Live! From Untied Airline's trouble-diversion facility in Bangor, ME. It's ATI. Activist Tie-em-down-and-shIppem-to-bangor. AA TTTTTTTT IIIIIIII A A TTTTTTTT IIIIIIII AA AA TT II AAAA 2 TT 1 II 0 AA AA TT II AA AA TT II AA AA TT IIIIIIII AA AA TT IIIIIIII C I N T M C I E ! V S I S T ....... .Issue. .210!!. ....... That's it! One more download and I'll kill -9 you. Prime Anarchist here, with your E-Disney Whirrled Millienius Super-E-Bowl Y-who-K coverage. One full year of Edward James Olmos and Christina Aguilera's Cher-like synclaviered voice? Did I hear right? Or was that more like a full year of Walt Chizzly World pageantry, while Olmos and Aguilera speak on its behalf for 5 minutes tonite. Enrique Iglesias. Bringing the lip sync to a whole new height. Or was that low't? A cantata for the birth/death/age-coming of lucifer, let me say! Let's celebrate with a cross between ballet and JarJar Banks leading an army of colorful costumes through a regimented nightmare like no other. "War rehersal" is the only way I can describe this moment! Paving the way for the king of fraud himself. Not a Pheonix, no - a genesis if you will. Beating the drum for a tyrannical high-tech splendorifically orchestrated sound-orgy, movement and much pagentry. A parade on a giant stage. The man behind the curtain comes out - Feck! it's Phil. Gee, Phil. Collins We bring death to life for good. No, GE! I'll pretend to believe in all this for the forum. Music? Drama? Don't get me started. Ask my opinion it's one big phallic mind-meld. & Now a Quick Suspension Of Disbelief: If the Dalai Lama put on a HUMONGOUS EVENT in Peru it might be the Dilly at Lima. But dad! I don't WANNA do plastic. I know Uncle Fester believes in it, but after I graduate I want something real. I wanna dance. I must dance. Gracefully, dad. I wanna dance like Barishnikof. Make hundreds of little groupiebabies on every continent in the world. Drive around in a Ferari. Buy hundred dollar bottles of port. Bright lights big whoop-ti-do, it's Michael J.A.B.C. for Tupperware. Or was that Fox? It's Fox Tupperware for E-Disney. Go. Go. Go! Oh noooooo! Spin this, Michael! OK. Touchy question - who's the token black female vocalist? Go Disn-e, go Disn-e. "Toni Braxton," she whispers my way. Toni? She looked terrified, but she wore it well. I guess I gotta get back into R&B for a while - I been out of it. Didn't even know it was her. Where's Tyson and his prime rib? She really held promise for singing despite teleprompters, ear- phones, lip sync, masking tape, smoke and mirrors. And you know what I got a sense of? Singing. She heard actual music somewhere. I could feel it. She actually HEARD music. Presented it to us. Wow. OK, she's no Dar Williams, but still. A voice. Let her rant. She's onto it. God knows Christina and Riki weren't listening to each OTHER a' tall!!! Enrique was busily staring at an unbeknownst barely legal's breasts; and she? She had that look on her whole face of "Oh. My. God. A hunk. I'm. Gonna. Faint." If she flits her eyes one more time: I ' M gonna pass out. Mountain Dew, the queen of soft drinks. Scara DEW'ch, Scara DEW'ch can you do the Dew Dew do. for your temporary full-time needs. Got benefits? We're NOT Kelly Girl! Day labor meets the world wide web. Information super Buy way. I know, let's move the Bears to Alabama and the Patriots to New Mexico and then next year they can SuperBowl each other after going through the motions. Oh, and who sang the War-Strangled-Phantom? Oh and how much is a minute this year? Did it climb up over $2M like I predicted?? Awww, lookie. A new horse for a new beer for a new Superbowl for a new Millenium. Yup. Justin Morgan had a copyright infringement. THIS TELECAST OWNED EXCLUSIVELY BY THE MF L. ANY DVD'S CABLE MODEMS OR REALVIDEOS WILL HAVE TO LISTEN TO 36 HOURS OF BOB SEGER'S "OLD TIME ROCK N ROLL" IN ONE SITTING. Mission to mars moves to mondays this march, from the makers of movies. Fliks-R-Us. Hey Leslie. Nice green Republican evening gown. Methinks you've got higher shoulder pads than Blane Bishop. Raisa Gorbachev's got nothing on you, girlfrien... Sorry Christina - hate 2 break it 2 ya. High E above C is NOT the note that changed your life. Wehh! Wehh! Wrong answer. The note what changed YOUR life was more like a whole stack of 50's - one each in the palms of our hands. Nope. Nu uh. Payola didn't die, it just started outreach in kiddyporn land. Walt Disney World. Where the word S-E-X is not just a subliminal; it's an art form. Science. Moolah! The stuff that dreams are made of. Herd of cats? Wait a minute! That was a fun ad. Holding interest? Educating? Informing? Entertaining? Did somebody say "real ad?" I almost believe there IS a God. It's just that he ain't makin' it in day trading. He's herding