I keep trying to figure out how to make my guitar stop Bush in his tracks and otherwise radically transform the world as we know it, but all it seems to do is produce various melodic notes of one sort or another. Oh well. So I'm trying a little gimmick here. FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY, like, say, til the end of March, I have EVERY song from my FIVE most recent CDs available for free download on http://www.mp3.com/davidrovics. The idea is to instigate a flurry of emails that people will send to everyone they know, turning new people on to these songs with the exciting prospect of being able to download EVERYTHING for free, rather than just the usual selection of a few songs from each CD. _____ _ _ ( _ ) (3)_ _ _ (5)_ | (_) | ___ | ,_)(_) _ _ (4) ___ | ,_) | _ | /'___)| | | |( ) ( )| |/',__)| | | | | |( (___ | |_ | || \_/ || |\__, \| |_ (_) (_)`\____)`\__)(_)`\___/'(_)(____/`\__) _____ (_ _)_ | | (_) ___ ___ __ ___ | | | |/' _ ` _ `\ /'__`\/',__) | | | || ( ) ( ) |( ___/\__, \ (_) (_)(_) (_) (_)`\____)(____/ Fre3dom, sl4ck and cyberpunk5 0302100844hrs - - - Those were the words of my friend David Rovics. Please do what you can for him. He totally rocks. We'll discuss David Rovics a little more later. So welcome to ATI issue 345. It's Friday, 7 February. 2003. I guess lots of slow in southern new england, eh? None here. Just really really really cold. Wow, when I think of the number 345, "45" sticks out. Besides being a particularly devastating handgun caliber, the number 45 represents something else, which at first will seem totally unrelated, but quickly become quite connected in your minds' eye. The 7 inch record. Yup, the 45. 45 RPMs. Now what the heck would a .45 gun have to do with a hit single? Well, two things to take a quick peek at which should be quickly representative of everything else. Jennifer "Puff Daddy" Lopez, and Ronnie "Phil Specter" Ronnettes. Yup. Guns, guns, guns. Hey Phil Spector, Ashleigh Banfield and Bill O'Reilly. Live by the corporate media, die by the corporate media. ==== ATI - It's the Rag Read Round The World ==== Oh yeah, one more thing. Yippie!!! I found a .mid of one of my favorite Carulli songs in the world. Ready? http://www.classicalguitarmidi.com/Carulli_Trois_Jours_Op331.mid http://www.classicalguitarmidi.com/c-f.html#CARULLI yay! NUMBERS http://www.uncoveror.com http://www.annoyances.org http://www.44an.com/latuff http://www.filmmovement.com http://electroniciraq.net/news http://cryptome.org/mi6-mi6.htm http://home.graffiti.net/chaylon http://www.uncoveror.com/burqa.htm http://www.artpolitic.org/news.php http://www.homelessnessmarathon.org http://www.baringwitness.org/Helena.htm http://www.anpierle.net/english/home.htm http://atlanta4palestine.org/events.shtml http://www.caw.org/articles/WhatIsCaw.html http://www.bubblemonkey.org/cheesencrackers http://www.classicalguitarmidi.com/c-f.html http://www.fiu.edu/~mizrachs/hackethic.html http://www.etext.org/Zines/ASCII/ATI/ati244.txt http://www.art-for-a-change.com/News/guernica.htm http://www.zoulstory.free.fr/v3/tdmtofs/favela.htm http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/vh1counter1.html http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0212/S00150.htm http://www.dailyrotten.com/source-docs/patriot2draft.html http://www.accessatlanta.com/ajc/opinion/0203/07special_ian.html http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Stage/1579/notesfromunderground.html http://www.totse.com/en/technology/cyberspace_the_new_frontier/165800.html http://members.freespeech.org/irishpows/bb3//january_2003.htm http://www.law.emory.edu/10circuit/june97/96-1367.wpd.html http://www.infoshop.org/rants/solstice_reflections.html http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2003/1/29/215523/088 http://www.gonzo.org/articles/other/screwrev.html http://www.fiu.edu/~mizrachs/cyberanthropos.html http://www.radio4all.net/proginfo.php?id=6358 http://www.radio4all.net/proginfo.php?id=4706 http://www.counterpunch.org/hill01042003.html http://www.nsa.gov/programs/kids/index.html http://www.aci.net/kalliste/links.htm http://www.unpronounceable.com/dave