"When the United States declared its independence, it had the same population as Brazil." -- Eduardo Galeano to: ati@etext.org All Flags at Half Mast The Nuyorican Poets Cafe wishes to inform our friends, neighbors, supporters, Poets, Artists, Writers and Musicians that all events/perfomances are on hold until we all have open access to our city. We offer our most sincere prayers, sympathy and support to all the families, friends and associates of persons missing, wounded or deceased. We are duty bound to observe all emergency restrictions imposed on our community and in cooperation with the requests of civil authorities and rescue operations personnel. In addition in recognition of the travel hardships faced by our patrons and our scheduled performers. The Cafe will make itself available to neighbors and friends who wish to gather to hold vigils, pay their respects and perhaps comfort each other. Please e-mail us with your requests at nuyorican@mindspring.com If you are recieving this message despite a request to unsubscribe, we apologize, we are working from backup information held off-site. With our heartfelt Grief & In the Service of Poetry, Art and Community, The Board of Directors & Personnel of The Nuyorican Poets Cafe and welcome to ATI, Activist Towers Illusive. <><><><><><><><><><><><> <> <> <> AA TTTTTT IIIIII <> <> A A TT II <> <> AAAA TT II <> <> A A TT II <> <> A A TT IIIIII <> <> <> <><><><><2><9><0><><><><> 0109162200 hrs ------------------------ PRIME ANARCHIST'S COLUMN ------------------------ Still speechless. Get to me in a week or two. Maybe I'll say something. Maybe not. -=prime=- to ati@etext.org Three days have passed since the attack that destroyed the World Trade Center and damaged the Pentagon. I feel shocked by the attack, and deeply saddened about the lives that have been taken or ruined. It has been an emotional rollercoaster. I�ve decided that there is one small thing I want to do to help. I would like to invite anyone so inclined to write a letter to Ghent magazine about their experiences during the attack and its aftermath. Where you were when the first plane hit? How did you find out about it? Where did you go? What did you see? Who did you talk to? How did you feel? What are your thoughts about the attack in general, its roots, the media coverage and the impact of that coverage, and where you think we go from here as a city and as a country? If you have already written on these topics � e-mails, for example � to friends or relatives, feel free to forward those e-mails to Ghent. You can e-mail them to eartheater2000@aol.com. Feel free to forward this e-mail. Why solicit these e-mails or letters? Two reasons: 1) A disaster like this can generate a mix of emotions; shock, grief, anger in turn or simultaneously. Writing is a useful way to sort through these feelings. 2) The more space there is in the public sphere for people to describe their experiences and feelings, the better. Not all submissions will be published, but at the very least they will be read and responded to. I hope this e-mail finds you all in good health, and I hope this is the worst disaster any of us will ever experience. Sincerely, Stephen Kosloff Editor Ghent Magazine ^ /" "\ /"_____"\ - - Dear Sir/madam Could you please supply me with the name of the human resources manager who deals with occupational health and safety. Also can you also send me his or her contact details and email address. Thank you kindly for your assistance. Yours Sincerely JRA ^ /" "\ /"_____"\ - - to: ati@etext.org Sun, 09 Sep 2001 12:41:01 +1000 remove me from you list or i will take legal action Simon C. to: Simon C. Sat, 08 Sep 2001 22:02:38 -0500 Cut with the threats and unsubscribe yourself. You will send UNSUBSCRIBE ATI to listserv@franklins.net It would be unethical for me to sign anyone up for this list OR unsubscribe them. deliberately out of the loop, marco followup- Sun, 09 Sep 2001 13:41:28 +1000 fucking wanker Simon C. ^ /" "\ /"_____"\ - - Subj: Re: [ATI] issue 289 Sun, 09 Sep 2001 02:59:52 -0500 (CDT) just wanted to drop a line to say (1) i really enjoy the mailings and i only wish i came across ATI sooner, and (2) BAD ASS for listing ozomatli's tour dates. i saw them 2 summer's ago when they opened for dave matthew's band and they were awesome. great music and totally high energy. i love the way they got the crowd so involved. really nice to see performers who (at least appear) to really care about their fans. keep on rockin in the free world. andy > Members of the band Ozomatli did NOT ask for this. > But I thought you really should know where they're > playing the next couple-few weeks. If you miss them > I can only say "your loss." > > 9/22/01 Pearl Street Northampton, MA All Ages Show > 9/23/01 Paradise Rock Club Boston, MA > 9/24/01 The Bowery Ballroom New York, NY > 9/25/01 State Theater Falls Church, VA > 9/28/01 Rosebud Pittsburgh, PA > 9/29/01 Alumni Hall Bloomington, IN ^ /" "\ /"_____"\ - - to ati@etext.org ready for repression? [anon] > ____ > / \ > ( (__) ) > _\____/___ > / | | /\ > /_________/ \_ > / \ \ > / \ \_ > / \ \ > / _ _ \ \_ > / / | // \ \ > / //|| // \ \_ > / || || __ \ \ > / || ||/__\ \ \_ > / || ||/ \\ \ \ > / _||_ \\__// \ \_ > / ---- ---- __ \ \ > / _____ _ _ _ // \ / > / |__ __| / \ | \ | | \\ \ / > / | | | O || \| | \\ \ / > / |_| \_/ |_|\__| _// \ / >/________________________________________\/ > > You got sixteen tons, whaddayya get? Another day older and deeper in debt.... Is it my imagination or has the spate of mass killings risen dramatically since "W" set foot in office. Is it symptomatic of: a. A bad economy b. A rise in Viagra usage c. more blue light specials at KMART or d. The antichrist is holding one of the highest offices in the world. ^ /" "\ /"_____"\ - - to ati@etext.org Attention conspiracy theorists -- Rumor has it Microsoft made a deal with the US gub'ment to monitor certain illegal activities in exchange for an anti-trust settlement. Watch out for that "auto update" feature to start kicking in... Moulder and Scully are on the case (as is that guy from Terminator 2 [anon] #'s http://www.emirkusturica-nosmoking.com/eng/index.html http://www.vny.com/cf/news/upidetail.cfm?QID=216037 http://www.antimusic.com/news/2000/oct/item15.shtml rtsp:// http://news.tucows.com/cyberdummy/40444.html http://www.prop1.org/park/reichsta.htm http://www.ozomatli.com/home_lower.asp http://www.fatwallet.com/thankyou.htm http://forum.tearitalldown.com:8888 http://www.theyesmen.org/finland http://www.212.net/index11.htm http://www.whitehouse.org GATT # (um, what number was this???) & Some MP#'s Share. We begin this edition of Guitar Anarchy Trade Tricks with a song and a missive. http://flag.blackened.net/ati/accentuate.mp3 for winamp and the other downloads, http://www.frucht.org/poems/accentuate.rm for listening in realaudio. And same goes for: http://flag.blackened.net/ati/woody.mp3 and http://www.frucht.org/poems/woody.rm AN ATI MUSIC INDUSTRY OBSERVATION I think Janet and Elton are looking for the same love. Maybe they should just do each other all rough and dirty and different and leave the rest of us alone to enjoy music written from hearts and souls and stuff. Send letters, comments or something else: to ati@etext.org A QUOTE FOR THE END ". . . Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out hate; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction. . . The chain reaction of evil -- hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars -- must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation." -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.