felines from Texas to Chicago along the old folk trail. Wow. What a concept. Cost of 30 seconds at the superbowl. $1.6 million 5 minutes of fame at halftime? Selling your soul Packer Season Tickets? Somebody's gotta die. Cher standing or falling on her own without voice-coach Sonny? Priceless. Hey, who put the supersize colander on the football field. Blane strained himself. Enjoy your day! prime #'s Good Ole' Extended #'s Section. PARODIES My Favorites That Others Have Done: Some of My Own Favorites: McRonalds Supperware Barb-wiry Don Rhymus Monica Republinski The BlunderBread About Parody Productions ISP. And finally, my friend Jeeni wrote a novel about Mayan issues. AND AS ALWAYS, AFTER #'S COMES LETTUCE Hola. Me llamo Mark. Soy un miembro de la gente indigena Pajaspuypayem (tambien conocidos como los Paipai). Junto con otros 12 estudiantes (de varias tribus), estamos creando un pagina web con el mensaje de la unidad "!Trabajemos todos juntos!" (o algo parecido a "!Vivamos juntos en paz!") traducido a muchos lenguajes. Ahora mismo solo tenemos 200 de los 6700 lenguajes que existen en el mundo. Necesitamos encontrar gente que quiera participar. Queremos incluir a todo el mundo. ?Pueden ayudarnos con la traduccion? ?Conocen a alguien que pueda? Por favor, los interesados ponganse en contacto con: Mark H Lewis de Alcala de Foxall,, el proyecto SIN FRONTERAS,, 453 Van Gordon, 8-239,, Lakewood, CO 80228-1210 USA. O en el tel�fono de los EE. UU. 303-989-4763 // e-mail correo electronico: o 'Ara'ya:ikm / Les damos a Uds. las gracias. MHLdAdF Hi. My name is Mark. I'm a member of the Pajaspuypayem (AKA Paipai) Native American/American Indian/First Nations/Indigenous people here in the USA. Along with 12 other Native students (various tribes), I'm helping to make a webpage that will have the unity message "Let's all work together!" (or similar one "We have to live together in peace.") translated into many languages. So far we only have 200 of the world's 6700 languages. We need help finding more peoples who would like to participate. We want to include everyone. Can you help us translate? Do you know anyone who would? Please contact us: Mark H Lewis de Alcala de Foxall,, the NO BOUNDARIES project,, 453 Van Gordon, 8-239,, Lakewood, CO 80228-1210 USA USA tel 303-989-4763 // e-mail: or 'Ara'ya:ikm / Thank you. MHLdAdF Hey - I stumbled across the ATI web site looking for my old friend Shayna. You had posted one of her poems at: Anyway, I'm really trying to contact her. Would you happen to have her e-mail address? Thanks! Dustin [note: sending her yours would be best] ">i didn't watch. Which team won? The This-Space-For-Rent Rams." Reverend Tim McIntire \\\a prose poem for you\\\ \\\ BY Chad F. \\\ If I Could Rip Out a Lung and Stick It On This Page, I Would 8/8/99 (There is a horrible smell in the bus that keeps building on itself). I am going to northern Serbia to watch a total eclipse. The passenger bus is driving over a bridge that was bombed, one that spans the Danube. It must be a half-mile long. The bridge was temporarily patched a couple of weeks ago. Milosevic launched his reconstruction campaign from here. Two young inductees in fatigues look out the window and say "jabote bog," roughly translated, "fuck god." I may remember seeing this bridge with a hellish orange halo (oh, the dialectics of bombing) while I stood in front of my television watching CNN broadcast the Serbian television images. The two television insignias, A?9?G37 and CNN, were in opposite corners of the screen. I never thought steel and concrete could hold a flame. Dorijan told me in Belgrade at first they went to the basement, but after a couple of weeks his family would stand on the balcony and watch the fireworks of anti-aircraft guns and bombs battle it out in silver and green scribbles across the sky, drinking beer and cheering. Out my window we are gaining on a pick-up truck hauling the corpse of a busted up decapitated bull with three legs. I think he is going to be burned. I want to see the burning, a brilliant, biting lemon yellow eating the oxygen out of empty night. This leftover war is eating placentas; I know three women who have miscarried since July. In the aura of this scene everything's silent as the perfect corpse of the dead dog on the sidewalk down Knez Milos, lying like an abandoned dirty pi�ata that nobody could break. And we're almost over the bridge now (I called over a field in the morning to your blanket dream). FOR IMMEDIATE GONZO RELEASE: Hey all, January has been an exceedingly lousy month for me for so many reasons, one of which is that I haven't been able to update the tekknowledge site and no word back from them in a week, so I'll have to make a dreaded long distance call. However, I'm cleaning up the ralph