http://members.chello.nl/jsteenis http://www.iqpoetry.com/index.php http://www.poetsagainstthewar.org http://www.nationalhomeless.org http://www.2600.net/offthehook http://www.kwru.org/index.html http://www.evilgopbastards.com http://www.poetix.net/war.htm http://www.accuracy.org/2003 http://www.jasonbuckley.com http://www.elsewhere.org/gm http://christmascoup.com http://www.gulli.com http://standdown.net http://dadapop.com LETTUCE: to ati: that account of senseless death was heartwrenching, shocking, and just plain bewildering from a historical point of view. Nothing has seemed to change in the old west. Don to Marco: February 4, 2003 Dear friends: I'm currently recording a CD of original songs, and I'm writing to ask if you'll help me achieve this goal. Recording and mass- producing compact discs, usually involving a minimum order of 500 units, can be expensive, so I'm asking if you'll "pre-order" your CD's to help me cover my costs. Each completed CD will sell for $15, and every "pre-order" I receive will help me to cover recording and manufacturing costs. When the CD's are completed, hopefully in March, you'll receive yours "hot off the press" (be sure to blow on them before putting them in your CD players). Thank you all for being in my life, and thank you for considering supporting me in this way. Please feel free to contact me via the Internet if you have any questions: http://www.michaelkrieger.com or MAKrieger@aol.com. With love, Michael Krieger [REPLY: Michael, I can't afford a CD right now because of my current lifestyle, but I'll certainly tell many people about your project. -- marco ] LETTUCE FROM THE DEEP SOUTH: Prezados irm�os e irm�s-em-artes, Que bom ter Marco Capelli como meu irm�o-em-artes. E que bom tamb�m apresentar a arte dele a todos voces. Ele � um cantor e compositor. Suas can��es s�o poderosas mensagens pol�tico-sociais. Vale a pena ouvir: http://www.frucht.org/music/mp3notcom.html http://www.frucht.org/anicmusic.html Obrigado! Latuff AND NOW A NOTE FROM THE MIRC PEOPLE: Join the Global Protest against War. (February 3rd 2003) IRC has always been about communication, about dialogue. We are against any war and violence, as long as talk is still possible. On the 15th of February, the day after Valentine's day, millions of people around the world will take part in anti-war protests. More than half a million people are expected to take part in an anti-war march in London alone to protest the war against Iraq. Be one of them. See the Stop the War website to find out about protests in your city. [ref]=[http://www.mirc.com] As Maureen Dowd, writing for the New York Times, wrote, "Mr. Powell can't very well seduce the world into bombing Iraq surrounded on camera by shrieking and mutilated women, men, children, bulls and horses." Dear Editor: I am honored to submit the enclosed collection of poems for your consideration. This work is submitted on a free basis, so no charges are made for its use in your magazine. Let it serve the cause of faith, democracy, and freedom. Meanwhile, I regret to inform you that email submissions are the only real outlet for me. Sending snail-mail from Russia overseas is madly expensive - sending a single message may cost almost as much as two hours of internet connection. More than that, as my previous experience shows, traditional mail messages often either get irretrievably lost or arrive to editors almost torn to pieces. I have received numerous complaints to that effect. Email submissions, provided they contain no attachments, are much safer in this age of terrorism and other malicious activities. Yours faithfully, Vladimir Orlov. v_orlov@vistcom.ru BLACK NIGHT. The arid fields of dusty silver lie fallow for years and years that pass in the farewell trembling hues of the night too black and dazzling to look real. The placid ponds of gilded lilies ripple with the sinking shades of this suffocating twilight, the black night�s faithful employee. The corrupted fates of grandeur, formerly sparkling, now vexed and weary, lie scattered on the banks which the nightly Rider of Justice haunts. Vladimir Orlov, POBox 237, 400006, Volgograd-6, Russia. v_orlov@vistcom.ru