"It's a rectangular platform, about one foot by two feet, with a heating element built into it and foam rubber all around the outside. You plug the unit into a wall socket, let it heat up and put a wet blotter on top of it. Right away, the steam begins to rise from the blotter. By experience, you know just how wet to get it. Then you place the envelope on top of the blotter, with the flap side down. In a matter of seconds, any envelope will come right open. Later you reseal it--the CIA makes a very effective clear glue. If it's done right, there's no trace that the envelope has been tampered with." --Phil Agee Playboy interview. ...for the week that ended yesterdayish it's: ***** ******* ** ** ** ** ******* ***** activist times! ** ** ******** ******** ** ** ** ** ** ** ******** ******** ** ** ... ** ** . . .297. ... 0110291255 hrs #'s? http://www.a4u.at http://www.tipjar.com http://www.sucks500.com http://www.freeuconn.org http://home.eol.ca/~dord http://www.hackermind.net http://www.bikesummer.org http://www.taylormali.com http://www.deviantart.com http://www.happyhacker.org http://www.ahram.org.eg/weekly http://www.protestgraphics.org http://www.poetics.org/DaytonPOR http://struggle.ws/zapatista.html http://www.whatareweswallowing.com http://www.connix.com/~harry/agee.htm http://www.yankthechain.com/badguys.html http://www.bettybowers.com/biblequiz.html http://www.brianwillson.com/awolfarr.html http://home1.gte.net/res0k62m/mcgehee.htm http://www.indiancountry.com/?article=140 http://m-net.arbornet.org/~truth/home.html http://nookovian-red.deviantart.com/gallery http://www-personal.umich.edu/~matvey/lscts http://www.disobey.ca/articles/nationalism.html http://www.foulds2000.freeserve.co.uk/bushv5.htm http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=11798 http://www.kolumbus.fi/jik/sarastus/penaintr.htm http://flag.blackened.net/daver/misc/checkers.mp3 http://dc.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=14620 http://www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=79954 http://nyc.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=13473 http://www.fortunecity.com/tinpan/parton/2/mycount.html http://www.senate.gov/~feingold/releases/01/10/102501at.html http://www.globalexchange.org/campaigns/mexico/digna102201.html http://server30.hypermart.net/geewhy/images/MasterOfPuppets.jpg http://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/09/30/britain.farrakhan/index.html http://www.americas.org/News/Features/200110_After_the_Attacks/200110Chile.htm http://lists.indymedia.org/mailman/public/imc-editorial/2001-October/004377.html And LETTUCE: to ati@etext.org I was screwing around on the alt.2600 and came across your stuff. Mike D Dear Mr Bin-Laden, Have I got this right? You want to kill me because YOUR invisible friend is better than MY invisible friend? An American Hello Again, [inline] [inline] [inline] [inline] [inline] [inline] [inline] [inline] [inline] [inline] [inline] [inline] [inline] [inline] [inline] [inline] Note: this is not a spam email. You have received this because you opted into a mailing list. If you would like to be removed Please CLICK HERE [ed note: uh, yeah; right...] DR. Abraham Kuti FEDERAL MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM RESOURCES FEDERAL SECRETARIAT JALALALAD, IFGHANISTAN Attn: marco capelli RE: URGENT AND CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS PROPOSAL I am Dr. Abraham Kuti, the Director and Funds Co-ordinator of the Finance/Contract Department of the FEDERAL MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM RESOURCES. Terms of Reference. My term of reference involves the financial management and disbursement of proceeds from petroleum products and also the award of contracts to multinational companies. My office is also saddled with responsibility of screening categorization and prioritization of projects embarked upon by this Ministry as well as feasibility study for selected projects and Supervising the project consultants involved. A breakdown of the fiscal expenditure by this office as at the end of the fourth fiscal quarter of 2000 indicates that this Ministry paid out a whooping sum of US$736M (Seven hundred and Thirty Six Million United States Dollars) to successful contract beneficiaries. The Ministry is now compiling Beneficiaries to be paid this last quarter of 2001. The crux of this letter is that the finance/contract department of this Ministry deliberately over-inflated the contract value of the various contracts awarded. In the cause of