"You cannot quit Acrobat (tm) without closing. Possibly because there is a plugin(s) still running. Go back into Acrobat (tm) and close it down." [Um, I was never IN acrobat this week.] ***** ******* ** ** ** ** ******* ***** activist times ** incorporated! ** ******** ******** ** ** ** ** ** ** ******** ******** ** ** ... ** ** . . .292. ... Live from Appleton, WI - Joseph McCarthy's favorite town in the whole white world. It's ATI - Activist, Tunisia's Important! Issue #292 Sept-"31"-2001 #'s http://www.freespeech.org/kokopeli/davidhorowitzisafatuglyracist.html http://davenet.userland.com/2001/09/14/tamimAnsaryOnAfghanistan http://www.babylonthegreatisfalling.net/defaultmenu.htm http://www.dc.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=12971 http://www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=67980 http://www.neural.it/nnews/borderhackonlineexhib.htm http://dc.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=13302 http://urbana.indymedia.org/library/webzines.html http://www.angelfire.com/journal2/rancidpumpkin http://www.screechmagazine.com/willovppl.shtml http://flag.blackened.net/ati/sidessoa2.html http://www.cosmiverse.com/scifi09210101.html http://www.wagepeacenow.org/collective.html http://www.de-lete.tv/borderhack/attachment http://www.dirgotronix.net/~drcolossus http://www.fatwallet.com/thankyou.htm http://www.rainbowfarmcampground.com http://ironija.tripod.com/ok/2.htm http://struggle.ws/stopthewar.html http://www.tenthousandmonkeys.com http://spaceyideas.com/cheshire http://www.robertmcchesney.com http://www.social-ecology.org http://www.nomorefakenews.com http://rawa3.hackmare.com http://www.stallman.org http://dsl.org/cookbook ==/==/==/==Police tagline==/==/==Do not cross ==/==/==/== do your To ATI: intellect a favor and point your browsers... AWAY FROM: cnn, the washington post, the nytimes, and msnbc (NONE of you should be reading msnbc!) and TOWARDS: http://www.counterpunch.com http://www.alternet.org http://www.commondreams.org and http://www.zmag.org think about it. your media buddy, ryan @>-,--`--- Marco Trust me on this one. It is goofy. Stop and pick up your telephone to try this. It only takes 20 seconds, and no matter how bad a day you may be having, if nothing else, it will make you smile and momentarily forget what's going on. 1. Call Deutsche Bank/National Discount Brokers at 1-800-888-3999. 2. Listen to ALL of the options (only takes a moment, I promise!) 3. After hearing the 7th option, press 7 and listen. Every company should have an Option 7. Mollie @>-,--`--- To: TJ , www-features@indymedia.org Subject: Re: [www-features] Education feature Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 08:57:23 -0500 World Trade Center's two towers are in flames. They were each hit by what appears to be commercial airliners. Most corporate media is crippled because their towers are at the top. AP only has one line about the story so far. I think we should put up a line or two on our center page and then take it down in a day or so. What's anyone else think? marc @>-,--`--- no shit, roger. I spent a day and a half trying to confirm that when I read it Wednesday night. It's really hard to keep calling Bin Laden a terrorist as commander in chief without wanting to ask rhetorically if Bush, Powell or Cheney are equally terrorists, or are they completely exempt because they're "commanders in chief" of THE country whereas all the rest are just CIF's of some other counrties??? 9/13/01 11:24:58 PM, "Roger Bunn" wrote: >Here's a UPI story that should be a candidate for unreported stories of the >year. Thanks to Roger Bunn of the Music Industry Human Rights Association >(MIHRA) whose original message follows. Could the Taliban's role in the drug >trade have anything to do with the hands-off US approach? --MN > >Taliban slammed over bin Laden appointment > >Thursday, 30 August 2001 9:58 (ET) > >Taliban slammed over bin Laden appointment > > > MOSCOW, Aug. 30 (UPI) -- Russia's Foreign Ministry on Thursday condemned >the appointment of Saudi terrorism suspect Osama bin Laden as the >commander-in-chief of the armed forces of Afghanistan's ruling Taliban >regime, the official RIA Novosti news agency reported. > > Bin Laden's appointment confirmed that a center of international terrorism >is being set up in Taliban-controlled territory, the ministry said in a >statement. > > "Pseudo-religious values are being used as a cover to prepare a bridgehead >for expansion of militant extremism and separatism far beyond the region's >borders," added the statement... {snip for bandwidth considerations} @>-,--`--- hi mike, >It's really a problem to verify these phrases as it >is an English translation with no mention of the original, and as we all >know - Nostradamus was French.. >Here are two things that have been found and have been thought to possibly >be meaningful to the event? (Again - this is an English translation and may >be inaccurate): >Century I - verse 87 >Earthshaking fire from the center of the earth will cause tremors around the >New City. >Two great rocks will war for a long time, then Arethusa will redden a new >river. >Century VI - verse 97 >At forty-five degrees the sky will burn, >Fire to approach the great new city: >In an instant a great scattered flame will leap up, >When one will want to demand proof of the Normans. >or not >- as you can see, he's very cryptic >Oh, one other more