***** ******* ** ** ** ** ******* ***** activist times ** interpreted! ** ******** ******** ** ** ** ** ** ** ******** ******** ** ** ... ** ** . . .287. ... Issue # 287 Aug-17-2001 Hello, Shouts and greets from the text editor of my brand new spiffy linux box. It took me seven failures of everything from freeBSD, to redHats 6.0, 6.2 and even redhat 4.5 before finally seeing some success with Caldera 2.3 I still use one win95 box which I'll keep maintaining for a time til I've hunted down each of the programs I regularly use and come up with a decent linux equivalent. That may take a couple weeks or a month or so I'll bet. And then I'll finally be free. :) So it's Friday, August what, the 17th? I'd always hoped to have *nix running on at least one box by Dec99. But I guess I missed it by a couple little years, eh? Oh well. Should I columnize some, even though I'll be writing something up about webzine.ws this week? Hmmm. OK. But I'll make it short. ````````````````YOU'VE GOT TO BE SHITTING ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Best Buy owns Sam Goody as of last November. Wish I knew that when I went and bought my newest Luckyboys CD, "Throwing The Game." I was making Best Buy my last resort as I checked which stores might have it. I struck out at a couple spots, they'd never even heard of them yet, and one place (we won't mention any names, right Tom?) doesn't have copies I guess, because he doesn't like them very much. We've tried to get them hired back here as headliners at least 5 other times since they'd been to town warming up Little Blue Crunchy Things with Mustard Plug. But nogo. "Nah, I just don't like 'em much," is all we'd get. Oh well. His loss, not ours really. We're willing to travel for 'em. So I end up buying it in SamGoody, thinking ok, at least it wasn't Best Buy. Well, little did I know. Right? Turns out just like buying Keystone beer because you're boycotting Coors. What??? Adolf Coors owns Keystone too? Yupper. OK, how did I find out? Well, I go into SamGoody yesterday thinking I'd just see how many Luckyboys CD's there are and ask if there's someone local I could ask about moving them somewhere prominent and thinking up some extra display ideas since their first MTV video is going to hit in a couple days and their second single got released the other day. Well, the woman I speak with tells me she'll ask the district supervisor if they can maybe use one of the poles that holds the ceiling up because they contain the only square inches that aren't controlled by corporate HQ. "SamGoody's corporate?" I ask. "No, Best Buy," Double-Take. "Wha??" I say, "Yup, bought us out last November." "Yikes," I ask her. "Didn't SamGoody just buy out MusicLand and a bunch of other small music chains the year before that?" "Longer ago than they were willing to tell us," was all she'd say. Not into telling me exact dates or particulars or anything. So Best Buy now owns almost every record store left in the continental United States. Perhaps the whole world soon, eh? I'll end this column saying that just really sucks. marco AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY WEBZINE.WS Holy wah! I had such a great time in the CBGB's Gallery attending nyc's first Webzine conference. I'll write up some of my observations and feelings here. Wow, many people were able to write about Webzine2001 right after the smoke settled. I'm glad. It was good to read many of the reflections. I wish I was able to write something up just minutes after the event. Hell, I shoulda written a gonzo piece while sleeping in Penn station between Zamboni cleanings, maybe. But I decided to wait because I felt Webzine deserves so much more, so much better. Fear not, I journalled a lot so there'll be plenty to "collate," or move around into this little ditty about the con. Hmmm. Maybe I'll go really long and need to continue it in 3 or 4 issues like some of our other "trilogies." Hehehehe. I see Aaron's most recent trilogy is going to finish up at 4 pieces. "Part four of this trilogy," way to go. Nothing wrong with that, trust me, it's quite precedented. Look it up yourself. Some of your favorite trilogies are 4, 5 and sometimes even 9 stories long, huh? Yup, so webzine, what can I say about WZ2001NYC besides that Michael Moore was his great usual self, that the guy from http://www.fuckedcompany.com gave great panel, that the guy who attacked staples school in western connecticut was fun to listen to. Well, read on, and you'll see. Everyone's heard of SOHO, how come NOHO isn't a house- hold word like Soho??? I guess because they don't have their "woody allen." So how did I get involved with webzine in the first place? Well it goes back to '98 or so when the first cons in San Francisco were happening. I couldn't afford to travel there and back once a year so I find myself wanting to help out as much behind the scenes year round well, why? Mostly just because I'm "down with all that." I'm leaving some of these notes very raw from my journals because they lose too much