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Thanks, thanks THANKS! marco LETTUCE: Welcome to Froggie's Lillypad BBS! A new and exciting trip into nostalgia. Remember the days before the internet? Remember sending messages to one another and across the country through Fido-Net? There is a new BBS on the playing field that uses today's technology with yesterday's memories. a.. Over 800 MP3's online for download b.. Message areas (both local and world wide) on various subjects c.. Multinode Chat capability d.. Door Games such as Legend of the Red Dragon and Barren Realms Elite e.. FTP service is available to registered users f.. Free Registration (never pay anything) g.. Send internet E-Mail with your login name: YOURNAME@lillypad.d2g.com h.. Login to the Message Bases with your news reader such as Outlook. i.. BBS is running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Enter Froggie's Lillypad @: telnet://lillypad.d2g.com OR visit the Website for up-to-date information at: http://www.lillypad.d2g.com John Smith ---==<&*&)(*^&>==--- to: ati@etext.org I'd like to see a report about the attack against America at Khobar Towers, june 25,96. ---==<&*&)(*^&>==--- to: ati@etext.org Dutch speakers check out: http://www.orde-der-tempeliers.com English speakers seek: http://www.osmth.org Also interesting for people WITH a life!! Vincent ---==<&*&)(*^&>==--- To ati@etext.org would Martha Quinn look more buxsom in here? good gawd mahn, you don't even get spam in here, what the hell are ya doin? GACK SOY PRODUCTS [ed note: It's a trick we learned back in the hippy days on how to keep spam completely out of our lives. Essentially we boycott all Hormel products.] ---==<&*&)(*^&>==--- FROM: JOHN ROSS BOMB THE U.S., GREATEST PURVEYOR OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION IN KNOWN UNIVERSE, MEXICO CITY MARXISTS DEMAND MEXICO CITY (Aug. 21st) - Threats by White House terrorists George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld to attack Iraq because of its suspect - if unproven - fabrication of weapons of mass destruction reek of Yanqui hypocrisy, an aggregation of Mexico City Marxists grouped together at the far end of the counter of the La Blanca Cafe in the old quarter of this capital, advised today. "The U.S. possesses the most lethal arsenal of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons in the known universe. The U.S. terrorists must be stopped by a coalition of the world�s peace-loving Marxists." The group strongly advocates the bombing of the U.S. as a preventative strike against the deployment of the White House�s arsenal of weapons of mass destruction. Bombs should contain such materials as corn syrup, molasses, honey, strawberry preserves, peanut butter (both crunchy and creamy), and other sticky sweeteners designed to gum up and bog down the U.S. war machine, prevent air force planes from taking off, and clog big and small guns. At the same time, the Marxists urge that these same bombs be dropped on Iraq to feed that nation�s starving children - over a half a million young Iraqis have died since 1991 as the result of the U.S. terrorist boycott of that third world nation. ***************************************** This special issue of Mexico Barbaro honors the 25th anniversary of the death of Groucho Marx. ---==<&*&)(*^&>==--- From the Bari Family My family is grateful to the jury and wants to thank them for their courageous decision. They have reaffirmed our faith in the justice system. We're only sorry that Judi is no longer alive and able to share this sweet moment. Now that the Oakland Police Department and FBI have been brought to justice, they owe it to my family to explain what cause they had to hold my sister's civil rights in such contempt. Judi's political message was adamantly nonviolent. Yet for 12 long years, she has been wrongly connected with terrorism. After September 11 and the threatening of many of our rights in the name of homeland security, I'm afraid that this scenario will occur more often. My family has seen up close how much harm can result when rights are ignored. In Judi's case, the authorities stepped outside the law. This verdict reminds us that protection against terrorism should never out-weigh the protection of our own civil rights. Otherwise, like my sister Judi Bari, we will be made to suffer the consequences. Martha Bari ---==<&*&)(*^&>==--- ---==<&*&)(*^&>==--- ---==<&*&)(*^&>==--- COULTER, HOROWITZ TO WED Sheepshead Bay (PAWN) -- In what is being billed as the world's largest corporate merger to date, pundit Ann Coulter and punditer David Horowitz have announced a humongous party they're having to consummate their royal wedding. After yachting and eating cheese from the head of a poor person, the couple will wear white and march down the aisle to be wed in front of 32 and 33 degree Masons from the Scottish Rite, the Irish Rite, the Jewish Rite and the Klanish Rite. VERY SHORT RECORD REVIEW: The NORAD "Cavalcade Of Music." Lt. Col. Mark Azzolina, Conductor. This record features the NORAD "Pops Concert" Band and the Norad "Commanders" Orchestra. The album actually sucks musically, if you want my not so humble opinion but it was on sale for 95c, so I simple could NOT pass it up. "Here is one album," says the liner notes, "produced for public service use only, are the internationally famous [yadda yadda] The only two-nation military musical organization composed of carefully selected bandsmen of the US Army, Navy, Air Force and Royal Canadian Air Force. The NORAD band was organized in April 159 to represent the over 200,000 American and Canadian service men and women assigned to the North American Air Defense system. Office Of Information. Headquarters North American Air Defense Command Ent Air Force Base, Colorado RHETORICAL: Is West Nile virus really Cholera and the proud "first world" will refuse to admit the connection? GOSSIP: "Sources close to them and to Springsteen tell me Tipper tried to get free tickets to the Springsteen show for the entire Gore staff," the well-connected Friedman wrote. "When that didn't work, and she was told even paid admission would be hard to come by, the ex-second lady persisted. 'They wound up being offered four, but when they were asked to pay $75 apiece, they said forget it. And you know, that's why Gore isn't president, in a nutshell." [ref]=[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A61727-2002Aug8.html] QUOTE: For those who bear the instruments of war - And we are among them, Some in practice, Some by a hug of approval - Are sucked, Mumbling "necessity" and "vengeance," Into the domain of war crimes. Nathan Alterman, 1948 ANOTHER RHETORICAL QUESTION: Do you call someone from your cellfone just because the girl across the table from you excused herself making a call from hers, or because you really need to talk to them? TWO EXCERPTS FROM A DENNIS FITZINGER POEM then the band: Loud! but disciplined, musicians dressed in basic black, carrying nothing more dangerous than a musical instrument. ... everything built by trade and commerce, ripping off the land, destroying forests, wildlife, everything, just like a plague; portland looks very much the same. But is it really? [ed note: poem titled "portland." Also note that this poem was published in the EFJ prior to the Portland police riots last weekend.] PUTTING THE "ESPANOL FIRST:" bUsH PrOtESTeD IN miLWAuKeE El miercoles a les 9 de la manana, miembros del Milwaukee County Labor Council dieron la bienvenida al circo de Bush que llegaba a la ciudad. Se reunieron al Pere Marquett park y hablaron sobre el trato de los trabajodores. A las 11:30 almenos 200 manifestantes con el "Coalition por Just Peace" y otros grupos encontraron a Bush y sus seguidores al Bradley center. Uno de los lemas de la protesta esa impedir la guerra con Iraq y las consequencias que esto traeria. Mas tarde al mismo dia los Welfare Warriors protestaron en el Walgreens Martin Luther King Norte para celebrar el 67 aniversario del Acto de Seguridad Social y para pedir una red de seguridad social fuerte; trabajos decentes, m�dico para todos y precios mejores para las medicinas. Early in the morning starting at 9am, members of the Milwaukee County Labor Council welcomed Bush's circus into town. They congregated Pere Marquette park and spoke of his treatment of workers. At 11:30am, protesters with the Coalition for a Just Peace and other groups gathered to greed Bush and his supporters at the Bradley center. The focus of the protest was the impending war in Iraq and the civilian casualties the war will cause. Later in the day, the Welfare Warriors protested at the Walgreens on Martin Luther King and North to celebrate 67th anniversary of the Social Security Act and to rally for a strong safety net, decent jobs, Health Care for All and lower drug prices. http://mke.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=844 http://mke.