This a specially designed E-Zine Lens Cleaner. The fiber brushes can effectively remove dust, dirt and oil from the 'zine lens. Please select track three, and press /play/ when the music stops. -------------------------- Hooch, Cougar. What's new? Here's to the Memphis and the Greenville. "EL PUEBLO TIENE LA PALABRA" --Graffiti all over the world. [translation]=[the people have the word/phrase] #'s NE1? |||||||| | ^ ^ | (| * * |) -----oOOo---(____)---oOOo------ OPEN LETTER TO GAUNTLET AT BANDZINE ZINE, Thanks for including in your publishings: *********** Looking for anarchy, poetry, music? Look no further than This amazing zine has been going strong for over 12 years now and is free for all. *********** You guys rawk! marco _____ _ _ ( _ ) ( )_ _ _ ( )_ | (_) | ___ | ,_)(_) _ _ (_) ___ | ,_) | _ | /'___)| | | |( ) ( )| |/',__)| | | | | |( (___ | |_ | || \_/ || |\__, \| |_ (_) (_)`\____)`\__)(_)`\___/'(_)(____/`\__) CONTENTS: - Issue 264 - - 0102181423 hrs - * Christian Methodist Sheep Clone First Humanoid Embryo * Jury Hung On Gallows Verdicts * Lucky Boys Confusion Rock LaCross Warehouse * Drunk In Bar Hollers, "Freebird!" * NBC, Sony Latin and Northrop Grumman Announce Corporate Merger * Bill Gates Doesn't Make Headline News For Entire Week * Radio City Music Hall Pre-Emptive Strike Invasion of US _____ (_ _)_ | | (_) ___ ___ __ ___ | | | |/' _ ` _ `\ /'__`\/',__) | | | || ( ) ( ) |( ___/\__, \ (_) (_)(_) (_) (_)`\____)(____/ ] PUBLISHER'S NOTE: notas publish mas [ Hello there, I'm prime anarchist and this is the 'zine for the February half-moon when George W. Bush bombed the tar and nicotene out(side) of the no-fly zone. Depleted Uranium is safe, right? Adolf Hitler's birthday fast approaches, please kids. Please, especially you TCM's. Please. No violence this year. No weapons. Please. That's not the answer. Yes. Your government fucked you very very early in your life. Don't blame me, don't blame God, forgive your teacher, your 'rents, and for pete's sake, don't waste all five of the people who sit near you. How many orphans are we making while we bomb outside the no-fly zone? That's all I ask. In 2012 when these 'rentless kids blow up a cessna, a high-speed rail, mail a bomb to an EXXON CEO, or shoot the shit out of the Statue Of Liberty, are you going to dismiss them as terrorists? Senseless misdirected violence? Tax-payer, will you EVER RECOGNIZE YOUR PARAMILITARY COMPLICITY??? Who's to blame? Who should you lash out at? Someone made you an orphan, an outcast, or a just a schmuck. Search desperately for what orphaned you, killing hundreds of your classmates as you go, right? NO, THAT'S REALLY FRIGGIN' DUMB. Grow up. Snivel the snot out of your nose, and then look for better ways to avenge the death of your dreams, kid. Please, please, ok. Listen, do me a humongous favor. Waste people during next-year's Hitler birthday if you have to. If you hold off killing people one whole year, I suspect you'll either kill yourself, or become enlightened in the meantime. But this monday (President's day this year. MLK day or something last year? The day that TCM [yeah, trenchcoat mafia] announced that Colorado children would die en masse on Hitler's birthday) please, please try not killing anyone. Please, you owe it to humanity to try and find a better way first. OK, I'll try not to rant too much today. When I was a deckhand on a Project Oceanology fishing boat one summer there was a foggy morning I remember all too well when we took a couple junior high school classes up the river to finish teaching them things we'd been working with a few miles out into the Atlantic ocean. [ref]-[] [ use your finder for the word buouy... ] The skipper points out into the channel and says "do you notice anything missing there?" I did but couldn't tell what it was. "Green buouy 6 is supposed to be right about there," he said to me, "yeah, there," before radioing in to the Coast Guard to tell them there was a buouy missing. He seemed amused more than worried, although we had a very difficult time ahead of us without that buouy around, as we tried keeping the thing safe for about 60 kids and their various sundry chaperones. Not a half hour went by before we saw where the buouy had been disappeared to, further up the "river" (it's not a river at all but an estuary, but I digress habitually) "there it is," I remember thinking, "how'd it get up here?" Well while we were up in the estuary, the radio was humming with explanations from the Coast Guard and the navy and then suddenly . . . . . . . nothing . . . . . . . . . A huge coverup ensued. Well what happened according to both radio groups within the Coast Guard and the navy was either a submarine of the same exact class as yesterday's Hawaii mis-hap, or a Seawolf class, I don't remember precisely, either way, a nuke-sub got caught on it the same way a skate egg might catch on seaweed. Only in this sub's case, you likely pay a huge tax burden assuming they will make darned sure they don't do millions of dollars worth of damage to these weapons of mass destruction every time you turn around. Yes, I say millions because a channel buouy weighs between 2 and 6 tons, and is fastened to the bottom of the sound with iron chain links that each weigh about as much as you or I do. It's not just anyone can go over there and put that buouy back where it belongs and repair or replace a few links of that iron chain. I'm sure the nuke-sub was tore up pretty badly as well, enough to hobble all the way home, "don't anyone tell mom." Almost as bad as the Kursk maybe? So tore up pretty badly, and no one's gonna tell, which means it's bound to happen again, over and over and over, until some other day when someone _I S_ willing to tell, and begin to work some of these things out the right way. That's the only way we're not going to see more schoolaged teens lost at sea, or killed instantly by the United States' weapons of mass destruction. By accident? Well, is incompetence an accident? Sure, a first time or a third time. Not a fifth time. "Whether they�re in Japan or Taiwan or Europe," says Fletcher Newton in Wyoming Business magazine: [] "plant operators need to know that when they contract to buy uranium, they�re going to get it and that they don�t have to worry about political strife or separatist governments or extreme political groups that might prevent that." Just an aside, does anyone know if nuke-subs are still tipped with titanium? Or are they using the stronger, and more popular Depleted Uranium nowadays? So, two things I think need to be given a long hard look right away by all the american people, or at least by the congress that soaks their bucks, is the HORRIBLY RAMPANT INCOMPETENCE IN THE HIGHEST ESCHELONS OF THE US MILITARY, and recalling this friggin' stooooopid phase three arms race no one seems to know how to back out of. "Funex werks," said George W. "Just dial 1-800-abcde um, um, er, uh..." [There was a Quayle Quarterly, is there going to be a Bush? Weekly? Daily? And why wasn't there a Clinton???] OZFEST IS COMING: Better make sure you get your tickets last month! ] George Magazine's Christina Valhouli got this [ ]quote while interviewing "Touched By An Angel's" [ ]creator and writer Martha Williamson - - - - - -[ "Williamson is obsessed with 'The Matrix' and would love to meet rapper Eminem. 'I see a lot of the same things wrong in the world that he does,' she said slurping down a strawberry smoothie in her book-lined Salt Lake City office." "Touched By An Angel's" Martha Williamson interviewed by George Magazine's Christina Valhouli. ] rest of the story? [ About three times a year, Williamson travels to Washington D.C., on "fact-finding missions." She is briefed by politicians on issues that can be spun into shows. For example, Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) and Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS) filled her in on slavery in Sudan, which became the subject of the 1999 season premiere. Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA) calls her a "one-woman multinational crusader for human rights." ] & ati wonders [ Does Eminem go to DC two three times a year too? Kentucky hemp sent to Oglala Lakota "Growers say it's a symbolic effort" FRANKFORT, Ky. (PArAPhrAsed From AP And UPI Reports) - Lakota people, who got their entire year's crop destroyed by US Gov't agents were able to go to Kentucky and get presented with a load of donated hemp. "They're honorable people," said Louie Nunn, who used to be the Governor around there, "they needed help." 20 bales and 55 large bags of hemp bedding for livestock - was donated by the Kentucky Hemp Growers Cooperative Association. The hemp wasn't grown in Kentucky, it was grown in Canada. Oglala's Tribal Council had worked with Tribal, State AND Federal Governments all year including during spring planting. They were current with everything asked of them up to last year's August morning when Federal Agents came in looking like commando units and destroyed about 2,000 hemp plants. Andy Graves, president of the Kentucky cooperative, said the donation was "a symbolic effort." It makes up for the product they would have worked with had Feds not come in and defoliated the region. Oglala Lakota people say they will try this again every year until they get an adequate crop for making hemp products. -=[A cynical author wonders aloud what kind of hoes and chemicals might work best on government agents]=- PRIME ANARCHIST WORLD NEWS 2KNIGHT Pipe Bombs Found in Pa. Suburb LIMERICK, Pa. (PAWN) -- There