good edge the minute I start editing myself. :) "You know the drill..." Scarleteen. Sysop said web porn used to be male dominated for the longest time. Now it's 52% women run. Hmmmm. Met Ryan, met Dru, met Michael Moore again met a ton of other great people I don't remember the names of. "Many foreigners hate Americans for the exact reasons most Americans have said they loathe me." --Tim McVeigh 16May01 ...I notice I'm still unwinding from my NY trip for webzine.ws. Wow. It really effected me. Left quite an impression. Neat. Aug 31, Guild will close down their Westerly, RI plant. Fender, which bought them in 1995 will move all ops to its manufacturing HQs in Corona, Calif. "The move will allow the company to 'streamline' its production of the Guild guitars." Gee, streamlined. Where have I heard that before??? Lately, I guess the question is where HAVEN'T I heard it, eh? I'll end this puppy here giving a quick shoutout to Srini. The "Go work on your website" sticker is now placed prominently on the case to my Epiphone. #'s http://iirg.org http://killyourtv.com http://www.annoyances.org http://www.gregpalast.com http://www.countryjoe.com http://www.anarchogeek.com http://www.potatoland.org/bbhold http://www.freesk8.org/magicfx.html http://www.angelfire.com/band2/ducky http://anarchosyndicalism.org/as.htm http://devinasch.tripod.com/carlo.html http://squat.net/ascii/links/links.html http://www.yankthechain.com/webzine.html http://www.hollywoodjesus.com/jacob's.htm http://free.freespeech.org/xaa/xaa0002.txt http://www.whatmepresident.com/default.html http://www.potatoland.org/bbhold/barburl.htm http://www.angelfire.com/tn2/senaa/index2.html http://artists2.iuma.com/IUMA/Bands/M._Borkson http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/kaplan/rklist.htm http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/99jun/9906kissinger.htm http://users.rcn.com/napier.interport//puritans/hippy.html http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/opensources/book/larry.html http://home.online.no/%7Ebhundlan/scripts/JacobsLadder.doc http://www.angelfire.com/home/senaasweden/Roberta/carinaphotos.htm ****** ****** ****** ****** ********** (,)(,) u *.....* LETTUCE to ati@etext.org " and I'd like to do more about it than "make sure ALL coffee famers are paid $1.26 per lb.!!" " you just did. also maybe you can open peoples eyes to the structures of colonialism who aren't even aware that colonialism even exists. believe it or not those people do exist. not everyone was born knowing the world is fucked up. maybe we get a hint the first time someone yells at us? but in the meantime doesn't somebody have to raise coffee prices? isn't simply ending suffering in itself a good thing? maybe i don't have the time or the patients or the connections to do that, but somebody's got to. -ati List Member >O_, >O_, (__/ (__/ Hey, ATI is a *great* zine. I have been reading it for sometime and feel that I may have something that I would hope could spark your interest. My friend Jerome (sk8) was arrested while employed at Los Alamos National Labratories in January of this year. A website has been setup at http://www.freesk8.org and I encourage you to take a look. As of now the case is very shady. The FBI has been trying to use hackers as scapegoats ever since the giant evolutionary leaps that the PC has contributed. After Hoover met his demise, they have been trying to find a way to secure a positive public image. It seems very unlikely that anything unique will come from the case after many previous situations very similiar have been prosecuted. I encourage you to watch how the new director of the FBI (Mueller) will handle this especially since he was the one that setup the so called "Cyber Crime Units" sometime ago. He would hate to lose his first cybercrime case with the units that he himself setup. Just think of how the public would view his senate confirmation after that!? hah. Regardless, I want to spread the word about Jerome in hopes that something positive may come out of the FBI's relentless scrutanizing of the online underground community. Thanks, raganr0x [ zSh ] >O_, >O_, (__/ (__/ Hi capelli, Remember the deal I told you about in yesterday's email? Well, I got the deal! It's official. And I want to tell you a little about it, before I give you the link to pick up the full story. You know, when people come to me with the newest marketing software out there, I tell them, "Technology can never make up for a lack of marketing know-how." Don't you agree with this statement? {ed note: not really. } ...The man I'm talking about is the ONLY marketing guru still living today that has a success record at... Not easy to do! Not only that, but he helped develop some of the most wildly successful advertising campaigns in history - The Marlboro Man - Pillsbury Dough Boy - Charlie the Tuna - The Jolly Green Giant - Tony the Tiger And, let's not forget the world famous "Fly the friendly skies" tagline of United Airlines. Yesterday, I made special arrangements for you to personally meet this man and "pick his brain" for an entire day!... ...All the best, Brad Cohen Executive Vice President SearchHound.com... ...PPPS. If you're trying to squeeze that last ounce of profit out of a dying business model, click http://www.guerrillamarketingbootcamp.com/bradcohen and visit the Web page now! {I truly don't remember anything you told me yesterday. Were you a telemarketer? Did you write me a letter? Knock on my door? I'd say refresh my memory, but please don't.