THE MARBLE TOMB TO CROWN LIFE. It was caused by nothing, aimed at nothing but popular outrage. Frustration, discontent, unrest -- all these offsprings of the disabled single party rule are now issuing their pervasive yells all around the new and the same old country caught up in complex implications of its discarded but thoroughly tenacious past. The unknown present day breaks in upon the petrifications of what has been sanctified by the multitudes of the ever-marching purple, red, bloodstained, bleeding banners now carried high by the staunch advocates of the good old totalitarian days. Their lofty calls seem to fail to chime with the somewhat less lofty cries of those butchered in Stalin�s prison cells, now wafted to the marchers� ears from the cells of their own lingering memories - The marching former convicts crave for Stalin whose much lamented death let them out of the prison cells but buried them in those of their wounded souls - Are these parading relics just the guns Stalin triggers off from under his marble tomb? The marchers never question. They are called up from the past and are here to obey. Vladimir Orlov, POBox 237, 400006, Volgograd-6, Russia. v_orlov@vistcom.ru I WILL SEND MY MESSAGE COLLECT. I will send them all the torn-out copies of my last message collect, as I stand breathing in the sight of the frozen silver, its faulty light fettering the river�s glassy ice. My memory, in its inveterate longing to plunge into the sweet water of hope, is being thrown to the gusty summit where regiments of ghastly ghosts gather to perpetrate their ghoulish parade. Time rumbles down the bumpy street of my crumbling consciousness, as I am being effectively run down by its heavy cart which used to stop at my beck and call before, but which now will positively not, even if I vociferously plead with it. Days are being sipped out of me, with relish, by the subtle connoisseurs of the delicious wine of time and age. I will send them all the torn-out copies of my last message collect. Vladimir Orlov, POBox 237, 400006, Volgograd-6, Russia. v_orlov@vistcom.ru CAGED RESPITE. Life�s refugees used to willingly lock themselves in these endless fields of the golden cages unfolding all around in the menace of their deceptive splendor that the life�s loyal martyrs eagerly fall for, longing for a minute�s respite from the uncanny pain of vulgar day-to-day existence. Anticipating the audacity of a departure, shunning the rip-off of a return, the poor convicts on the death row of the guillotining golden cages are still readily reaching out to them, to the stretching swampy fields of them running far beyond the life�s horizon, so peacefully and joyfully serene in their placating, inviting, vermilion green of the countless time-chariots of pastures affording the ready oblivion the convicts are yearning for. Vladimir Orlov, POBox 237, 400006, Volgograd-6, Russia. v_orlov@vistcom.ru CAGED GARDEN OF LIFE. In a gloomy garden of the golden cages suspended on the golden chains at the whim of a wistful gardener, trees of a quashed joy rustle alive, alive to the roaring wind rudely stripping them of their yellow apparel of an anticipated slumber. Lawns of gilt offer their own rampaging yellow, lawns of a decaying life stifled to death by the marauding weeds. The whole garden is an ungainly cage of rust which is the gold�s aftermath. Vladimir Orlov, POBox 237, 400006, Volgograd-6, Russia. v_orlov@vistcom.ru PERSONAL DATA. I am 29, born on October 29, 1973, in Volgograd, Russia. In 1996, I graduated from Volgograd Pedagogical University, the Foreign Languages Department. My current mailing address is: Vladimir Orlov, POBox 237, 400006, Volgograd-6, Russia. Email: v_orlov@vistcom.ru I�d be grateful if you added these addresses to the published poems, if it is consistent with your policies. [ED NOTE: It's not consistent with; but I will keep them there, because that's how YOU started with them. Cheers, marco.] 