MAHATMA GANDHI KI JAI!!! _ _ _ _ __ _ __ | |_ (3) __ __ (1) ___ | |_ / _` | / _| | _| | | \ V / | | (_-< | _| \__,_| \__| \__| |_| \_/ |_| /__/ \__| _ _ | |_ (2) _ __ ___ ___ | _| | | | ' \ / -_) (_-< \__| |_| |_|_|_| \___| /__/ LETTUCE PREY to Here is a website i'm working on to facilitate student activism... Peace, Aaron zap: figured this _might_ be good 'zine fodder. from the GWAC list ( - a GWU student's little story. he posted it to a public list, so i say it's ok, if there's any place/space for it. :) -- m[oby/att] to Dessert storm? ha! great site with great links. pies throughout history! made my day. --jd On Pickering, Call your senators and voice full support for stringing the bastard up. Right after you throw him out for soiling the carpet. The guy is a good ol' boy network bum. --donny Bush just shook the sabers. Rev up the military industrial complex. And if you disagree with us drilling in Alaska, violating clear air laws, backing Enron and basically doing whatever we want, then you're not a patriot. The doomsday clock just got closer to midnight. God and any other all seeing entity, help us all. --ibid. NUMBUS AMONGUS "being twenty in america sucks." -- moby, topified at zapatistas suggestion PUBLISHER'S COLUMN == 16mar02 2pm (nyc time) Associated Press Writer Sally Buzbee has written that Dick Cheney will tell the Saudis how important their base is to U.S. interests. "We are just as dependent on Saudi bases and Saudi military facilities today as we were on Sept. 10," she quotes Anthony Cordesman saying. He's a Gulf expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. "As we face the risks of proliferation and asymmetric warfare in the Gulf, that partnership will not become less important -- it will become more important." What will Cheney be told in response? The same thing Saudi Arabia said on the 9th of September. "Get the hell out." OK, not in so many words, but still. Look it up. What was Saudi Arabia's policy shift regarding U.S. open ended staging grounds for perpetual low intensity conflict over Iraq? Hmm. At about the same time the US and Israel were pulling out of the famous Race Conferences, too. You know, the ones that were far more important to the entire rest of planet earth. But not so for Israel and the US. "Doctor Henry Kissinger does not need this!" I imagine someone muttering under his breath in the third person. Saudi Arabia is going to tell Dick Cheney the same thing they said six months ago. They believe the US has gone too far with their so-called war against Hussein, neither the blockade, nor the war; not the sorti's, and most definitely not the genocide. None of this has worked in any way that the Saudis can recognize. Enough is too much, they will say. 10 years was all you'll get. OK, different topic. Sorta. America's biggest problem is not her wars, her genocide, her endless red tape, her taxes, or her rude, ethnocentric, elitist, holier-than-thou self-defeatest disposition, although that's all part of it. No, her biggest problem is... ...that annoying faceless, spineless, bureaucratic hold muzak you have to hear everytime you turn around!!! And lastly, In a recent poll (not zogby, and not allowing even a .045 coefficient of error, much less .4) people answered the following question like so: Britney Spears: How Do You Feel About Her? 57% Shallow, brains of a walnut 14% Take her or leave her, like Hanson 29% Smart cookie, there's hope for her yet [ref]=[] HURTS SO MUCH: FEELS SO GOOD! a poem by marco The ten-minute mile When you've let it all go And you're much plumper Than you'd prefer to be What do Billy Joel and p(R)esident Bush have in common? A Parody by One tough baked good Sing these lyrics to the Billy Joel song Pressure You have to learn to feed yourself Pretzels You chew like everybody else Pretzels You�ve already drank liquids soft food But eating whole food is real Just like