disbursements, this department has been able to track down the sum of US$41.5M (Forty One Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars)as the over-invoiced sum. This money is now lying and floating in the Ministry�s domiciliary account with the Apex Bank, Central Bank of IFGHANISTAN (CBI). My colleagues and I now want to quickly transfer this fund to a safe nominated account for possible investment abroad. We are not allowed as a matter of Government policy to operate any foreign account because of our status as Civil/public servants. Hence the need to solicit for your account to transfer this fund into. We have also evolved a sharing formula as follows: (1) 25% for the foreign account owner (2) 70% for I and my colleagues (3) 5% will be set aside to defray all expenses both locally and internationally during the course of this transaction. Furthermore, we shall be relying on your advice as regards investments of part of our share in any blue-chip Company in your country. Be informed that this business is genuinely and 100% safe considering the high-powered government official involved. Send your private fax, telephone numbers and your mobile telephone if any and same of your Bank and Account number. This is to facilitate easy communication with you. Contact me strictly by email. Looking forward to healthy business relationship with you. Sincerely, DR. Abraham Kuti PRIME ANARCHIST DOES NOT COLUMNIZE THIS WEEK. Instead he lets Sup Marcos take over the haus. [Translated by irlandesa] To the relatives of Digna Ochoa y Pla'cido: To the members of the Miguel Agusti'n Pro Human Rights Center: Brothers and sisters: I am writing you in the name of the old ones, children, men and women of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation. We have just heard of the assassination of Digna Ochoa y Pla'cido, so long foretold and so irresponsibly discounted. The crime which blotted out this life reaches and is enough to shock any honest person into indignation. When social fighters are eliminated, the Powers hold parties, sport their best finery, and let drop a few coins so that their charity might purchase indifference. There is no change above other than that dictated by fashion, and, below, injustice and poverty are repeated in faces and steps. There will be sadness and anger below, but no longer will there be impotence. The crime committed against Digna will most certainly cast a shadow over the steps of all those men and women who have made the defense of human rights their path and goal. But we must everywhere build that collective light which dispels that shadow, and which prevents the clock from once again marking the yesterdays of impunity, cynicism and indifference, which are nothing but the clothing of forgetting. We cannot find the words which would serve, at the same time, to hurt and to relieve the grief which is veiling our, and your, eyes, but not our course. Anyway, our silence goes as timid embrace, because you know that you are accompanied in silence as well. Vale. Salud and long life to she who carried vocation and destiny in name. For the Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee - General Command of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation. >From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast. Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos. Mexico, October of 2001. PRESS RELEASE TYPE STUFF: Saludos: Our update in email format. For us at the Cafe it is obvious that the events of Sep 11 are not over as each day brings in more news that can only be seen as attacks or consequences. Having grieved the demise of so many, having comforted the afflicted, consoled the survivors, thanked the helpful hands of so many unknown heroes (some known to us), we are faced with the aftereffects in terms of health (physical & mental), finances (loss of jobs, curtailmaint of revenues), political suspended, uncertain primaries), sports (canceled games, and we almost don't make it to the World Series, PLEASE) and even spiritual concerns (WHY?, beliefs and what is done in the name of beliefs). Even as we walk in what should called "Wartime", a call for return to normalcy may at moments appear a little bit too much to ask for. And Yet there is some comfort left. The same species that begets such horrors can express a creative (devine?) side that affirms life. That somehow commands us to do better. It is my privilige while I am preparing this notice, to hear rehearsals, practices, poets prepping, musicians tuning. I thank you! For you help me in keeping the faith (so tested these days). Over the past weeks, I have received notices from many groups around the country that wish to do what comes naturally to them: Poets, Musicians, Artists working for Peace. We will keep you updated as space allows. http://www.nuyorican.