6.. Anarchists - are committed to distributing illegal (or at least morally suspect) information, including but not limited to data on bombmaking, lockpicking, pornography, drug manufacturing, pirate radio, and cable and satellite TV piracy. In this parlance of the computer underground, anarchists are less likely to advocate the overthrow of government than the simple refusal to obey restrictions on distributing information. They tend to read Cult of the Dead Cow (CDC) and Activist Times Incorporated (ATI). 7.. Cyberpunk - usually some combination of the above, plus interest in technological self-modification, science fiction of the Neuromancer genre, and interest in hardware hacking and "street tech." A youth subculture in its own right, with some overlaps with the "modern primitive" and "raver" subcultures. [ref]=[http://begfor.tripod.com/glossary.htm] ==================== There is a place where the culture of text-based zines will live again. And you, my friend, when you want to read zines in the .txt format in the internet, you will want to visit a site where you can read the most recent the zine world has to offer. And if you haven't heard of http://www.textscene.com by that time, you will sulk the night away, wishing that you had some way to get your hands on subversive writings by up and coming writers. So find out about textscene.com. Find out about it right on your computer. ==================== Taking The Dump a public domain poem by marco You must to scream When dumping at the dump Sure, You jumped for joy when you received stuff, You're grunting - As you lift it; Out of your truck Why not scream while it leaves Your hand And sails into the landfill Let it go With catharsis And screaming Screaming It can be your Scapegoat. Sure. Instead! Of your best friend Or lover, or co-worker Acquaintance (sp?) Or guest. Scapegoat. Even your Charlie Brown Tree Can go to the dump In the composting section. So you'll feel good about yourself; The world around you, Filling up with catharsis. And scapegoating And screams And dumps. Sure, You must to scream When dumping at the dump. PECULIAR DONATION a found poem by marco 2 boxes 1) Canned goods, canned goods, and Canned goods. Too numerous to list. but here's where the story really begins. 2) Digital pocket AM/FM radio 2 cans of Enfamil Campbells tomato noodle 1 8 oz bottle Jovan Musk 1 half pound bottle Hand and Body lotion 1 Caldecott award-winning childrens book 1 avon butterfly bottle of cologne 1, 2, wait, no 3 pair clip-on earrings 6 packets non-dairy creamer 1 2 oz bottle foaming milk bath 1 best western 33ml bottle of hand lotion 1 clairol daily defense shampoo 1 "1st christmass" mini-popup book. Oh, wait, still more. Set of ten (count 'em 10) assortment of Colorado Springs Current Company balls of curling ribbon. Donation. Local shelter. In from the burbs. Now THAT tells a story. HAPPY FIFTH BIRTHDAY TO N-COM a very short SONG by marco Happy Birthday NeoComintern, Happy Birthday NeoComintern, Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuu, Happy birthday NeoComintern Dostoevsky a poem by marco You can drape Lady Justice You can cover Guernica You can cancel poetry symposiums You can block all sorts of research But you can't fool mother nature And you canNOT kill the spirit. George Bush You can't hide. I charge you With genocide. AFTRA And SAG Will Merger With AFL And CIO. (PAWN) - Follywood Fills, CA. - The world's two largest union conglomerations would merge into one organization with seperate affiliates for each type of worker under a proposal to be considered this war. The proposal would require 60% of members from both SAGAFTRA and AFLCIO. Supporters say this maximizes the unions' strength at the bargaining table with other corporations who mergered already. SAG rejected merger plan in 1999 but many bosses have retired, resigned or died every other month or so the past few years. The newer bosses say they are hopeful. The new mega-union will be called CIAFASTGLADFRAG. Send letters to: ati@etext.org Go to our never-official website at: http://flag.blackened.net/ati/infomaniack.html or http://flag.blackened.net/ati/zine/infomaniack.html Get back issues at: http://www.angelfire.com/wi/kokopeli/cygnus.html And sign up for the once a week publication at our listserver. We'll let YOU FIND THAT ONE on your own. BUCK THE CORPORATE MEDIA!