judicial voting review And Enron friends Kenneth Lay And they want you to eat Pretzels You used to stutter more on stage Pretzels But now your speaches are the rave Pretzels You turned to flag waving John Wayne and God Now here�s an Axis you will hate And nuclear bombs you want to build People in Kyoto you will forsake And you still can�t swallow Pretzels All grown up and no oil to drill Alaska 1, Wyoming 2 Where is the thrill? All you�re friends are Texas oil sluts The world thinks you�re nuts Maybe a Putz Pretzels Pretzels Don't ask for help You're all alone Pretzels You�ll have to stand in the rincon (corner -- Spanish) Pretzels I�m sure you�ll have some Ranch style rationale But here you are in the spot Where all greedy plots are hatched You�ll speak of God and families But you still can�t swallow Pretzels Pretzels All your life is privilege from birth Millions net worth Owning the Earth Pretzels I�m sure you�ll have some Ranch style rationale But here you are with your faith And your Peter Pan advice You have no scars on your face And you cannot handle Pretzels Pretzels, Pretzels One, two, three, four Pretzels & FOUND IN SOME LIST... So I was flying out of BWI and I'm waiting to board the plane. I'm standing in line with my boarding pass, and surprise surprise, they tell me my name was flagged in the computer. So they pull me aside to go through all of my shit. The funny thing though, is that I was standing next to my idiot- mafioso-fireworks-making congressman, boarding the same flight. He was getting searched too. But it was so obvious that it was planned because he wasn't in line with everyone else to begin with, so that congressmen can show their constituents that they make sacrifices for "freedom" too. So I was chuckling to myself because the whole situation was just bizarre, and i turn to him and say "No special privileges for congressmen???" and he responds "NO, NONE!!!" And after they finish with him he says to me (and this is my new favorite quote!): "SEE THE SYSTEM WORKS! THEY CATCH EVERYONE, EVEN CONGRESSMEN." Which isn't exactly what I was thinking, as I handed over my fourth amendment right, so I replied: "Yeah, they also catch kids with Nader pins." He laughed. Dumbass. Have a good break "Pirates can happen to anyone."----Tom Stoppard ============ Guest Column ============ tHE wORld's riCHEST, aNOtHER reaSON not to sHOP at wal-mART The rich just keep getting ... (It's like a cybergame, look for your hidden exploiter) By Brenda Norrell By far the richest family in the world is the Wal-Mart family. There are no John Boy's in this Walton family. Five family members have $103 billion, according to Forbes magazine. The five Waltons of Wal-Mart rank 6-10 in the richest billionaires in the world. They're much richer this year than last year. Bill Gates at Microsoft comes in as the richest man in the world, with $52.8 billion, and those aren't pesos either. But at least he is giving back a little, with new computers going to each community on the Navajo Nation and elsewhere on Indian lands. Microsoft's Paul Allen takes the number four spot. So, between the toilet paper and computer industries (Wal-Mart and Microsoft) there's $181 billion, give or take a little pocket change, more money than you can hide in a jar in the back yard. The big cheese at Wal-Mart and Microsoft have the biggest chunk of the world's personal wealth. They are 7 of the top 10 world billionaires. In fact, nine of the top ten billionaires are from the good ole U.S. of A. (The crowd cheers here, there's a steady roar...) There are 243 U.S. billionaires in all. There's only one out-of-towner on the top 10 list of who-you-want-to-take-you-to-dinner: Germany's Warren E. Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway at number 2. Forbes lists the BIG extended families with the BIG descended money separately. (They look a little poorer than they are.) These are the world�s Dynasty billionaires, which means moldy old money with lots of family members looking for handouts: Rockefeller tops with $8.5 billion in the U.S. with Chase Manhattan Bank. Then comes Michelin (France/tires), Mellon (U.S. Alcoa aluminum, Texas oil), Porsche/Piech families (Austria/cars of course knothead), Bombardier (Canadian planes, trains and snowmobiles), Rothschild (France and United Kingdom/Swiss banks), Braun (Germany/Ludwig Georg/pharmaceuticals) and alas Italy�s Lavazza (coffee and expresso maker.) The next world dynasty guys have supermarkets, beer and retail stuff. The other companies probably have their money broken up in small chunks or hidden. The words "Big Oil and Coal" and LONDON have a glaring absence on the lists. Of 497 billionaires, only 7 percent are women, and only one of those is a self-made billionaire, Doris Fisher of Gap. Forbes has its fingers crossed for Oprah. Microsoft�s software rival Oracle hangs in at number five, but the big media giants are missing from the top, although Cox is still bringing in big bucks in the top 25. Things should pick up this year for the media with the war cheerleading and the "Wag the Dog" serial. Mars bars and Nike make the top 50 list of pulling down profits. Well, at least they�re fun (if you are a pinhead and live in the United States.) Prices at Sweden�s funky Ikea house-wear seem too cheap to make the list, but its number 16. The largest number of world billionaires are in the lifestyles category this year, media, travel and gambling. Except for Kerkorian's MGM Mirage with $5.8 billion, most of the gambling guys from Asia and Trump in the U.S. have only about $1 billion. Kmart, AOL and Time Warner are on the bigtime looser list. By the way, the guys guarding Peabody Coal on Black Mesa, Arizona, are Wackenhut security, founded by a former CIA official. Forbes reports the Danish Group 4 Falck plans to buy Wackenhut for $573 million, marking the company's entry into the $14 billion U.S. security market. (Peabody's parent company is Lehman Brothers where the media-censored bold address to stockholders by Navajo, Lakota and Hopi took place last spring at the World Trade Center.) On the world billionaire list, the first interesting guy shows up in the number 11 spot. It's Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud, Saudi Arabia, 45, with a measly $20 billion showing from investments. (The New York mayor gave back his $10 million donation for Trade Center victims after Alwaleed said America should re-examine itself.) The rest of the world's top billionaires don't seem to show up in my address book, maybe you know them, and the amount a sweatshop worker makes working a 16-hour day in Mexico ... Then of course there�s the ride home in Juarez ... WORLD BILLIONAIRES 2002, with a total of $1.54 trillion The world's top billionaires, according to Forbes magazine By The Associated Press The ranking of the world's 100 richest people as estimated by Forbes magazine. Listings include rank, name, home, country, age where known, wealth in billions of dollars and source of the money. 1. Gates, William H. III, United States, 46, dlrs 52.8, Microsoft 2. Buffett, Warren E., United States, 71, dlrs 35.0, Berkshire Hathaway 3. Albrecht, Karl and Theo, Germany, dlrs 26.8, retail 4. Allen, Paul G., United States, 49, dlrs 25.2, Microsoft 5. Ellison, Lawrence J., United States, 57, dlrs 23.5, Oracle 6. Walton, Jim C., United States, 54, dlrs 20.8, Wal-Mart 7. Walton, John T., United States, 56, dlrs 20.7, Wal-Mart 8. Walton, Alice L., United States, 53, dlrs 20.5, Wal-Mart 9. Walton, S. Robson, United States, 58, dlrs 20.5, Wal-Mart 10. Walton, Helen R., United States, 82, dlrs 20.4, Wal-Mart 11. Alsaud, Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, Saudi Arabia, 45, dlrs 20.0, investments 12. Quandt, Johanna and family, Germany, 74, dlrs 18.4, BMW 