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CLAN DYKEN BROTHERS IN CONCERT (Please Note: Alice Di Micele will NOT appear as was previously announced) "Straight from the Heart" A Benefit for Dine' (Navajo) of Big Mountain Nov. 10th, 7;30 pm Ashland Community Center 59 Winburn Way Ashland, Or. Acclaimed singers songwriters Clan Dyken Brothers will be doing a benefit performance for the Resistance families of Big Mountain, Az. on November 10th , 8 pm at the Ashland Community Center. As long time supporters of Indian issues, the Dykens will perform acoustic music which has been acclaimed by such legends as Wavy Gravy who says "One of the greatest rock and roll bands in the free world" and Kim Angelis who explains "The(ir) lyrics cry out for us to care a little more about our fellow man and our planet, the music lifts the spirit to a state of joyous celebration...there's just no sitting still when the Clan weaves its spell." Accompanying the Dykens will be Louise Benally, an internationally known speaker, Dine' human rights activist, and mother of four children and resident of Big Mountain, Arizona. "Straight from the Heart" will provide an evening of song and story, politics and heart. Adding to the mix will be a local Native Drum and Song group as well as some surprise local artists. This event will benefit the Dine', who after over two decades of battling and losing a freedom of religion lawsuit, are readying for another winter and a series of trials. These trials are the result of arrests which took place at Camp Anna Mae Sundance , Big Mountain, Az. this past July (visit www.blackmesais.org for more info) and make the necessity for support particularly urgent. In these precarious times, the prophecies and prayers of the People of Big Mountain play an important role in the survival of all people. That is, helping the families of Big Mountain maintain their traditional lifestyle, cultural beliefs, and freedom of religion brings the chance of peace that much closer to all of our lives. A special thanks in advance to all who support this benefit. Tickets are $5-7, sliding scale, elders and children under ten admitted free. This event is sponsored by Walk in Peace and Melissa Willemth. For more info contact 541.488.6996, 541.482.2506 or email jaimieandkids@juno.com. New possible words that step up surveillance. "From," followed by any city, country or state name. > I would love that. Please drop hints. [I wonder what words in that last line set it off?] THE ELECTRIC FUNERAL an essay. Saturday. 27Oct01 Today is the first day after the new "anti-terrorism bill got signed. [ Worth noting, this bill has been introduced a couple ] [ times a year since 1998 to my knowlege. Probably ] [ earlier when I wasn't aware. ] I have the same feeling of dread I had when George Sr won the pResidency following up 8 years of Reagan. I signed up on delayed entry program for the Army Signal Corps right after George Herbert Walker took his just desserts. (storm?) I shipped out for basic right after his inauguration. Only half alert to the fact that he will be my commander in chief the entire time of my enlistment. (storm coming?) It was that feeling. War was on its way. It was being ushered in. On only needed look. And listen. And feel. Libya, Panama, Iraq. Dread. Feeling of dread. That brings us to now with the decade we'll be spending in Afghanistan. Yeah, I know. Chronologically, I've left out a lot. Somalia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Serbia, Indonesia, Colombia, Chiapas, Peru, Salvador, Nicaragua. Again. And again. And againg. And always Cuba. Forever Cuba. (storm coming you better hide.) THAT'S ALL WE GOT THIS WEEK... SEE YA NEXT TIME. Copyleft MF 2001 PAP, Prime Anarchist Productions, LLC and ATI, Activist Times, Int. LLP. All Rights, Lefts and Mids balanced out with highs, lows and mids. Some reverb and delay may have settled during rewinding. The characters and events depicted in this 'zine are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Or at least buried so deeply in literary tools that you won't possibly win a lawsuit over it. got feedback? ati@text.org back issues and markups and such can be got at: http://www.thepentagon.com/primeanarchist Good day.