thing ... >- Nostradamus died on July 2, 1566 - it's quite unlikely for him to have >written the above verse in 1654... > >take it easy fidibus ==/==/==/==Police tagline==/==/==Do not cross ==/==/==/== PRESS RELEASE PARTS -------------------------------------------------- 3. Legislative Update from SOAWatch Good news! We have 80 co-sponsors to HR 1810, the bill to close the SOA/WHISC. The SOA Watch legislative committee has set a goal for 100 co-sponsors by the end of the year, and we are almost there! Please keep up the pressure. Contact your member of congress now! You can find a list of co-sponsors and a sample letter on our web page. We are working with members of the Senate to shape an effective strategy in that chamber. Check our web page for developments. Soldiers from Colombia continue to be trained at SOA/WHISC, and human rights abuses continue to occur daily in Colombia. Millions of our tax dollars support the Colombian army�s effort to repress the people and violate their rights. Our senators can change that. Next week, the Senate will take up the foreign aid appropriations bill, the annual budget bill which includes the funding for Colombia and the Andean region. Call your senator now and urge him/her to speak out about the violence in Colombia and to support amendments to cut aid to the Colombian military. http://www.lawg.org http://www.soaw.org -------------------------------------------------- AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. OR NOT. OR MAYBE. Today's Prime Anarchist Column Gets Taken Over By Marco. Well, just for today, right? New York City Rickshaw Walla, get outa your cab. I mean it. Check this out. Get out of your cab. Or at least a couple hours a day, leave it behind and buy yourself one of those bicycle rickshaws. Start humping people around the old fashioned way. You have an opportunity to radically change Amerikan capitalism for the good, for the first time since even as far back as the first push-cart days. Think about it. The tips you'll take in will be yours and yours alone. At least for the first few months. And the controlls that will be set on it will have to built one by one over time, while you'll have the same amount of time to organize yourselves and others around making the changes happen fairly and slowly. And you'll STILL be your own boss. Giuliani will NOT be able to criminalize you. His boyfriend George "W" Bush has courted him about being kind to people providing a service. He won't go against that at least until past election day. And by then it'll be too late. You will have radically changed Amerikan capitalism for the good, yes! For the first time since way back in the push-cart days. Giuliani will have to notice you, and give you credit for all the work you're doing. Maybe while all this patriotic ferver is raging, you can say everything to and from lower manhattan is free or something. You'll probably get awarded Nobel Prizes or something in front of every rock star and political idiot at a hundred dollar a plate dinner, because all Giuliani cares about this second is pulling off winning the mayorship one extra time past term-limits. For you see, he also has a chance to radically change politics for the first time, no wait. For the second time. Since George "W" Bush "won" the US pResidency on the backs of the Amerikan Citizens' distractedness. Trust me, and at least think about this. I think you have a great opportunity to work your ass off, hump a bunch of people on your own back practically with your own resources for tips or for cheap, without almost any controls at first, and make your gross the same as your net for a very long time before the city toughens up and tries to control you. You will by then have established something once again that USED to exist in Amerika. The real Amerikan dream. Where did it go? I'll tell you where it went. Deep underneath fascism, city, county and state corruption, greed and Greenspan Economofuckinics. It's still there but you have to fight for it. You have to scratch the earth and dig underneath for it. Grassroots. Look at your feet. Think about them. Contemplate kicking corporate ass. Do it. Don't be shy. Get out there and be creative. Don't just tie a yellow ribbon around your old oak tree. Don't just red white and blue your baby so true. Make it green. Make the whole friggin city green. Lots is happening all over this country. Not just in NYC either. Green mother earth is waking up I think. A full week without crop dusters? Holy shit. Mother Earth coughed five times. But she noticed her breath at the same time. She said, holy wah!!! I'm alive. They didn't kill me completely. She's ready to kick our ass. Check it out. Soon come rumblings of a different kind. Only the creative will survive it. Yup. Only the creative. She's looking to spare a "few good citizens." So scratch the earth and dig underneath for it. Grassroots. Look at your feet. Think about them. Contemplate kicking capitalist ass. Do it. Are you the best cook in this town? Donate your services one day a week. All of them. And DON'T try to get money back on your taxes next year. You're saving lives. People will reward you for just THAT selfless act in ways you'll not begin to imagine even if I tried to show you this moment. Do it. Roll your sleeves up. Feed someone for free. Do you work in a hospital? Go volunteer for someone besides the Red Cross or Elizabeth