directory on the mirror, which is going to be host to Yup, I bought the domain :-) now I'm trying to org-a-fy and update all the pages. The ralph folder has been somewhat neglected, and all the pages and pix that were unlinked from anywhere will be available to see! You might be surprised at how I kind of let the whole section after a bit *g* but it's good to get these things done once and never have to do them again Best, Christine O The Great Thompson Hunt [incidentally, TGTH (and of course Christine) got a very nice looking write up in Yahoo magazine this month. yay!] ------ |MY ATI| ------ Xerox Shooting Suspect Fitted for Trial HONOLULU (APWN) -- A copier repairman accused of killing seven of his Xerox Corp. co-workers last November is psyched to stand trial, a state judge ruled Wednesday. Both prosecutors and defense attorneys finally agreed that 40-year-old Byran Uyesugi will be allowed to have hair by Peter Frampton, and "body" by Tommy Hilfiger proceeding toward a May 15 trial date. Paul Mitchell expressed his displeasure. Both sides argued that wearing a long orange or blue jumpsuit could easily prejudice Uyesugi's right to a fair trial. "Oh, that would just look totally disgusting," said Frampton in his Venice Beach studio. "How can you have a good hair day in orange, I ask you, I mean totally." Uyesugi has pleaded innocent to murder charges in the Nov. 2 shootings. He is being held without gel. /I ' D R A T H E R/ /B E R E A D I N G / / A C T I V I S T / /T I M E S , I N C / EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE WE BRING YOU A DC DAVE POEM. HERE'S ANOTHER ONCE... Code of Ethics? I think it's time our journalists Should publicly confess That they betray the standards They so piously profess. "News" is everything, they say, The public should be told, But news of greatest consequence These hypocrites withhold. I can see no reason why This crowd should be exempt From censure when their deeds Are truly worthy of contempt. DC Dave is author of "America's Dreyfus Affair, the Case of the Death of Vincent Foster" & "Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression" news:alt.thebird Have you seen / ? / /send all lettuce 2 / ? / \QUESTION\QUESTION\ How the heck does something like this end up on a webpage???
In article <78grta$>, Marco Frucht <> writes: Pardon my ignorance, but what are corn muchrooms? I ran upstairs to look at a can of them thinking they might be Al Pastor, but they weren't. And for that matter, what is Al Pastor? I'm always looking for something else to put in burritos. blackbeans, chedder cheese, cilantro, onions and garlic gets boring after a while. marco Marc, This is a fungus that grows on corn similar to what we called... back on the farm in Ohio. It's aztec (nahuatl) name is cuitlacoche or huitlacoche. I almost hesitate to translate but cuitlatlcochtli (....decipherable...) Don't let that stop you from trying it. It is almost considered a delicacy and I have even seen it referred to in French cooking and it is served in some upscale restaurants in Texas. Hongos or champi�ones are the standard translation of "mushrooms" but for the corn mushrooms the term "huitlacoche" is generally used in Mexico and Texas. I did not know that it was available in a can and I never knew it was being canned and sold stateside as corn mushrooms. AL PASTOR means shepherd style. "Cabrito al pastor" is a very popular and traditional dish in Northeast Mexico and Southern Texas where I have lived for past 47 years. Cabrito is a kid goat, still a suckling. The butchered cabrito is impaled on a metal rod and placed over hot coals. Generally these are only available in restaurants that specialize in cabrito but are beginning to be available at some fairly fancy restaurants. �Ya se me hizo agua la boca! Vern-=-COMENTARIO VOUS!-=- Cher, Britney Spears etc. at the Superbowl. Mark my words. Britney Spears will be a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader within 2 years. If she doesn't succeed Garth Brooks will buy them for her. If she doesn't want it, Harry Fox and William Morris will talk her into it. a poetry exercise. Thanks must go to "Mop." All because Charlie didn't eat frenchfries Guaranteeing him induction - Just kosher limburger might not overdose Poor Quebekians right stoned til unable. Verified? Was Xerox younger'n Zeppelin? [!][?][!][?][!][?][!][?][!][?] a dress all lettuce 2: [!][?][!][?][!][?][!][?][!][?] (contributions, shouts, greets etc...) get back-issues at or go to our ftp site at alt.society.ati keeps getting active and then dying. Somebody help please. Let The Phollowing Bee My Epitaf: Prime Anarchist 1964-20?? Composed in 2 Milleniums Decomposing for so many more. "No more MSG, please." This has been ATI please tell your friends thanks