13. Bettencourt, Liliane, France, 79, dlrs 14.9, L'Oreal 13. Thomson, Kenneth and family, Canada, 78, dlrs 14.9, publishing 15. Ballmer, Steven A., United States, 45, dlrs 14.8, Microsoft 16. Kamprad, Ingvar, Sweden, 75, dlrs 13.4, Ikea 17. Slim Helu, Carlos, Mexico, 62, dlrs 11.5, telecom 18. Dell, Michael S., United States, 37, dlrs 11.1, Dell 19. Rausing, Kirsten and family, Sweden, 49, dlrs 10.7, packaging 20. Kluge, John W., United States, 87, dlrs 10.5, media 21. Anthony, Barbara Cox, United States, 78, dlrs 10.1, media 21. Chambers, Anne Cox, United States, 82, dlrs 10.1, media 23. Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong, 73, dlrs 10.0, diversified 24. Kwok, Walter, Thomas and Raymond, Hong Kong, dlrs 9.2, real estate 25. Ortega, Amancio, Spain, 66, dlrs 9.1, apparel 26. Mars, Forrest E. Jr., United States, 70, dlrs 9.0, candy 26. Mars, Jacqueline Badger, United States, 63, dlrs 9.0, candy 26. Mars, John F., United States, 65, dlrs 9.0, candy 29. Johnson, Abigail, United States, 40, dlrs 8.6, Fidelity 29. Saji, Nobutada and family, Japan, 56, dlrs 8.6, beverages 31. Bertarelli, Ernesto and family, Switzerland, 36, dlrs 8.4, biotech 32. Redstone, Sumner M., United States, 78, dlrs 8.1, Viacom 33. Rausing, Hans, Sweden, 75, dlrs 7.7, packaging 34. Olayan, Suliman and family, Saudi Arabia, 83, dlrs 7.6, investments 35. Berlusconi, Silvio, Italy, 65, dlrs 7.2, media 36. Arnault, Bernard, France, 53, dlrs 7.0, LVMH 37. Soros, George, United States, 71, dlrs 6.9, money management 38. Grosvenor, Gerald Cavendish, Britain, 50, dlrs 6.7, real estate 39. Del Vecchio, Leonardo, Italy, 66, dlrs 6.6, eyewear 40. Otto, Michael and family, Germany, 58, dlrs 6.5, retail 41. Premji, Azim, India, 56, dlrs 6.4, software 42. Ergen, Charles, United States, 49, dlrs 6.2, satellite TV 43. Moore, Gordon Earle, United States, 73, dlrs 6.1, Intel 44. Kerkorian, Kirk, United States, 84, dlrs 5.8, investments 45. Al-Kharafi, Nasser and family, Kuwait, 58, dlrs 5.7, construction 45. Knight, Philip H., United States, 64, dlrs 5.7, Nike 45. Murdoch, Rupert, United States, 71, dlrs 5.7, News Corp. 48. Engelhorn, Curt, Germany, 75, dlrs 5.6, pharmaceuticals 48. Persson, Stefan, Sweden, 54, dlrs 5.6, Hennes & Mauritz 50. Flick, Friedrich K. Jr., Germany, 75, dlrs 5.5, investments 51. Broad, Eli, United States, 68, dlrs 5.2, real estate 51. Lee Shau Kee, Hong Kong, 74, dlrs 5.2, real estate 51. Takei, Yasuo and family, Japan, 72, dlrs 5.2, consumer finance 54. Anschutz, Philip F., United States, 62, dlrs 5.1, Qwest 55. Cisneros, Gustavo and family, Venezuela, 56, dlrs 5.0, media 55. Haefner, Walter, Switzerland, 91, dlrs 5.0, software 55. Icahn, Carl, United States, 66, dlrs 5.0, investments 55. Newhouse, Donald E., United States, 72, dlrs 5.0, media 55. Newhouse, Samuel I. Jr., United States, 74, dlrs 5.0, media 55. Pritzker, Robert A., United States, 75, dlrs 5.0, hotels, investments 55. Pritzker, Thomas J., United States, 51, dlrs 5.0, hotels, investments 62. Benetton, Luciano and family, Italy, 66, dlrs 4.9, Benetton 62. Dassault, Serge and family, France, 77, dlrs 4.9, aviation 64. Goodnight, James, United States, 59, dlrs 4.8, software 64. Landolt, Pierre and family, Switzerland, 54, dlrs 4.8, Novartis 64. von Finck, August, Germany, 71, dlrs 4.8, investments 67. Lerner, Alfred, United States, 68, dlrs 4.7, banking 68. Omidyar, Pierre M., United States, 34, dlrs 4.6, eBay 68. Tsai Wan-lin and family, Taiwan, 77, dlrs 4.6, insurance 70. Johnson, Samuel C., United States, 73, dlrs 4.5, S.C. Johnson & Son 70. Schickedanz daughters, Germany, dlrs 4.5, retail 72. Bloomberg, Michael R., United States, 59, dlrs 4.4, financial news 72. Davis, Marvin H., United States, 76, dlrs 4.4, investments 72. Mendoza, Lorenzo and family, Venezuela, 36, dlrs 4.4, beverages THNK Y VRY MCH!!! Y WR LSTNNG 2 ATI. Activist Timeshares Indignation. preguntas y problemas?