once were small pipe bombs in Phillish Raising fears that a serial killer was killish And although criminals lurk, No one has been hurt. And Police Chief Weaver was curt, Because he keeps losing his shirt On fake drug busts, and bomb hoaxes, And the ongoing possibility that A copycat was at work. "GOD" IS AT MENTAL HOSPITAL A director of a large network of furniture shops in the Siberian city of Novosibirsk, got to a mental hospital. He considers himself the Lord. The director ordered employees of his company to sprinkle furniture, exhibited for sale, with the mixture of "God�s" urine and popular in Russia mineral water "Saint Springs." "God," a karate black belt, knocked out an employee of the ambulance, which arrived to take him to hospital. He also chopped off two fingers with a Samurai sword to prove his divine origin and insensibility to pain. Nevertheless, while staying at hospital, he still rules the trading network, because he is its sovereign owner. \ song idea \ \You buy songs\ \ to love 'em.\ You\should NEVER \ buy \'em 2 pretend\ you \ wrote them. \ NOT SOLD IN STORES. A recent price report has Bigmouth Billy Ass selling for $7.99 US, in a local electronics store. A quick eBay search shows up 2.99 and 12.00 with 0 bids; 3.50 with 1 bid; 2.25 for 7 bids, 1.25 for 3; and Dexter the Singing Duck sitting at 9.95 and 7.50 with 0 lonely bids. I'm just curious, did you pay 39, 79 or 129? IE: how many months ago? & THE ATI FAILED BUSINESS OF THE MILLENIUM AWARD GOES TO: Howard Computers For their campaign, "Ever heard of Howard Computers?" "You will." Each millenium we give an award to a venture which best represents most of all of the other failures around it. This millenium's goes to Howard Computers. Howard Transport outfitted all their trucks with mudflaps that freely advertised the computersales division, which may even be selling, but as they say in rhetoric- land, "well, uh, have you heard of them? Have you? Huh? Huh? Huh." EVERYTHING HE TOUCHES TURNS TO GOLDY HAWN MOVIES by Nat Grudge in the 3rd person. Special to PAWN - Prime Anarchist World News 2nite. Norfolk - (PAWN) President Bush was playing commander in chief today during high-tech war games at Joint Forces Command in Norfolk, Va. at the same time two Blackhawk Helicopters collided killing six military and injuring eleven. Unnamed sources close to the corporate media say there is "no correlation between George Bush playing wargames and the planes crashing but Nat Grudge thinks differently. "He crashed 'em, alright." Grudge said in a press conference live in irc chat, "period, end of paragraph. And I think Cheney and Powell are behind it." Grudge claims a video link allowed him to confer with NATO leaders at sea, which is how Grudge got enough inside information to be sure in his mind and heart that Bush did in fact kill these young men in harm's way. Yesterday, during a similar appearance at Georgia's Fort Benning, Mr. Bush detailed his $5.7 billion "quality of life" improvement plan for the military. -30- "It's unbelievable how easily The other lemmings seem to follow me." Open wide, let 'em slide, right off the cliff They'll land in their own pile of tired old B.S." --lyric from Sonic Joyride song "B.S." COMING SOON - * Record Review: Sonic Joyride's "Behemoth CD." * LBC in LaCross; LBC in Kenosha * Bush Says He's Likely To Attack Iraq "A Few More Times" * White House Will Need To Sell Off Surplus Marijuana Cocaine And Heroin From POTUS' Recent Mexico Trip * Beyonce Knowles Wears Some Clothing. * Punk Band Picks Name. Lao Mine Soup * NASA Goddard Shearson Lehman Hutton Smith EF Barney Coke To Layoff Viagra, Ephedrine and Beer THE ATI SYNTHESIZED PARODY SONG OF THE WEEK: Try To Guess What Singers We're Raggin' On. I'm a joker I'm a smoker I'm a plagiarizer Closer than my peeps You are to me. Baby-eeeeee Just call me shorty in the morning Bay-Beeeee You are my friend in weed Indeed, bay-beeeee Shorteeeeee. Plagiar-ager, ager ager-eeeeeee ^^^^^^^^ -|- /- -/ \_ -\ OK We end with a short convoluted, Take-home Metaphor. Because afterall, is? Said and done. No justice in Criminal justice system When there's little or no Criminals IN it, yet it's Ever so much the Criminals are OPERATING it. . . . . . . . . . . . . This has been a Prime Anarchist Production in sequence with midi, mini-me and nietzsche. Address all letters to the editor to all musical questions should go to If it's bigger than a breadbox -- For history, news and sports or to report a house fly write: Anything that doesn't fit anywhere else, write: get your back issues at: or do a search from within at: [ this zineriter wishes to honor Leo Gaetano Giacomo Frigo 1932-2001 ] -------------------------- The 'zine cleaning is now complete. Please enjoy the music.