ALL YOUR SANDBARS ARE BELONG TO US. LISTEN, When you wake up in the morning and 171 whales have washed up on a beach, it's probably time to ask them WHAT THEY'RE TRYING TO SAY. _____ _ _ ( _ ) (2)_ _ _ (8)_ | (_) | ___ | ,_)(_) _ _ (6) ___ | ,_) | _ | /'___)| | | |( ) ( )| |/',__)| | | | | |( (___ | |_ | || \_/ || |\__, \| |_ (_) (_)`\____)`\__)(_)`\___/'(_)(____/`\__) _____ (_ _)_ | | (_) ___ ___ __ ___ | | | |/' _ ` _ `\ /'__`\/',__) | | | || ( ) ( ) |( ___/\__, \ (_) (_)(_) (_) (_)`\____)(____/ ATI - Like white phosphorus to get the lead out. IN HONOR OF WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON, THE MOST REPUBLICAN DEMOCRAT WE'VE YET TO SEE; we now list the ten most Republican Democrats in Congress right now. Sanford Bishop Jr, Bob Clement, Gary Condit, Bud Cramer, Bart Gordon, Ralph Hall, Ken Lucas, Mike McIntyre, Collin Peterson, James Traficant. If one of these are your's you might wanna have a little talk with him. Hello, welcome to ATI Live. From "BEER!" capitol of the world. I'm your roast, prime anarchist. And this is the 'zine. Hey all you skankers, half moon, can you hack it? 0113161244 hrs. ATI. 2,6,8. Who do you confabulate? Ready for some columnizing? IF I'M EVER REALLY GOOD AT REMOVING ALL PHYSICAL VIOLENCE; I THINK I'LL START WORKING ON THE VERBAL. Swearing, cursing and putting someone down can be "useful" tools in oppression. Ashley Montague wrote about this at great length in a book called "how to swear" or "how to curse," I don't remember the exact title. [wakeup call for mr. prime anarchist - it's "Anatomy of Swearing. At least, you got the author right!] Another author from a century ago with the ironic last name of Lynch said some of the same exact things according to Louis Farrakhan. Something to the effect of "get each of the minority groups cutting each other down, building pecking orders and each oppressing the other, and you'll have a lot less work to do yourself." I believed that was true long before I knew who Montague, Lynch OR Farrakhan were. To read them just left me saying, "aha, that's what it is, ok..." I believe with all my heart that hurtful mascot names are at the very roots of our racism. Because generations later the exact same sentiments become embedded in our "socially acceptable" language, perhaps even showing up as dictionary definitions. How subtle it has been that we so quickly forget "Reds" might be just as devastating a slam as "Redskins" or "Braves." And perhaps a double-whammy slam because when we say "reds," none can tell if we're slamming a "communist" like Mother Jones or Hillary Clinton or commUNALists like Crazy Horse or Seattle. Once, my ex-wife pointed out during a City Council or County Supervisors meeting that the expression "Rule Of Thumb" is so deeply embedded, that almost none of us think about where it began. If an American husband beat his wife even close to death with a stick smaller than his thumb, the evidence would be disallowed from court. While trying to remove all violence from my life, I've been noticing things like this. ---==({prime outa here})==--- #'s LETTUCE to marc: Translations of over 200 graffiti from the May 1968 revolt in France are online at: A few examples: No forbidding allowed. Be realistic, demand the impossible. It's painful to submit to our bosses; it's even more stupid to choose them. When examined, answer with questions. .. I like the way you converted my cartoon essay in a page, along additional text. Congratulations! :) I am sending essay to many high schools in US, and already get a message from a student in NY who lost his cousin in the Columbine Highs Massacre. All the best, Latuff .. to marco: Finally, a ballplayer who puts today's inflated salaries in perspective! Thank you Todd. NY Mets first baseman Todd Zeile said, "I hear a player say 'How can I be paid $5 million less than Player B?' My response to this is 'How can you make $11 million more than Willie Mays?' " --M.G. .. I think the Little League article touched on something central to the way this culture