg a few times and never had a problem. You wont either if you dont go over the recommended dosage. So follow this shit exactly and I am shure you won't die or have convulsions, or (Dmmm) TACHYCARDIA. The great thing about nutmeg is it's like .99 cents for a lot, and it is readaly available at ANY supermarket. Here's what chu do: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Id advise you to do this with a friend so incase you flip out, he'll be there Go buy 1 small can of nutmeg. Get out a teaspoon. Fill the tablespoon up with your nutmeg stash, even it off at the top. Yeah this shit tastes bad so eat it QUICK with LEMONADE, or OJ, or Coke (not the drug:):):))........ I WOULD NOT ADVISE TAKING MORE THAN 3 TABLESPOONS FULL, IF YOU DO YOU WILL START V0MITING AND CONVULSING. You'll see hallucions but there N0T cool a friend of mine did it, and almost died, DONT EXCEED THE RECOMMENDED DOS AGE!!!!.. Ok enuf with that, you get the point. After you take the 1 teaspoon full then wait. Start watching television or something. Then in anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours you'll start to feel W3|R|> (weird). You'll get shivery, put a blanket on. Then you'll start laughing yer ass off. Just relax and enjoy it. When I did it, I did a little more than 1 teaspoon (like a HEAPING) teaspoon of nutmeg. It was wierd, here's my story. My story: I took the heaping teaspoon of nutmeg. And about an hour later I'm watching TV with my friend, and (he didnt do it, just me) I started getting cold. I got a blanket, and I was still shaking and started giggling. Things got weird, It's not weird like you get scared. You just feel a bit HiGH like pot. Except you feel a little sick (stomach). Take some pepto-bismol before you do this. It lasted about 5 hours. I went to MC donalds and I kept trying to say 'CAN I HAVE A NUMBER ONE, please' But it kept coming out "San I Ave A Nuber Un.". That's pretty much what happens to me anyway.. And another friend did it, and felt the same way (with the same dosage).. But this kid i know (and i told him about) did it with 5 fucking teaspoons. About 3 hours later he was hallucating and it was N0T cool. He couldn't walk straight. He was like on sort of a bad trip. So dont do it more than I said. Also dont fucking abuse it. Dont goto your 7-11 and buy 22 fucking cans of it or 'HABABBE' (yeah one of those guys with the towels on there head) will say "I not want druggies my store!" With the stupid accent. 'TILL NEXT TIME PS. i smoked about 2 big bowl worths of it. And then some pot, i was pretty fucked up. After i came down (or thought) i and a freind drank 3 1/2 beers each. I HANVENT BEEN SO FUCKING DRUNK IN SOOOOOOOOO LONG! That nutmeg fucks you up when it is mixed with alcohol. If i had drank the usual (like 7 -10) i would have puked. i was close, so try that its fun!!!! -+\+- A BTR production All rights lost. -rk ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ��Ŀ ���Ŀ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ڿ � ����� ��� ô � � ��� ���Ĵ ô ���Ĵ ����� ����� �� ��� ����� �� � �� �� � ����Ŀ ڿ � ���Ŀ ô ���Ĵ ��� �� �� � ����� ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ���Ŀ ڿ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ����� ��� ô � � ���Ĵ ô ô � � ���¿ �� � ����� �� � � �� � �� �� ��� ����� Magazine This phile dated 06/05/1994 Volume 3, Issue 2 You can always find BTR on PsychoTron BBS �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Ok. Now its time for some explosives. Im sick of this HighTech phreak/hack shit. Make a smoke bomb IT WORKS!: ---------------------------- Materials: ---------- PotaSSium Nitrate (Get it at a drug store) Sugar (Not the powdered stuff, the regular crystal kind) Directions: ----------- Get a cat food, metal can, and put 6 parts PotaSSium Nitrate in it, and 4 parts sugar. Put it on the stove over ! -= LOW =- ! heat. Keep stirring it with a non-plastic spoon. Until it starts turning brown all over, when it is totally nasty smelling and looks nasty enuf take it off the heat and put the mixture in a pixie cup. Put it in the freezer for 15 minutes. Now gointo the woods, and light the cup. You get alot of thick white smoke! You can add sawdust to make it better. A pound of this stuff will cover an intire block withg thick white smoke! -+\+- A BTR production All rights lost. -rk ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ��Ŀ ���Ŀ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ڿ � ����� ��� ô � � ��� ���Ĵ ô ���Ĵ ����� ����� �� ��� ����� �� � �� �� � ����Ŀ ڿ � ���Ŀ ô ���Ĵ ��� �� �� � ����� ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ���Ŀ ڿ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ����� ��� ô � � ���Ĵ ô ô � � ���¿ �� � ����� �� � � �� � �� �� ��� ����� Magazine This phile dated 06/22/1994 Volume 3, Issue 4 You can always find BTR on PsychoTron BBS �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Purpose: This box can destroy a phone company, no matter how big. You could bring AT&T down to their knees! Only to be used by the most irate of Phracks, it is intended for informational purposes only. History: This is really not a Box, but if you consider a Cheese Box a Box, then it is. It was first concieved back in 1986 when a Phriend and I came up with the idea while using a Copper-coloured fone, hence, a Copper Box. Instructions: You must obtain [1] extender, or phone company port, like an MCI or SPRINT access number. [2] A hell of a lot of nerve, and vendetta towards the phone company (phriend gets busted, rates increase, etc.) [3] a computer & modem capable of autodialing [tone.] Dial the number of the L/D service, then enter the code. Dial the number of the service again, through the outdial number you are still on, enter code, then dial again and again. You should hear, after a while (it will take a long time for BIG companies) a slight high-pitched, unstable tone, that grows louder and louder w/every dial. Once it gets so loud that it refuses to let in any more sounds, you have just completed the first cycle of the Copper Box. Leave line off-hook for about 10 minutes or until the tone seems to calm down, or stop completely. Then, dial again and repeat over and over again until when you dial a last time, it [the port] doesnt answer. You have just killed a telephone company, extender, etc. Theory of Operation: What happens is that when the tone begins to rise, it is a result of cross- talk feedback. The more you dial, the more it grows. In systems like these, the small, sensitive equipment such as amplifiers, etc. begin to burn out as a result of the feedback, damaging the equipment, and possibly starting a fire at the location of the equipment. -+\+- A BTR production All rights lost. -rk ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ��Ŀ ���Ŀ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ڿ � ����� ��� ô � � ��� ���Ĵ ô ���Ĵ ����� ����� �� ��� ����� �� � �� �� � ����Ŀ ڿ � ���Ŀ ô ���Ĵ ��� �� �� � ����� ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ���Ŀ ڿ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ����� ��� ô � � ���Ĵ ô ô � � ���¿ �� � ����� �� � � �� � �� �� ��� ����� Magazine This phile dated 06/22/1994 Volume 3, Issue 4 You can always find BTR on PsychoTron BBS �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� I found this and just put it in, it's good. ------------------------------------------- You remember the little "bug" installed on the bad guys car in the James Bond flicks that allowed Bond to follow the car from a distance? Well this file is a tutorial on them. First, they do exist, I've built my own, but even the best commercial units intended for law enforcement purposes wont do what the Bond model purports to do, that is, give a printout on a moving map showing the route driven by the bug toter. The basics of the unit are the transmitter, which is about the size of a pack of cigarettes and is held on via a magnet. And a receiver, using 2 identical antennas, coupled to a center zero meter which gives a heading towards the transmitter. More on these later. The receiver/display unit is used by pilots, amateur radio operators, and law enforcement and security personnel to track the movements of the transmitter usually at short ranges, the civil air patrol uses these units to find downed aircraft by tracking the emergency beacon, activated by the impact of the crash. Amateurs play "hunt the fox" to keep illegal transmitters out of the ham bands. Law enforcement personnel track the movement of people, drugs, and weapons by attaching a transmitter to the object (or suspect's car) to be followed. The transmitter is usually a small VHF or UHF battery operated package dangling a 19" flexible antenna (about the thickness of piano wire). The transmitter does not "beep" per say, but transmits a continual carrier. The FBI uses 167.xxx mhz for theirs and the local DA uses the intercounty police freq of 155.37. I have seen military models that use 149.xxx mhz around here (air force). Now the receiver: Two identical antennas mounted on the chase vehicle (usually magnetic mounts) feed a pair of PIN diodes that feed a phase detector which samples the receiver's IF output. When the received signal is directly in front of