"They've destroyed rock 'n' roll. Those cats doing that can't play. It's just electronic push-of-the- button-music. Not Bo Diddley. If the lights go out and the juice goes down, I can strap on an acoustic guitar and just kill 'em." --Bo Diddley, on current music trends. "You will publish by Friday morning or you're doomed, Thompson; doomed! You hear me??" , _ || ' < \, =||= \\ /-|| || || 2003 Janu 11, (( || || || Didja think? \/\\ \\, \\ issue342 This issue of ATI is dedicated to Kelly Lundeen. You'll recognize her by her Berriganesque smile. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* * Welcome to VI Tutor - Version 1.2 * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* ************** * Lesson 1.0 * ************** Vim is a very powerful editor that has many commands, too many to explain in a tutor such as this. This tutor is designed to describe enough of the commands that you will be able to easily use Vim as an all-purpose editor. The approximate time required to complete the tutor is 25-30 minutes, depending upon how much time is spent with experimentation. It is important to remember that this tutor is set up to teach by use. That means that the student needs to execute the commands to learn them properly. Now, make sure that your Shift-Lock key is NOT depressed and press the j key enough times to move the cursor so that Lesson 1.1 completely fills the screen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************** * Lesson 1.1 * ************** Hello, and welcome to Friday, 11jan03; 845am. Here's our special MLK weekend early morn edition of ATI, Activist Trying- To-Knock-Some-Sense-Into-That- Bush-League-pResidential-Head-Of- Ours-Inc. Enjoy. Marco COLUMN IN THE FORM OF A POME By The Prime Anarchist Reprinted from ATI - 232 You can get it at: http://www.etext.org/Zines/ASCII/ATI/ati232.txt and maybe http://bancs.lod.com/~ati/ati232.html Previously published in Autumn Leaves magazine. We clash you and me. First I thought because you are so different, you see. But then after all the dust cleared And the shrapnel was swept up into neat little tins And all our respective allies' bodies were policed up by loved ones - Dogs and crows and old men with metal detectors and headphones Closing the circle in little by little hoping to find a scrap or two, And the grandmothers all weep over tea, saying I Told You So: See? Nothing Was Accomplished Again; Who's Gonna Feed The Kids. For the 432nd time, It was then I realized: The reason you and me, We used up every bullet we had Not because we're so different, you see. Because we're mirror images, aren't we? Like Isaac and Ishmael maybe, But who needs analogies when we're each other? We do kinda look alike, huh? Besides all the acting, and talking And walking like each other. But enemy, my friend. Can I ask you one question? What kind of Creator lets us miss each other that many times? NUMBERS: http://www.fnbnews.org http://www.michiganimc.org http://www.snowshoefilms.com http://www.diymedia.net/links http://www.falloutshelternews.com http://www.dlncoalition.org/danielle.htm http://www.netfeed.com/~jhill/indycam.htm http://www.organizepittsburgh.org/war.htm http://www.journalofaestheticsandprotest.org http://www.veteransforpeace.org/BerriganRIP.htm http://www.adbusters.org/magazine/45/img/articles/BrandAmericaMoleculelarge.jpg http://www.neowin.net/forum/index.php?s=fa3395a82bd7adb8f0f3903d235e858b&act=ST&f=52&t=59242&st=15& http://narconews.com/Issue27/article584.html http://www.diymedia.net/audio/mp3mojo.htm http://www.afscme.org/about/memphist.htm http://www.namebase.org/foia/ac01.html http://www.indybay.org/uploads/2a.jpg http://www.namebase.org/nbhome.html http://www.sit.wisc.edu/~infoshop http://www.calltoconscience.net http://www.fragmentsweb.org http://www.cdcovers.cc http://theyesmen.org & LETTUCE to ati@etext.org I've never forwarded spam before, but this is worthy on so many levels. Begin forwarded message: > From: [] > Date: Sun Dec 8, 2002 12:56:06 AM US/Central > To: [] > Subject: Magical Christmas Birdfeeder > > Window Magic > Two-Way Mirror Bird Feeder > You See The Birds- > But The Birds Don't See You! > Watch Birds From Just Inches Away > Without ScaringThem Off! > > The perfect > Christmas Gift To ati@etext.org PAOLA AND BROTHER IT IS MY PLEASURE TO WRITE TO YOU AFTER OUR SEVEN DAYS FASTING AND PRAYERS, l AM PAOLA KORE THE DAUGHTER OF LATE MR ALFRED KORE I AM 24 YEARS OF AGE, MY FATHER OWNS A LIMITED OF COCOA AND GOLD BUSINESS IN KWATANATAL ZULU IN REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA, MY COUNTRY. AFTER HIS TRIP TO ABIDJAN COTE D�IVIORE TO NEGOTIATE ON A COCOA AND GOLD BUSINESS HE WANTED TO INVEST IN ABIDJAN . ONE WEEK HE CAME BACK FROM HIS TRIP TO ABIDJAN HE HAD A MOTOR ACCIDENT WITH MY MOTHER WHICH MY MOTHER DIED INSTANTLY BUT MY FATHER DIED AFTER FIVE DAYS IN A PRIVATE HOSPITAL IN MY COUNTRY . IT WAS LIKE MY FATHER KNEW HE WAS GOING TO DIE MAY HIS GENTLE SOUL REST IN... {snip} [ ed note: No offense dude, but HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Nice try though... ] OPEN LETTER TO MARK DYKEN I LOVE YOUR [newest] CD!!! Played it 4 times the first day it came in the mail and a couple times a day ever since. I'll write about it as soon as I'm not so emo -30- ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Whew! That was an issue. To your liking? Watch for ATI 343 s00n! Be k00l! ATI, a freedom paper. ATI, a way of life. Changing the way people read for over 12 years. ATI, more than just a newspaper, It's the rag read round the world. (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S) You'll notice this is/was a fairly short issue. Next week should be good and "phat." Yup, short and sweet. Please check http://milwaukee.indymedia.org as often as you check http://mke.indymedia.org if you can, ok? We've noticed that more people are looking at http://mke.indymedia.org than are hitting the page of http://milwaukee.indymedia.org That would be just groovy. Thanks. Send letters to: ati@etext.org Go to our never-official website at: http://flag.blackened.net/ati/infomaniack.html Get back issues at: http://www.angelfire.com/wi/kokopeli/cygnus.html And sign up for the once a week publication at our listserver. We'll let YOU FIND THAT ONE on your own. ======== we end with a poem. When the Secret Service men Have to follow you around And you lead 'em into local coffee roasters, And the only things they can Order are all cooked that day from scratch Except the bagels locally bought from pastry toasters; They will buy some fairtrade coffee And you can't help catching the sound Of some federal dollar ACTUALLY going to your local roasters... You'll know you surely can Count a coup or two this round Doubling the support of a local non-chain merchant - Instead of McDonalds, IHOP or a donut shop.