works. I'm no expert on the subject but I think there might be more (academic) stuff in the same area under "the social construction of gender" or something like that. Anyhow here's a link to an interesting Quicktime lecture by Sut Jhally, a UMass media professor, who has some resemblence politically to Chomsky. Also, he has some interesting articles: regards, walden .. to ati: would you consider my poetry for your station? thanks phil [ed note: hells yeah...] .. So Mark (the guy I met at the wrap party last week!) did, in fact, CALL ME. I listened to his message several times to check for signs of nervousness. He sounded a little nervous; he beat around the bush for a long time. The message was like 45 seconds long, and he gave me five ways to get in touch with him. Home, Office, Cell, Pager and E-mail. That about covers it. I think I'll make him wait a little. I can always say I didn't know how to reach him. Maybe I'll send him a fax. This is fun! XOXOXO Tia .. AND THIS JUST IN FROM THE CHESHIRE CATALYST: There are a lot of folks who can't understand how we came to have an oil shortage here in the USA. There's a very simple answer ... nobody bothered to check the oil. We Just didn't know we were getting low. The reason for that is purely geographical. All the oil is in Texas, Alaska, Canada, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Colorado, etc. All the dipsticks are in Washington, D.C. ___press__releases?___we___get____some__ The Gathering #1 An Occasional Exclamation from the People�s Poetry Gathering A Woodstock for Words in Lower Manhattan Friday March 30 - Sunday April 1, 2001 *Highlights: Poet laureate! Slammers! Loggers! Dub! *Patti Smith, Stanley Kunitz, John Ashbery, Anne Waldman, *Jerome Rothenberg, Victor Hernandez Cruz, Sekou Sundiata, *Jayne Cortez, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Gypsy Poetry and Music *More than 120 events! SRANTO: The Cunning Linguist. "one guerrilla of ink and Internet" Wow, that translated well. It was "una guerrilla de tinta e internet" in Spanish. I must say I honestly don't know which one I like better, the english or el espanol. Both of these are so, so, um; so cute. [ref]=[] Altered Headline Of The Week: [one letter people. world's record?] Newspaper: Gore Might Have One OPEN LETTER TO JOHN ASHCROFT: I believe you could solve two major Untied States problems at the same time. But you'll run the same risk Gorbachev faced when he gave USSR people the vote and they voted him out. Problem: Voter Apartheid Problem: School Shootings Solution: Voting Age 13. Popular vote by telephone is final and immediate. Reason: They're already voting with their fathers' guns. Why not let them use the ballot box instead???!!!??? So Mr. Ashcroft. Are you ready to take anyone but yourself seriously? Are you ready to take a serious risk? Solve a couple problems, I dare you. Let democracy ring, marco VICTORIA'S SECRET: All You See Is Ribs. Saturday, 10 March 2001. Party and music in Milpa Alta More than 20 thousand people received with music and party the zapatista delegation, in Milpa Alta, part of Mexico City. In the meeting in San Pablo, Oztotepec, there were present many natives from Anahuac Valley as members of the civil society of the capital, many of them young students. [ref]=[] ATI: No Relation to "ATI Group Of Companies" or MCA. Betcha Didn't Know: Milt Bullock, formerly of The Platters gives non- violence programs at local Milwaukee public schools. CLOSE THE SOA - ARE YOU DAFT OR WHAT??? THAT AIN'T RIGHT IS IT? " expressly permit and authorize Juno to initiate a telephone connection from your computer to Juno's central computers using a dial-in telephone number you have previously selected for accessing the Service." --PART OF A LETTER FROM JUNO. [ed note: didn't they used to call that wire fraud??] SCAREY AS IT'S BECOME: School Violence Is NOT New by Marc Frucht. Previously published in ATI Midweek Crisis. March '01 MYSTIC, Conn. 1982. RACE RIOT; FITCH SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. I will