Dole. They don't need your money, they steal enough of their own from the young and the old. Go find a shelter that can't afford healthcare for ANY of its people. Or that has nothing more than a once-a-week clinic written on a "point five" job where about 30 of the 52 weeks a year there's one cancellation after another. Get in there and volunteer one day a week for preventative case-work, free. You'll have doubled their cause without spending a single dollar of anyone else's money OR yours. Just your time. Take your time, and give some of it away. You won't be disappointed. That's the real patriotism, that's the real Amerikan dream. That's the real way to go about it. Not this false shadow idol worship shit. I went to bed last night wrestling with this whole Amerikan false idol shit, and how this all could have happened and where we can go from here, INSTEAD of the path we seem to be taking this second. Because you KNOW it's a slippery slope. Our economy's down the toilet. It was down the toilet well before 3 of 4 planes hit our holiest of holy shrines. The kind of capitalism we know in Amerika today has died a painful, fire and water death as we know it. And the rest is just follow through. Rebuild from the ashes. So I write you this "cyber-pamphlet" hoping to inspire you no matter where your own walk of life takes you. Do something with it. Copy it and pass it along, change it, write your own, read it to the person next to you, saying, "wanna hear the most wack thing you've ever heard? Check this out..." But do something. Something else besides what every single other person who looks exactly like you is doing this very moment. Stop mourning and "save" people. Put a smile on your face and do something different with yourself for the first time since before you economically enslaved yourself way back as far as you can remember. Take back your life. It is more revolutionary than anything else you can do in the next two or three milleniums. Trust me. No matter who your are, no matter what you're doing right now. Think this all the way through and hammer it out with other people in some stupid think-tank. You, and not you alone, you and everyone who thinks just a little bit like you, and everyone who thinks completely different. You all have a chance, we all have a chance right now. We all have our first chance in a long time to kick some serious Allen Greenspan ass. And that "liberal wife" of hers. AND RADICALLY CHANCE NEO-CAPITALISM FOR THE GOOD FOR THE FIRST TIME IN WORLD HISTORY SINCE SOMEONE LAY DOWN A BLANKET ON THE GROUND AND SAID "THAT ONE'S A DOLLAR, OR WHATEVER YOU CAN AFFORD." Last of the great tipped employees, marco !!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!! !!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!! Anti-war Manhattan Kabul a poem by Sue A man going to war is doing something he hoped never to do a man going to war is losing things he hoped always to love a man going to war is moving against the life he wants war on hope war on love war on will nothing left but kill kill to protect what we love we have to kill, we have to die? all missions on that premise are suicidal To go to war we overcome instincts so profound we overcome all but war and war overcomes all I did not carry my sons for this Women at war bare their breasts in the Holy Land equal and free to offend Islam and defend liberty and sisterhood Covered faces Screened eyes Robed bodies Shock western values What we know is all we know. We don't know what we don't know. We know we wanted homes laughter children work health golden lampglow warming evening. The dead are entombed in Manhattan; The living in Kabul dig in underground or flee; robed figures on handcarts pushed where? Where is home? Usama Bin Laden named now blamed now hunted now; "You are with me or with terrorism" immature schoolyard logic passes for diplomacy four and a half acres of gunboat diplomacy floats when war comes to town; Downtown; Manhattan grieves for reprisal and closure: My analyst told me the stages of grief there are four : Denial, a river in Egypt. Anger, an army at war Loss, a night without day Acceptance, cessation. Denial cannot anger block Anger cannot cancel loss Loss never goes away There is no night without day There is loss and there is life Covert ops and bombs Missiles in droves Soldiers Poppies in Normandy. What did you do with your life? I invented a new type of war. It's not new. It's old. Old Testament Wild West Schoolyard logic and wrong, it's all wrong. Come back Come home Grieve Wait out the anger. @>-,--`--- UNCONVENIENCE STORE a found poem You are being Videotaped while You enter and Exit this Restroom @>-,--`--- A Short Poetical About History Repeating by Jeff M. WHEN DID THE GOVERNMENT & MEDIA STOP LYING TO US? CUI BONO (WHO BENEFITS) FROM THE EVENTS OF 09.11.01? WHEN DID BIN LADEN STOP WORKING FOR THE CIA? WHEN WILL DISSENT BECOME TREASON? @>-,--`--- ATI - No longer abusing puts and calls since 1991 .-. / \ .-. .-. / \ / \ .-. _ .-. / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / `-' `-' \ / \ \ / `-' `-' \ `-' ` Well, that's about it for ATI issue 292. Send all the money to ati@etext.org The Zine's semi-official website is at: http://www.thepentagon.com/primeanarchist http://www.freespeech.org/kokopeli/latuff/violence.html for all things reconsidered. Oh, and if you've got sense, you'll dial 1-860-887-2600 ext. 5293