What is the sound of one soul coughing. This 'zine's entire issue dedicated to a Jaguar named Jeniffer. Belated Greetings, it's _____ _ _ ( _ ) (2)_ _ _ (5)_ | (_) | ___ | ,_)(_) _ _ (4) ___ | ,_) | _ | /'___)| | | |( ) ( )| |/',__)| | | | | |( (___ | |_ | || \_/ || |\__, \| |_ (_) (_)`\____)`\__)(_)`\___/'(_)(____/`\__) _____ (_ _)_ | | (_) ___ ___ __ ___ | | | |/' _ ` _ `\ /'__`\/',__) | | | || ( ) ( ) |( ___/\__, \ (_) (_)(_) (_) (_)`\____)(____/ Brought to you by a big can of Zapata Refried Beans. net wt. 31 oz. (1 lb. 15 oz.) 880g Distributed by Zapata Foods Dallas TX., 75236 ING: Water, Beans, Salt, Sugar, Dehydrated Onion, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Palm Oil. "It is about living consciously, with the goal that when my travel on Earth ends, my footprint will be invisible and my legacy remarkable." --Rebecca Morgan Hello I'm Prime Anarchist and here is my rant for ThirstDay, October 12, 2000. Day b-4 full moon. Marco's General Rule of Taco: If you didn't grow the corn yourself, or at least pick it or have some sense of who grew it for you, then for PepsicoSakes DON'T EAT IT! Shall we get out of the habit of buying commerical tacos ANYWHERE? Lets. I'm an old folksinger, are you an oldfolksinger too? How are you this week? You'll notice ATI didn't come out last week. Well we got a couple unsubscriptions and a couple subscribe requests, but our Computer God was on vacation, and since I'm having trouble unsubscribing people who can't unsubscribe themself, I skipped a week so as not to offend. We resume to our once a week schedule in a couple hours. So what's happened this week? Wow, far too much to fit in here. So all you get is "all the news that fits." We lost 4 sailors to an act of terrorism, our corporate media says. Hmmm. Umm, can I say something about war? No wait, I'll say two things about war, next up, we just got some of our oilworkers captured in Ecuador by some people with not so good intentions. OK, now I'll say a couple things about war. When you put your young people in harm's way, and then someone pushes a raft near to your ship and your ship hits it and blows up, you are really stretching to call it "terrorism." Dare I stretch the other way and call it an act of war? Or maybe let's take the middle ground and call it what it is. An act of self defense. Of course historically, we Untied Statesians don't seem to know how to define "self defense" do we? Let's see, if I put some troops on your front porch and you get ticked off and kill one of them, I'll begin bombing because "how dare you cause me to defend myself..." Do I really have to build the analogy here for you? OK, try raping someone (our military's getting really good at it lately) and call it self defense when s/he screams, moves around or kicks you somewhere perhaps you deserve it. If your new hypothetical definition of self defense doesn't look 100% authentic real live, new and improved stupid, then I have an idea. Let's bomb the tar out of Ecuador and call it self defense. Let's bomb the heck out of Yemen. I know, let's just get it over with and blow up the entire planet and announce to the whole world that it's Saddam Hussein's fault. We'll be happy and Mother Earth can start healing herself and rebuild without our sorryass police-state tendencies. Or I know what. Let's get some rocks and strips of leather and stone the hell out of Henry Kissinger. Oh wait, I'm a non-violence activist aren't I? Forget I ever said that. -=0=marco23prime=0=- [just a thought: is all this to make damned sure that no one builds negative thoughts about zionist Ysrael???] numbers... http://www.vitw.org http://www.iwantpunk.com http://www.madcowboy.com http://www.bradkayal.com/verizon http://Baltech.org/lederman/spray http://www.lchr.org/lac/nuns/nuns.htm http://www.sightings.com/general4/noose.htm http://www.honorearth.com/tour2000/itinerary.html http://members.tripod.com/n_r_key/banned.gif http://www.sightings.com/general4/harry.htm http://drink.to/Damien http://www.nlcnet.org http://www.ezedit.com http://www.antimusic.com http://www.chi-chis.com/history.htm http://flag.blackened.net/ati/biafra.html http://www.worldservice.org/whoowns.html http://www.rotz.com/mo/iwantpunk.html http://members.tripod.com/gonzolinks http://www.ideaexchange.com http://www.jampac.com http://www.fair.org http://www.cato.org http://www.2600.com [many have asked how they can get their URLs listed in ATI zine's #'s run. --well, you can't. Prime Anarchist reserves the right to put a URL in here whenever he feels like it. As many of you have already figured out on your own, the ATI #'s run is just a list of places seen last week that don't suck.] -=#30#=- And After #'s Comes The Lechuga (Lettuce.) prime, Two things for you this week: First, a link and then