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=846 A Poem by Kendra To Be Published by ATI In Three Parts. Here's Part I. (very long) ((get parts 2 & 3 at: http://www.etext.org/Zines/ASCII/ATI/trilogy/kendra.txt)) When you open your eyes To the people who sleep And sell you their life As if we can keep going on... Leading our lives divided There�s comfort in silence I know Who says you can�t be alone With everyone who�s ever known How full of hollow it�s grown When we�ve risen up Rose above What is hate and what is love They are the same So is everything And find the peace That�s underneath Tangled with chaos And all the grief we feel When we live our lives Outside of life The slumber that is my bride Because our thoughts intertwined Is not what you think is right What is life? What is life If you don�t even try But trying brings nothing in time All along on the ride Will you learn or be blind Both may rip you away from divine Crawling through life You may never find what is yours If you close up or take it all in Who can ever win Cut your losses and grin And live while there�s life to live Carve your path Leave life intact I want to be blind But those reasons are mine I don�t want to see outside And lose the light that resides In the words we often hide Cause we have to prove And have pride And strive to be alive Atop all others Is when We fall into death again Strangers you are my friends We just haven�t talked yet We just cancelled debts That we all know we owe Our mother said so They gave us life But not our free will Something alive That never stays still And who says you�re here forever? Chasing the youth We�re born to lose This "god" is in you And what�s evil is too Chasing the laughter that fades When what�s inside you stays Till you fall away What will you think when you lay Seconds away from change And relearn what you�ve been played And interpret in your own way Why you�re here What you�ll leave For those to receive Will you have nothing to give but A house full of junk You didn�t even need But you worked But not merely feed But to feed your greed And left a monumental funeral plot A testament to how you bought Everything that mattered to you To show others what you could do With those paper devils That became all of you Working for the sake of working Making money so you can spend Then make it all over again Everything that seems flawed But the beauty gets lost Don�t love Assume that you have won Consume Be near to But don�t be close Inhale like a ghost Anything beyond your nose Is something you�ll never know No No Let it glow The snakes chasing it�s tail And he�s swallowed it whole break the cycle and save your tale others might tell pass it on down procreation well it�s a step on the ladder... like the sex or the baby look what you�re doing it for is it so you can tell them when they see they cannot change the world and you see yourself in them... or you see what you lost sight of your child your beacon of love to the world not just another who�ll live in this hole nurture them let them cut away that is the path they will take if your life turns out to be fake and the see through the cracks in all things Do you Don�t you Reel in the coil How is your filter? Has it been soiled You�ve been spoiled But not right rotten You write down "stop it" but... Did I tell you this joke already? One of Marcos' commandantes was visiting a neice in Mexico city and he was heard remarking about the 19 inch monitor on her spiffy new Gateway: "viva la resolution." [ref]=[http://www.etext.org/Zines/ASCII/ATI/ati243.txt] PLAY THE GAME OF "SPOT THE UNDERCOVER COP." It's almost always patent leather shoes and hair mousee, huh? We end in poem [13:33] FROM THE TRENCHES [13:33] by Poet Lariat [13:33] When you realize that [13:33] for every dollar you could use, [13:33] your opressor will have [13:33] $1000 ready to fight you, [13:33] You simply seek out a low-cost [13:34] no-cost way [13:34] to take him or her down --==< [ *&^%*&^%*&^% &^%&$%#$ @$#% $$ &*& )( *^&$^& ] >==-- Well, that's about it for the E-ZINE send any complaints or submissions to: ati@etext.org Go to all or none of our unofficial websites: http://www.angelfire.com/wi/kokopeli/ATI.html http://www.freespeech.org/kokopeli/grudge.html http://flag.blackened.net/ati/zine/infomaniack.html http://cosmos.lod.com/~ati Our http://www.thepentagon.com/primeanarchist seems to have died out. (good while it lasted I guess...)