use first names only. Jasmine was dating Darryl. Darryl's Afrikan Amerikan; Jasmine Puerto Rican. Darryl has a twin brother named Deane. On the basketball court they were given the nickname Heckel and Jeckel. Back then I never thought there was much harm in it. They didn't seem troubled by it either. Craig is White (or "Anglo you could say...) and he also has a twin brother Carl. I swear I'm not making any of this up. I don't have to. All are seniors with me that year. Or was Jasmine a Junior? No she was our age. Craig and Carl would taunt Jasmine endlessly without mercy from fall 81 until early 82. (maybe February? many details lost to time and cobwebs and all that) Terms like "niggerlover," and "oreo cookie" were used just about every day for months. 5TH PERIOD. Lunch. I ate "second wave" of three and had a studyhall first and third. It was "first wave" and I was walking by the cafeteria to get to the men's room when it began. I'll make a long story medium sized here and write you the rest some other time. Craig or Carl called Jasmine a "niggerlover" again but this time was different. Darryl or Dean was right near and actually heard it. They'd said they'd kick some serious ass if they ever heard it. Only it wasn't one of the brothers who began to rumble. Jasmine grabbed racism by the throat and said, "call me that one more time I'll kick your ass." Well she got punched in the head and then all hell broke loose. I don't remember who hit who, who pulled out what weapons, etc., but the thing blew over to a major standoff that was far from peaceful, but at least seemed civil within 10 or 15 minutes. At least it felt like it. Maybe a little longer. Shortly after that, about 40 local uniformed police officers filed in looking all like Dudley Dooright asking a million questions and spreading additional fear all over the place for another day and a half or so. Thanks a lot people! Too little and too late, and the WRONG energy, but no one's ready to discuss THAT, are we? NEXT DAY... [get the rest at:] [ref]=[] [and the rest of its context at: =[] News Of The Totally Wack (we're NOT makin' any of this up...) LOS ANGELES ("roto" Reuters) - LA County lawmakers, responding to last week's shooting rampage by a teenager at a California high school, have passed a law forcing students caught with guns or making threats to view dead bodies and watch autopsies being performed at the coroner's office. Young people need to see the results of violent acts," LA County Supervisor Mike Antonovich said. "Far too many youngsters are desensitized to violence. They need to realize it's not a movie or a video game when someone is shot." [wait, I follow this. Kids are far too desensitized these days, let's shock them out of their zombification. So what if it desensitizes them even more. I know. At all ambulence scenes, lets accost everyone under 20 and force them to come up close and stare until they puke their large intestines out too...] ATI - No Relation. WELL THAT'S ALL S/HE WROTE... Hope you liked! I did. FEEDBACK? We end with a poem, because after all... SKA GIRL by Marco Whip, Wind, dancing, twirling. Motion moving mixing Dance with theatre, Acting On the - on the dance the dance floor. Whirl - Girl, dancing, rhythm. moving dancing moving. Like - Whirl, girl Ska me out. Wild - wild ska girl. You make my eyes dance. Glancing, following, spinning - Move girl Spin me around. Wayout Ska Girl you're way out Form, move, whirl Way way motion Act girl, Make my eyes dance. Worldly - Energy, feel, move. Fuzzbox, connected. Floor, earth, feel. Ska Girl, move Move my eyes about the world. Wow Ska Girl. Ska Girl - wow. Whip, whirl, wild Wayout, worldly wow. Wow, ska. Girl. SKA. Ska Girl. 1990 Colorado. for back issues on a truly unmaintained (of late) page, and to order t-shirts, hats Cap'n Crunch whistles and Ugly mugs. Hurry there's only _00_ left. Call 860-887-2600 ext. 5293 to ring up the Prime Anarchist. And for your listenin' pleasure: and this issue dedicated to Keiko - someone please tell her I'm bored