the page it came from. Yeah for Thom Yorke. http://www.greenapple.com/%7Ematt/radiohead/idioteque/12.jpg Here's the source... http://www.greenapple.com/%7Ematt/radiohead.html Also I meant to give you this before Adam and I got up and out of Spitfire but I forgot about it until the car. Originally this was on a Weidner cocktail napkin. "Composed While Waiting For Doughty and Jello at the Weidner" A Haikuma by the Writer Run Amuk Afraid of Politics? Say they are offensive. Maybe they'll go away. See you later. I'll send you the link once we get UYB web-cized. Peace. The Writer Run Amuk / \ BUSH/GORE '00 \ / - GOOD NEWS - Mexico - Fourteen active-duty soldiers of the Mexican Army and a member of the state Judicial Police were disarmed and imprisoned by indigenous civilians in the municipal center of Metlat�noc, Guerrero, on September 25 after one of the soldiers fired his gun at a Mixteco dancer during a religious festival. The dancer was not injured in the incident, but the soldiers were quickly surrounded by more than 500 Mixtecos who disarmed them and placed them in the municipal jail. The soldiers and policeman were freed the following day after a commission made up of representatives of the state government, the Army, and state deputies of the PRI and PRD signed an accord with the municipality pledging the withdrawal of troops from the region, and promised to pay damages to the family of a local police officer who was killed when federal army troops ambushed a municipal police truck in April 1998. ___ ___ | LS Light Signatures (R) Inc. Protected | CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY | PLACE | This certificate has been electronically STAMP protected by the Light Signatures System. | HERE | It cannot be copied without detection and assures you of the authenticity and high BILLY IDOL quality of this recording. Return this card po box 85 to verify and protect your purchase and help LA, CA 90051 stop counterfeiting. Insist on the authentic recording. if it's anything else, it's something less. JOIN THE COUNTER ATTACK! Fill out and mail this warranty card today. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT. \/ |\ Chrysalis |___ ___| /suspension of disbelief: PAWN stories are always fake/ / [ kinda sorta like the onion but not really ] / TIGGER SUES TWO TIGERS AND TWO ADDITIONAL TANK COMPANIES By Anthony Toulouse-Lautrec Special to Prime Anarchist Whirld Newz 2nite Twister, Tenn. (PAWN) "These are the stripes of economic Strife." Some are titling it "trademark terrorism," others try saying it's setting the tone for trouble; but one truism's for sure. This is all too telling. Tigger is suing Texxon, Killogg, Chevron and Exxaco. This is thanks to oily giant Texxon-Mobile losing a bid to put off a trial over whether tough-guy toon Toni violates the spiritual tone of Killogg's Tony the tubby tiger, leaving both corporate giants and many others vulnerable. Killogg contends Texxon retired it's tiger in the 80s when a recall was eminent as all tigers who run faster than 40 MPH may spontaneously combust. But they came out with all newer, faster tigers in the 90's featuring a revised tubby tiger toon more true to it's corporate nature - plagiarism, mimicking and trademark violations. In a suit filed fourteen years ago, Killogg claimed the new tubby tiger promos step on the Tony trademark because Texxon was now using Toni to sell food, not fuel. Killogg said hungry people may assume that Killogg is somehow behind soda, coffee and other items for sale at Texxon's ExxacoChevronAmokomart TigerSuperStores. Shoppers can tell the difference, Tennessee's attorney general Tom Tirigliano retorted today. Yet another wrinkle unfolds - Tigger is suing everyone. Filed in Twister, Tennessee, Tigger's lawsuit has been terrorizing the whole town for two weeks now. And it's not expected to finish anytime soon. Two hundred acres deep in the Tennessee woods, Tigger sits there totally tormented. "They've been trippin' for years, man," says a tired Tigger via teleconference. "Stealing ideas, ripping me off, taking all my tunes and trademarkin' 'em!" He doesn't sound happy. "This is terrible," he told, "I never wanted to sue ANYONE, now I'm so ticked, I've put 5 trial attorneys on ryder and I'm simply gonna litigate on anyone that gets in my way. Texxon, Killogg, Exxaco, even Tobacco and Macaroni companies. Tell everyone. No one's exempt. Totally." Tigger is expected to win on at least two or three of the thousands of trademark suits tried. And this, according to Tennessee's AG, will "turn the industry upside down on its tuchus." For more info: email deep@the.hundred.acre.wood.com or visit http://deep.the-hundred-acre-wood.com LITTLE BOHEMIA LODGE Manitowish Waters, Wis. 54545 Fleeing from the 5 states that issued