} >O_, >O_, (__/ (__/ Dear Windows User, Now you can boost the reliability of ordinary Windows 95, 98 and ME to nearly the level of Windows NT or 2000, Microsoft's professional and industrial version of Windows. The new WinFix is a very effective way to improve the reliability of Windows, because it... {Umm, what part of "I've been moving all my b0x3n over to *nix do you not understand???} Arlen "Mikee" Dixon CEO, Pinewood Software Marketing >O_, >O_, (__/ (__/ Dear Ezine Editor The reason that I am contacting you is to see if your Ezine readership would be interested in reading a free article entitled: How to make the cash in your bank account work as hard as you If so, please... {hehehehoohoohoohahahahahohohohehehehe...} >O_, >O_, (__/ (__/ <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> You are receiving this message because you are in my email list, you must have posted or requested information from one of my many sites that I Host... If you would like to stay in my list just reply back, if you wish to be removed do nothing and you will be removed. This is a one time mailing! This is Not Spam! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> {jejeje. that's a good one. Did you hear the one about...} _,_ ,==(~ \ ) / .'/ { `~.. \ `. `. `. ``\ , \ `|\|"\\\ | \ "`" | / |/ (*) THERE AND BACK by Aaron Kreider (CON'T From Last Issue) [ed note: part IV of this trilogy. :)] ...illegal, but tolerated. The only main rule was that I wasn't allowed to solicit people for money (a local city rule). He was somewhat puzzled that I was hitchhiking as he was used to seeing homeless people doing it. There was a lot of traffic, though half of the trucks took another exit where they would be unlikely to stop for me. I guess that most of the car traffic was local, as I saw a lot of Iowa license plates. I didn't see a single Indiana plate on a car. So I hitched through the night, ate two bags of potato chips (99 cents each for about 90 grams), a 20 oz pepsi and 20 oz coke for caffeine, and a "super biggie" order of fries (hope they're vegetarian, they weren't from McD). Overall on this trip I probably lost several pounds as I had brought a lot of snack food (granola, dried fruit and nuts), but I wasn't eating that much. I took some break time, say around 3am, to sit down, eat and drink and read the 20th anniversary Earth First! Journal. There wasn't any good place to crash so I stayed awake the entire time. I should have been ok, since I'd slept until early afternoon the day before, but perhaps it wasn't good sleep as I was extremely tired. In the morning, I was even nodding off when I'd sit-down or even standing up trying to hitch a ride. Maybe I should have drank more caffeine? What made my failure to get a ride even worse, was that every couple hours a Greyhound bus would arrive, either going to Chicago, New York, or Los Angeles. So I knew that I could easily be on a bus and take that back home to South Bend. The first time or two that I saw a bus, I optimistically figured that I could get a ride back to South Bend faster than the bus - since Greyhounds don't drive as fast and I expected to get a direct ride from a truck so I wouldn't have to wait at the Chicago station for the South Bend bus. I took a short break from hitching when it started to rain as a storm passed through. Eventually, around early afternoon (2-3pm) I decided that I was too tired to continue hitching. By this time, I was possibly not the most friendly-looking hitchhiker as I was getting madder and more frustrated as time passed, though I make an effort to smile at times. I think making a sign listing how long you'd been trying to get a ride might be a good idea to negate the free-rider problem, as everyone assumes that someone else will pickup the hitchhiker. So you could cross out the number of hours you've been there, or even write "Stuck Here since 3pm". During all this time at Iowa 80 I switched between using my "EAST I-80" and "SOUTH BEND" signs. At first I was using the South Bend one, but when I later decided that I'd accept a ride to Chicago I went with the EAST I-80 one. So I got tired and decided to take the bus. It wasn't a regular stop, but the driver figured out how much it would cost to go to Chicago by calling the Greyhound number (around 33$). Since I wanted to go all the way to South Bend, he asked for a $25 deposit and then we'd get a ticket at the next station which was Chicago. I had two seats and slept easily on the bus. By now I could have slept on a concrete floor. In Chicago, I