you, signals arrive at exactly the same time at each antenna. This is calibrated to read center 0 on the meter. (Incidentally the unit can't tell if the signal is in front or in back of you, so the need to make sure you follow the subject reasonably closely is apparent). If the bug travels say to 10 o'clock on the compass rose, the needle will swing to 4 o'clock on the meter. The object here is to always drive towards zero and you follow the bug in the most direct direction. With a little practice,you can follow a subject on an adjcent street without loosing him. The meter swings because the signal arrives later at one antenna than the other, causing a voltage change in the phase detector (an Exar Radio-teletype decoder chip in my model). Some recent units ive seen have Light emitting diodes in a 360 degree circle and use 4 antennas. This gives you full circle detection capabilitys as the phase between pairs of antennas is calculated also. Now, prevention: The easiest way to detect if you've been planted with one of these little transmitters, is to walk around the car or whatever with a portable frequency counter and check for an alien RF signal. This is also the recommended method to de-bug your home. A small freq counter with 1.2 ghz capabilitys sells for around $100. today. If you do find a transmitter, have fun with it. Stick it on a train heading out of town, a Greyhound bus, or a over the road tractor-trailer rig....my favorite is to stick it on one of their own vehicles and watch them chase themselves....hehehe. -+\+- A BTR production All rights lost. -rk ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ��Ŀ ���Ŀ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ڿ � ����� ��� ô � � ��� ���Ĵ ô ���Ĵ ����� ����� �� ��� ����� �� � �� �� � ����Ŀ ڿ � ���Ŀ ô ���Ĵ ��� �� �� � ����� ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ���Ŀ ڿ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ����� ��� ô � � ���Ĵ ô ô � � ���¿ �� � ����� �� � � �� � �� �� ��� ����� Magazine This phile dated 07/01/1994 Volume 3, Issue 5 You can always find BTR on Another Way Of Life/ PsychoTron �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Well, welcome to another issue of Beneath The Remains magazine, I (Substance) have talked it over with the SysOp of PsychoTron BBS System. We decided be- cause PsychoTron was in North Carolina, BTR needed a distrubation site for New York and New England. (The northern states) Also, we only have about 9 - 10 writers (Die Hard Ones), Some of which are Substance, Road Kill, Disease, PHiVE, and Kreator. Sorry about the ones we didnt put in here, we didnt forget about cha! This issue isnt on anything special, Just to inform you of this change. Also, WE NEED WRITERS! Noone here will make you fill out some stupid application. Just tell me (Substance) a few things that you know about. About 10 issues come out a month (or 1 volume). NOTE :) if you are interested in writing, please call Another Way Of Life (A W O L) at [518] / 383�1369, please email substance there and ill see what I can do. Thanx for reading.. - SubStance (SysOp of AWOL) -+\+- A BTR production All rights lost. -rk ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ��Ŀ ���Ŀ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ڿ � ����� ��� ô � � ��� ���Ĵ ô ���Ĵ ����� ����� �� ��� ����� �� � �� �� � ����Ŀ ڿ � ���Ŀ ô ���Ĵ ��� �� �� � ����� ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ���Ŀ ڿ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ����� ��� ô � � ���Ĵ ô ô � � ���¿ �� � ����� �� � � �� � �� �� ��� ����� Magazine This phile dated 07/02/1994 Volume 3, Issue 6 You can always find BTR on Another Way Of Life/ PsychoTron �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� a COOL Phone Prank: ------------------- Now these can be fun as hell on a boring day. Or when your drunk, or stoned. Okay, here is something you could say to some idiot you call at random. Prank #1: --------- Call up someones house, when the answer say this (Say it fast, to sound like you have authority) "Hi, this is Bill Richards, from Southern Bell (or what yours is) and I'm working on you and your neighbors lines and I'm having some problems here. So if your phone rings please don't pick it up, it could result in sending 1000+ volts on the line." They'll say ok.. Call back almost right after. Let it ring and ring and ring and ring until they cant stand it anymore, they pick it up, when they pick it up, SCREAM INTO THE PHONE AS LOUD AS YOU CAN. They think they actually shocked you, its funny as hell.. -+\+- A BTR production All rights lost. -rk ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ��Ŀ ���Ŀ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ڿ � ����� ��� ô � � ��� ���Ĵ ô ���Ĵ ����� ����� �� ��� ����� �� � �� �� � ����Ŀ ڿ � ���Ŀ ô ���Ĵ ��� �� �� � ����� ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ���Ŀ ڿ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ����� ��� ô � � ���Ĵ ô ô � � ���¿ �� � ����� �� � � �� � �� �� ��� ����� Magazine This phile dated 07/12/1994 Volume 3, Issue 7 You can always find BTR on Another Way Of Life/ PsychoTron �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� How to hack and get free SpRiNt! -------------------------------- There is these new cards going around (a hallmark card) that gives you free ld for 10 minutes, its cool. Heres what you do call 1-800-504-1115 and listen, press you have to figure out the codes these used to work 106-516-3839 408-029-1935 ^ ^ Notice the format. you figure it out. i hacked these! -+\+- A BTR production All rights lost. -rk ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ��Ŀ ���Ŀ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ڿ � ����� ��� ô � � ��� ���Ĵ ô ���Ĵ ����� ����� �� ��� ����� �� � �� �� � ����Ŀ ڿ � ���Ŀ ô ���Ĵ ��� �� �� � ����� ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ���Ŀ ڿ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ����� ��� ô � � ���Ĵ ô ô � � ���¿ �� � ����� �� � � �� � �� �� ��� ����� Magazine This phile dated 07/15/1994 Volume 3, Issue 8 You can always find BTR on Another Way Of Life/ PsychoTron �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� how to hack TymNet's outdial ports. TymNet has a vast number of outdials open to all subscribing customers. And anytime i've ever wanted to call long distance and didnt want to pay an out- dial was the cure. What is an outdial: ------------------- An outdial is a service provided on most systems that will, when you connect with one system, let you use their modem, freely. and call all over for free (to you!). How to hack Tymnet: ------------------- Call up the local TymNet port (for the Albany and surrounding area its 518�446�0054. Set your terminal to 9600,n,8,1. If you are a dork at 2400, then either.... 1..> Get a reel modem 2..> Kill yourself 3..> Call up customer service at 800�336�0149 and get another port # ok, after connect hit till you see something like 'enter your terminal identifier:'. Hit 'A', no need to press enter. Then 'please log in' type "OUTDIAL" with out the ""'s and you will see PASSWORD:, and you try and guess it. im not going to give it out! Its not hard though.. Try things that have to do with a modem, like 2400, 1200, 300, 9600, 4800, MODEM, MODEMS, HAYES, PHONE, PHONES, NYNEX, AT&T.. stuff like that! once your in, type HELP to get a detailed description on how to dial out! later -+\+- A BTR production All rights lost. -rk ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ��Ŀ ���Ŀ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ڿ � ����� ��� ô � � ��� ���Ĵ ô ���Ĵ ����� ����� �� ��� ����� �� � �� �� � ����Ŀ ڿ � ���Ŀ ô ���Ĵ ��� �� �� � ����� ���Ŀ ���Ŀ ����Ŀ ���Ŀ ڿ ��Ŀ � ���Ŀ ����� ��� ô � � ���Ĵ ô ô � � ���¿ �� � ����� �� � � �� � �� �� ��� ����� Magazine This phile dated 07/19/1994 Volume 3, Issue 9 You can always find BTR on Another Way Of Life/ PsychoTron �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� How to make FREE calls from non-nynex payphones! Well i was over at stewarts and and fucking with their pay-phone, and noticed it was not a NYNEX phone. so i though wait it might be like a diverter or something so, i did this; Called up 555-1212 Listed to the operator say 'Information, Mrs Cummings' i say nothing They say INFORMATION, (a little more pissed off) i still say nothing i hear a weird beep, and like 20 seconds later a dial tone so i think fuck this nothing happened (*cool anyway*) i was wrong i was on ther operators line! i called my phriend Phive in Miami, AND ACTULLY GOT THRU! FREE OF CHARGE! Why this works: --------------- WHO THE FUCK KNOWS! BUT.... IT'S FREE!!!!!!! (who the fuck carez) I only know of a few payphones like this, it was an RCI payphone. If you live in Clifton Park, New York, here is the ones i know (NOT MANY) Where: ------ On Rt. 146, the Stewarts near Price Chopper Right off Rt. 146, the new price chopper plaza. Right next to S&B computers on Rt 9. Danny's Motel (SOME SHIT HOLE RAT INFESTED PLACE) Well thats it, DONT FUCKING ABUSE IT! i got traced because i did it like 10X in a row. Just keep saying last name of SMITH or something __ <�:) -- Call AWOL 518�383�1369 or PsychoTron (if you're cool enuf to have the #!) -+\+- A BTR production All rights lost. -rk