this reward proclaimation http://newdeal.feri.org/timeline/images/dillingr.jpg John Dillinger sought refuge at Little Bohemia in April of 1934. Cornered here by federal agents, Dillinger escaped during a furious gun battle. The scars of this battle may still be seen in the west wing of the lodge. http://newdeal.feri.org/timeline/1934c.htm http://www.crimelibrary.com/americana/dillinger/dillingermain.htm / \ BUSH/GORE '00 \ / You know the economy's hosed when you take a Greyhound bus and behind you sits a guy in a 3-piece suit playing solitaire on his laptop. OPEN LETTER TO COMMANDING OFFICER Dear Sir, If you can't get out there in front of me, I DON'T WANT YOU BEHIND ME NO WAY, ANYHOW. Venceremos, Private More Class . For new ideas on how to close the SOA go to: http://www.soaw.org . D I S C L A I M E R : The following discernment dedicated to Ricki "Guild" Martin, Ricki "Rhetorical" Lake and Ricki "Lingual" Ricardo. When you sell a song for 10 years for $2500 you lose all your control, freedom, power and lifeblood - your name, your birthright. When you GIVE AWAY your song you change the world into something so much more like you, and you grow ever so much MORE wealth-ful than any mere millionaire. RESUSSITATIVE: You Don't Need Electricity To See Light. The Brill building never brought out 1 brilliant thing. Only prints of darkness, oppression and death. If you wish to see light Breath your own song Or new life Into someone elses. "People have a way of telling you what they think you want to hear - anytime I don't know something and I ask somebody, I usually know less about it after I ask them than before." Bob Dylan 1985. Dear God, The people You Knighted Will never be defeated. ANTHROPOLOGY SONG a poem by marco Are you keeping good records? Or are you missing the key points Like a needle skipping over a groove Instead of getting in and staying with? Get in there and BE good records Go out there and MAKE good records Give them away, Let someone ELSE worry about KEEPING of the records. OWNING of the records. DISTRO of the records. Why write ANYTHING down - Can't you breath song? A- R U KPNG GD RCRDS? WH TH FCK CRS! FALSIES: Open Letter To NBC Sony and Fox. Too much make-up business. Worried about your face washing out in the light? No debes preocupar / you mustn't worry Everything was awash before you let yourself Get there. The fox and the salamander FOR SAL AZAR There once was a fox. People were glad he was not A fox from the priveleged, the Right, or the royal I. (Or so they thought) There is also a Salamander, he seems to be Of the people and for the people. We shall see. He'll take our direction One way or another. A salamander can lose part of himself Give of himself Say "Creator," "Show me how I should become." A fox cannot. -=={===fx===}==- "Ever since Kissinger went to Paris and got the Nobel Peace Prize, it suddenly didn't mean much anymore." -Howard Zinn, Oct 2000 Oshkosh, WI. Father Roy's Deuteronomy another marco frucht found poem In 1990, 12 people gathered at Bennings Gate In 1993, 100 96 2000 98 7000 99 12000 In 2000 ......? How many will it take to CLOSE THE SCHOOL OF ASSASSINS? I AM THE PRESS To the tune of the old anglo spiritual: "We Are the Church" I am the press You are the press We are the press together All who are disgruntled Happy to pitch in Yes we're the press together I am the press You are the press We are the press together One may have a scanner One has CD Rom Yes, we're the press together So if you are disgruntled Come and lend a hand Yes We're the press Together / \ BUSH/GORE '00 \ / We end this 'zine with a folkificating parody of "John Wayne's Teeth" by Sherman Alexie. John Wayne's teeth ya ho, ya ho. John Wayne's teeth ya ho, ya ho. Are they fake or are they real Are they wooden or maybe steel John Wayne's teeth. Hollywood hollywood How does it feel, Ya ho, ya ho, how does it feel How does it feel. Republican fascism ho, ya ho. John Wayne's teeth, ya ho, ya ho. Democrat fascism, ho ya ho. John Wayne's teeth ya ho, ya ho. John Wayne's teeth ya ho, ya ho. Are they fake or are they real Are they wooden or maybe steel John Wayne's teeth. John Wayne's teeth ya ho ya ho John Wayne's teeth John Wayne's teeth for backissues of ATI bother the gutenberg peeps at http://www.etext.org/Zines/ASCII/ATI And tool around http://scene.textfiles.com for really cool other zines. Tons of them. Online books too. Preguntas y problemas? primeanarchist@thepentagon.com cc: ATI@etext.org And now for a plug. . . . Prime Anarchist Family Consulting. . . For all your each and every needs. . . 860-887-2600. ext. 5293 . . Get your NEEDS met at the FamilyFone. . . . additional sh0vtz & gr33t5... Stephane Grappelli, Acidgum, pix, Clay Halliwell, Boo, Hugh Birdsall's mom, P3STIL3NC3, and the wonder twinz.