got my bag and waited around a bit for the bus driver. But he'd disappeared, so I looked for him in the station, but didn't find him. Rather than try to navigate the Greyhound chaotic bureaucracy and get a ticket to South Bend, I decided that I'd just go take the South Shore commuter train instead since it was more comfortable, cheaper, and likely faster. So I don't know if my driver kept the money or gave it to Greyhound. While I was in the Chicago Greyhound station (on my way out), a young guy asked me for money to help pay for his ticket which cost more than he'd been originally told. As I was pondering and somewhat doubting his story, an elderly woman came up to us and exposed him since she'd already promised to pay the extra money and here he was still asking around! Even after this, she was still willing to give him the money(!!!), but he refused and since he was caught in the act he walked away. The problem with people making up these stories is that if someone actually had a problem it would be very hard for them to get help. At least I have a very hard time telling the difference. In this case, Greyhound messing up the fare made sense since Greyhound often messes things up. I left the bus station and walked about half an hour to the South Shore one which I found without much trouble. Took the 5:10pm train ($9) to the South Bend airport (note hitching would have been better since the interstate is only a mile from my home), then caught the bus (75 cents) and transferred downtown to take me home. I arrived home around 8:30pm. So the return trip took three days and six hours. Miles - On the Way There 140 - from I-70 to I-80 350 - Nebraska, west on I-80 400 - Wyoming, west on I-80 160 - north to Alpine 20 - from Alpine to campsite �1070 miles (2.33 days of hitching - 459 miles/day) Miles - On the Way Back 200 - from Alpine to Ogden 70 - Ogden to Evanston 400 - Wyoming, east on I-80 450 - Nebraska, east on I-80 280 - to Iowa 80 truck stop, east on I-80 � 1400 miles (3 days of hitching - 467 miles/day) So I hitched for a total of 2470 miles. On average I traveled 460 miles per day which was about the same as my first trip (where I averaged 500 miles/day), though this time I got significantly less sleep since I didn't get to sleep in trucks. I also got really stuck twice. In comparison to these two times, spending the night in North Dakota stuck in the Theodore Roosevelt National Park (on my first trip) was nothing. Apparently hitching is far easier in Europe. A lot of American truck drivers would be willing to pick you up, but companies have rules against it stemming from insurance reasons. So they're taking a significant risk, unless perhaps they own their truck. Overall I probably won't go on a long hitchhiking trip for a while. I think shorter trips are fine, say one or two days where you can go without sleep. But longer ones are draining. Being homeless isn't that fun, and if you're going to pay $35 for a motel you might as well save money by taking and sleeping on Greyhound. You definitely do meet fascinating people and it is the most adventurous way I know to travel, but you know that, for instance, when you start composing new verses to "The Bear Went Over the Mountain", singing "500 bottles of soy milk on the wall" or decide to hitch-hike standing on one foot - that there are more exciting things to do than stand by the side of the road for ten hours. That's not to say that everyone shouldn't try it at least once, especially males for whom it's less risky. Hitchhiking is an ideal. I believe that people are good and by hitchhiking hope to learn to trust and like people whom I'd never ever meet. I don't think it should be too impossible to make hitching an effective form of transportation. Everyone used to do it. My dad even hitched to his wedding. Ideally hitchhiking is part, albeit a rather small part, of my radical commitment to build a just society. [read this "trilogy" as one big long t-phile at:] [http://www.etext.org/Zines/ASCII/ATI/trilogy/thereandback.txt] [and read about his first similar trip at:] [http://www.nd.edu/~akreider/essays/ontheroadzineversion.txt] DON'T HATE ME BECAUSE I'M A POP-STAR THINKING I'M A DIVA Jewel was joined at Central Park Summerstage last Thursday night by teen diva Willa Ford and five finalists in a contest for any aspiring singer/songwriters. Jewel's six-song set was part of a promotional appearance on behalf of Pantene, LLC. "The only difference between graffitti and philosophy is the word 'fuck'." --Valkyrie D This has been ATI issue 287. Laterness mode activated. bye/f preguntas o problemas? ati@etext.org >O_, >O_, (__/ (__/ * -- Some of the clip art in 2day's zine was taken off of Jackie Fenton's great Kayaking pages as if they were clip-art. She has copyrighted them, so we offer up this link: http://www.gasp-seakayak.org/ascii-art.html in name of good faith and fair use rather than just swiping. Please follow suit if you reuse. This helps build a real ethic since no one else seems to care, lately, eh?