As seen on NBC, CBS, CNN, and even Oprah! Yeah right. I was going to make this issue "superspam III." But instead (and you'll thank me I'm sure) I chose to just re-refer you to issue 94 of ATI. The one dubbed SuperSpam. Is it me or has spam all of a sudden gotten more far-reaching and persistant this month? __ .__ __ .__ _/ |_| |__ ____ _/ |_|__| _____ ____ ______ \ __\ | \_/ __ \ \ __\ |/ \_/ __ \ / ___/ | | | Y \ ___/ | | | | Y Y \ ___/ \___ \ |__| |___| /\___ > |__| |__|__|_| /\___ >____ > \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ PUBLISHERS COLUMN IN THE FORM OF A RANT Everyone wants to do something to help Everyone wants to do something big Everyone wants something permanent profound beautiful Sublime Everyone wants to do something cathartic popular unique. But does anyone want to do all of this in one act??? Visit a victim. Say nothing. Do nothing. Just be present. Does anyone want to do that??? Sincerely, Prime Anarchist NUMBERS The revolution will not be standardized LETTUCE 0.00 this week. :) ________________.___ / _ \__ ___/| | / /_\ \| | | | / | \ | | | \____|__ /____| |___| \/ Love my country, fear my government OPEN LETTER TO A SPAMMER That was very clever how you tried to get our heightened attention by starting all this with the message, "your email didn't have the attachment, it was empty," as if there might be something we can do by what, resending? Resending what?? Nothing to send. Pretend all you want, but I never sent you anything. I can only begin to feel sorry for you because you probably paid good money to acquire a list of emails that for some reason I can never figure out: includes me as a potential buyer/sucker/victim/ or mark. I wonder if there's any psychiatrists out there at Brandeis or wherever else designing masters theses about how much thought process must go into spamming people you will probably never know. Linguists ought to get involved too, seeing how a brand new tongue is evolving over all this. [ref]=[ ] Heck, if I use teen, school, girl, and tell you that my shirt size is just between L and XL and that if you send me XXX clothing it will be too big for me to wear. Woops, runon sentence -- if I use words like that suddenly my writings climb up the search engines faster than something that really was well thought out and well written, huh? Anyhow, a little more than a decade I went and simplified my life so rather than making more money, I buy less things, and I take good care of what I have and put the time and education into repairing everything rather than adding to landfill. I only mention this to you because since this is all the case, THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN SEND ME THAT I WOULD BE INTERESTED IN. Anyhow, remove me or don't remove me. I don't care. It's your dime, and your karma. I've got a delete finger. Yes I assigned an actual finger to it because I get so much in this email address the last few weeks. Oh well. Take me off your list if that will help your karma. Otherwise keep sending me stuff that I delete about as soon as I get it. This is the last real reply you'll get from me probably. In fact I'm actually writing this for others more than for you. I'm devoting some space in my magazine to this email as well. Cheers, marco "It's good to take a viewpoint that there are no rules, or one right way to do something although knowing some of the ins and outs of the studio will help you get the best results." -- Brad Zwieg. Studio Z [ref]=[] Who remembers the Iced-Tea commercial right after, was it the Quebec anti-globalism demonstrations? I think so. Might have been right after Gothberg. Something like that. Anyhew, I was one of oh so many who were offended by the ad's theft of the entire "activism" theme to sell something. Just like it was quite offensive to see a myth built around Martin Luther King's speech from the Lincoln monument implying that if it weren't for Cingular or AOHell or someone, no one would be able to hear him. To sell what, internet service? And the GAP using the anarchy symbol and graffiti'd windows to try and sell jeans and accessories. Yuck. Well I found something this past weekend that makes these look downright tame in comparison -- mere kudos, or shouts and greets or something than the abusive usurption they are. You might want to sit down for this one. I was watching 5 minutes of Nickelodeon's "Nick At Nite" show while I ate a cheese, garlic and ketchup sandwich on homemade wheatbread. That's the channel that came on when I powered the TV up, and I was GOING to surf to somewhere else of course while I ate before going out to see some jazz band at my favorite local coffeeshop. Did I see and hear right? Holy wah!!! I'm not making this up. Here's what offended me so. A song I'll describe later which was the opening theme song to this show, which stars a home-boy about my age who joins half a dozen or so little white 10 or 11 year old kids on a trip to a candy factory. Kind of Mister Rogersish. You know, you get to watch all the machinery go and the viewing pubic gets to go "ooh," and "ah." OK so he's in some grocery store and he's wearing a black or blue bandana on his head. Normal street clothes. He's mad because all the foods are low-fat, and sugar-free. He asks a couple of the kids who all seem to be shopping alone. "What's with all this stuff without sugar?" "Are you as mad as me?" "Aw, c'mon, look at this, sugar-free chocolate. How can you have chocolate without sugar???" All the kids follow him to the outside of the store and he's got them all lined up -- these little roundheaded chubby little white preteen boys and girls, there's nine or ten of them gather up now and he's yelling "what do we want?" and they're yelling, "Sugar!" "When do we want it?" "Now!!!" I swear, I'm not making this up. I didn't do any channel surfing, just hung on this one because I could NOT believe my eyes or ears. Here's the kicker. If this doesn't just piss you the heck off, I don't know what would. There's some serious outrage over here. Can you feel it? The introductory theme song went as follows: AIN' NO NIGGA LIKE A NIGGA WID A SODA CAUSE A NAGGA WID A SODA ______ I couldn't make out the rest because the music was being faded into the show. NO! I really, really, really wish I had made this up. This is for real. I'm all over usenet and google trying to verify this somehow. I don't even know who to call on the phone yet. marco / A \ ============= QUICK LOOK AT WWW.SALON.COM ============= I was reading the following Merle Kessler passage while listening to Patty Smith's "People Have The Power." The segue to Paul McCartney's "Freedom" was quite anticlimactic, I should say. As were the next half a dozen Salon articles I surfed around to. I-Zone and "Got Milk?" had partnered up in that irritating new- economy way. They had a booth in which you could be photographed next to a life- sized poster of a milk-mustached Britney. You were provided with a milk mustache of your own: a piece of white tape. Walking by, I noticed half a dozen or so unclaimed photographs lying on a table. NOMINATION: Invention Of The Millenium. The Okidata double dot matrix printer. reason. I still see them everywhere I go. HOW DO PEOPLE IN OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD SEE US (AMERICANS OF THE U.S. KIND) Here is a quote from Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, friend and coworker of Gandhiji and Jawaharlal Nehru. I am still convinced that there was no justification for the use of atom bombs on Japan without previous warning. It was a weapon which completely destroyed not only military forces but the civil population and harmed even unborn generations. In fact, it threatened the destruction of man. When, in WWI, the Germans had used poison gas against the Allies, world opinion condemned them in unqualified terms. If the Germans had then been guilty of inhumanity, how could one absolve the Americans of the same charge? I felt that the use of the atom bombs exceeded the limits of permissible destrution and did not redound the prestige or heroism of the Allies. I also noted with regret that the Allies hailed this event as a magnificent victory and there was hardly one word of protest. ?�,��,�?��`��?�?��`��?�,��,�?��`��?�?��`��?�,��,�?��`� A boy was watching his father, a pastor, write a sermon." How do you know what to say?" he asked. "Why, God tells me." "Oh, then why do you keep crossing things out?" �,��,�?��`��?�?��`��?�,��,�?��`��?�?��`��?�,��,�?��`��? DayHealthWorkChildFare a haiku'ish Even people she don't know Battle fiercely on her behalf That's how it's supposed to be. AND NOW AN ENRON METAPHOR The conservatives and the liberals Are fundraising together. It's like watching the Titanic go down From atop an Iceberg. NATURE POEM Hey Golden Eagle Brown and white, Chest puffed out Looking like Atila the Hun Thinkin' you're all that. On a fencepost On a farm On an interstate. You are, aren't you? NEW BAND NAME OF THE WEEK Ozomatli Crue _________ __ .______ ____.__ ___________ _____ \_ ___ \_/ |_|__\ \ / /|__| _____\__ ___/ \__ \ / \ \/\ __\ |\ Y / | |/ ___/ | | / __ \\ \____| | | | \ / | |\___ \ | | (____ /\______ /|__| |__| \___/ |__/____ > |____| \/ \/ \/ __ .___ ___________ _/ |_| | _____ \_ _____/ ______ \ __\ |/ \ | __)_ / ___/ | | | | Y Y \| \\___ \ |__| |___|__|_| /_______ /____ > \/ \/ \/ Shall we end with a poem by Jose de Gouveia? Almost. Let's. Subject: Computer Virus Warning Virus, virus on my hard drive of my PC with '98 windows a whole lot of gateways to a soul infected and infecting spreading like a cancer killing my memory of many long lost and deleted objects for I too have seen the best gigabytes of my generation destroyed by yet another hackers madness as I shove an aspirin into my disk drive and double click on Dr. Watson's menu As the online porn queens moan and groan RealAudio sound bytes of virtual MichaelAngelo... Because the information highway ends not by the blow of a silent horn but the zap of an opened folder as a new Y2K era is upon us I'm not sure if mutations of newly adapted technology will heal all in some sort of Virtual Second Coming or kill us all in the rougher electronic slouchings of a much meaner holographic beast The computer monitor awaits with RealVideo and WebTV just click here for free access its not 2000 but 1984 much different from grade school when being hooked on phoenics felt so much different than hooked on the internet I'm with you Bill Gates in the starkness of a new millenium with you as our on-line Savior with mouse in hand - awaiting your crucifixion! I'm with you Bill Gates in the sunny skyless cloudscapes gleaming super-nova whiteness upon your capitalistic blandness! I'm with you Bill Gates in the blue glare of white flashing screens with no savers in chat rooms and forums and newsgroups and websites and, and, and... The New World Order's Age of Reason? Because the world truly ends with some sort of sound and whether it be a bang or a whimper will never be noticed in the internet zone where I swallow yet another anti-virus somewhere in Norton Wasting away again in Cyberspaceville... While conforming to the net's political correctness of kind words in chat rooms, sensitive electronic mutabilities and safe on-line sex at an URL linked to my homepage wondering if the Computer has the virus or do I.. Reprinted from his website at: And we double-end this zine with a Michael Moore quote from his book "Stupid White Men." What I am concerned with is why politicians like Senators Joe Lieberman of Connecticut and Herbert Kohl of Wisconsin want to go after MTV when they are the ones responsible for the massive failure of American education. feedback?